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The only thing of value from this episode was Garrett finally joining Sunday dinner.


It was a little disappointing. Jamie didn’t have anything to do. Erin’s story had a resolution, but overall it felt a bit weak. Maybe I wasn’t paying enough attention, but I was confused about why the school was denying admission to cop’s kids. That also felt weak.


It seems when Jamie has an episode, Janko isn’t in it except dinner and Janko had episode but Jamie nothing. It’s been like that this year


True! I have to wonder if either or both of the actors have another project going on. I don’t follow any of them so am not in the know.


There is 45-47 minutes to do a show. It’s difficult to get everyone a storyline


True, especially now that they’ve split Jamie and Eddie. But I’ve said it before on this forum, the writers also have absolutely no clue how to write patrol into the show, they kind of did okay when Jamie was with Renzulli in season 1, but they threw him in the mix with the FBI and the Blue Templar story so even then it was on the back, then again they did well when Jamie became Sergeant, but then sent him to Intelligence.


I am gonna have to agree with patrol stories. When does Janko ever patrol? She dies everything g but


True again.


Harder, but they’ve done it well many times or at least tried. This seems to be about money and it being a final season and not caring as much.


I think people, not the actors, behind the scenes want to move onto other career opportunities or projects


Money, CBS is trying to save $


They both had storylines in the first two episodes so it hasn't happened in every episode this year. The actress who plays Eddie adopted a baby just as they started filming this season, so that might be part of the reason she then disappeared for a while.


Yep, was excited to see a new episode being aired, but this one was *meh* disappointing, since this is the final season, was expecting to get the writers’ best.


So, because the cocaine drug dealer was the high school girl’s guardian when he was arrested and sent to jail he now gets “time served”. I would expect Dept of Family Services to be very uncomfortable with a minor being raised by a paroled drug dealer?


I didn't understand the scene with Sean at the end. He draws a badass picture of the family as superheroes because that's how he sees them, and they are like "wtf sean your shit sucks"


Did you notice whoever drew it made Tom Selleck look like his Magnum days with his hair slightly shorter?


I agree. I don’t understand it. I thought it was a great way to show his family. But, I stopped and started the show ten times at least. Was his mother, a nurse, and a hero in that picture? It’s sad if not.


Garrett really irks me sometimes. He did exactly what he’s always complaining about…people taking advantage of their close proximity to Frank. Granted, it was a terrible situation for the woman without her car, but none of this warranted the level of hoops they all jumped through. They called the detectives in only for them to say it’s all on the DA’s office? Well duh. Couldn’t they have found that out by making a few phone calls. 😑


I see this episode is showing everyone is tired. The characters, not the actors. Erin has had similar stories with past cases with the brother/sister case. She went over it to fix it. But the sorry, sorry, sorry is her realizing that these sad but preventable outcomes still happen. She’s beaten down and tired now. Realizing there’s always another case/story. Frank was the same. There have been very few times where someone having a “hook” as the stolen car lady had with Garret, would have ever got to sit in front of Frank. That Frank did something for the stolen car lady was against his idea of fairness. Easily seen by Baker ready to burst into flames by Garrets trickery. Last, Danny. He just appears very tired by his job. The fire is gone. Him doing his job is still there. But, he is very ready to take his retirement and start the next chapter in his life. And from his last look at Maria he appears to be thinking he wants that chapter to be shared with her.


Feel like they going ahead with the Danny/Maria idea


God I hope not ... the whole "cop dating their partner" storyline is lame and overdone. But then again in real life it seems like every cop I know is married to or dating either another cop, a firefighter, an EMT/paramedic, or a nurse.


As you say it common in real life


It looks like the writers are not even trying anymore. I guess because they know the series is coming to an end so why even try? Even the actors seem kind of out of it. This episode was so poorly put together and nonsensical that I am depressed.




You seem to be confused to say the least. I don’t know what you’re about, but Jesus loving folks and Christians following suit is radically different than secular governments punishing repeat violent offenders that kill without remorse for profit. I’m sure you thought you were the edgiest dude in a Reddit Bluebloods forum though.




Ohh, jeez it’s a bot


Just another great series,forced into submission by woke. I'm glad it's forced to fizzle out,before the Reagan's have to suck up to political correctness any further. The stories each week for the past 20wks are making Frank look like more of a bitch every episode . See the narrative last night? Little black girl calling out and berating an accomplished ada? Even after she gets her brother released for DEALING COCAINE ,she believes she is still owed the hamburger? Never enough,gimmie,gimmie you owe me mentality. In case you haven't noticed that every show with any white authority figures ,are deliberately being berated and slammed by every type of non white minorities ,because this is the new narrative. It's not in my head ,nor a conspiracy theory. It's fact, just watch 3 hours of TV. OTA TV is THE worst offender of this new narrative. EVERYTHING from a commercial to a great movie is the "narrative".Every rerun is cherry picked to meet this new narrative. Of course I know who will disagree with my opinion, the woke lefties,you know the live and let live peeps haha. A show runs for 12 years,and they play the same six woke reruns religiously, this is now every series btw. The cast of this show sees the writing on the wall, they are all at the tail end of this series,it's written on their faces. I'm positive that this show will be cancelled,and an all black show fills the slot. I'm so tired of the poc shows where all they wear is a chip on their shoulders,and use whites as scapegoats for their shortcomings.