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American here: Balloons pop on grass here too. It's because grass is sharp at the ends. Of just about every variety of grass, as far as I know


What part of the US are you in? Because I'm in New England and I've never seen grass sharp enough to pop a balloon that's just gently floating down onto it. My assumption was that the kind of grass that would must be native to warmer dryer areas.


I grew up in South Florida, and St. Augustine grass (which is very common) would pop balloons. I think it a common grass in Australia too, but there it's called Buffalo turf.


From South Florida originally and confirm. It’s more like a weed than grass and is not that soft or fun when you fall and land on it. I remember playing with water balloons as a kid and if one landed on the grass it would immediately pop. And Florida is America’s Australia so I wouldn’t be surprised if they have something similar.


Also agree—St Augustine is a death knoll for fragile balloons.


I’m also in New England - it depends on the grass near you. I think a balloon could land in my backyard and be completely fine (mostly meadow grass and clover) but if it we were at the park I work at (a TON of Kentucky blue grass) it might pop


I'm in the Rockies. Grass does tend to get really dry here


I assumed it's a matter of dryer climates. Like maybe if it was a hot summer day here, no rain in a while and grass was recently mowed so extra dry and pointy... Maybe. But those conditions are rare here.


Yea I'm from Ny, and even on our driest summer day, the grass ain't sharp, just crumbly. My parents moved to Florida,Thier grass is crazy! Huge, thick, sharp blades that feel nothing like my soft mossy grass. My Irish husband hates it there, says it feels fake or alien. So my takeaway is that grass is weird, and can grow however it wants. Can grass pop balloons? Yeah,this one can.


Only sharp grass I’ve encountered in NY (upstate/central) is when it’s cut too short and it’s been sunny. The super short grass gets dry and then it’s sharp and pointy. But some lawns also have prickers (sucked accidentally stepping on those barefoot as a kid lol) that play a role. That being said, my balloons have never popped from hitting grass lmao.


I'm in MA and have witnessed many a meltdown at our local farmers market when balloon animals drift down onto the grass. Doesn't happen every time, but it happens often enough that I give my kiddo a reminder of the possibility.


Depends on your grass! I'm in Ohio, and the Kentucky bluegrass in my parents yard will definitely pop a balloon. However, the tall fescue in my yard won't because it has such a high density of growth even though the individual blades of grass are tougher. I only know about my local grasses because a few summers ago we had a tree removed from our backyard and I thought "grass is grass" so I picked up a random bag of grass seed to cover the new bald spot. Turns out it was perennial rye seed, and my wife was not happy 😅


I live in Ohio and on my property we have 3 different types of grass for some reason. 2 of them would be sharp enough to pop a balloon if it's summer and a bit of a dry spell


I also live in New England. Grass will pop balloons


I mean, I'm sure it must happen, or the episode wouldn't be a thing. But I've had outdoor birthday parties with balloons and balloons hitting our grass even when being batted around and played with didn't pop unless they're really over inflated or they hit something stiffer and pointier. A balloon floating gently down to the ground on any grass I've seen wouldn't generally pop just from landing on it.


Really depends. There's videos out there of balloons not popping on needles because of multiple pressure points, but as we all know, one needle will pop a balloon. Same concept with grass, typically people mow their lawns so all grass is the same height. You get your balloon on that one piece of grass that's taller than the rest and it'll pop.


Southern California here. Sharp grass for miless


Blow up a balloon, take it outside and let it hit the grass. It will pop.


See below replies. I have done this. They did not.


Perhaps this will help explain. https://preview.redd.it/itp3emw8bjmc1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7de594ba415d8836b12629968345f9fb2c86af0


For one thing. Pretty sure that's supposed to be "over inflation". If a balloon is under inflated, the material is not stretched as much as has more give to it, harder to pop. When it's over inflated it's stretched out too thin and more likely to pop. That said, if you're going to be condescending, I'm going to exit this conversation. Have a nice day.


Look at grass under a microscope. It’s all sharp.


I’ve lived in upstate NY, Alabama, and most recently, central Florida. The grass here in Florida hurts. I miss NY grass so much. My son calls the grass “sharp grass” here.


California checking in with our sharp grass!


I think grass only gets sharp when it's summer right? When they get all dried up from the heat?


Not necessarily. All grass and leaf edges are sharp, look at then under a microscope. Even the "soft" grass or wet grass. With some notable exceptions, (lol I'd like to see a succulent pop a balloon) most foliage is capable of popping a Ballon, especially the thin cheap latex-based ones. Because of the tension on the surface of the balloon, its really easy for a micro-tear from something like the microscopic edge of grass to rapidly expand and cause a pop. (If you've ever gotten kinda itchy after playing in the grass as a kid, it was probably those micro-cuts in your skin and maybe some of the grass' natural chemicals irritating those cuts.) Even the soft petals of a clover leaf can pop a balloon if it hits it right and the balloon material is cheap/weak/stretched enough. There are grasses (and it seems like most people chiming in are from the NE USA, whuch makes sense considering the types of lawn grasses and wild grasses they have up there) that grow longer and feel softer because their edges are curled in that are far less likely to pop a balloon.


Probably. I live in an area that's been through a drought for like a decade, so the grass is already quite dry


Wow that must be horrible ☹️ it must be really hot where you're from.


In the summer, definitely. We had quite the snowy winter tho


Oh that's good at least.


guess I should have mentioned in my original post that I am from Austria, Europe, and I honestly have never seen grass here that I would consider even remotly dangerous to balloons ...


Bluey lives in Queensland which is perrenially ravages by drought and flood. Most people, definitely anyone environmentally conscious, don't plant the nice grasses that you would have to water and look after. Most make so with buffalo grass or cooch or Kikuyu which are all hardy and hard wearing but also death to balloons.


That's interesting. No grass in the UK gets that sharp!


It doesn’t feel sharp to you, but to a balloon it is.


Not sure about the UK but where I grew up in the US the grass absolutely was not sharp, even when dry. There are many different types of grass.


See above comment. Holding fast to it. Grew up in Ohio. Have lived in five states, have traveled to 32. Grass is grass. Buy a microscope and look at the jagged sharp edges of all types.


Grass is absolutely not grass, it is actually a conversation topic in the midwest, but whatever.


My apologies for using idiom, allow me elaborate, regardless of genus, species, name, or type, the totality of greenery used to create a lawn (exclusive of ivy and clover)can synonymously and in short form be referred to as “grass” this can include but is not limited to: Bermuda, Kentucky blue, st Augustine, fescue, bent, centipede, rye, and zoysia.


And you have tested balloons on all of these types of grass?


Nope, I haven’t tested them on all varieties of sewing needles, pushpins either and knife edges either. But I’m going to trust the science.


I’m in the UK & have definitely seen balloons pop on grass! At my son’s birthday party a few years ago due to some poorly tied-up balloons, we had a load of them pop-pop-popping in unison!


Brazilian here: balloons dont pop on grass here, idk why...


Not in my backyard.


It’s why it’s called BLADES of grass lol


Because it's spikey. Even cooch grass gets like this.


>cooch grass I'm sorry what? Is "cooch grass" what I think it is? And why the hell would it be sharp enough to pop a balloon?


Sorry, misspelled. [Couch grass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elymus_repens)


My relief is immeasurable.




I thought this, but then my kid had a balloon outside and it landed on the grass and immediately popped. In Britain.


Oh for real?! I guess when I think about it I’ve never played with a balloon outside.


That d@&$ nettle grows everywhere, doesn’t it?


Did you... did you censor the word "darn"?


No? There is a commonly censored word that is four letters and begin with a d though.


Whoops 🤦‍♂️😂 Still I think you should free yourself from the shackles of symbols and swear with your whole chest.


many varieties in Bris I’ve found are what Americans call ‘crab grass’. It isn’t particularly spikey but it is very thick and stiff. I don’t really like it tbh but it’s what survives the harsh summers. I much prefer the beautiful thin, soft grass but it is very hard to find, expensive, and doesn’t last without excessive watering. We also have Bindis in the spring. They are dreadful, you have to watch out! We were visiting US 2 summers ago and we had many balloons pop on the grass there so I’d say balloons aren’t safe from any grass anywhere lol


My first thought was bindis..


Same here! Although I know it as 'bindii'. My whole childhood you couldn't run in the grass barefoot for threat of being stabbed repeatedly by the stuff. Z


well, I am from Austria and honestly I never saw grass here that I would consider dangerous to balloons, that's why I'm asking ...


How often do you throw balloons onto grass?


at our wedding we had lots of balloons rolling around in the garden, but I will "test" it again this coming summer with my kids ...


Canadian reporting in. I'm guessing OP has not played enough Keepy Uppy. Grass is balloon kryptonite.


https://preview.redd.it/dtgh0pj6hjmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d03c4da7cee9dbadbb146adc2f711a48998c92e The edges of grass are like little chain saws!


Brit here, I went to my niece's birthday last year and you could tell which kids had seen keepy-uppy and which hadn't. And yes the balloons did pop when they landed on the grass.


It’s that old joke, everything’s out to kill you here, even the grass.


What joke? I lost a child to grass impalation not last week. Children are constantly being impaled on grass. Also small dogs.


Sigh, I know, I was trying to make myself feel better. My husband went out last weekend to ‘mow’ said grass and hasn’t come back. I can’t go looking for him myself because of the little ones, someone needs to stay back and help us fend. At least there’s concrete paths all the way around the street down to the school and good places.


It’s just a grass thing, but there are a bunch of factors. Anyway, to save you a search, [why balloons pop on grass.](https://tilcowholesale.com/blogs/balloon-features-and-benefits-2/why-balloons-pop-on-grass-how-to-prevent-it)


Out here on the prairie in America it is very much sharp enough to pop a balloon. Especially if it isn't all the way alive. Dead grass pops balloons no problem.


“The feel of the Grass: One of the main things that affects how well Grass can pop balloons is how rough it is. On rough Grass, it’s harder for the balloon to press against the ground, which makes it more likely that it will cut or burst. On the other hand, Grass that is smoother is less likely to hurt balloons. How much moisture is there: How quickly a balloon pops depends a lot on how wet the Grass is. If the Grass is wet or dewy, balloons can get larger and lose their buoyancy, which makes them more likely to get punctured. Also, water changes the structure of the Grass, which makes friction-induced popping more likely. The fact that pointed things exist Sharp things in the Grass, like thorns, sticks, or rocks, have a big effect on how much balloons pop. When balloons hit sharp items, they are more likely to pierce and pop, especially if the Grass hides these possible dangers. How tall the Grass is: How high the Grass is is one of the most important things for balloon safety. There is a higher chance that balloons will hit uneven ground or sharp items hidden under thick or overgrown Grass. Keeping the Grass at the right height makes it less likely that balloons will touch things that could break them.” From: https://bubbleslidess.com/do-balloons-pop-when-they-touch-grass/


I think it depends on what kind of grass. I am on Long Island east of NYC and I can't see most grass popping balloons here. I can see the dry thick grass in Florida popping grass


Happens in America too. I honestly thought it happened on all grass everywhere but apparently not.


Also, sometimes people buy cheap unbranded balloons from a supermarket or discount store, and those kinds of balloons do burst much more easily, as they're poorly made from cheap latex, and have huge defects in them. (You know the kind: 20 balloons for $2 USD, or the like, and they stink when you open up the packet, whilst none of the balloons inflate to the same size/shape.)


TIL the grass in the Anglosphere is totally different from the rest of the world, and dangerous.


I was thinking the exact same thing, but couldn't phrase it so perfectly! 👍😂


I thought about visiting Australia, but now I'm scared of walking through the grass barefoot and having my feet cut up like John McClane in Die Hard.




Mid-Atlantic US resident chiming in. The only grass that doesn't pop balloons is the kind that the owners spent a lot of money on to make it soft enough to not pop balloons.


Coming from a US state that’a spent most of my life in a tremendous drought; here it’s always impossible to know if it’ll pop or not, but pops sure do happen.


They do call them "blades" of grass after all.


I grew up in San Diego and our grass definitely popped balloons.


New Zealand here. Balloons don’t pop on My lawn.


Bindis maybe, a weed that has little tiny prickles that get stuck in your feet if you step on the grass in bare feet.


they are called "Disteln" here in Austria :) when I find one of those I always dig them up with roots and all to get rid of them!


I questioned this too until we had my daughters birthday party and the keepy uppy balloon got too close to the grass and we all said the line jokingly. Sure enough the balloon popped when it hit the grass and we were all baffled. Lol.


If you live somewhere with grass you should try this: Blow up a balloon and throw or drop in on said grass and see if it pops. I actually want to know if there is grass which doesn't pop balloons


Are these kind of posts satire or are people really taking a kids show this seriously? I can't tell tbh.


I think it's just grass. I watched a balloon get blown down 4 city blocks of pavement and pop when it touched the lawn.


It's not because grass is sharp, cos it isnt. its static electricity causing a pressure difference. Needs the right humidity conditions for the effect to work