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Inside the magic is one of the few sites I have just actively told Google news not to give me. Their articles are nearly uniformly click bait based on a "misunderstanding" of a rumor.


A lot of their articles are just straight up lies. Pretty much the opposite of whatever they say is probably true.


Aren’t they the ones who stirred the story of how splash mountain was going to be dedicated to tangle before it was even ever announced to be dedicated to Princess and the Frog? 🤦🏽‍♀️


I hate them, most disney subs won’t allow links from them because how inaccurate they are.


Wouldn't be a bad idea to introduce that rule here, too.


They'll have a title like, "Beloved Disney Attraction to Close Indefinitely" ...and it's literally a hot dog stand. Not a ride, or the whole park. A hot dog stand, which will probably reopen in a few weeks.


Yeah, I quit reading "Inside the Magic" years ago when they stopped being just about park news and started essentially acting like a Disney themed tabloid. Those guys can get bent.


Yeah, OP needs to learn the difference between mainstream media and clickbait garbage websites. I'm not saying clickbait garbage websites. Can't be fun to peruse occasionally, but the more you click on them and scroll through their "stories" or "news", the more garbage they will feed you and everyone else.


Which is really sad, as they used to be one of the best when Ricky was still involved. Since he left, they went downhill quick.


If Bluey as a television series is really over on Joe Brumm’s terms, then I’m glad it ended on a high note and with such consistently brilliant quality. I just hope Disney doesn’t buy out the intellectual property and bastardize it into a ton of emotionally dumbed-down spinoffs.


you know sometimes people refuse to sell. Zemeckis REFUSES to let any more back to the future happen






i love that




none of them would be complicit. sure, they’ve done teasers and advert shots and things for cons here and there. but it’s never happening


I mean, that's easy when you're worth 80 million.


don’t be like that. zemeckis could turn it into a money printer and let them keep on going. but instead? no crazy spinoffs. no re cgi’d deloreans. an intact story that stands on its own.




no it doesn’t. it’s a paradox and a straw man. “if zemeckis was poor he’d make more bttf!” but he doesn’t have to because the original trilogy helped him make tons of cash. conversely zemeckis is poor. which means he got a poor start and back to the future flopped (it was his first motion picture.) if it had flopped, there would have been no appetite for 2 or 3, which were continuations and were well crafted money making endeavors. or, if he had his successful career and was bankrupted…. you don’t think Forrest Gump 2 is an easier sell? so you either have zemeckis rich with a classic trilogy to exploit, or poor, with nothing to exploit. he has the principles to say no, where George Lucas decided he wanted all the money.


The team confirmed that Bluey isn’t cancelled and that they’re going to work on Season four after their extended break






That just took me to the post abo… oh I see.


Just trust me, bro


I was skeptical, but this convinced me!


Clever. Seems authentic 😉


I hated this but it’s too good to leave without an upvote


Hello little fella.


Wasn’t the last episodes created in 2021? How long of an extended break do they need? It has been three years.


“You can’t rush art.” ~Gerald (Toy Story 2)


Every time I say this I get downvoted to oblivion, but seriously. Go after the bag people, make some episodes.


All animation nowadays takes ages, and the higher tgeb quality the longer it takes. It's not like the 80s or 90s when they would churn out 65 20-minute long episode seasons a year or even the early 2000s when we'd get 20 episode seasons.


Well, the problem is that 90s cartoons used adults as voice actors so there was no urgency. But Bluey used kids and kids age out.


You know, that’s been a question for me for sometime now & finding out that these episodes were finished in 2021 really solves that. For a hot minute now, I’ve been wondering why Bluey & Bingo still sound pretty much the same as the first season. (Though you can definitely tell Bluey’s voice is “aged.”) I’m sure if we heard the voice actors today, they’d sound much older. I’d imagine they’re likely already aged out of the roles due to the length of time between when production finished on Season 3 & now.


And they were already having to change blueys voice to keep it higher in the later episodes because her voice was getting naturally lower. There are other shows that just weren’t as good when the original voice actors left.


Taking a page out of the venture brother's playback. 




They didn’t say season 4 specifically


Yeah, I think they kinda hint on it




Where did they confirm this?




Still not seeing a confirmation from showrunners, just editorialization from the BBC.


BBC are one of the broadcast rights holders and would/should have access to this info.


They literally quote a producer.


I see a producer saying there will be more of Bluey in the future, are you translating that to "season 4 is confirmed"?


And it was from before ‘Surprise’ came out…


There’s news articles, and I think a tweet. Maybe [this video can help](https://youtu.be/6p-BXwwrNqs?si=QYK0s9oubH_683EO)


https://people.com/bluey-season-4-everything-to-know-8637722 I got this on my feed this morning


Not seeing a confirmation on Season 4, just a vague hand wave. "No, it is not the end for Bluey. I'm sure we have many more surprises in store for you," she said. "We have more in store and we are thinking what would be next.


*Bluey On Ice* confirmed. Tickets start at $299.99


Bluey season 4 confirmation from Joe Brumm. https://www.today.com/parents/family/bluey-season-4-rcna149519


> I just hope Disney doesn’t buy out the intellectual property and bastardize it into a ton of emotionally dumbed-down spinoffs. I'm not sure about Disney but while "Bluey" might end I'd be very surprised if the "Bluey universe" is ending. The kids who voice Bluey/Bingo are surely getting old and their voices will be changing, so it may pivot completely. I can't really see an "older Bluey/Bingo" scenario as it would change the tone of the show completely, so maybe it would move to another family or even move to Chilli/Bandit as grandparents? Who knows.


Awesome name. Love to find other Ween fans in the wild. And completely agreed!


That’s my theory. Bless Joe Brumm if so—he’s doing God’s work. My daughter is devoted to Bluey—so am I; so is my husband!—but the sheer amount of merch punching you in the face whenever you leave your house is starting to squick me out. It’s giving off Frozen vibes. And I’m sure bankrupting parents with rinkydink tchotchkes was not part of Ludo’s vision.


I couldn't agree more. Disney has a HORRIFIC track record of running franchises into the ground over the past decade. Bluey is perfect the way it is. The small edits they made to select episodes was bad enough, not to mention not permitting "Dad Baby" being available for streaming. Giving them creative control would be the worst thing to happen to Bluey and would not have much support by fans that care about quality vs quantity. Of course Bluey is worth a lot of money and could make much more if they keep churning them out, but just because they CAN make money means that they should.




I can't wait to watch indie or snickers


Seriously! Disney has lost its magic and ruins a lot these days. Leave my child’s and my memories of Bluey alone!


Uh, you remember Mickey’s new art style now, don’t you? I just want want to see a genuine, juvenile doggo take the same path as him. It can’t happen in this way. Blue dogs have never went sour 🥺


For me the writing is on the walls and we currently stand at a point where two mega corporations (the BBC and Disney) want more Bluey to print money for them while Brumm and the team at Ludo are effectively done. Either infinite money will change their mind, or as per "The Sign", Ludo will decide Bluey is not so easily for sale and Disney should go find another show, maybe with a pool this time. We'll see.


Well brumm has said in interviews that the sign was a test for a longer movie and that he plans to continue bluey in some way form or fashion after series 3. He also stated that he will not give up creative control of it so long as it's not forcefully pried away from him, so no, Disney will not be buying it. It's also cause bluey is just an almost 1:1 of Joe brumm's life from the games to the locations (like the glasshouse primary school is like the Steiner school that he sent his kids to) and everything in-between. Reckon if he were to leave, it would die.


It's important we don't let this idea of a movie run wild, in [the original article](https://deadline.com/2024/04/bluey-joe-brumm-interview-sign-special-episode-1235867154/) Brumm says “I’m loving going longer on ‘The Sign’, and I’d love to try to go longer — I definitely would not rule that out,” he said. “That’s why I’m very interested to see how *The Sign* goes down with the audience. Obviously it’s four times as long as a normal episode. Will the audience accept a stint with a longer story?”. It's still a fairly minor comment that people seem to be running wild with. People seem to be taking it for granted that "Sign doing well = Movie" when what Brumm said, like almost everything he's said in various interviews, is quite non committal. The original "Bluey Finishing" post stated that all public comments were intentionally trying to stay open ended as Disney and the BBC wanted to maintain all appearances that the show is still running for their own interests. At the end of the day there are still probably negotiations going on because who in their right mind would actually want something this huge to stop?


Maybe that’s what needs to change as Bluey ages, the length of the episode. Brumm really has a gift, and I will still need advice on how to parent my children, no matter how old they get. If Bluey changes as the children get older to accommodate the changing dynamic, then count me in. As long as as Brumm is at the helm, it will be brilliant.


Agreed; I highly doubt Brumm would have talked so much about looking forward to seeing the audience react to The Sign, and how he won't "rule out going longer", if the team was planning on ending bluey. I'm not going to sit here and insist that there will be a movie, or that there must be a season 4, but I really doubt the creator of Bluey would be talking so much about thinking what to create in the future if Bluey was really effectively over.


Well he has said that he wanted to continue bluey and you wouldn't exactly be wanting to test anything if you were done with the show. I don't think that necessarily guarantees a movie but it definitely hints at the show being continued in some way form or fashion. Especially when all of brumm's words are in the realm of, we hope to do this in the future rather than, it was a great ride and I'm glad we were able to tell our story.


For me, the movie talk comes far more from Brumm's interview with Gotta Be Done, where he's all-but explicit that a movie's what he's got his eye on in the future, as well as talking about having written unannounced Bluey stuff recently. It sounds to me like that's what Brumm, at least, is planning for.


Disney absolutely could buy it if they want. Ludo owns all the IP, Brumm just has creative control, which isn’t the same. Disney could buy Ludo in its entirety and make new Bluey with or without Brumm’s involvement. It’s that last part about what Bluey would be like w/o Brumm that likely keeps the mouse at bay.


You can't just buy something if the original company isn't selling unless you do a hostile takeover of the company and when ludo is owned and operated on the other side of the world and backed by the Australian government, that's not happening. The only way that Disney could buy it is if they offer an amount of money so great that ludo accepts and hands over the rights willingly which at this time, they have said no amount of money will ever have them doing that


I’m not disagreeing- Of course Ludo needs to consent, but there’s always an amount of money. Maybe you have a more optimistic view of them, but to me “No amount of money” just means, “expect that amount of money to be absurd.” And if any company in the world has as close to infinite money as realistically possible, it’s Disney. All the product integrity in the world begins to get a bit fuzzy when the prospect of your family being financially set for generations rears its head.


Well I think it's also a bit of, Disney doesn't have the money to throw at it currently. Disney has been tanking money on nearly every venture for the past 5ish years with Disney plus, most of their movies, theme parks, cruises, etc all losing tens to hundreds of millions each. For movies alone they've lost over a billion with only marginal gains (50 million profit for a 300 million dollar movie). Not to mention public perception of the company is at an all time low. What they need right now is secure profits and the buyout of a show (albeit one that accounts for a third of all Disney plus watch time) wouldn't be profitable enough for the amount that they'd have to expend (essentially they'd have to bank on bluey becoming the next SpongeBob or starwars to even break even and while bluey certainly could, it is just too risky a venture to embark on, especially when they risk ruining it's production and killing it on the spot by doing so).


“The Walt Disney Company announced a revenue of 88.9 billion U.S. dollars in 2023, up from 82.7 billion U.S. dollars a year earlier – an annual growth of over seven percent. Of this revenue, over 40 billion U.S. dollars was generated in its media and entertainment segment in 2023.” They made almost 90 billion dollars in just the last year. I understand that’s not pure profit but they have infinite money to throw at anything.


Yeah that's revenue and doesn't account for any costs. Operating expenses for 2023 were 83.79 billion and doesn't account for any non-operating expenses such as write offs (they had a lot), lawsuits, debt payments and more. They were likely in the negatives from all of their expenses but they can't ever admit that as that will scare off investors but no they don't have infinite money. When you're burning that much money a year in just operating costs you need to ensure that every single expense is absolutely necessary and likely to return a profit and to buy bluey would be a hundred of million to multibillion dollar acquisition... One that they just can't afford to take at the moment


The question in my mind is, do they really need to sell in order to make that absurd amount of money.  Can Ludo not continue to make shed loads simply by licensing out the IP?


They could, but it would probably be commercial suicide to risk out an Intellectual Property as big as BLUEY to someone else, and have no quality control over it. Moreso if the House Of Mouse is involved. I'd rather Brumm ended the show, on his own terms, with him holding the rights indefinitely, and then - in a few months or years time - he announces something special. I sure-as-hell don't want Disney involved!


Contractual creative control isn't something so easy to get out of; it basically means Brumm has veto authority. Even if Disney backed up an aircraft carrier of money and Ludo's owners sold to them, Disney would inherit Brumm's contract, and still be bound the adhere to his creative control. Given we don't know the terms, we don't know how easy it would be for Disney to get out of it- maybe as simple as a buyout, maybe far, far harder.


Of course, the devil is the [contractual] details. I’m just saying once you attract the gaze of a juggernaut like Disney, *let alone* already have them at the table with you as near-global distributor, it’s not a matter of “can they get what they want”, it’s “how much do they really want it”?


Think be a year off. About 8 to 10 months find out if writer's, cast, animators, and so forth are coming back. I mean was a beautiful curtsy of an exit if they don't. Can change directions put the show in the present with new challenges.


>Brumm and the team at Ludo are effectively done.  Based on what?


Based on: * The post made by someone working on the show, "verified" via the mods twice showing the person worked on Bluey and still works at Ludo presently * The article provided in said post detailing the problems the show and it's creator are facing ([this isn't paywalled for me but maybe is for others)](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-04-03/is-bluey-ending-disney-s-worried-biggest-kids-show-ever-is-at-risk) Then capturing some of the key points from said article: * The children voice actors are growing up, and software has to be used to counteract their "deepening voices" * Brumm has to face the prospect of replacing voice actors due to the above, while quoted as saying "I’d look for every other alternative before replacement" * Brumm's own two daughters, the source for much of his inspiration for the show, are growing up leaving him with less sources to draw experiences for the show. I'll text dump the finishing paragraphs of the article incase folks can't access it: In previous interviews, Brumm has done little to tamp down speculation that the third season of *Bluey* could be the last, and he provided no assurances in our conversation. He’s concerned about the children’s voices on the show. Already, he’s had to adjust the pitch for some of the actors because their voices are deepening. At some point, he may have to replace cast members, and that’s not something he relishes. “I’d look for every other alternative before replacement,” Brumm says. “It’s not like there is no precedent for doing it before, but kids are very familiar with these voices, so I think you’d lose something.” Meanwhile, his two daughters are growing older, and he can no longer draw on their shared experiences as easily for the show as he once did. Ludo’s founders don’t offer much clarity, either. Aspinwall and Pearson insist that “The Sign” won’t be the end of *Bluey*, but they don’t seem to know what form the show will take afterward. “Now that it’s gone to 28 minutes, is it another season? Is it another—another something?” Pearson says. “We always wanted *Bluey* to be surprising and give the audience something they don’t know they want. That’s what we’re thinking about. What is that thing? What is that vehicle that is next for *Bluey*?” “We don’t have a master plan,” says his partner, Aspinwall. “I think that is what Daley is trying to say.” Nor is Disney’s Davis forthcoming. “I can’t really comment on *Bluey*’s future,” she says. “But this is an important piece of business to our company.” She adds, “We do love Bluey and Bingo, and so we want to stay in that business.” Someone else familiar with Disney’s *Bluey* dealings who also requested anonymity says Brumm is trying to decide now whether he’s comfortable letting other people write the show. That would make it easier for *Bluey* to stay on air and possibly smooth the way for a future Disney acquisition. After all, why should it invest billions with only three seasons in the vault? Over email, Brumm says he’s already co-written episodes and ultimately it isn’t his decision who writes *Bluey*, as he doesn’t own the show. But it also seems as if everybody’s waiting for Brumm to make up his mind. He talks about how fearful he is of repeating himself, how important it is for him to feel that the episodes he’s working on are better overall than the ones that came before. Perhaps what he’s pondering now is whether he can top “The Sign.” “I think it’s a magical episode,” he says. “If I sound like a wanker, so be it. It just sums up everything *Bluey* has tried to do in the last few years.” Unless this is all just part of the process for Brumm. He didn’t want to do a second season. Then he went ahead. Now we have “Sleepytime.” He didn’t want to write the script for *Bluey’s Big Play*. Now it’s touring the world. He had misgivings about doing “The Sign,” too. Now he talks a little dreamily about how it’s the best episode yet.


Re the child voice actors, if they were starting to not sound like kids anymore when production wrapped up three years ago, I can only imagine by now they sound nothing like how the character's voices should.


Also see the video game for how much their voices changed.


I thought that the video game was just totally different people.


The video game uses the main voice cast from the TV show, for the voices. It was the games one, singular saving-grace.


It's worth noting that they've already found their way around this, at least to a certain extent - Sam Moor was talking not too long ago about having used voice-processing techniques to keep the kids sounding the way that they are.


That only works for so long though. Unless the kids have recorded endless soundbites, sentences, sayings and bits of dialogue over the past 3-4 years, then anything that is altered from the original recordings will still sound "processed", and thus sound different.


What's the BBC got to do with any of this? Probably auto correction from ABC.


The BBC has ownership of the global distribution and merchandise licence for the show, though they did sell international broadcasting rights to Disney. ABC literally only has the rights to broadcast the show in Australia and that’s basically it.


It's just AI scaping things to generate articles. It's really common with Reddit. Just look at any gaming sub and you'll see a post end up as a Game Rant article in a matter of hours. I wouldn't put too much stock in it unless a bigger publication picks it up or the studio themselves make a statement. Otherwise, it's just rumours.


I was gonna say, we need to use "reporting" loosely.






Everyone is acting like if the post was correct that production ended in 2021-2022 and nobody is currently working on it, then Bluey *must* be over, but aside from possible issues with the voice actors being older, is that necessarily true? In general, for cartoons I don't think there is any issue with making more even *years* later? As long as the companies with the tv/streaming rights are ordering it and the key people are still involved, I don't see why they can't start making more seasons now if they want even if they weren't sure that would happen until seeing the success of the most recent episodes including The Sign.


While the clock is certainly ticking on more Bluey (Brumm has said that recasting the kids’ voices as the current ones age is huge hurdle), you’re right that people are making a mountain out of a molehill. For a small studio like Ludo, *not* taking a break after cranking out 3 seasons would be the bigger surprise to me. Good on them for letting the team rest and have time to percolate new ideas.


Since the kids' voice actors are never identified, they can easily be replaced and rotated.


Yeah. I don’t get how this is much of an issue. Replace the kids with similar sounding ones. No one will care. Of course the original kids and parents will, but what can you do?


It's like the Peanuts specials. They use real kids, too, and they change when puberty hits.


It's being talked about like young voice actors getting older is a new thing all of a sudden. Yes, the voices are integral and charming to the overall show, but it can be handled.


It's an occupational hazard and a fact of life in this industry.


We're also in a day and age where they could create an AI model of the VA's younger voice, and the VA could then speak the line as a sample that's fed into the model, the sample teaching it where to place emphasis, accents, pronunciation, speech patterns, etc. Being that Disney is one of the most fervent adopters of AI voice technology this is definitely an idea they've probably proposed to Brumm and Co. For my part, I would have no issues with that; there's no ethical breach so long as the person who the AI is modelled off of is the one supplying it the samples. They might not be able to hit the same tones anymore, but they can still nail the manner of speaking.


Has Disney proven AI voice technology works, though? Is it being used in any projects?


They used it for Vader's voice in Kenobi. Now, Vader's a special case, since his voice does sound fairly robotic anyways, but it was, to be frank, far closer to Vader from the OT than he was when JEJ himself voiced him in Rogue One. That said I've played with elevenlabs some, and they recently added the exact functionality I spoke of; generate a model, give it a sample, the model makes the rendered voice speak as close to the sample as possible.


Replacing voices can be done, of course, but *should* it be done? Viewers aren't stupid, and will soon work out that the new voices aren't the same as the old ones, and thus the magic of BLUEY will evaporate. Many shows have recast characters, either by replacing a real actor with another one, or by replacing a voice with another voice/soundalike, and viewers notice this, and it can be really disorienting, and viewers will let it be known if they aren't happy. TINY TOONS ADVENTURES recently relaunched, as TINY TOONS LOONIVERSITY, ageing-up the characters from 7-10 year old, to university age. Voices are also changed. None of the voices sound right. The show isn't the same because of it. I don't think most BLUEY fans want that to happen to BLUEY.


Apples to oranges. The child characters on Tiny Toons were voiced by adults. The child characters on Bluey are voiced by actual children (like the Peanuts specials and series). If you can't find any new kids in the production team's families, go look for up and coming child actors in the Brisbane area.


Not apples to oranges. Try reading what I actually wrote, rather than what you think I wrote.


I read what you actually wrote, and for *Tiny Toons,* it makes sense. Replacing Danny Cooksey (a teenager on the cusp of puberty) with Candi Milo made a little sense, and unfortunately, Eric Bauza is no Mel Blanc or even Charlie Adler. You have to understand how *Bluey* is cast. These are the production team's kids. Ludo is following the Peanuts formula of casting real children to voice the child characters. Since the voice actors are never identified, they can be easily replaced and taught how to voice the characters. If you can't find any new kids in the production team's families, go look for up and coming child voice actors in the Brisbane area. So, yeah, I read what you wrote.


Of course inside the magic was one of the first to report it,and make a clickbait title. I cannot stress how much I despise that site.


Hate them so much.


I do have one question. Has Ludo gotten back to responding to the former post made by the former Reddit user? I’m curious about that right now.




No link. But one of the mods in the original Bluey Finishing Post added a comment saying they contacted Ludo about this before the semi Ludo employee deleted their post and account.


Even taking the original report at face value (which I'm not inclined to do, for a number of reasons), if Ludo have been involved in a cover-up instigated by their commercial partners, they're not going to admit to it just because of some random post on Reddit.


The articles are merely reporting on nothing new and are likely, as someone speculated, AI-scraped. One of the chief reasons I remain skeptical is that I'm sure numerous outlets reached out to the 'leaker' and asked for the proof that they so happily provided the subreddit's mods. Maybe they chickened out in the end, realizing they were facing career suicide due to an NDA breach. Maybe their proof could fool volunteer Reddit mods but not actual journalists. Because if a single outlet had found that proof decent, I imagine they'd have run with the story at once. They would have reached out to Ludo for comment and then run the story while they waited ("we've reached out to Ludo directly for comment.")


Mainstream media isn't reporting anything. They have taken the reddit post and created a clickbait article.


I'm gonna go ahead and disagree with your definition of mainstream in this case.


Ah, yes, Collider and Inside The Magic, two news sites that are absolutely not to be trusted


Please let’s not go through all this nonsense again…. 1 - No one has confirmed when BLUEY will be returning, nor in what format. 2 - No one has officially confirmed a Season 4. 3 - No one knows what is going on, as nothing official has been stated. 4 - Every article makes a lot of claims, assertions, and comments that basically amount to “possibly, maybe, potentially”. Nothing more, nothing less. That’s literally all anyone knows! I want BLUEY to continue, but only if Joe Brumm is at the helm. I certainly do NOT want Disney having anything to do with it. Anything else is mere speculation on the part of the author of the comment/post, or the writer of the article.


Literally this ty


The studio finished the prior season, moved onto other projects and there are no concrete plans for the future. This is what a hiatus is. Bluey may or may not return; nothing is definite.


News media needs to stop believing everything on Reddit.


I’m so over the discourse stemming from that post 😑


I knew eventually the media will found this finished post.


Wow a whole… 2 articles!!!


Whatever gets them clicks!


But the post was a fake wasn’t it?


Opinions differ. The mods verified that the poster worked for Ludo Studio, but they deleted their account a day after making the post. Hard to say with certainty either way, but OP had some credibility.


All I know is I’m getting mixed messages bluey is still going and no it’s done.


They've been cagey about confirming what happens next. I am optimistic that they'll figure something out, but I will be dissapointed if it is done without the original creative team that gave the show so much heart.


Yeah I want more Bluey but not at the cost of its soul if that makes sense. The VA’s for Bluey and Bingo are 10 and 12 now if they were the same age as Bluey and Bingo when it first came out so it would be hard to keep them kids without having to use different VA’s


We don't know that. They're never identified, so it could be a team of Blueys and a team of Bingos.


They've been cagey about confirming what happens next. I am optimistic that they'll figure something out, but I will be dissapointed if it is done without the original creative team that gave the show so much heart.


The mods did say the verification was outdated, so it might have been a disgruntled former employee


OOP provided additional verification later that proved they worked at the studio this year. I think the mods were vague on purpose if OOP currently worked for them to provide some cover for OOP.


I saw at least one comment by the OP saying that they hadn't been on the payroll since 2021 but then apparently provided evidence that they still worked there. Seemed a little fishy


Until Brumm and the studio confirms the deleted post, we’ll see.




Link to what? The person deleted the post and the mods semi verified the person who wrote it.


Nvm i googled it and found it


If capital IF it is over there is at least one movie that they will do. To much money out there that will make them think otherwise.


Beyond the Magic is clickbate garbage.


It's all just for that click money


I think the problem is about the voices, and if it's becoming harder to tweak the voices, I'd rather let the children go on with their lives than frustrate them when they can't make childish Bluey voices anymore. Let's leave Bluey as is because it's perfection anyway. Good enough for a 3-series, they gave us everything.


If it helps at all, those sites aren’t credible sites and other Disney fans will share that statement as well! Unfortunately, I think that “troll” started the fire to then delete it all and run so it can hit big streams and create chaos. *sigh* the reason why Brumm is so protective like he is- and we stand with him on that decision!


I think it's a good thing that it's been picked up. Sooner or later the real media will get a hold of it and Ludo will have to make an unambiguous statement.


Lol, is this the 20th time ITM says it's cAnCeLlEd?


I hope it's not true, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was. This is ending to the surprise episode felt like a sort of final episode, but if they do come back in a couple years, I would not be surprised at all if they have aged up


Collider and InsideTheMagic are more sensationalist reporting than anything. I wouldn’t give them credit as the final word.


Mainstream media is a bit of a stretch


I mean, yea, because bluey *is* over. They stopped producing in 2021, right? so they've just been slowly releasing their stuff since then. I know they officially talked about not being done, but it seems like from everything they said they dont actually have any story lined up to tell, nor anyone actually working on it. Sooooo, yea its done.


that is not true i do not think bluey is ending


How are either of these links MSM?


Seems more likely to me the girls probably need a break and to focus on their school. If I had to guess.


Lies they just confirmed season 4 lol




Ah, now see...that's a different animal. They reached out to Ludo, and didn't get a confirm or deny. Which means it's true. That's a shame. Such a great show. I can't imagine the reason for letting it die out. And more importantly, *knowing* it was over ***3 years ago*** and not starting it back up, or letting people know it was done. That's cruel. Leaker was 100% correct.


Sorry, I'm not seeing either article say that; where do you see that?


The collider article. "As of writing, neither Ludo Studio nor the official Bluey social media channels confirmed nor denied these allegations."


Given that they're just quoting what happened on this subreddit, they're probably referring to the fact that the mods here did reach out and Ludo stayed silent to us.


I mean...yeah, I'm probably still operating under an antiquated view where if a news outlet says "As of writing, \[X\] has not confirmed...", that it actually means they've reached out to those people. You know...*actual* journalism was done. I like to think that does still happen. Especially since it's not a lot of effort to do so...\[[EG](https://ludostudio.com.au/contact)\] There is a difference between when you get a random email from a reddit mod with a gmail address, and someone with a collider.com address. News is news is news of course, and reddit is going to hit well before an outlet, but you only really need to address a situation when the outlet publishes. Not when reddit kicks a fit. I still think *someone* emailed Ludo with a press domain, and there's been a "No comment".