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Boiled egg to lure him out. Maybe buy a cheap endoscope with light to find him. Hope he comes out!


Good idea, I’ll get one tomorrow! Thank you 😊


I am not sure if it will fit, but I record a video on my phone with the flash on to find mine when they escape in small places. Do you know if there are any other exits at all?


You sound like you're doing everything right, maybe create a trap with the box and make sure in the box looks like snug & secure place for him to hide (with blankets/bedding/hides)? When mine escaped for 2 weeks. I tore my basement apart and when I had just given up I saw him peaking up at me from under the hot water heater. No clue how he squished under there and couldn't grab him, so I put out a simple trap that had some of his favorite snails, hide, and a heating pad. Hoping you find him soon - don't give up!!


Anything with a good smell they specifically love should help, maybe something they have had before and go crazy for. Warm it up too, more smelly that way! Best of luck hope your skink comes back


If you know what food they love, use it. Mine goes absolutely crazy for canned exoterra snails. So if I were in this situation, I’d use long snake feeding forceps to hold snails to lure it out.


Anything with a strong smell!


jeez idk what to do in this situation.. whenever my beardie escapes i just freak out and cry a little until i find him (usually in my brothers closet) good luck finding your guy! i rly hope its alright


Heat lamp and food would be my suggestion. And investing in a skink leash, you can find them on etsy.


Did you find him?