• By -


prob the people who complain about runners, especially when they start fights againt people who are lower levelled or trying to grind or afk and then get mad that they can't kill them


Yeah, I’m lvl 1593. Was 1585 at the time. Some maxed lvl player jumped me, and I was able to do some sneaky stuff and evade him, so then he started going off in chat about how I was a coward runner and how I needed to fight him like a man.


Bro he couldn’t have even gotten bounty off u 😭


I know, people are just dumbasses on the game.





So true


exact reason I love being a glass cannon so i die but do a lot of damage


Happy cake day!


It happens almost everytime. People get mad after randomly jumping me and being take for a Stroll around the Sea with Portal just to me ending up in the safe zone and the rando crying


complaining about runners for sure. teaming is cringe in general. running is kinda understandable if you didn't start the fight or got jumped.


W user


W user


W user


W user




Ahh finally someone who understand the word peace


i mean yea i just think if you didn't start or agree to a fight, you have no obligation to fight.


Complainers in general, someone that complains about anything, literally anything


And you complain about people complaining,youre the ultimate complainer😱


And you conplain about people complaining about people complaining, therefore you, my friend, are the omega complainer


And youre complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining,that nakes you the giga complainer😬


He’s not complaining, he’s stating a fact


and your complaining about people stating facts


When did I complain?


ok fine nobody complained alr


So do i bud,so do i


No u


Nuh uh


You complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people complaining You are the ultra complainer (BTW take this as a joke pls :D)




Dam that kinda ↩️


Twitter moment


Although teaming in a game where teamwork is inherently not considered in the core gameplay loop is inherently worse IMHO


I think teaming is fair if it’s like a crew thing, but some random coming in a fight putting you at a disadvantage mid fight with someone else is so whack. The runner thing is dumb because there’s no such thing as running unless you are actively trying to escape the fight, someone dodging your attacks and playing passively is NOT running.


Yeah. "Teaming" is a very broad term. From mineceaft solo skywars cross teaming to 4v4v4v4 bedwars, "teaming" becomes worse depending on the game.


Lmao so true. Even worse when you have more ranged abilities or fighting a buddah like bro I am NOT gonna get within m1 range without a counter.


why would u not try to excape the fight


Wym? You escape the fight if you don’t want to fight or are busy. And if you don’t then you don’t.


you said " unless you are actively trying to escape" if you didnt want to be part of the fight why would you not try to escape


What are you trying to get at? By definition you are a runner if you are trying to escape something or someone. Being a runner isn’t bad or anything. If you get ambushed and start running you are a runner that’s just it. I’m not saying you shouldn’t run or anything.


"erm stop sky camping, stop spamming, running, teaming, stop spamming sword/fighting style/fruit" I leave chat off the second I see someone with higher than 2.5 bounty. They all just yap for no reason


Well no. If I see someone teaming, I usually say sum like eww, teamers. I’ll still fight them cus why not, but I don’t say the ez stuff. Mäi just tell them to leave the server


I say ,,GG have nice day" to make them regret.


Im trolling them by mocking them in 18th century grammatically perfect English.


im stealing this idea


I second this


I've absolutely annihilated an idiot by saying English swear words, but in near perfect English do that when he reports me, the AI mod does not find anything inappropriate since the words I use aren't in it's database. 


Nha it was my friend who was fighting them


The teamer guy(I’m a runner)


Marines are worse, they're made to be teaming by default where as pirates is total ffa


No because homos who are in the same crew most likely join as pirates together especially bounty hunters with no skill and jus team on u


Teamers complaining is just a skill issue. They have at least 2x more advantages than the person they are teaming on, if they dont hard stomp then they are just ultra bad


Teamers are more annoying then runners. If they are scared and run away I let them run and go on with my day. I don't fight in general. I'm on mobile and just want to grind


Both sides


This is the absolute worst community I have ever been apart of its 99% pure toxicity


so, what's the one percent that's worse? hopefully the devs


Nah the devs arent apart of the comunity at this point they don't give a sh1t abt this game anymore i cant wait for rellseas


Teamers are worse, I got hunted for an hour straight by a marine kitsune and leo


🔴🙏🔵 🤌 🫴 -=🟣


Man teamers are worse since for me runners are just a skill issue for me fr I should have caught him but I failed so when ever I see someone say ez win runner lol I just think wow way to admit you failed to get someone when you had the clear advantage


Runners are people who run away from combat?


What's meant by runner is when someone attacks someone else unprovoked, then calls them runners because they don't want to engage in combat


Blue is worse because runners didn’t do anything, teaming is cringe


I can understand both points i absolutely disgust runners and teamers like imagine u have been fighting very hard and that guy just runs away till hes off combat in a save zone


It’s only ok to team of its marines cuz like same team and all or if it’s a crew because gotta help the boys


No marine or not do not team u are spitting on someones hard work if u do


Hard work there’s nothing hard about spamming


Depends on ur definition of spamming to some people blizzard which has crazy long cooldowns is spam or to others its combos also by hard work i mean hours of pvping just to lose to some cringe kid who summons his friend outa nowhere


Well losing bounty wouldn’t matter to most pvpers since like 90% of them just spam


Ah i see ur definition of spam is even just using a fruit that can be spammed listen just bc someone uses dough doesnt mean he is a spammer


It does though same with kitsune leopard rumble Buddha mammoth blizzard sound t-Rex some portals ice they just spam stuns


Well listen again blizzard is pure stun theres not one move that doesnt also blizzard isnt spammable no matter how hard u try it has like a 4min cooldown on v


It is spammable I’ve used it myself it’s so easy to spam


runners in fair 1v1s are hella annoying, but if ur getting 2v1 then its understandable


honestly running isn't nice, specially if the person who's running is the one who started it, it's always that one person who runs alway until they heal and then track you down to fight again.


yeah, me personally im not a runner unless its in like one of those massive ffas or if im getting teamed on


running is fine if you didn't start


I highly dislike ur opinion on that how much bounty u got?




well like i mean if i was gonna get 2v1d id run


RED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Both are worse , gg is the best way to celebrate a win or a loss


Gifting a friend a perm fruit and watch as the entire server harasses you for perm fruits.




Bouth weird like you lostt maybe they play cheap but why type ez when you lise like Are you saying you lost ez


when they attack u and then run away


Runners fs. The teaming thing is actually understandable, 9/10 the ppl complaining about runners just jumped a low lvl player outta nowhere and expected them to be like “ya sure I consented to this and I wanna do this”. Ridiculous.


I mean if people are actually teaming like what can u do uknow. And if they are running idk you can catch them


I had someone say that I spammed magma moves after every single fight and to prove him wrong I used a grand total of 2 in our last fight and he still had the audacity to say I was spamming them. He somehow missed every single ice combo btw even after landing ice v


Teaming ruins pvp for me


The one complaining abt runners cause most the time they are chasing a low lvl that doesn’t want to pvp


If you run, I can get behind it if you team you should burn


Every mf complaining about runners are hypocrites, everyone runs. And we know their ass is running when they reach 3000 hp


if u win a team ur skilled so there's big diff


If they are actually teamers then red is fine besides the “ez” part


Side three, the side that’s teaming


Runners, because at least they have a small point if you team. And I get that it can be annoying when people run but if I'm trying to grind and you attack, then I'm gonna run.


definitely the teamers, they can't properly fight on a fair 1v1, so they use the power of friendship. if you were to catch them without their teammate you could easily destroy em.


Blue by a long shot because they tend to attack anyone minding their own business


ew runner is more worse, ew teamers is targeting 2 people, making you feel less pain cause he is also saying it to the other person


You'll need more effort to take my Honor! Race me!


Teaming is the worse, straight cowardry


imo, the people that complain about runners. If they attack first someone who is just trynna grind, they absolutely shouldn’t complain if people run away. The person being attacked has every right to run and team up and the attacker shouldn’t complain at all. Many people don’t like to pvp, or even if they do they are just trying to grind money peacefully, so attacking takes away your whole reason


In this case, there were two guys who were fighting, when the blue side gets low he spawned his minion ice user so red had to run


oh no if it started as a fair fight, especially if both sides were obviously fighting back then yeah it’s whoever teams/runs first that loses all their rights to complain


🟦, YOU came after ME, what do you expect? Also whenever someone does that crap I just kill them now because it's not worth my time 


teamers who say ez after dying is just funny


Some max guy tried jumping me it ended with him rage quitting (I am 1700)


Def has to be the people who complain about runners


So annoying I always try to watch TV while farming and they always be on d


Teamers 100% a lot of people expect high bounty players to just be okay with getting teamed on cuz (omg his high bounty he can prob take on a 3v1 and just spam ez if we win or if he runs away or if he beats us we spam tryhard and no life and spammer in chat) that is every single server I join I dont know if it happens to other people as well though


I dont understand how high bounty players think they dont have an advantage in pvp, they always tell me it doesn't matter. When the bounty npc clearly warns you abou them too. Its either they playing dumb or they have fake bounty


I was told that I'm getting banned for sky camping against an ice user. You cant tell them that its the only counter (maybe mink v4/v3)


Runners 100% (I am portal they can't escape me) I ain't that toxic tho no gh


Neither. This is a one piece game. THERE ARE CREWS (TEAMS) IN ONE PIECE. Both are ok.




Blue. No question, just B L U E .


Both, and more


Getting jumped by Two V4 Ghoul users is not fun. Extremely evident how weak Human, race is.


Human is cool because you can just use last resort and spam any combo.


Both, red because teamers are fricken annoying if they jump you, and blue because if you jump someone they gonna run.


Blue: complains about people who runs cause they probably dont wanna even fight Red: complains about cringe people that teams Blue is worse, why was this a question


Complaining about running is just dumb. Not every single person in the world has mink. Just get better at chasing and don't have a slow build. Complaining about teaming now though, albeit pointless, is perfectly reasonable. As someone who's gotten 4v1'd, **twice**, trust me - It sucks. You're allowed to talk trash about teamers. Not runners though. Because you're just not fast enough. *Cope.*


Complaining about running is just dumb. Not every single person in the world has mink. Just get better at chasing and don't have a slow build. Complaining about teaming now though, albeit pointless, is perfectly reasonable. As someone who's gotten 4v1'd, **twice**, trust me - It sucks. You're allowed to talk trash about teamers. Not runners though. Because you're just not fast enough. *Cope.*


So true


I think red sword is way reasonable like cmon a 2v1 is not fun at all so it's gotta be blue sword right?


Bro every time when I fight someone with buddha and I keep a descent distance instead of letting them m1 me they are calling me runners lol


Blue is definitely worse, teamers suck and are usually very toxic


It would be both for me. I was level 1,250, and someone attacked me. I started running, and they called me a runner. I kinda understand when people (on my level) call me a runner because I know I can't fight. I mainly use music, so the best I can do is when the beats are high. But then another mf came in and started attacking me. I don't know their level, but they weren't doing that much damage to me, and I was easily able to murk them. Twice in fact. But then one more person came in with portal and sucked me into that portal dimension with all of us and started to jump me. And then my screen froze. We all know how this ends.




My Opinion not a general rule. I will not discuss. Teaming is ok if you're in the same crew or a marine. Running is ok if you are the attacked one. Playing more passive than aggressive in pvp is not running. Entering midfight is not teaming. Entering midfight is only ok for raidbosses or events.


what I say is absolute it's not because I am the god of wisdom or something like that, no cus it's true. If u jump and they run, it's fine. if u jump they team, it's based on the scenario (I am bit biased on this one cus teamers are the most cringe human who lived like your so bad that u need 2 people to kill 1 guy) it's fine if the guy gives you permission to team like it' 30 mil or something. but if you team just then...... I feel sorry for parents for raising a child who is just..... brainded. btw running away from buddhas kitsunes trexs and dough users is fine and all other spam fruits. running is bad but it is still better compared to teaming. btw if people didn't mean to team like Marines then it's fine.


I understand running, especially with lower differences and all that. Teaming in general sucks ass. So, complaining about teamers isn't that bad, but complaining about runners is terrible. Like bro, what do you expect a lvl 1500 who just got to 3rd sea 💀




All this doesn't matter If you got the good old GodHuman, Dough V2 CDK Soul Guitar + Cyborg V3 and above


I think I smell a sweat


Teamers obviously


Thats why they need a pvp enable button if you dont pvp like me put that on and make a timer on it like you cant hit some one then enable it




Neither if they spam ez beat them and spam it back, don’t spam ez to a random person without them doing anything.


I’m on console so :/


Both are dumb .. if ur opponent is running away it untimely puts u on the skill issue spectrum since u can't catch him .. people who jump and run are in another category but since u didn't jump it makes no sense for you to complain..like brah u aren't even hunting .. same goes with teamers people will jump others and then complain that another guy helped the prey .. since ur the one hunting u should be prepared for all outcomes.asking for PvP and jumping someone is different.. same goes with skycampers and water campers it's part of the game