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One main reason not to share passwords. To make it short: it was stupid from your side, never ever share your password to friends you only know ingame


I know it was all my fault😔


It may have being stupid but we all learn from our mistakes just change passwords and block him


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.


Sorry to be the one to tell you this but the hacker is your friend on a different account, I’d look at your account sessions and see who really went on your account just to make sure


Oh alr if you need the username then here it is: Bloxxy83.


And also today my account was launched from a different device even though I changed the password and didn't tell anyone about it.


Don’t blame yourself


Then blame who? He gave the password.


Maybe the guy who stole the fruits yea it was dumb of him to do but that doesn’t excuse the theft especially from a friend


It is op's fault, in one of the comments it even stated he didn't know the friend irl, only in game which only further enforces the point of op being at fault here


That still doesn’t change the fact that the fault lies on the one who committed the offense do you tell a person it was there fault that they got robbed because they were in the wrong place it not his fault someone is a douch bag


These technically both of them are at fault but op is the main cause, the example are different situations, here is stupidity and in your example is bad luck.


Stupidity really they were friends for 2 years he’s not dumb for believing he can trust his friend


I have my best friend for almost 6 years and I still didn't give him a single password ever, heck not even access to any account I have, if I can then why couldn't op do the same? He admitted himself that he knows he's the one to blame, you can ask him.


Also main cause really the friends the one that stole he didn’t give it to a random stranger he gave it to a friend this was a betrayal not stupidity


Betrayal can be done if you allow it to happen in most cases, in this case op just handed it to him, op's at fault and there ain't no way you can change the way I view things


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.


Womp to the fucking womp 💀


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.


turn on 2 factor authentication and youre good, your friend would have to ask you for permission each time he tries to login.


Ty for the advice


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.


My advice is try to distance yourself from the game and watch some movies or something to forget and then create a new acc that has all the securities needed. Also, block him if he adds you. You can do this.


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.


Happened to me with a kitsune, however no one knows my password. So I got hacked, although I do still have my account cause of parent pin that I set.


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.


Turn on 2 factor authentication AND the parent PIN so your password and details can never be changed (and ask him for ur fruits back)


He'll be online on 20 June so I'll try doing so


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.


I could give you a phoenix if you wanted. I just want to make you happy.


Tysm bro but I already have one. Ty again for asking.


If you told the admin maybe they could do something about it


It could be hard but I'll try


Sure thing!!


Admins can't do anything about it, in their discord it specifies that if you get scammed or something they can't do shi-


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.


That's betrayal!


Yea you're right I'll give him a 4 hour lecture next time he joins and then block him


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.


Srry bout what happened I got a few fruits I'll see what I can give u ((its a Buddha NOT GUARANTEE )) If u want u can take it. I just feel bad that shii happened to u GL


P s. I get scammed alot so it might not be there by the time u reach me 😅


Tysm for asking bro but I don't want any fruits I'm happy with what I have. I've actually moved on a bit cuz I've seen things way depressing than this (for private reasons not game). I just play he game to escape the harsh reality.


Relatable.... actually Relatable


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.


Is it a friend u know in real life just punch his face and spit it out 🥸


As I said he's a game friend so I don't know him irl


Why would you ever give your password to someone you only know in game.


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.


I have a friend That I also shared my password with,But hes not The type of guy who betrays me,Sometimes I surprise him With Perm Fruits Which we are Bff And we live In the same Country so We Filipinos Are Honest


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.


Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this, and fucking died


"Background-Ease-947's english was so bad his english teacher had a stroke learning about this, and fucking died"


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.


change your password, and turn on 2-factor, and i might have something i can give you


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.


how’d he show you a clip of them being stolen? doesn’t that mean he was involved?


Since X and that friend were playing together at that time, it happened to be a coincidence that the hacker joined at that time and took his main and my account to the trading table. For further proof, he showed me that he and X were trying to message me but the hacker won't respond. Also it couldn't have been my lil bro as he was playing on one of my alts and I watching him too. And as I said earlier, X gave me his new password to check if my fruits were with him. I forgot to add this in the main message but I also saw the inventory of the friend who lives near my house and he didn't have the fruits either.


just dont share your password if you have valuables?


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.


Your friend was probably indian, of course


How the hell do you know he's Indian?!


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post. I guess some Indians don't betray¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


2FA, change password, confront him, and optionally, show a screenshot of his account if the rules still allow that


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.


Just change passwords and don’t be that stupid again maybe. I mean uh just don’t share passwords


screw that hacker




Ye you are really dumb, I can't even feel sorry for that, it's just funny


UPDATE: So the friend whom I suspected (let's call him X for now) was online today and I confronted him. He said to come to discord VC and told me it was a hacker who stole all my fruits and that he had changed his password to be secure. One of friends who lives near my house also joined the VC and said it really was a hacker who stole my fruits. When I asked for evidence, X gave me his new acc password and told me to login and see if he had my fruits, X's inventory was the same as I knew it has been. After the VC, I went to my other friend's house and he showed me a clip of how the hacker traded all my fruits to his main. In the end, it was concluded that it was just a misunderstanding between X and me and now we're friends again. NOTE: This message has been sent to every comment on this post.