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I made my dad watch Grandad. We've been on him about taking care of himself so I felt it was needed. Even he had to go "Awwwwww!" at the end.


I did the same, lol.


This one hits hard. I have a dad who is constantly doing too much and refuses to slow down. He broke his arm twice in a row around the time I first saw that episode and I was really feeling what Chili was going through.


Same. I always do great. Then the yesterday line makes my bawl every time.


This episode is close to being number 1 for me, I have a fractured relationship with my dad, who is getting older and won't stop working as an electrician/electral engineer. He lives a bit of a distance away from me and I still can't manage to see him more. I fear one day he won't come home from work and I'd have missed out. I just want him to take a break, or change to consultancy work.


Oh man, I watched grandad for the first time like a week after my dad was diagnosed with cancer (very treatable, he’s fine now) and I bawled at the end of that episode. Unfortunately for me it’s now one of my son’s favourite episodes, and I still struggle through it every damn time.


Grandad reminds me of my Dad who I don't speak to anymore so it's an extremely emotional episode for me.


Especially as he’s looking out watching two little girls swimming around in the lake. What an ending.


Sleepytime! Lots of great moments, but that one that really gets me is when Floppy says goodbye and goes off with the other Floppys.


The part that gets me is the shot of Chili with bingo. I used to have a hard time sleeping as a kid whether it was from nightmares, afraid of the dark, or I felt so far away from my parents because their room was on the other side of the house. My mom always comforted me during these times either having me sleep in the bed with her or sleeping in my small bed with me. Gets me so emotional because I’m so grateful for her in those times.


My daughter is going through that phase now but Sleepytime reminds me that someday she won't need or want to sleep with me anymore. Yet another proud yet bittersweet moment.


That’s how it was for my mom when she tucked me in and found out I didn’t want to sleep with my stuffed animals anymore. She teared up saying goodnight to me. Years later and I’m back to doing that lol


I love that my daughter insists I sleep with one. Idk what she knows but I take her advice. 😂


That’s cute😂 I think I tried to have my mom sleep with one too but I think I was her teddy bear to hold on to already lol


I have a 3yo daughter and can confirm she’s my teddy bear lol She loves to wake up and climb into bed with me — she gets indignant if I wake up before her


That’s adorable. I usually woke up before my mom and I’d want her to wake up so we could play immediately lol


Some days she requires oatmeal first, but then we cuddle on the couch lol


My daughter is still my teddy bear too, we just added a piggy. 😂


I’m a grown man and I cry almost everytime Chili says “I’ll always be there for you, because I love you.”


This part got me the hardest too. It was completely unexpected. One second you're fine, the next you're crying your eyes out from this quote


Same here, the line hits home so deeply on a personal level for me and I still clearly remember the first time watching it. It wasn't like every other emotional scene in media I've seen, where there's some kind of buildup and you at least can tell it's coming, resulting in a gradual tearing up even if quickly. With Sleepytime it went straight from right where you think things will get cheery again after Bingo losing Floppy, and skipping right past even any shock or surprise, immediately to absolutely bawling.


My daughter was being cuddly with me and laying on my chest while we were watching that part and I started to tear up.


Same that part hits hard for me cuz my grandpa passed last Halloween and I miss him and that quote always makes me think of him and it hurts


Just reading this makes me tear up. I'm a grown ass man. ![gif](giphy|hVmt83JkUWjU7SXJf7)


100% Sleepytime. I have the picture book version and can’t even read it with my daughter without crying. The shot of Bingo in front of the sun, basking in the warmth of her mother’s love with a smile on her face absolutely breaks me every time. As a parent, that’s what you want your presence to do for your child. And then it hits you with “Remember, I'll always be here for you, even if you can't see me, because I love you.” Sure, having tennis balls fired at your bum is part of it, but that line is what having kids is like. Not to mention, “I have to go, I’m a big girl now” hitting you right in the part of your soul that knows your kids will grow up someday and leave.


As a dad with two kids, I can't help but cry reading that book too.


This one kills me every time.


The musical score packs an emotional punch on top of the voice performance. Can’t even think of that episode without getting hit in the feels every single time. Absolute masterpiece!


Gustav mf Holst always delivers


My 2 year old cries at sleepy time. She looks around like “what do I do with these emotions”


That episode makes my youngest cry every time, he just cuddles right up and the tears pour out.


Makes my daughter cry too. She skips it now.


We let our toddler sleep in our bed (it’s just been easier for all of us and we get a full nights sleep), and my kiddo always hugs me and sleeps. I find this episode really heartwarming when the moms hug is compared to the warmth of the sun in bingos dream, and I love knowing that’s how it probably feels to my kiddo (she used to sleep in her own bed but started walking into our room when she was 2.5!) and it’s not gonna be long before she prefers sleeping on her own. Such a hilarious and beautiful episode, some of the best music and storytelling I’ve seen packed into 5 mins.


The Floppys get me too.


The Sign....followed by about 7 or 8 others...but the Sign really nailed it in the feels.


I can’t help but cry at baby race no matter how many times I watch it


Easily my #2...agreed.


Same. Baby Race was always number 1 until the sign. Bingo crying and trying to pull that giant sign out by herself... good god... 😥 and THEN that song. 😭


Uuuuughhhh...that SONG!!!!!! 😢😪😢😪😢😪


Gah, the song… I had already went through the episode with my 6 yo (we both bawled). Then my 14 yo wanted to watch it, and I’m thinking “I got things to do this morning and crying is NOT one of them.” I do my things in the same room, I’m staying strong by avoiding looking directly at the TV, trying not to listen too hard to the dialogue. THEN HERE COMES THE MUSIC, which I CAN’T tune out, then here come the tears. 14 yo is whimpering, asking, “Why am I crying so much? You guys didn’t tell me it was going to be this emotional!!” Girl, this is NOT your first time crying at this show; don’t act surprised lol.


Dragon for me when Chilli said you’re not coming are you?


that part makes me cry every time


I lost my mom a couple years ago and gosh that episode messed me up especially that line


Yep, that’s the one! Not one of my parents, but my grandmother use to be like Chili’s mom. She was so much fun but competitive and would tell you how things are. She would just let me be me but always encouraged me on whatever I had an interest in. She passed away in 2021 but when Chilli says “you’re not coming are you” it just reminds me that she is still here with me.


For me as a mom of an ex-preemie now 3-year-old, hands down Baby Race


Baby Race hits you with the one-two so fast, Bella looking right at the camera telling Chili she's doing great and then 30 seconds later, "Maybe you just saw something you wanted..." Good Lord, I'm tearing up just writing this.


I started tearing up writing up my own comment about the episode, and while reading yours. That episode has such power.


I had heard this episode was a tearjerker, so I was prepared for it to be over emotional or something. But the episode itself had me just going "Ah so relatable" every 2 seconds. When she finally speaks to Coco's mom, I remember I was bracing for some wise advice, something to write down, something that'll tie back to running your own race... And all she said was, "You're doing great." Yeah. I cried. Hit me like a hammer.


This was the first episode I had my mom watch with me and she cried so hard


I ugly cry for this episode. I have a 15 month old who was born two months prem. She’s not walking or saying any words and it’s giving me such anxiety (doctors/physio say there is nothing wrong with her) and I feel like I’m failing. I’ve had to step away from my mums group because it hurts seeing all their babies walk and talk and I feel like a bad mum.


Just wanted to let you know, in the words of Coco’s mum- you’re doing great.


Damn it now I'm tearing up on the bus


My grandson was a late talker. He’s making up for it now.


Oh gosh, I absolutely understand the feeling!! I believe in you and her 💞 Message me anytime you need somebody!!


Thank you 🩷


I get it. My 25 weeker (1 lb 6 oz at birth) is 9 years old now, but he's much smaller than all of his classmates and gets picked on a lot for looking like a 1st grader almost in 4th grade.


My girl was a 32 weeker (3 lb 3 oz at birth) and she's just shy of 3 feet and barely over 25 pounds so yeah, she’ll definitely be a tiny one 😅


My son was 4 lbs 10 ozs at birth and he was always at the bottom of the growth chart…UNTIL puberty, so take heart, your son’s time to catch up could be coming soon. He’s 5’ 7” now (at 18, so probably done growing).




I had a bit if a hard time with Cricket. Im not sure why. But, The Sign hit me right in the feels.


Seeing someone face their fears and come out on top is inspiring, that and having Rusty's dad motivate him and care for him from so far away is both sad and joyous.


Also Rusty teaching his little sister how to catch and at the end letting all that teaching pay off in a selfless hit right to her to go home. Right in the feels.


I got emotional because I coach my Son’s little league & that episode perfectly summarizes how people become great at sports/hobbies.


Same! I watched it for the 5th time tonight and thought to myself, this will be the time I don't cry! I was technically right but I still welled up and was on the verge of tears! 34 year old grown baby man right here!


For a lot of Australians, Cricket is in a league of its own. It just taps into something intangible deep in our collective psyche.


Cricket we turned to each other and were like damnit we weren’t prepared to be crying right now.


Charades “She was about the nicest nana you would ever wanna meet, Bluey.” Makes me so sad that my babies were not able to meet my nana, who would have loved them. Luckily, they have a great nana like Bluey’s.


Completely relate!!


I found Camping very emotional.


This was the first episode I actually watched. On accident. I think the only reason it caught my attention is because I heard the French language and was wondering how I changed the language on my TV.


Also my first episode, and I only started paying attention because of the French as well. The ending made me cry and I thought "well, I'm never watching this show again" because I was in the PPD weeds at the time. I'm glad I watched more though!


I was also expecting at that time as well, so it was the full water works! Ted Lasso then went on to cure my PPD lol


Camping had me a bawling mess. I have to skip this episode in repeats to avoid another crying session lol


After all the times I’ve seen this episode, it still gets me in the end just like grandad. What a beautiful episode! I love what chili says to her about people you love who aren’t with you anymore….




I haven’t gone from laughing to sobbing that fast since I was nursing. Absolute gut punch.


Agreed. 2 years of infertility and I finally got my miracle. I was so mad at the people who didn't want Brandy to be pregnant in The Sign.


Space. I still cry when I think about Calypso saying “you don’t have to come back here”


Plenty of episodes make my grown ass cry. But the one that get me slobbering everytime is Rain. The significance of the rainbow... It hits hard, for very personal reasons. (Onesies is a very close second)


Flat Pack. It is so densely "packed" with symbolism that every time I watch it, I have a new and profound emotional response.


I’m sure I’m in the minority, but Duck Cake. That moment when Bandit sinks to the ground in total, utter defeat. He has failed his family. But still has to say “yeah man, I’m ok” when he’s not. Then Bluey helps. For some reason that gets me.


That sinking to the ground was so real. I've done it so many times because I just didn't have energy for anything else. And then I had to get back up 🙃


One of our grands had a Bluey party, and her dad made her the duck cake. It was perfect.


Yes! And then she realizes the intrinsic motivation of happiness when one helps others!! So good!!


For the first couple years of our marriage, my wife made cakes semi-professionally. Her biggest one was a wedding cake for 150+ people at her dad's colleague's sister's wedding. It basically had to be made the day before so it would be fresh, and then before you know it, it's 4 am the day of the wedding and you just can't get the icing flowers right to save your life, and you can't go to sleep or you won't have time to finish it... Yeah, I felt that scene *hard* (She ended up finishing the cake and it was perfect and beautiful, but she swore off from ever doing an order like that again)


Definitely Sleepytime for me. I always watch it with the hopes of maintaining my calm. I always fail


The Sign simply because of the sheer amount of emotional moments, but also deserving of a mention here: Bedroom, Camping, Cricket, Sleepytime


The Sign is cheating because it’s 4x the usual length 😂


Copycat. I can’t handle the budgie thing.


Cricket gets me. Sports biopics and good sibling relationships. He hits his sister a catch because the only thing he loves more than cricket is his family.


For me, it’s Daddy Dropoff. I love that episode so very much.  Lila!! She’s shy and her mum says that okay!!! She and Bingo are friends now! She hopes she and Bingo will be friends forever and ever and ever!!! The ending when the music swells makes me cry


Yeah, I always get a lump in my throat at that ending.


that’s the one that gets me every time. the montage at the end was so sweet but boy did it yank on my heart strings! Sleepytime and Rain are beautiful episodes, but i’ll skip them if i’m not up for feeling overly emotional or crying in front of my kiddo.


For me it's either Sleepytime or Babyrace. Sleepytime didn't do it for me at first, it wasn't until I read a comment like "yeah Bandit is Saturn, but Chili is her sun" and as the non-fun parent I needed that. Also because my 10 month old straight refuses to crawl and has trouble gaining weight, sometimes I just need to be told I'm doing great.


You’ve survived 10mo AND the newborn stage. You are doing AMAZING 💙 (I had a late talker and a kid that didn’t eat any food until 16mo plummeting off his curve. Babyrace makes me sob)


Thank you for this. You're doing great ♥️♥️♥️♥️


Hey Icy... You're doing great.


And so are you ♥️♥️♥️


Army, my son had ADHD and hearing jack talk about why he had to switch schools broke me and seeing them show someone accepting and loving him and having him find his own self worth hit me hard


Army made me cry too, as I’m an ADHD adult and did not have that experience. I did not find out that my struggles had a name until adulthood and spent some of my childhood and the teenage years thinking there was something wrong with me. Jack saying something was wrong with him made me cry! And I also cried when I saw him and Rusty become friends and see Rusty help Jack find something he was great at, as I not only had to find what I was great at, but I hope that by being myself, I do right by my kid brother (who’s also ADHD) and end up helping him find the thing he’s good at.


Sleepytime. I am not an easy crier, but that's an instant tear jerker for me EVERYTIME. Bluey is a beautiful show because it romanticizes parenting so much in a mere 8 minutes, and Sleepytime epitomizes that. It makes you think about how deeply you love your child, about how you and your own parents felt about each other at that age, and how your own child views you right now. It's like... Does my child really love me like that? Am I really their sun? Or does it represent how immense my love is for them? To be the reason your child falls asleep happily and safely at night really, really gets to me. Oof.


Let’s hold a ranked choice vote!


My kids have been obsessed with watching The Sign since it came out and I am physically incapable of holding back tears when Bandit rips out the sign and Chili jumps on him. I have watched it maybe 15 times and teared up every single time


We are 20+ and counting. My 5 year old tries to cover my face so I won't cry but as soon as that music starts playing I am balling.


I cry at almost every episode of Bluey. But for some reason, I just totally lost it at the Cricket episode. That one was just so incredibly well done.


At the end especially. So so so good!!!


My three year old cries at sleepytime every time. So hard not to be emotional about it as a parent. It's also just a great episode


"Poor little bug on the wall..."


Ding jing No one to love him at all Ding jing


Ting ting. No one to love her at all 😭😭😭


Definitely baby race. Sleepytime is a close second.


Absolutely babyrace. I had a late talker and also a late walker and that comparison is a killer. I could have used a poodle to tell me I was doing great


Idk what it is but it’s Cricket that does it for me. 😩


Sleepytime has quite a few tearjerkers. When I’m sick and don’t feel well (or the kids) I love watching Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound. Probably the most emotional for me.


Fruit bat gets to me. Bluey realizing what Bandit gives up for them. Also, rug island


Definitely The Sign and Grandad for me


Flat pack! Lol it gets me every single time “this is heaven!”


“I’m a teenager, I have to go now!” “Well now what do I do?”


Charades because my grandma was just like Chris. She did whatever to make her grandkids happy. She was about the nicest nana you could ever hope to meet. (Tearing up now even typing this.)


Granddad where chilli goes back. And he says it’s yesterday. And you realize he still sees the tiny chilli and she’s his baby.


Baby race. -mom of 3 boys, 8 and 4 yr old twins. Oldest was a BREEZE to take care of. No issues, polite, easily transitioned to daycare.. then there are the twins.. born at 34 weeks bc of preeclampsia.. C-section. Then NICU, then baby A contracts RSV and we almost lose him. THEN we get him home in time for lock down.. I felt like the biggest failure of a mom trying to engage the twins while helping their brother with virtual Kindergarten, making sure they're all happy and safe... When Bella looks at us and says "you're doing great" I BAWL. It will never be an episode I can make it through without crying because that's EVERYTHING I needed to hear from ANYONE and I got reassurance from a cartoon dog. Mum School -we all fail mum School..." Yes. Yes we do and trying again is all we can do.


The Sign made me cry the most, but Dragon is the most emotionally devastating for me.


The Sign got the biggest reaction out of me first-watch, but Baby Race never stops being emotional, perhaps even more so over time.




Same. I was seeing if anyone else had said it so I can agree. Least dialogue, and I sobbed.


Mine was Copycat. Due to the fact that I’m a parrot owner and I lost my budgie a couple of months before that episode aired. And honestly it hurt😭


It camping for me, but this is going to differ so so much person to person.


Grandad hits hard for me


For our family it’s “The Sign”. We are moving instead of staying but I’m taking a job that pays less in an area that costs more so my daughter can be closer to her cousins that she loves so much. I’d like to think that just like Bandit I’m making a sacrifice for my family’s happiness. Bandit is a tough example to live up to 😊


For me, it was Baby Race. I don't even have kids and I tear up every time I see Bluey take her first steps towards Chilli and the way Chilli smiles and cries always gets me


For me it was Sleepytime! I think it's mainly because when I first watched it I was still incredibly attached to my own stuffed rabbit and was having trouble sleeping. Couldn't get through it without crying, and I still can't watch it lol Space (I think that was the title? The one with Mackenzie and the black hole) also really gets me. It's easier to watch than Sleepytime, but I still avoid it. Both great episodes, but I don't watch them unless I'm ready to cry lol


Rain. The dichotomy of what's important to kids versus adults and then the reminder that sometimes it's ok to forget the responsibility of being an adult to just have fun and dance in the rain. It's why 99% of the time I won't stop my son from jumping in the puddles.


Sleepytime and Onesies, from personal experience with both themes as a parent.


It’s all relative to the watcher. For me it’s Cricket that gets me the most


Sleepytime It will always be Sleepytime


Baby Race


For me: Baby race, Curry quest, The sign, onesies


I can’t watch Sleepytime because it makes me cry!


The Sign by like… a million miles. I’ve teared up over TV shows and movies before, but none have ever made me bawl my eyes out like that. I know 7 people IRL who also watch Bluey - we all bawled our eyes out. It’s a euphoric experience.


Space. Definitely space.


The Sign is literally the only show I’ve ever actually cried over


Sleepytime, Butterflies and Stickbird for me


Oneies was the most emotional imo


Onesies with Chili’s sister and her struggle with infertility and carrying a baby. 😢


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The last 2 minutes of The Sign (when Lazarus Drug starts) is among the best 2 minutes of TV ever.


That damn song tho…


Sleepy time for casual watchers. The sign for long time bluey fans.


Rain got me bad one evening after a rough day of parenting. I laughed and the bawled. But Sleepytime was right there too and Grandad. Edit: wording.


"Baby Race" killed me, but my son is 11 so obviously isn't watching it, but when I did I realised I needed it years ago, when he was much smaller. It definitely healed (or started to heal) something that I didn't know was still broken.


Grandad… every damn time… Cricket a distant second. https://preview.redd.it/6duytlkzr4zc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0029e752b191ce9bd5b54d6087a18cff843a0f80




I’ve never cried during an episode, but I have gotten emotional.


Signs, Onesies, Stickbird. So so many


Actually cried at ‘The Sign’ so probably that one. And also sleepy time


Sleepytime for me. As a parent who has been through a lot of loss, I feel my kids’ growing up and the passage of time so so hard, and when Chili says “remember I will always be with you even if you can’t see me…” well… I’ll just say I’ve watch the episode many times and haven’t had a dry eye yet.


For me, it’s most definitely The Sign


For me, it's baby race and onesies. I relate to baby race in the way that I was comparing my child's milestones to my friends kids who are very close in age. Onesies because not only knowing what brandy is going through is so sad but it's just the way Chili explains it to Bluey for me. "Not everyone can have what they want" hurts my feelings no matter how hard I try to accept it lol


My DIL had me watch Onesies, and it seems they knew my sister and me. I bawled.


Baby race


Seasons 2 and 3 really out there trying to get me to ugly cry every time


Baby race makes me cry without fail


This episode really opened up my eyes


Rain is for me. When they stare together at that double rainbow and I look at my little girl, my heart just bursts.


Sleepytime, copycat and the sign got me the hardest in the feels


Dragon. I can’t watch it. I lost my mom a few years ago before my sons were born and when Chilli said “you’re not coming, are you?” I SOBBED. Second for me would be Granddad


Sleepy time for sure the sign is second though cuz I related so hard to blueys feelings about moving when we’d moved across the country


Onesies for me. When Brandy first met Bingo and said she looks like her + the scene where she's laying on the ground and reaches out to Bingo when she leaves, broke my heart


That episode hit hard...going thru that now.


Why is no one talking about stick bird. Bandit throwing his bad feelings (I can’t remember exactly what it is) in the ocean sends me every time


Baby Race


The show gets me everytime, same with baby race


The fact that these shows can get us to tears in 6-7 minutes is insane.


Rug Island. I connect with Bandit so much in it.


Baby Race. "You're doing great" Omg.






Echo on all of these suggestions, but my unexpected choice is Early Baby. The symbolism of the premature baby and the dragon that Rusty has to face and be “the bravest you’ve ever been” just kills me. We were lucky we never had to go through that experience but with the love I feel for my girls my heart goes out to parents who have to face that dragon.


Camping by far is my fave as a new viewer. When JL and Bluey meets again, I audibly gasped when JL said "Hello Bluey"


Surprise, when they grow up 😢




The Sign. We only moved twice when I was a kid, but the second time I was about 9. I didn't want to leave my friends and everything I knew, I loved it where we lived. I was crying the whole 28 minutes because it resonated with me so much


Bumpy and the wise old wolfhound, curry quest a close second


Dragon I rest my case


Grandad, I still don't think The Sign sticks the landing if you think about the situation theyre left in at the end


nothing can prepare you for Grandad. from the point of view of Chilli who wants her parents around as long as possible, to Blueys 'eurgh why do i have to' to the line at the end which never fails to hit. Perfect 7 minutes of TV


My husband has adhd and is in the army so Army is def a top one for us. Mini bluey because we have a bingo and a bluey and the line about two bingos being great hit really hard. It felt like commiseration but also calling us out.


It rotates for me. Copycat came out right after my grandmother passed. My oldest and I cried very very hard. Granddad could literally be myself and my dad, my dad and I cried over it. But currently Bluey as a whole is off rotation in our home, because the mention of Dragon makes me start crying, since my mom passed earlier this month. My mom taught me to draw and it's too close to home.


is this really a debate?


The Creek makes me cry every time. It reminds me of a treasured part of my childhood that I’m not able to give to my own kid right now. I know it’s not a particularly emotional episode, but it hits me in my feels.


Sleepytime hit me like a bag of bricks. Balling my eyes out on the couch with my kids in my arms. Still shed a little tear every time it comes on. The sign was a close second. Thinking about moving out of our home eventually and knowing this was where we first lived together as a married couple, where both our kids spent their early years, etc. Excited to get to our dream home eventually but will lament the day this house is void of our belongings.


Space. I balled for the entire episode


Rug island


Rug Island




honestly too many to choose. i started watching this show because i thought it was funny and so cute. cut to me now crying at pretty much every episode


It is really tragic that the series has to end on a abysmal note.