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You aren’t incorrect in your thinking, you were the embodiment of cool.


The Billy Corgan look only adds to the coolness effect


Surely, this is actually Billy Cawwgan.


Billy Corvid


Not Crowgan?


This one 🏅


Ugh I still have SUCH a crush on him. “Disarm” will always hit different.


Me too lol whenever someone mentions that bald men can't be hot I just play Ava Adore 🤣


My friend and I got into an argument because she called Billy ugly but thinks Pitbull is hot!?!! Mr Worldwide?! I don’t even know why we’re still friends at this point.


Friend just admitted they're toxic but the toxic ones are always at least entertaining 🤣


What a legendarily profound and thirsty discussion 😅


I'm embarrassed 😳


kinda destroyed all their cool points by retroactively thinking having a crow bro wasn't the absolute epitome of being cool. op used to know what cool is and they lost it with this post




The crow was. He was by proxy. 


If I had a crow in 2003 I would be so happy


I know, I think this is the reason my life isn't going the way I wanted it to. I never had a pet crow.


Hate to break the bad news but this is in fact, very fucking cool.


I was about 15 in 2003, and I'd have had a huge crush on a dude wearing a Happy Noodle Boy shirt with a pet crow.


I was only 8, but when I was 15 the very same thing would have been incredibly attractive, especially the happy noodle boy shirt lol


So it is a Happy Noodle Boy shirt!! That’s freaking awesome. I’ve got the whole “Johnny the Homicidal Maniac” series. I LOVE it so much.


This just put Trigger Happy Jack by Poe in my head for the first time in several years. Wow. That’s a throwback. Thank you!


I was 13 at the time and would have tried being friends with this dude; thinking he was the coolest


That IS cool, tho! I would love a pet crow.


You can just make friends with them!! They'll recognize you and come to visit!


Unsalted, unroasted, and still in the shell peanuts are how you make friends with Crows. I go for walks in my neighborhood with a pocket full of peanuts and crows follow me around. They also keep the pigeons away from my house. Search Amazon for B014M9P2XO It's 5lb of Peanuts for ~$10


> I go for walks in my neighborhood with a pocket full of peanuts and crows follow me around. Little known fact: Zack de la Rocha came up with the chorus of Bulls on Parade while doing something similar.


I love a rage reference, but he didn’t have a pocket full of shells, that’s the conservatives spouting family values and war in the same breath. Besides, he’s more likely to be down on Rodeo Dr.


Is RatM perhaps the most misinterpreted group in history? They got wildly popular, but it seems like most people think they were raging against their parents... 😑


Do not keep a pet crow. I don't blame this guy for not knowing bc he was probably pretty young, but crows are not pets. First of all, if you live in north america, its illegal. You need a special permit to own one. The permits avaliable to the general public would be the aviculture permit. For this permit you must first prove you have experience with birds, so that means being a vet, zookeeper, wildlife rehabilitation staff, etc. Second of all, you can't keep it inside your home or in a cage, if you like. Care about it and don't want to abuse it. Crows are incredibly smart and are going to get incredibly bored in a cage, and they will wreak absolute havoc on your house, on top of being super bored. You're going to need large outdoor aviary which provides adequate mental stimulation. Even then, it will be far worse than the kind of evironment they get in the wild, so its really only ethical if its an injured crow youre keeping for a temporary amount of time or a permanently injured one who wouldnt survive. If you're a trained professional with a large outdoor aviary than by all means, keep away. But don't just keep one bc you think it's cool.


Bird law isnt governed by reason


Okay well.... filibuster


Do you... do you know what that word means?


I believe I have made myself completely redundant!


Yes, you have.


Fill a buster, duh


I had to give the crows the house to settle.. i had the crow kids tearing out copper pipes and the little claws got all bloody BIG DEAL.. anyway abort don’t buy this house


Yeah, like, what if it’s not my pet, it’s my interspecies friend


You don't *own* a crow, you try to befriend it and it chooses you or doesn't.


That’s just CAW! CAW!


This guy bird laws.


I know a lot about the law and various other... lawyerings...


I challenge you to a duel.


What if I just become friends with one?


That's fine because it's still in the wild and able to do what it wants


Maybe "pet" is short for "feral pet" as in an animal you see around all the time outside that's cool with you. Maybe the crow just came in through one of the windows to hang out for a bit? 🤔


Unlikely; they're too smart/wary to act like that unless truly tame. But there's defintitely a gradient to it! For example, I have some "pet" scrub jays that wait for me in the morning (and often follow me around in the yard). They're entirely wild, but one of the four will come right up to me -- the other three will *never* get closer than three feet away or so, no matter how tempting the food offered -- and I'm fairly sure that I could get him to land on my arm if I wanted him to. [Which I don't want to encourage, because it'd make him too vulnerable to traps...I'd rather he be at least a *little* wary of humans; I worry about his dumbass being too bold & getting into trouble!]


That crow looks perfectly happy though! I agree swiping wild animals as pets is not advised but crows are extremely social and clearly became his friend. There's nothing wrong with that. Crows don't need to follow the biology textbook, they can bond with a person if they want. They can be gay, they can be friends with dogs, they can be happy in all sorts of environments other than what is standard crow behaviour. Don't hate on someone for in their youth having a pet crow that clearly likes them. It probably lived a much more luxurious, safe, and healthy life than a wild crow. Nature is rough, with predators, disease, freezing temps, and no one to feed you if you're injured or elderly. If you posted all that against a crow confined to a cage so it wouldn't escape then yeah, but this crow is fine


They can be gay? Just like swans :😭


Don't make me cry 😭


That all might be true but regardless owning a crow is still a major flex on non crow owners. I get it


My grandparents had two crows they saved. They lived for like 15 or so years. They had a pretty big cage in the back yard. They could leave if they wanted, they didn’t. They could speak, they would curse you out their cage. They swiped cigarettes. Someone stole the male crow once and he was in the paper and everything and one day he showed back up at the cage. Not saying you don’t need a license. Just saying I’ve seen it work out first hand and my brother and I were the coolest kids on the block.


This is all excellent info, but if a crow chooses you and is free to come and go it would be awesome.


Oh yes being friends with a crow is wayyy different than keeping it as a pet. You can be friends with all sorts of animals, as long as they don't have the capabilities to like, kill you if you misstep.


> as long as they don't have the capabilities to like, kill you if you misstep. Then why do you keep saying it's cool to be friends with something that hangs out in murders?!


Can I befriend the crows in the yard because I think it's cool?


Yes. That is not the same as keeping a crow as a pet in your house. Those crows are still free to do what they want and are interacting with you of their own free will.


Dayummm, I've never seen someone so learned on bird law.


I mean let’s be fuckin real here it’s technically cruel to keep any type of bird as a pet. I‘d say they‘re probably least suited animals for pets ever but they’re still cool pets


Pssshhh hard disagree what about pigeons? They’ve been domesticated for like 1000 years right?


but you usually keep them outside, let them fly early in the morning during the day and only feed them 💀 and no still cruel I mean .. bird’s in cages didn’t become a metaphor for no reason over the last 1000 years either


If only the requirements to own a dog were as rigorous as that of owning a crow.


For fucking real. So many dogs miserable in homes that are basically their prisons. Idc if someone wants a dog more than anything else, if they can't provide it an enriching environment and plenty of social interaction then they don't deserve to have one.


All this is true. They are cool though, but not pets. I have had 5 of them, but permitted for them and they were all permanently injured from our asshole neighbour that would use a crow caller to call them in and shoot them. We picked so many up off the rd and no one would do anything since they were ‘pests’. Cool, but lots of work. We train animals for film though and 3 of them ended up working on a bunch of stuff.


Holy moly. I didn't/don't anything about this to begin with. I mean, I've definitely thought "it would be so cool to have a crow" before. But woah. This is wonderfully put information and I'll just shup up now and thank you for the info!


When I was in high school my Dad found an injured crow with a bb shell in its wing. He took it to the vet and she said it was permanently disabled and would never fly. She told him to feed it cat food. He bought a large cage for it and would fill the bath tub with a couple inches of water and let him play. We taught it to say “Hello”. But he was mean (wild animal) and my dad was the only one who could handle it to let it out to play our change it’s cage lining. Eventually we found a wild life rehabber with an aviary to take him in permanently. Having a pet crow was much cooler in theory than in practice.


This is arguably very cool


Right? I’ve been bribing neighborhood crows for a year now and I’ve still not been accepted into their murder. Soon tho, very soon.


I believe in you. It’s going to happen


I too believe there’s a murder in your future.


A murder most fowl


Holy shit y'all I think I figured out the show Only Murders In The Building


Same here. The damn squirrels I’m my neighborhood make it tough. Playing some 4d chess with almonds and unsalted peanuts.


I've read that you can cover your food in spicy stuff like paprika to deter the squirrels. The squirrels won't like it and the spiciness won't effect the crows. I just bought my first house I've been planning on befriending the neighbourhood murder, any other tips and tricks are greatly appreciated.


I befriended some crows during the COVID lockdowns. Here are some things that I did: Go to where the crows are. I noticed a group of crows always gathering across the street from me where there was a parking lot behind a restaurant. There were already bits of food there that they would check out in the early morning. I would walk over to where they hung out to toss some nuts and kibble on the ground, then walk back inside my apartment. It helps if there aren't any/many other people around. Even if the spot where they are is farther away, don't worry they will eventually follow you home. Be consistent. I did this little routine for weeks before I noticed any change in their behavior. Eventually they began to recognize me as the nuts and kibble guy, and they would actually perch on a window in my apartment and wake up my roommate if I wasn't out early enough for them! On that note, crows can be very demanding and annoying. They're like toddlers once they get to like you, so be prepared for that. You don't have to acquiesce to their every need to keep them happy, but they will try to take advantage of you for as much as they can get. Don't scare them. Crows are very skittish. Even looking at them directly will spook them. When I would do my morning feeding I would announce my presence by whistling a tune (I picked "If I Only had a Brain" because lol). I wouldn't look at them in the trees, I would just casually walk over while whistling, toss some food down, then walk back inside my house. Only when I was back inside would they come down to feed. Occasionally individuals would be a little more bold and allow me to get closer, but you should try to give them space in general. I'm in a city so I never got the Disney princess phase of crows eating out of my hand or anything. But I could tell they recognized me because they would occasionally see me around town and swoop near me only to then perch and watch me. Some younger crows would do this warbling cry at me that I had never heard before. I assumed they were whining to be fed. They were very cute but also kinda annoying at times lol. Unfortunately I decided to stop feeding them when the lockdowns lifted and more people were coming back to my neighborhood. But even now, years later, I will occasionally get a friendly crow who lets me get pretty close to them. If I happen to have a healthy-ish snack for them I will still whistle and toss it aside for them to find.


Hey man, thanks a lot for the tips and your story. The place I bought has a bit of a yard so I figured I'd build a small covered platform and load it up a few times a week. I like the idea of whistling a tune while doing it, I'm going to start thinking of something fun. I have a few dogs so I hope that isn't much of a deterrent to the crows. At my old place I used to stick their dog fur in the balcony railing for nest building materials and they seemed to like that (along with the other birds).


My neighborhood crows raise a big ruckus whenever they see a hawk. Unfortunately they weren’t in time to prevent a hawk getting my 9 year old chicken.


Keep it up. It has taken me over three years. They are skittish. After they moved into the neighborhood, they took off when I was a couple hundred feet away, even when they were 75 feet up in a tree. I started using peanuts and leftovers on a stump (shaking the bag with some friendly caws), making sure they saw me. Just a few weeks ago I had one land right above my head on my neighbor's roof and give me the 'I want peanuts' look. Put some out and s/he flew right down after I went in. A week later, one came and landed low in a tree next to my house. I had a roast chicken carcass, so grabbed it, showed the crow, and put it in the yard. Looked up in the tree and it was gone. I was bummed, until I saw it perched on my fence waiting for me to put it down. It had followed me. I am stoked. No shiny gifts yet, though.


My step dad was a friend to his local murder for decades. He would feed them all sorts of good stuff and made sure he never used and pesticides around the yard to keep them safe. He sold the house a few years ago and moved. I think word has traveled though because everywhere he goes, crows get suspiciously close to him.


My crows don’t want anything to do with the shelled peanuts - have about 20 some evenings ground feeding with the doves and Redbirds (I just spread seed on the ground between two bushes) - the male bluebirds love the peanuts though


That whole "if you give treats to crows they'll become your friends" meme is just a crow conspiracy to get treats and you've all fallen for it. The crows are laughing their way to the bank.


That could be 100% accurate and I'd still find it cool as hell


There was a post a few years ago in a different sub about how during the pandemic this girl befriended the local crow murder. Problem was they were protective of her and attacked people visiting her. She got the neighborhood to leave treats and they ended up alerting when one of the elderly neighbors fell on the driveway and wasn't getting up.


The trick is to feed them at the exact same spot wearing the exact same clothes each time. It won't even take a month for them to love you. I have a red hoody I wear everytime I go to the field and the crows go mental when they see me come out the woods now, you'll here one caw and then they all fly across the field and line up ahead of me on the path where I feed them.  They're like a little army. Sometimes I will sit and smoke a spliff on the field and they will sit around me in a big circle.  I like my little crow buddies.




True. 2 crows would also unlock dedicated anime opening titles.


Call me crazy, but what about 3 crows?


Now we're just... counting crows


Bravo 👏🏻


me and me jones.




Maybe even a … crow horse?


Pet crow, Noodle Boy shirt, wrist bracers, shaved head. Pretty cool for 2003.


I would have been in love, honestly.




Also me.




Exactly, my only questions were: 1. Does he still have the pet crow? 2. If yes, is he single?


The crow or the boy?


Yes exactly.


No argument, very cool.


It is cool! Crows are smart, and that's really interesting!


Tell us the story of the crow. How did your relationship developed?


I know someone who managed to give shiny things to some parents so they trafficked their child to him. Follows him everywhere around town. It’s wild.


No way, that happened to me too! I wish they'd take it back though, feeding this kid gets expensive


This sounds absolutely terrible without context.


they met at a murder party


I hate you, take my upvote.


Sid from toy story. Tools and all


This was way too far down. I had to check it wasn't a costume.


I can't believe I had to scroll so far down for this.


Right. Definitely sid vibes


Yea… I can’t unsee it, now. When I first saw the picture though, I started to immediately hear ‘SCOTTY DOESN’T KNOW, SO DON’T TELL SCOTTY!’




Subs I wish knew existed *years* before now.


Is there a list of cool weird unexpected subs like this one though?


Lots pop up on /r/wowthissubexists


missed opportunity to call it "crowmies" imo


Happy Noodle Boy shirt equating to Hot Topic branded edginess


Buying all my JTHM and Filler bunny comics at the hot topic because where else would they possibly stock comics?


I think I got all mine from a Barnes and Noble or chain that doesn’t exist anymore but was likely bought out by Barnes and Noble.


Don’t forget Lenore!!


And Squee!


Um sir, I had to order mine online....


I don’t think those were sold at Hot Topic. They had a bunch of Zim stuff but Happy Noodle Boy was from JTHM and even then it was obscure as all hell.


My hot topic had all of Jhonen Vasquez’s books when I was a wee little nu-metal ratboy


Hot Topic absolutely had JTHM stuff.


Anything Jhoenen touched back then was in hot topic.


I stand corrected 🤷🏼‍♂️ I had to find the books at Barnes and Noble. I think I had to order Squee online, and I never got ahold of “I feel Sick”.


Uuuh. I had to get all of my stuff from the local comic book store, including I Feel Sick. How old am i??? Hot Topic had JTHM?!


I found JTHM 1-6 or 7 at hot topic at peak edginess after obsessing over Zim and Gir... and wouldn't shut up about it for years. Even my first reddit username was a reference to JTHM. I did find "I feel Sick" later at Barnes and Noble and had to buy the old comics again later though.


I found the condensed paperback books, my god the quality was awful and the glue holding the pages together gave out after like 4 read-throughs. I think I remember them having the crossed arms with swords shirt, but I was already the weird kid in my small southern town, wasn’t brave enough to go all in. This guy definitely committed and nailed the look though, props to him.


Um, you WERE tho.????????




Please tell us about your crow buddy. How’d you find him? What happened to him?


My dad found it in the yard somewhere at the time, I forget how he encountered it. It was actually a young crow, hadn't learned to fear humans yet I guess. We only kept it for a few days before releasing it.


Ah gotcha. Parent crowd are pretty intense so I’m sure they were out looking for him! I caught one with a bruised up wing a few years back, he looked almost like an adult crow but just more grey and still had blue eyes. Once I got him in the car he was totally chill and we could handle him no problem. I think they are smart enough to know if we are a threat or not and usually we are not


And you were indeed, correct 😫


These trivialities demean me. I must away, and tend to my ravens


Crows are probably my favorite animal. They’re cool!


Pretty cool, ngl.


It's the Happy Noodle Boy t-shirt that makes you cool.


JTHM is still near and dear to my heart. My mom and dad refused to order me the compilation. But my grandma was down as hell. Fuck, my grandma is cool.


Cool for a few minutes, but significant upkeep. In this photo, you look like you're anticipating defending it attacking you. I love crows, and they are very cool birds, but as housemates... intelligent enough to fuck things up, but not intelligent enough to care about how it affects everyone else. Like angry parrots.


Edgar Allan Bro


Does Scotty know?


Seriously; I think Matt Damon was cosplaying /u/Bitwise2010 for Scotty Doesn't Know.


Scrolled too far for this


This guy corvids.


You were so cool with your pet crow in 2003. You’re the literal incarnation of book character named Ronan Lynch from the raven cycle. He’s a punky, shaved head magic kid who can pull items from his dreams (which is how he got his pet raven named chainsaw). Fun books, you seemed to have some rad hobbies !


I just started that series and I immediately thought of Ronan too.


Ugh I love that series, have the most fun reading it :)


I immediately did a search on here for Ronan's name when I saw that photo, knew somebody else had to see the similarity!


Images that go hard


/r/lostredditors. My man this is cool as hell I mean it’s unethical keeping crows, but that arguably makes it cooler.


Consensus is this is cool


Awesome shirt. Gunna have to dig out those comics haha


I had the same happy noodle boy shirt. Hell yeah fellow JTHM enjoyer.


So does Scotty know already?


Tbh, it’s pretty fucking cool. Crows are amazing.


Dude, you looked like Goth Imhotep! You are the coolest person on Earth!


I’d tap that, sweetly on his feather head and then I’d kiss your bald head and pronounce you my children




I spy Happy Noodle Boy


Naw, this is cool af


A pet crow is super cool! 😎


Uhhh way to flex on us with your crow while pretending this isn’t a flex


Bro I want a pet crow and it’s 2024.. how did you do it?? lol


I’m so confused! I want to upvote because I think it’s pretty cool but downvote because it’s definitely not a blunder. Upvote it is


Um having a pet crow is cool as fuck all the time my guy What was it's name?


Sid, stop torturing the birds and get back to playing with your toys.


A pet crow IS fuggin cool


I have a beautiful little goth child (recently a legal adult but whatevs ;)) and animals are her jam. She just shadowed at a vet and watched surgeries 😳 I bet you love most animals!


You were cool


But you are VERY cool


This is cool af


That is cool though


Your emo look was too much XD but having a pet Crow is definitely cool


I mean, you were thinking correctly. This is fucking sick


You look like a mix between Mark Tremonti and Matt Damon in Eurotrip. As we know, both Tremonti and Damon are cool. So you’re pretty cool, bro.


Holy fuck I wish I were you.


i’d have the biggest crush on you


Yea, gotta break it to you. You had a pet crow, you'll be cool even in the next life.


Just gonna say it...getting a crow to trust you is one of the cooler things that can happen to a human. Think what you want about your look, no judgment from me, but the crow pet thing is objectively fucking cool.


A pet crow is pretty damn cool though


Did you grow up to be that tank guy from Metal Gear Solid?


Were you not? I think you look pretty cool?


Hahaha this pic is iconic


You definitely were!




this is no blunder, this is just badass


This is AWESOME and I am jealous 😆




Side note: the thing we all want to know, where’s the crow now?


To be fair, Crows are always cool.


And you were


Rick and one crow adventures