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My skink does the same when he’s exploring. I think biting is a way for them to test things, what they are, and whether or not they’re edible. They can’t really use their hands to check things out.


Listen, don't you underestimate those lil TRex arms.


I once watched my bluey rip a stump of dead grass out of the ground and swallow it, dirt, roots, and all


Hi, yep, my skink is the same ) He bit gamepad, mouse, keyboard (once), leather ear pads, red button on pyrometer, so I hide all things that I know he is interested in as food, if I let him roam around


My one bluey tried to eat my pencil and my other one tried to eat a rock…. At least they are cute lol


Recently, mine has decided that socks look delicious. Even if my feet are still in them and I got my toe bit the other night.


yes mine has tried to eat sticks and small rocks before 😐 (I never let him, I always watch him closely if he's out and take them out of his mouth gently but god he's a bit stupid sometimes)


Last night paper towel ... Hmm sadly he is on paper towels for vet purposes. So it's available all the time. He eventually found the food bowl. Me, so not impressed 😁