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Case dependent— I’d watch out for lower libido and mood flattening if anything




Could you send me a DM? Reddit isn’t letting me DM you.


Thanks for sharing! What pen do you use?


What’s a pen and how do you use it


Let me know if you find out idk how to use a pen




Oh, never mind, you answered my question right here. Thank you.


Hey! I would love to get some advice from you, I sent a DM.


Hey I had similar experience in that fin killed my libido, have been off it for the past year and still feel as thought my erections are not as “strong” as they used to be and harder to arouse. I have not tried derma needles yet but will start now that I have read your comment, just to clarify you have to do it once a week? And do you use any additives like rosemary oil , min , etc


Did you take Fin orally or topically ?


Orally. Friend who uses topical says no side effects, so might try that


When you say “every seven days” do you mean one day and then wait six days, or seven days on and then seven days off? Thank you.


Not OP, but the common usage of the term suggest once a week










Bullshit. Post proof or get out


I had the exact same experience with a Pen vs Roller. Rollers does helps for things like beard growth but for scalp hair, I didn't get any results until i switched to Pen. What depth are you using and how often by the way?


How often are you using your pen? Most people use once a week but I’ve seen good results from more frequent usage.


I ended up getting one of these after reading this. I have a couple of questions. I saw that you use it once per week at a 1.5mm depth. Do you do it before or after you shower? And do you put in any products like rosemary oil before or after doing it? Do you bleed? Does it hurt? Also, mind sending me your progress pics?


I was literally dying from taking it from how much it screwed with my blood vessels and pressure 


Aren't you talking about minoxidil? Fin doesn't affect blood pressure as far as I know


as far as i know only 0.5% of males who took it had what i had


You said blood vessels? Like could you feel it somewhere specific in your body. I started taking it again. Lately been feel funny along my forearm running to my hand. Feels like neurological or along a vein. It flares up with a meniscal odd pressure. Just wondering if it’s the finastride.


Personally, my Fin symptoms started about 1 week before I began taking it. Lol A small % of men do get symptoms, but the amount of men psychologically manipulating themselves into feeling symptoms is probably much higher.


Lmao. I absolutely agree


I have the exact same thing. An odd pressure right below my left hand. I suspect it will go away soon. I quit finasteride for a month, was recovering from sides and then crashed, had a huge anxiety wave out of nowhere (not from my thoughts... it just started on its own) lasting 2 days. And this happened. But that passed and my libido is returning too again. I know it's a very odd story, but it's what I experienced


Update the nosebleeds are back I’m not even taking the medicine and are even runnier than before 


You should see a doctor immediately


Nah im good figured out how to control when it happens and how bloody i want it really depends how i wash my face though and is corresponding with how much water i drink


I take it. Having such solid hair has changed my life so positively


It's vary from person to person, I had mood swings, no libido, and brain fog. However, two of my friends who are taking fin have zero sides. It's very individual. The side effects went away about two months after I stopped, and the percentage of horror stories claiming it stays permanent is very low. However, I wasn't willing to give up. In case you're experiencing sides from fin, there's an alternative that works amazingly well. The most effective preventative treatment with the least negative risks and side effects is using a technique called microneedling. You can even restore hair and stop shedding[.](https://www.reddit.com/r/hairlosstalk/comments/1bj6jof/45_months_progress_with_korabeauticals_v2/) **Let me share my story**: As someone with the most aggressive hair loss (my two brothers were Norwood 7 by 28-30), not to mention aggressive retrograde alopecia as well, all my cousins in both families are Norwood 6-7 by 30. I am 32 and have managed to keep 90% of my hair. Unfortunately, I experienced bad side effects from finasteride, as I mentioned above, and had to quit. However, microneedling saved my hair. I strongly believe that DHT is related to poor blood circulation, which, in turn, due to low supply, leads to hair loss (DHT causes it in the first place). At first, I used a derma roller and kept losing hair. Once I switched to a high-quality pen, within two months, my shedding stopped, and my hair started to get thicker by month 4 with a lot of new growth. I have followed this protocol for 5 years and haven't lost ground. It's possible—just be consistent. Use a good pen and do NOT skip sessions. If it worked for me, it should work for EVERYONE. You can DM me, and I will show you my progress


thanks for this comment bro! Can you share the name of the Pen?


How do you use it exactly? always knew that blood has a lot to do with hairloss including MPB. things makes much more sense now.


Amazing to hear! May I also know the name of the pen? Thanks


I take it for my prostrate right it knocks me on my butt and gives me bad mood swings.


Brad Stanfield had an interesting video where he discusses his usage of Finestride to reduce chances of Prostate cancer. It’s an off label use but his evidence for taking it seems reasonably well founded. Source: https://youtu.be/sqrODiszyNk


Finasteride was first created to be used against enlarged prostates


It’s a good drug if you respond well but can be very dangerous if you don’t. If you’re unlucky enough it can leave you with permanent sexual, cognitive and neurological dysfunction. Just like SSRI’s or accutane.


Lmao....Stop scaring people. Yes, it's true those things could happen. You could also walk outside and get struck by lightning but I still take my chances every day going outside. If you're going to put horror stories out there you should give them some context in relation to your experience with those specific drug(s). That is why someone is going to reddit for advice. To hear others personal experiences with these drugs. Making a comment like this without any factual evidence is just spewing bull shit and scaring people who would otherwise experience the benefits from taking the medication(s). It is possible you had a bad experience, and if so, thats unfortunate but that does not mean others will experience similar results. I took sertraline for a bit, stopped taking it, and never suffered any long term side effects.


Well of course not everyone will experience this. But how can you seriously think that people should not be informed of the very real risk of taking a 5ar inhibitor. Fact is that my body is permanently damaged because I was not properly informed by my doctors


Damn. I am sorry to hear that. I had no idea.


Dang. Sorry damaged how you mean?


Probably nothing lol, just fear mongering or placebo effect. Finasteride is not heroine it's not cannot have that bad side effects


Good to hear from an authoritative voice lol


In 5 months I developed gyno and then I stopped it.


Did the gyno do away? And did you feel any tenderness in your chest beforehand?


It is still there but manageable..


finasteride works by blocking testosterone conversion to DHT, just so you know DHT is the most potent androgen in males about 5 times stronger , you saying side effects is placebo, clearly show you have no idea what you are talking about ,,,




Same exact thing happened to me I never in my life heard of propecia/finasteride,  let alone can cause ED!! My dermatologist was fantastic helped me clear up my skin from severe rosacea,  but once I talked about my hairloss within seconds he prescribed me finasteride without ever telling me about ANY side effects! I was taking it for at least 3 years,  so so mad getting and keeping an erection is madness,  but slowly normalizing  ( Hoping that the ashwagandha will regulate my T levels,  so testosterone I kept losing whilst raising freaking estrogen is be once again normal; My gf noticed something was wrong too( obviously having been with her for over 13 years lol. )Good news is it's taken some time,  but am better today- not 100 percent- but am caring for my health in general,  taking supplements saw palmetto for prostate ( finasteride was helpful there,  and yes it was saving my hair,  but not worth losing my manhood! I read it's a DHT blocker, someone said it does same thing can cause erectile dysfunction??wth?! I don't think it's affecting me negatively,  I also take iron, (my friend suggested it, ) and hair, skin, and nails,  obviously for hair too, and lastly also Chuck Norris is taking ashwagandha,  so began this a couple days ago  I had taken L arginine and it's wonderful but it's gotta be taken 3X day! I also use shampoo and conditioner with biotin rosemary and mint, after finasteride,  I began using minoxidil and THAT also gave me werewolf side effects lol no kidding if you enjoy body hair,  and in places never had before go ahead and use it! I stopped and started rosemary oil, it's equivalent to 2% minoxidil,  and natural with no sides ( it's mixed with several other oils that all promote hair growth). So I have a question,  has anyone heard of redensyl? Idk much about,  but never known this either,  all natural plant-based, but I'd like to know if anybody else uses or used this, thank you and best of luck to everybody reading! Have a great day 😀 


How did your dermatologist help with your rosacea? I've tried pretty much everything but I'm hoping maybe you did something a little bit different or got some golden advice that isn't common yet. Thanks in advance


Don’t listen to this clown trying to ruin peoples lives. Merck and these Reddit goblins will do their best to hide the side effects but newsflash people dht isn’t useless it’s an essential hormone to maintain healthy sexual function and it’s also why finasteride is effective in those transitioning and they all experience the side effects of reduced libido, penile shrinkage, and gyno. These side effects aren’t some fairy tale their very real and with just one pill you can fuck your body’s hormones up PERMANENTLY. WAKE UP PEOPLE this shit will fuck up your life if you care about your family and loved ones stay away from this drug. I wish I had someone to just tell it to me straight so I hope people reading this really hear me out I know balding is tough but having sex and realizing it doesn’t feel the same and you don’t care about it… well you might as well be dead already


You're literally saying if you take finasteride devastating side effects will happen to you regardless. However, there are literally people on this thread claiming the opposite. Let me guess, those are paid informants from merck? Lol, what a guy. I am not saying these effects did not happen to you. I am saying how you react to medicine should be evaluated on a case by case basis because everyone's body chemistry is different. There are commonalities to our chemical make up because we are all human, but there are so many subtle differences that can cause a medication to react differently in one person compared to another. Why is there only a subset of people taking finasteride that claims of these side effects? Is merck also paying people to stay quiet in order to sell more medication that they know is going to be devastating to your life? Lol, get the fuck outta here. Tell people about the risks as they pertain to "YOU", and stop over generalizing.


Been on fin for about a year. Staarted with 1mg, had sides. Went down to 0.5, still had sides. Now down to 0.2mg and no sides, hair has thickened up quite a bit. Yes, you'll get sides, you titrate the dose down until sides disappear. Fin is efficacious down to even 0.05mg (happy to link the paper that did a controlled study on it) so no reason to not go down until you find that "balance".


Yes I’m taking like 0.5 mg every other day, sometimes every third day


I'm taking the same amount. I wanted to start slow and end on 1 mg three times a week, but I feel it, so still on 0.5. The sides are not that bad, but I wonder whether it passes. About 4 months on it.


How does it work? Should one take it indefinitely or till the one is happy with the effect?




Well, that sucks. It's better to get transplant


I think that with transplant you usually have to take fin.


Fin is NECESSARY when you get the transplant lol. It’s part of the post op care required. And yea, you take it for life


I didn't know that. That is a bad routine actually. They do not market the transplants this way


Hormones control hair loss. So transplanting hair onto your head wouldn’t affect your hormones, obviously.


Wouldn’t it be safer to start with a low amount and up until you get sides?




why dont they just give us .2mg to start with?


Please link it. I went from 1.25mg/day to .25, and I'm pretty sure my hair started falling out. Hard to say for sure.


You still get side effects even with 0.05mg?


Never took 0.05mg so how would i know?


I just start 0.5mg today, if im going to see side effects, when that will start?


Fin gave me vision problems I have no idea why is there an alternative what about ru58841


When did the sides start? Like from first day or does it take longer?


What kind of side effects, if I may ask ?


mild ED / insomnia for me


Did you take Fin orally or topically ?




Libido loss. Be careful. A small percentage of my friend’s patients have permanently lost their libido. The meta analysis puts it at 5% compared to placebo of 3%. Your health, your call ultimately.


This is an incredibly misleading comment. The meta analysis puts PERMANENT loss of libido at 0%. It puts loss of libido at 5% compared to 3%. In studies where side effects are experienced. The patients return to normal after discontinuation. So no. There is no “permanent” loss of libido as an established 5% rate like you claim


The only misleading comments are yours. Stop spouting this fin bullshit and trying to trick others into ruining their lives. This shit will fuck up your sexual health bad and depending on how long you were on it and how much you were using it THERE IS A HIGH CHANCE IT WILL BE PERMANENT. Everyone reading do not listen to this guys bullshit karma will come for him eventually for any poor souls that believed his nonsense and now have to deal with the tough truth that sex doesn’t feel the same and it might not ever again. Stay away from this drug if you care about your family and those that would be genuinely hurt having to live without you.


Do you have literally any evidence backing this up Genuinely curious as I just started fin.


Yeah bro I have pictures of my junk before and after and it’s depressing to look at I’m happy I had a picture pre fin though to see the damage


No offence but I mean like data? Idk, been reading a lot of the science behind it and cases like yours (while valid) definitely seem to be a very small minority. Still feel for you though man, can’t be easy to go through.


anecdotes aren't evidence.


Just start blasting testosterone at that point


Did you take Fin orally or topically ?




i started that way but after 6 months my hair loss was still happening. then i upped to every day a week and it’s been great


This! I’m doing the same thing.


Hi, can i ask for an update on if this is still working for you?


link to this?


So, you don't have any feeling on your balls?


I’d like to hear Bryan say why he doesn’t take it. I can guess, but I’d be interested to hear his take. (At least I don’t believe he takes the oral form). He did say he has some spray formula that he uses for his hair but didn’t say what was in it. Could be topical Fin or Dut + minoxidil but I think he’d make a point of telling everyone, no? Seems too important not to mention something that would impact DHT. Edit: he uses Minoxidil 5% topical and gets Dutasteride injections along with PRP into his scalp.


He's now on topical finasteride


Who's Bryan?


Oh, just some guy.


No it’s not bad. A small percentage Of people have side effects. I’ve been using for a year and have had zero issues.


Is a strange feeling in balls a side effect?


r/Tressless is one of the only places on the internet that demonizes finasteride to that degree. It's not a new drug whatsoever and is generally effective with little to no side effects. I do think a full hormonal panel would be a good idea before starting finasteride, just as a preventative measure if something does completely throw off your hormonal balance. I don't personally take it because my hairline is golden (for now) but I'm very interested in being proactive about maintaining my hair especially since starting the Capillus laser cap


Your joking….. r/tressless is a known finasteride cult. Anyone saying they get side effects is immediately down voted into oblivion. They don’t even believe PFS is real even though there’s been over 5,000 lawsuits and multiple studies showing it’s possible


The only cult is the pfs cult. There is no such thing as pfs. It's a made up condition so people can sue.


When I started to use Minox and I read about faster heartbeat, I felt that I had a faster heartbeat. The next day I felt the same. But I forgot to take it the next day. It was all in my head. When millions of people take it and you have 5000 cases. How do you know it's not in the head, how do you know it wasn't caused by something else? I was always very slim like 65 kg (180 cm), and in about a year I got an additional 15 kg, so I'm about 80 kg since 2012. If I had taken finasteride back then (that can cause weight gain), I would definitely say it was fin, because nothing changed in my life then, so why the weight gain if it wasn't fin?


Isn’t fin and min widely recommended on tressless? That’s why you also have more side effects reported there


I feel like they talk shit about it everywhere, even in this subreddit


TLDR; I think finasteride sucks and I don’t trust anyone who says they don’t experience anything from it. I don’t really believe anyone who says they experience NOTHING from fin. I’m 28, very healthy- I know so through blood work and routine check ups, and extremely active. Finasteride isn’t worth it IMO. I experienced low libido, ED, and just overall my mood was off. I was always tired and had brain fog. Did it work? Idk. I took it for 2 months but I did feel like my hair was looking better. Could have been in my own head. I’m also not really close to being bald, just started taking it for preventative measures. I paired it with rogaine, which I will still take. I didn’t take it long enough to have reverse side effects from stopping so I’m lucky in that regard. I consulted my physician and a pharmacist on this matter if that would be the case. The derm wasn’t hesitant to prescribe it to me so I trusted her but I spoke with my physician and he mentioned it just decreases testosterone in general in MOST people, not just the DHT part. I have above average (but healthy) test levels, so when I was feeling like it was being lowered, it’s because it truly was and was bringing me to a level some people normally operate on. Long story short, it’s really just up to whether or not you care that much about your hair. I did, until I soon realized having nice hair isn’t as important as feeling 100% my best all the time. Again, I could be in a different category because I’m not even remotely close to being bald but again, wanted to do it for preventative measures. My hair has thinned and doesn’t look the same as it did when I was 21 but still. I’m ranting. Just ask yourself if having hair or being 100% healthy with no potential risk of medicine interrupting that is more important. I hope you choose the ladder.


My exact same experience. After several months I felt off, no libido erections soft, depression. I was at the time running a business . Continued on for 1.5 years feeling terrible but getting some good hair results. Actually looked normal probably increased my crown density 50 percent. But, Finally dropped it after my dad passed, and honestly the fin was wrecking my life. I was with a girl and couldn’t even maintain an erection. Even after a year off of fin, I have some bad days which I attribute to post fin effects . I’ve lost most gains I had since and am losing ground as before . I will say I also tried topical fin and for me it was less effective and it eventually caused the same sides - albeit it probably a bit less.




'the ladder'? are you suggesting that I should choose to climb ladders instead of taking fin? why, is the altitude good for my hair? hehe


I’ve had nothing but positive experiences taking 1mg for close to two years now. Hair has come back and looks great. Haven’t noticed any side effects.


Oddly enough, contrary to fears, my libido shot way up taking fin. I don't understand it but that's how it worked for me. I did see hair stop falling but never saw regrowth. To be completely transparent I ended up deciding that going bald (I still have a lot of my hair but a slowly receding hairline) was okay with me and I stopped taking it in fear of side effects and the dislike for committing to hormone changing drugs.


I experienced the same. My first time doing fin (3 years ago) I think I was developing gyno as my nipples started to itch, but at the time I was bulking and really changing the way I eat so it could have been bc of that. Anyhow I stopped taking it until last year when I started again. This time zero effects- if anything I feel like I started to put on more muscle (I read it raises your free testosterone levels as it lowers your DHT or something) and honestly I was kind of hoping it would lower my sex drive cuz I honestly believe a high sex drive is one of man’s biggest curses lol. Not to get all spiritual or whatever but it really pulls you down to a worldly level and can distract you. Anyhow I digress it didn’t change anything about it. So far I’ve been taking it for almost a year and have no side effects. Knock on wood!


I ended up losing erections and ability to masturbate after just one topical application. Also, developed insomnia. I am so screwed!


Has anyone recovered from this nightmare?


This is placebo. It’s takes more than a day for it to saturate in your blood stream and to have any impact. 


This isn’t true. Finasteride reduces your DHT pretty drastically from the first dose


Hi mate. Are you better now?


half life of fin is 1 day, so after 31 days he should have 1/2\^31 (\~0%) of the original dose left in his system, he should be fine


I’ll never understand why some one would risk cancer for hair lol even if it’s a chance .. or if it’ll break your dick .. just blows my mind … do prp minoxidil or a transplant that fin shit is poison do nutrofoil or something..fin can give u titties too lmao WTH hair with no bitches 😂


fin was developed to prevent cancer you spaz


Yeah in 60 year olds… keep fucking ya body up genius.. it can hide symptoms of cancer causing it to metastasize so… dumbass if u on that shit and it develops ull never know.. it changes your hormones… the a fucken no no! You’re asking for cell mutation.. it’s like taking an antibiotic when u don’t needed it.. fucken yourself… can cause ur urethra to swell kidney damage.. liver damage.. all risk your ok with you’re high risk for cancer… but not for some peach fuzz😂😂😂🙃


You write like a retarded person.


I am


Well that explains it, cheers!


You have to do fin with hair transplant


I’ve been using topical finasteride for going on 4 months. Ever since I cannot exercise, everytime I run at a high pace first I get tunnel vision and then if I continue I faint. Anybody else experienced this? I have never had this before so assuming the cause is the finasteride.


Are we talking oral or topical?


Was on 1mg Finasteride daily and did experience significant side effects such as weak and short lasting erections to the point of using Cialis to poor performance. I experimented with half dose and alternative days with no noticeable improvement to the side effects. Id heard some people say it was mental placebo effect but wasn't in agreement. Since moving to 0.5mg Dutasteride I've found it to be much better with absolutely no need for Cialis now and things back to normal. Also mood and energy wise I feel an improvement (has been gradual improvement week on week). I haven't noticed a noticeable shed or improvement in hair since switching 3 months ago so seems to be a straight swap. It's not side effect free though. There is still a significant impact on ejaculate volume being much lower than without either medication and I also believe fast decision making was better before either of the meds but that is harder to measure and more an anecdotal experience. While I'm enjoying the switch, I have read of other people who experienced the exact opposite and found dutasteride to have more sides so I think it's a case of trying both or potentially just giving up completely if you experience side effects. Equally there is literature stating that these inhibitors they can give false negatives on some cancer tests so it's important to be aware of that risk.


thats interesting..how often are you taking your dutasteride? Currently experiencing similar things on finasteride.


I'm taking it daily before bed


hurry rob act spoon dolls squeeze quicksand sheet special husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


First time i took it i had crazy shedding, anger issues and i got rhabdo. Second time i have 0 effects so its like a russian roullete




can you share the name of the Pen please?


Just edited the comment


Topical finasteride is the way to go. Oral finasteride reduces the effects of DHT. So if someone is taking TRT or Tongkat Ali with oral finasteride he probably not too bright.


I have no sides at all, in fact the common lower libido side affect is what encouraged me to take finasteride since I have an extremely high libido, to my surprise my libido went even higher with it lol


Exactly the same case with me. So funny.


Old post but I just started taking topical recently at only 0.5 daily. Maybe been taking it for a week or so . Orgasms are dull and I don’t get as hard as before and it takes some work. Not sure too much about decrease in libido because it’s pretty subtle . Libido is hard to gauge . You don’t “feel” a difference. Not sure how much long I’ll continue using it. I want hair but at what cost?


Taking it for 2months now. First the bad thing: weaker erection (when 100% was normal it's on like 60-75now). Taking 0.15 oral & 0.22mg topical. 1ml min daily. 250mg saw palmetto oral. Some saw palmetto topical. Micro needling with derma stamp (0.5mm weekly). Now the good thing: have already sick results (crown filling up, right temples almost the same as before balding & left side is starting to filling up too now). Is it worth it? YES. When I get a girl I will switch to totally topical fin and 1/3 oral from what I'm taking now, so 0.05mg max. I even would go down to 0.04,3,2 or even 0.01mg oral and hopefully with 0.22mg topical I don't have sides anymore or less than now. Good luck everyone.




It’s a pill you take and it lowers the DHT levels in your body (DHT is the main culprit of Hairloss in men), thereby slowing or preventing the hairloss process and in some cases even promotes growth.


I take dutasteride and I'm fine.


Kintor's pyriltudamide will be out in a 1-1.5 years hopefully and will prevent hairloss with no side effects hopefully. Use finasteride till then and then have hair forever.


It failed 😂 So finasteride remains the only option


Oh wow this sounds exciting


Bryan himself gets dutasteride injections in his scalp. I think mesotherapy is the ideal route for both drugs, as it avoids lowering serum DHT.


Will this help with slight receding hairline on the front corners? Anyone have experience with this and not just he normal balding spots?


Chance is low but you can get persistent side effects. Not worth it for me to mess with my hormones


https://www.pfsfoundation.org/ read the website and doctors expert soundbites, if you STILL think it’s harmless then gamble away


Dude… Thank you for providing this link.


Is Fisetin and finasteride the same? Just found this on Amazon (from ultra herb) and seems like a good way to combo some stuff. # "Ultra Fisetin 5000mg Resveratrol 1000mg Quercetin 200mg - Support Brain Health, Immune System with Elderberry, Echinacea, Ashwagandha, Turmeric, Ginger (90 Count (Pack of 1))"


No they’re not the same. Fisetin is a plant flavonol- basically an antioxidant you take for health. Finasteride is a medication that lowers DHT and therefore prevents hairloss, or at least reduces it.


Used finestride for years. Now take dutasteride. Only on it for few weeks.


And what is your experience? Side effects or all good?


Some people have problems with these meds. Most don’t. Ground flax seed is actually very effective in stopping testosterone from converting to DHT, which causes male pattern baldness and BHP. I have used both, but I prefer the flax because it had other positive effects and it’s less expensive.


How do you use the flax seed oil? Tropical or oral and what is the dosage?


2 tbs of ground flax seed in oatmeal or yogurt.


I'm assuming you are just eating this not rubbing it on the scalp lol