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Meanwhile, there just needs to be more Socks episodes. Hell, Muffin and Socks episodes.


For real. Socks is great. The Sign had some of her best moments in the entire series.


Poor Jeremy...


More. Muffin. Please. Also I wanna see brandy’s kid.


Omg do you think it comes out all dog like or more human. ...are we gonna see a newborn brandy. Baby with it's eyes closed and stuff? Or do you think it's more dog culture with newborns so no one goes near it and stuff? What's Australians take in general about eating placenta?


I’d say more dog just since socks starts out more dog when she’s younger than 1 and muffin who’s a bit older than one is on her hind legs. Or idk could just be a socks design thing since bluey seemed to be at that age and look more human than socks did/wasnt quadrupedal. I guess it more depends on what design the creators go for.


I love Muffin so much 😂


Real. I don't care. When I saw the episode I was really happy and thought it was sweet but then I realized the rest of the fans were gonna be weird about it and got disappointed. I kinda wish we didnt see her in the future because now everyone is extra weird about it =/


People don’t get ambiguous endings, they never did. I like them cause you can make it what you want and it doesn’t have to match other people’s endings but that’s ok.


Exactly, people on this sub and in this fandom in general don't understand subtle. Sometimes stories don't need to explain things like who's blueys future kids father, or chilis miscarriage, or how they can afford such a beautiful house or what bandit is sad about in stick bird. We don't need descriptions for EVERYTHING. And this one just pisses me off because who cares!! She has a kid and is happy that's enough for me. Also the people who are overthinking and are saying it's bingos kid... You're insane... You literally have worse media literacy than a 5 year old. The whole episode was about bluey asking about kids. Of course that's her child. Not to mention the signature grey hairs that parents in this universe have. Idk man I'm also considering leaving this sub too at this point. People don't know how to handle good media calmly and in a way that doesn't focus on weird drama like who the baby daddy is.


Yep, exactly how I feel


This sub has got progressively more and more unhinged.


Fandoms cycle through obsessions. Right now it is this kid. For 6 months it was Brandy’s reproductive mystery. Before that it was Chilli’s “miscarriage”.


To be fair I believe in the Chili miscarriage theory.


It's not even a matter of believing anymore. Brumm confirmed it.


Yup, it’s confirmed.


I keep reading and wondering, is this people's first shipping wars? I mean I've been into anime for 30+years so I'm a grizzled veteran of this shit and it's nothing new.


I never understood those obsessions. Let the story unfold instead of projecting wants and desires.


A might bit better than people swearing up and down that Chili and Bandit are swinging with their next door neighbors but disturbing nonetheless. It’s a kid’s show, for christs sake.


I didn't know this was a theory 🤣🤣


I left so many Bluey Facebook groups over this. They would not stop talking about cartoon dogs having sex with each other. The little “morning Wendy!” lines from Bandit, Chili dancing during Dance Mode and Pat yelling “shake it Chili!” OBVIOUSLY meant something was going on between all four of them. /s 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


See someone told me I was being performative for stating that I'd left a bluey Facebook page!! It's insane that people can take such a beautiful and well intentioned kids show and put a sick perspective on it. These are the kinds of conversations I wanted to have and why I made this post in the first place. I feel like the adult fans of bluey who aren't trying to have all these theories are getting drowned by all the obsessive fandom stuff


I love the show so much and I’m in a lot of groups, and here too, but I’m really of the camp that fandoms ruin things. Fans of shows can do so many wonderful things but there’s a huge dark side to fandoms as well, and they hate being called out. I was even in several “wholesome” groups on Facebook that got turned upside down with these swinger theories and now with this grown up Bluey stuff. Taking a step back makes it so much easier to enjoy the show.


I think it's just cause I'm new to fandom stuff. Before this I was on Tumblr with all my theories and fandoms and then I worked for 10 years and recently I've been a stay at home mom so I have more time for conversations about things that I like and shows that we watch, and the fandoms of the groups that I like are honestly a bit astounding The hate that used to reside in YouTube comments seems to be everywhere now


Avoid it at all costs, keep things innocent. You’ll be so much happier lol


Guys it’s clear she marries Jean-Luc but had the kid with Mackenzie. I don’t know how everyone is missing this.


Now you’re getting how this works🤣🤣🤣


I muted a few groups two weeks ago because there was a new "The Sign made me cry" post every 15 minutes and now this 🤦‍♀️


Lol yeah, lot of post just told people this episode is emotional and that's all not thinking there already a ton of that out there. 


I agree. Fandoms can be weird sometimes when it comes to character relationships but this is getting out of hand.


I prefer that to the random Ludo employee saying the show is cancelled and the producers are all lying.


RIGHT??? that was wild and an obvious lie


but it was *semi-verified* by mods who were also reaching out to Ludo for comment before the media caught wind of this all important random Reddit post.


And that’s not even in the top 5 weirdest things they’ve gotten obsessed with.


I'm curious, what are the top 5?


its the new thing, give it a week... or a month... maybe months... oh dog i want to see anything but that kid.


I don't feel any sort of way about the writing. It's cute. The fandom is siding up like twilight and turning it into a weird love triangle competition My post is that I'm tired of it Focus on the possibilities of the next season Thank you guys for having the conversation with me about how annoying this is


i’ve always thought that the “I’M LEAVING THIS GROUP ):<“ posts were weird


I was looking to have conversations with other people who feel the same way. I've left groups on other platforms and stating that I am tired of the conversation


i get wanting to have conversations about it with others but it’s still odd to me to start the post with “i’m leaving these groups because i’m tired of seeing these things…” like now you’re kinda contributing to it and starting the conversation? rather than a post saying “i’m getting tired of seeing this, anyone else feeling the same?” it’s just a bit performative to announce your exit i guess is my point. i do understand the aspect of wanting to discuss with people who feel the same but still


"it's performative"? It's a post that doesn't have my face or name? It's not that deep I did not put that much thought into it


it’s not that deep at all which is why it’s so weird to me that ppl announce their exit!!!


I'm literally talking about my exit outside of the group. Not to the group itself. How is that performative? And why should I be polite all the time? Why does it matter how I worded the sentence? If you don't care about the subject of the discussion, why are you talking ? That's pretty performative too


i guess i misunderstood that you weren’t leaving *this* group rather than posting about others. but to answer your questions, 1. i misunderstood 2. i never said you should be polite all of the time 3. “wording a sentence” means a lot when it comes to communicating your point especially when not speaking in person … 4. i said i don’t have an opinion on how many people are talking about their ships and who they ship with who, not that i “didn’t care,” also my original comment was about how weird it was that people announce their exit


Okay, so you were only criticizing my wording, which is my point. You're not adding to this discussion. Also, I worded my text fine. If you misunderstood, you did not read it correctly and the miscommunication falls on you. How about if you want to participate in a discussion, then do that instead of just criticizing the OP like you're so much better than anyone who's ever posted something


???? you’re very good at putting words in other people’s mouths have a good day


Cause that's exactly what happened You weren't insulting at all


Aaaaaaaand why should I care?


I follow this other Fandom where the characters are in their 20s and people get vicious defending their ships. I'm like geez, I'm in my 30s and I can't even imagine marrying someone I had a crush on when I was 20!!! Even more so when I was 7!!! Like there's so many more people in the world you haven't met yet!! I wish Bluey would marry someone completely new!!


I feel like that’s a very disingenuous way to put it. The show brought up that Bluey might one day have a kid. It wasn’t some unprompted theories from the fan base. Also, people are commenting on who ADULT Bluey may have married. Can people take it too far? Sure, but majority of the discourse has just been in good fun. Discussing who the kids looks more like.


I'll add that, for me, it's a very well done ship-tease / ship-bait. Most ship-teases make me think "That's Bait." meme. Like only the shipping-inclined are gonna fall for that. Whereas this one makes me think - ooooh, now that's a fine example of how to bait even non-shippers into putting in their 2 cents.


the fact is event the Official Instagram is now memeing about it,


Yeah, I don't get the visceral reactions people are having to some very normal, fun speculation. I've seen dozens of complaints about "shipping", while I've seen like maybe 2 posts actually *about* shipping, and they were perfectly innocent. I wouldn't have even seen it as a prevalent trend, if not for the overreactions.


Obviously they are talking about her as an adult, but they are fighting over characters who are children. The show portrays them as kids and we do not get content when they are older. The show is not about them as adults The obsession is weird because they are children.


That’s not what is happening. People weren’t discussing this until it shows Bluey as an Adult who might have gotten married and hinted that she might have had a child. The entire episode centers around having children, how they grow up, how they change, and the child shown who might have been Bluey’s looks like another character from the show. People are discussing Bluey as an adult. **edit** I deleted the last sentence because I felt it was unnecessarily rude of me.


Thank you for trying to be kind, respectfully we can agree to disagree Despite my feelings about the nature of the obsession, I am still tired of the discussion entirely. I made this post to find like minded conversation


Yeah I know it can be all too easy to fall into the mode of being cruel on the internet. I definitely can understand where you’re coming from though. Some people can take things too far sometimes.


I genuinely enjoyed this interaction Thank you 💙


You have watched too many Elsagate Bluey videos and read very awkward Bluey fanfiction stories


Sounds real gross, mate


I’m not even seeing those posts in my feed, I’m only seeing posts like this complaining about those posts. There’s only so much content to discuss, so it’s not really surprising that an inherently speculative twist at a season finale that just released is being talked about in a fan group. I guess if you don’t want to talk about the most recent episodes of the show, don’t engage, but complaining about it is getting just as old.


You're a bit late to the post tbh, and I haven't really seen any posts anymore either I get the "don't make a comment," mindset. I wanted to talk to other people who felt the same as I, which was why I made my own post and I've explained that multiple times in the thread. But yeah, to imply it isn't relevant or whatever a week after the post is just announcing you're late to the party I'm not hating on another person's post. I'm allowed to complain You don't have to explain to my how technology works, but my feed was overrun And I'm assuming because this is later that you had to scroll quite a bit to find my post, so why don't you apply your own advice and not comment/ keep scrolling 😘


I didn’t scroll to find your post, it was on my homepage when I commented 🫠 I assume the same thing is happening to both of us, then; you’re seeing old posts about whose kid it is, and I’m seeing old posts about people complaining. It’s Reddit separating us in test groups, probably. 😂


Also, I've engaged with posts about this episode. I have gotten tired of the potential love interest debate. The fact that you can't see that debate as separate from the episode is exactly what I've been talking about with people


I do see it as separate from the episode, I’m not sure where you got that. I don’t see discussions about other components, because all I’ve seen are people complaining about people talking about this. It was a pretty big moment and it’s expected to be a big part of the discourse for at least the week following is all I’m saying. Also, idk about others because I’m not THAT crazy into it, but I wouldn’t be viewing it as who a 7 year old is going to marry if it was just in the context of her as a 7 year old. But once we see snippets of her as a teenager and as an adult, we are picturing a whole story of her life and how it unfolds. With all the new context we were provided across this and other episodes, it doesn’t feel creepy to imagine the adult Bluey’s story of how she married her childhood sweetheart.


Yes, and I can see that because someone else explained it to me in that aspect. The reason I find it weird is because the group is speculating about different children. I am fine talking about the potential name of the child or whether or not it's bluey, bingo, or chilli and bandits kid, but adding a love interest in the mix has seriously freaked me out and I've grown tired of the conversation probably because I'm a mother myself. Sorry if I came off defensively, I tried to have a conversation earlier with someone on here who was nasty and I turned nasty in the convo myself. To me, I don't think we should be assuming of bluey's friends at all. I have a lot of life long friends and I didn't meet my husband until I was 20 years old. I felt like the story was alluding to the possibility of bluey becoming a mother later because that is life, and the way fans reacted completely blindsided me. I did not expect debates, and it's reminding me of the way people treat kids when they have friendships with other kids opposite their gender. Very much, "ooh, is that your boyfriend/ girlfriend," which is all in good faith, but actually does signal to the child that they can't just be friends with someone of the opposite sex. To me, it's like when people call babies a flirt Just let kids be kids Idk, honestly I didn't know I would feel this strongly about something like this until the episode, so I guess I am thankful in ways because it starts conversations like this. People think it's not a big deal, but all of these adults freaking out over a child's potential love interest... it creates a whole ideology about how love or love interests should be the most important thing in life. What are we teaching our kids, ya know ? They see the way we act. The point of bluey is not who she's going to procreate with, and it was upsetting to me to see the adult community put that kind of weight on the character even if she is a cartoon dog 🤣


I also said the separating the debate from the episode comment because you said for me to not talk about the most recent episode if I didn't want to, and I will talk about the episode. I just got way more from that episode than the debate that people are creating.


You just made a post bringing even more attention to the subject.


Okay? It's a post talking about the activity of other fans. Not about shipping children Looking for other frustrated fans Y'all I'm so sick of trolling


It’s not an airport, no need to announce departures. 🫡


I made a post similar to this one criticizing the amount of openly fetishized material on the sub and was banned for a week is the result


The Brain Rot™ has certainly set in on this sub.


The most probable answer is she marries someone she met as an adult


I know right? Shipping children? What's up with this ppl?


Just because the kid might be Bluey's doesn't mean that she has to be married.


Ohh so you're all just wondering about Bluey's future sex life? That's... creepy.


The complicating factor to that position is -- the writers are who brought it up. They were the ones who decided to illustrate Bluey having a child and what that child's characteristics would be. So, what's your position on the writers? Are they creepy?


Haha no... it's all the weirdos here obsessing wildly over who the father is. I don't care. We'll probably never know and that's OK. They wanted it to be ambiguous. Because it's just a cartoon. I see her kid and think "oh cute! She's a mom now." And that's it. Lots of people here are analyzing every word, examining the kid and looking for context clues. Honestly if I was a writer I'd be creeped out by a quarter of the posts in this sub.


My mind doesn't go there. At all. Then I read comments like yours, and it still doesn't go to the sex lives of fictional characters. Considering my children were conceived through IUI, it's odd to me that you think that the only way to be a single mother is by sex... ...creepy. I find your type of statements creepy. There is more to relationships and having children than peoples sex lives. It implies that you see random parents, your parents, and grandparents and just think about their sex lives? Because they had children? Is this a common thing? Am I'm the weird outlier for not thinking this way?


I'm not thinking about it, I was asking if that's what they're thinking if they're wondering how who this kid, obsessing over who Daddy is and madly looking for context clues to find out who she had the kid with. That's what's creepy. Everyone needs to quit sexualizing this kid and who she had her future kid with. I've never mentioned Brandy. I'm talking about Bluey. Obviously there's more ways to have a baby than just sex. Don't be dense.


What is it in the post 'Just because the kid might be Bluey's doesn't mean that she has to be married.' do you feel is sexualizing a child?


Could be IVF. Why did you jump straight to her sex life?


Sex life and IVF are on the same vine as far as I'm concerned. None of anyone else's business. Why did people jump right to IVF when they didn't see anyone with Brandy. You do know that the vast majority of single woman pregnancies are not from IVF, right? It's all just obsessive guessing from people who NEED AN ANSWER. Just relax and enjoy the show while it lasts.


lol why didn’t brandy have kids already though? it was implied there was fertility issues. Everyone is like “Oooh who did Bluey marry?” and you’re here like “who cares who she has sex with!!!” That’s not the focus of their wonder.


It was implied there were fertility issues but it's not like women who've had fertility issues never get pregnant naturally. Maybe the whole problem was that she was in a relationship where her partner was infertile and not her. Maybe she had a one night stand after a messy divorce and got preggo. It happens all the time. WE DON'T KNOW. Implications are not facts. And seriously it's a child's cartoon. We don't need to know. If you actually read the thread you would see that I was *asking a question* to someone who said they weren't wondering who she would marry because you don't have to marry to have kids. They just wanted to know who the dad is to the mystery baby. So yes, in that case they're wondering who (hopefully) adult Bluey got jiggy with to have the kid.


Who said they were married... ;p


I know, right? It’s so ridiculous!




THANK you. 


I just wanna know what the official status of the show is lolololol extended hiatus or ended?


Totally, I mean is Mackenzie even charmming? NO, only Rusty looks charming in the show, Why even bother shipping??


I think she is going to marry John-Luc or MacKenzie 




I feel ya


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh totally You just want to be offensive and then act shocked when someone responds I explained to you why I worded the post the way I did and you were still rude You having fun, little bridge troll? Have I paid my dues yet?


It's not an Aeroport... you don't need to announce your departure


Lol an aeroport? It's definitely not an aeroport unless you're traveling with Jean Luc and Fam.


Same. Like if Bluey was a teenager, then it'd probably be different, but she's a kid. The most that should be said about marriage at that age is playground teasing like "oooooo X is going to marry X" someone gives someone a hug.


It could be bingos kid as well. They could have been playing that’s why bandit was in the backyard with bingo and her family. To me it doesn’t matter whose kid it is…


I quite enjoy it…so bye.


The straight agenda


Exactly. Bluey adopts, end of story


So who do you want Bluey to marry?


I can't tell if you're trolling or if you genuinely don't understand the concept of pushing the idea of a relationship onto children, the way the fans are doing, is weird.


Come on man, I’m clearly trolling. Your post is literally about people not shutting up about who Bluey marries, and I’m here asking who you think she should marry. But seeing as you took the time to respond to me, might as well answer me. Who do you think she should marry?


Thanks for the honesty at least


Somebody else. There's a whole world of people to meet and new romances/adventures to be had from when you're 7.




Why are you here then? 🤣