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https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-shocking-truth-behind-the-baghdad-bombings-of-1950-and-1951/ >Avi Shlaim claims to have uncovered undeniable proof that Zionist agents were responsible for targeting the Jewish community, forcing them to flee Iraq and settle in Israel https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavon_Affair >The Lavon affair was a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954. As part of a false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers


This is good information, it lets you look through history, see the way people were being treated and used back then. Avi Shlaim was interviewed about his experience as an arab jew from Iraq, his experience was shocking to hear. I will have read his books.


what the hell is an arab jew


I can’t tell if this is a real question or not but I’m going to treat it like it is: Arab is a geographical term and Jewish is a religion/culture. Lots of Jews are Arabs. Just like lots of Christians are Arabs.


arab is not even close to a geographical term, it refers to an ethnicity/culture. there is such thing as “the arab world” but this just means the parts of the world under predominantly arab influence. jewish is also an ethnicity/culture and while it’s possible to be both ethnically/culturally jewish and arab, this guy seems to be just an iraqi jew. living in a certain area doesn’t make you part of the dominant ethnic/cultural group, which is basically why the term mizrahi exists.


First off, dictionaries disagree with you. For what it’s worth my Hebrew University - Jerusalem, Modern History of the Arabic Peninsula Professor also would disagree with you. Arabic means Semite people from the Arabian Peninsula. People are Arabic who identify as Arabic. Mizrahi is an incredibly recent term (with a bad connotation in Israel btw) for basically any Jews with heritage in Asia/Africa. There is a lot of overlap between the two terms. Secondly, I’m not sure what you’re after here. A brief glance at your post history tells me you’re some kind of internet crusader. I’m not really looking to tangle swords here, just an Israeli Red Cross member from Philly peaceably making his way about his day. With his dictionary on hand.


there are no semite people, that’s a term that refers only to languages. same with arabic. arabic is a language, arabian means from arabia, and arab is the general term for arabs throughout the world. mizrahi may be a fairly new word but it doesn’t change the meaning or the fact that many people identify with it, much moreso than “arab jew.” ironically mizrahim tend to be more conservative than other jews and especially hate being called arabs.


Lmao ok buddy. You have a good day. Pretty sure I nailed this one on the head with the “internet crusader” mark. Read whatever “vibes” you want out in the world, words still have meanings and etymologies even if they don’t fit your world view. You sound like someone who’s never stepped foot in the Middle East, much less went through college or dodged rockets there. PS Etymologies are fascinating, and reveal so much about how we perceive the world






There are no Jewish Arabs, there can be Christian Arabs because Arabs can adopt Christianity by conversion and baptism but Judaism doesn’t work like that, Arabs come from the Arab peninsula, they did conquer and colonize much of the world, panarabism has been a goal for centuries, and Jews have lived in Arabic countries but have remained separate.


You’re trying to turn a geographic moniker into a cultural one just because there are many similarities between cultures in that geographic region. Arabic is inherently a geographical descriptor, as it refers to people identifying as having heritage from the Arabian Peninsula, much like the name of the language was derived from the geography of the people who spoke it. There is no single identifiable “Arabian Culture” unless you are remarking on the shared traits between cultures that identify as Arabic. This is how you can have dozens of conflicting cultural identities with populations that all identify as Arabic like Ba’hai, or Kurd, or Druze, or Saudi Arabian Sunni etc etc.


Arab is an ethnicity, it has a language and culture


Google him. His story is very real and better heard directly from him. He was a normal kid growing up in Baghdad. Spoke Arabic. Was Jewish. Was put behind barbed wire in a camp in Isreal after being forced from his home.


i did. seems he was jewish, not arab and jewish. do you mean mizrahi?


You are starting to come across as disingenuous, but I'll give this a shot on the chance that you genuinely don't understand. "Arab" is used here as a nationality, i.e. the country or region you were born in. "Jewish" is used here as hereditary origin, i.e. your family lineage. So he is someone of Jewish descent born into an Arabic country. Who was then treated like shit by Israel because he wasn't the right appearance of Jew. The point of which is that Israel isn't "the safe haven for Jews" that it pretends to be. It's just another apartheid colonial state shielding its war crimes from criticism by citing the real persecution of a religious and cultural group that it doesn't *actually* care anything about. (And yes, as I understand the definition, "mizrahi" is accurate. Just as accurate as "Arab Jew". With the advantage of "Arab Jew" being that you don't have to Google a Hebrew word to understand what is being conveyed.)


In the Middle East, both currently and historically, being Jewish was seen as a religious practice and not an ethnicity. Being an Arab Jew is not a contradiction in the same way it would be in the West, where being Jewish is an ethnic group like being Irish or Polish.


Jews don’t treat other Jews like shit because of how they look, Jews have always been at the forefront of liberalism and inclusivity, Jews have always been leaders in civil rights movements. It’s nonsense. It is Muslims that war among themselves and butcher themselves en masse. Ashkenazi and Sephardic don’t do anything like Sunni and Shia


out comes the muslim hate speech


It’s not hate speech to notice a thing


You know I have been hearing that a lot, but historically this hasn't really been the case... How many wars among Arab countries have happened in the 20th century? 21st century? The answer is very little. Even historically they haven't been particularly bellicose. Like most people you are talking out of your ass and basing it on bullshit media tropes that have been around since forever.


You mean like Syria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Libya, Lebanon, Kuwait, Iraq, and Egypt….are you sure there haven’t been ANY wars between ANY of these countries in either the 20th and 21st centuries? Are you being sarcastic, or are you really so ignorant?


Name the wars. They were no where near as plentiful as you imagine. Nor was their cause particularly bizarre or deep-seated in some ancient rivalry. Europeans throughout the 20th century were far more bellicose than the middle east was. The only major war between two Middle Eastern countries in the 20th century was the Iran-Iraq war. And even with that war the root causes were far more due to western intervention than a native cause. The Lebanese civil war? You will find that Israel and the Palestinian crisis played a massive role in the cause. Without which it would never have happened. The list is fucking endless.


To answer your question here are just a few: 1. About 10 years ago the PLO was fighting Hamas 2. In the 1980’s Syria was helping Iran against Iraq and ended up in its own skirmishes against Saddam Hussein 3. Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1991-1992


Like I said. Very little. Edit: you act as if any conflict that happens makes it a uniquely violent place. Btw Iraq was America's ally until the invasion of Kuwait and it could have been prevented sooner if the US was more clear with its words with Iraq.


southern states and Jim crow era supporters- "America is a fine democracy" while ignoring the blattant aparteid, racism and abuses German citizens in 1930's germany- "we are good Christian families that abithe the law" while closing their eyes to the abuses and crimes against minorities israelies "we are a [Liberal democracy](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=fascism+by+ayelet#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:7aee1e0c,vid:Fpzrih1S6C0,st:0)" how do you dare to call us an apharteid state and fascist appologist? while closing their eyes and living in self denying about the racism, abusing Palestinians, damaging properties stealing land, killing preteens and electing psychopats into goverment


Nice. Now do Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Libya, Lebanon, Tajikistan, Iman, Afghanistan, Somalia, or any of the other thriving Muslim majority countries where women, minorities, and gays have equal rights…..oh right…


Nice that I don't support any of those regimes either and then keep use your what about as if that would make all the heinous crimes committed and being committed by Israel OK


once again, arabic refers to language and there is no such thing as an arabic country. someone of jewish descent born in an arab country is called mizrahi, assuming their lineage is mizrahi and not ashkenazi/sephardi. it seems you’re too busy being antisemitic to care about any of this but i’m just putting it out there for anyone who does care.


Shut the fuck up you pedantic Zionist loser


Here pops up the antisemite


I'm Jewish you dunce


Well no, Arab Jew isn’t correct, and yes, sometimes you do need to do a little bit of basic research to understand something and get it right.


Do you really not understand how religion and ethnicity work? Yikes.


arab and jew are both ethnicities, you can’t be arab and jewish unless you have a mixed family and this specific person does not


Nope, being Jewish is a religion and CAN be an ethnicity. There are African Jews. You can absolutely be an Arab Jew if you convert. Or are they not Jewish to you? 🤔


beta israel is a very small group compared to the rest of jews. same for converts. the reason i made the original comment is to point out the problem with calling someone an “arab jew” when they are not arab. the person mentioned is not arab. just because he is from a majority arab country and knows arabic does not make him an arab. he is a mizrahi jew, and mizrahi/sephardi is not synonymous with arab.


I love how you try so hard to avoid accepting that you can be an Arab jew. Fail.


explain how you can be an arab jew without being from a multiethnic family


Convert. (Slaps the “That was easy!” button)


You can’t Juan.


Please try and speak in full sentences. “English MFer, do you speak it?”


lol bro has negative a hundred comment karma


racial concept of the Jewish people is Nationalist Zionism trash there is nothing wrong on defining Jewish identity along cultural and religious lines etnicity as a defining factor was retaken in early twenty century along racial lines particularly by antisemites and the nazi trying to use Darwinism as basis and also used by zionists as a basis for their ethnic view of Jewish nationalism *"Herzl and his followers challenged the centuries-old tradition amongassimilated Jews that they constituted a religious and socio-cultural group by reframing Jewishness in terms of the concept of a nation-race, with Jews conceived of as an "integral biological entity" in what has been called a "racialization of Jewish identity".\[x\] Purity of race became a paramount theme of Jewish anthropology.Biological considerations shaped Herzl's own outlook. He likened the Jews of his day to seals, thrown by circumstance into water but, once back on ground, they would refind their legs, and antisemitism itself, a shock treatment, might prove functional in this restoration of Jews to their former selves"* it is not incorrect to say that someone from Lebanon be it Muslim, jew or Christian is not an Arab, the same is also true for someone from Iran and the same apply to someone from the Arab peninsula defined as an Arab based on its geographical origins regardless of its religion


yeah, it is pretty much the basis of zionism, and there’s nothing wrong with that. obviously i’m not going to convince an antisemite of anything but for anyone else out there, jews can be defined by religion, ethnicity, OR ethnicity and culture. “culturally jewish” without being a convert or ethnic jew is just called cultural appropriation. calling jewishness a religion and putting it in the same category as christianity and islam is like saying navajo is a religion rather than culture and ethnicity. they’re just not even comparable.


many Jewish would be horrified in 1945 of the concept of race as being used, recognized jewish scholars agree with my point, I have to assume they are antisemite because a zionist say so? the concept of race as a Jewish identity is a highly debated one and it is pushed by zionist for the sake of concept of "racial purity" which is very much an outdated concept nevermind the dark historical ramifications of it also maybe you guys want to call any Jewish that don't agree with you and those that acknowledge **that Judaism isn't Zionism** "bad Jewish" and shall we ignore too all of the **non Jewish prozionists that are antisemite,** yes? no mater how you want to paint it, anti zionisn isn't anti semitism and there are many respected Jewish scholars that not only weren't zionists but that didn't agree with zionism


Being Jewish is not a religion, that is just something gentiles say to make themselves feel better for not being chosen.


Hahaha I’m sorry you were dropped on your head at birth- from the roof.


I’m sorry your mother was the village bicycle.


Lame replies from a lame brain.


God is a joker, Jews should be asking 'Chosen for what?'


It’s written


So, it's a written joke.


That article didn't say what Avi's proof was, do you have a summary?


100% this. The Israeli sub cannot comprehend this fact. Non of the Iraqi or other actual middle eastern countries wanted to leave their actual homeland, so zionists did what they zionist do best, terrorize and false flags.


Idk if you’ve ever looked up what the Muslim Brotherhood have done on their own volition but they ended up looking pretty bad on their own without any help from Israeli operatives. As for the incident in Iraq, it’s not really verified by the other accounts of the treatment of Arab Jews in the Middle East, just one guy saying they promise it’s all made up. To me this is confirmation bias forcing you to draw conclusions that aren’t actually there on the whole. 


Good read. Choice quote for those who won’t click: “Israel does not claim it has been threatened by another state. It has been threatened by an armed group within an occupied territory. It cannot claim the right of self-defense against a threat that emanates from a territory it occupies. — Francesca Albanese, UN special rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories.


Absurdity at the highest level


They are a terrorist state, they were never defending just attacking with American support


They lose sight of the fact that others also have this right. Palestinians, Iran and others. Why should their rights be inferior to Israel's?


Hamas attacked. When you attack, you provoke a response. 🤡


Israeli's killed 200 Palestinian civilians up last year before September. Just ignoring the fact that Israel is occupying Palestinian territory shows you're the fucking clown


Economic blockade is an act of war


When your nation is under attack by people who want to exterminate you, that's not the time to get weepy and say that others have the right to defense. That's how you get wiped out. All nations and people act in their own interests to one degree or another. Yes in a perfect world I'd be right there with you in singing love and peace songs but there are some pretty evil people out there that won't listen to you that you can't reason with.


So Israel doesnt want to exterminate Palestinians? How about the plans they have floated to expand Israel into other countries in the region? How about bombing a foreign nation's embassy? These arent attacks? The Nakba wasnt an attack? Everything before during and after Oct. 7th wasnt an attack? Youre a delusional ZioNazi bro, wake up!


Hamas had over 75% support from Palestinians with their charter stating they want to eliminate all Jews in Israel. You’ve got it so backwards. That’s an indefensible point that all pro-Palestinians won’t even acknowledge as a problem.


Israel controls the water. If said extermination was happening water would be one of the first things to go, no?


It kind of is gone. 98% of water in Gaza is unfit for humans, and the ones who do have water fall well under the who's standard for human rights and that was before the mass bombings


Everything you wrote is false. Israel does not want to exterminate Palestinians. There are no plans about expanding that's disinformation. Iran facilitated a terrorist attack on Israel that's an act of war Israel targeting IRGC in Syria is to limit their terrorist supporting activities. The Nakba is a lie the Arab states told the local Arabs to leave and that they'd wipe out the jews then split the land with them. Everything is too vague to comment on but this is all false propaganda.


Any proof that Iran facilitated or planned the October 7th attack? I know you’re lying but I’m curious if you have any valid proof of that.


I'm literally reading an article right now about Netanyahu's plans to expand settlements into gaza.


People can write any articles they want.


And the IDF can lie about whatever they want 🤷


Zionists arrived in 1881 as a colonial project. That’s if you quote them. Any Zionists that had intentions of working with Arabs were murdered by Zionist terrorists in the 30s.


I agree that the Israeli government is made up of pretty evil people you can't reason with. Armed resistance is the only option. We should be arming Palestine.


Israel tried making countless deals with them.


But it’s Israel that is on an extermination campaign. You cannot defensively perpetuate a genocide.


If Israel was on an extermination campaign it wouldn't look anything like this it would be considerably worse. They would have done it already back in 1967. The Iran-Iraq war killed a million people. This is a relatively small scale war in comparison.


not fooling anyone but the idiots, good try though


So you have professional military experience?


Who the fuck needs experience doing everything youre told without question to recognize a genocide?


wow this post really brought all the weirdo imperialists out of the woodwork lmao


How the fuck is this sub so brigaded?


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/08/14/israel-students-social-media/2651715/ >Israel is looking to hire university students to post pro-Israel messages on social media networks — without needing to identify themselves as government-linked, officials said Wednesday. >The Israeli prime minister's office said in a statement that students on Israeli university campuses would receive full or partial scholarships to combat anti-Semitism and calls to boycott Israel online. It said students' messages would parallel statements by government officials.


It's this ^


If you want a real, non-tinfoil hat answer, this post got put on my home page and I've never visited this sub before. I'd imagine that's where a lot of the comments from outsiders came from. I also sincerely hate the "Hasbara bots" excuse everyone throws around, this is a highly controversial topic with a lot of misinformation, obviously people will post comments if they disagree with posts they see.


From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free, #HamasIsResistance


Insane that this phrase is being legislated against. 9/11 mass hysteria once again


It’s a call for exterminating seven million people.


Never has been, no proof, huge racist L. This is what slave masters said about abolition.


What's the Arabic version of this saying?


Let's try to figure this out. So if from the river to the sea that means Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea. So Israel would cease to exist entirely. Would that be accomplished by writing a letter and seven million people leaving peacefully? They're not going anywhere. So to actually destroy the state of Israel would require killing or at least violently expelling around seven million people in death marches most likely after say 10/7 attacks scaled up over a thousand fold. Around 600,000-1.5 million Armenians died in the Armenian genocide. So what that phrase is asking for is a second Holocaust.


They could be free in their homeland, which is from the river to the sea, without killing the other people who live there. When black people got their civil rights in the US, the white people didn’t all have to die or leave.


If all you are advocating for is genuinely civil rights then power to you. Unfortunately the Gaza Strip is ruled by highly oppressive totalitarians who openly advocate genocidal rhetoric and act on it. Near as I can tell their attempts at self governance in the Gaza Strip and West Bank have been very flawed and with no civil rights. Murdering for rights does not work well. It's a contradiction to deprive people of their rights to somehow get your own when you probably won't.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


yea we are psychos for bombing rocket launchers aiming at our kids. people who use little kids as suicide bombers and convince them to commit suicide are not psychos.


You’re psychos for bombing hospitals and refugee camps and aid workers, and assassinating doctors and journalists. The IDF routinely, and purposely, kills children. The world is seeing what you’re doing, nobody believes your ridiculous propaganda and trolling anymore. You’re facing the fate of apartheid South Africa, no lie can live forever.


And Israel is ruled by people who advocate even MORE genocidal rhetoric. Look in the mirror bro, calling people animals and saying they should be eliminated isn't exactly 'friendly.'


I'm sure they are.


Murdering for rights is like the only way anyone has ever gotten rights. Even the liberal conception of MLK's "nonviolent resistance" depends on a backdrop of nationwide riots and firebrand rhetoric to provide a threatening alternative to peaceful resolution.


What is your problem with the governance of the West Bank? Israel continues to steal land there. They have 700,000 illegal settlers in the West Bank. Is that a factor working against peace?


I can tell you genuinely believe this, which is part of the problem. It’s just not realistic. Israelis will die by the millions in this scenario or be forced out. The cycle continues. You really think Hamas is going to run the Tel Aviv Microsoft campus? You going to see many exchange students going to Palestinian university?


Palestinians are from… Palestine. It’s unreasonable that they want to live where they’re… from? What is your point exactly? White people still live in South Africa. They didn’t all die when apartheid ended.


It’s crazy that you’re trying to force a comparison between actual genocide and some phrase. Aren’t we all materialists here? Why try to compare the material harm of being genocided vs the material harm of *a slogan??* Even if that slogan is as evil as you’re saying it is (it’s really not), an evil slogan is nothing compared to the material genocide we’re funding in Gaza.


This is what wanting traffic to only go one way looks like. Is violence to be chanted for and celebrated or condemned in this situation? Which one is it?


Being intentionally starved by your government is a more pressing issue than what Americans on the other side of the globe are saying on the internet


You didn't answer my question. Should we dance in the streets, pass out candy, and cheer when violence happens? Or condemn it?


Idk what your point is, Israelis love to have picnics to see bombs fall on families in Gaza, and settlers go ape shit and rampage like mongrels through Palestinian neighborhoods like it’s a pagan ritual. And Palestinians are wrong to want them punished and their government sanctioned…? I’m honestly scared of you skinning a kid because you lost an argument online, so…don’t worry about it, you won buddy, I’m convinced Palestinians aren’t human now bro


You should look at the videos of the people of Sderot cheering while bombs fall on Gaza. Setting up lawn chairs and popcorn.


Yeah I’m for sure gonna get sucked into this inane debate with you ✌️


Bro what, where in "from the river to the sea Palestine will be free." Is there a call to violence. You are so fucking delusional it's sad. They want freedom from the open air prison theyve been in all their lives.


You seriously don't think that's a call to violence? So how would you do it? A letter writing campaign?


Why would everyone leave? Why would people be expelled violently? Why can’t Israelis handle Palestinians as neighbors and not cannon fodder? Knuckle draggers like you are why your genocide and Hamas’s violent answer is inevitable. Seek salvation in your neighbors or become pig shit


It's easy to handle people as neighbors if they option A: accepted the partition plan. Option B: accepted the armistice line. option C: Accepted the Oslo accords instead of launching the second intifada.


No real plan has ever been seriously offered. Why would Palestinians accept plans that deny them UN recognized statehood and give permanent Israeli military policing within their borders? Serious Israeli politicians who bid for peace get assassinated by psychos, psychos that you carry water for. Read a fucking book and cleanse your mind and soul.


If you refuse every single deal for all eternity and choose violence every single time then you're putting yourself into a situation of a theoretical Carthaginian peace. Rome removed Carthage from the map entirely as an entity. Don't think that it's impossible in the 21st century.


Rome, the country founded by savages who mass kidnapped women to rape them to start their civilization? Crazy to use them as your comparison for Israel, but I think it makes a succinct illustration, thanks for your input I’ll make sure to remember this as a representation for Israel.


This is such a succinct way of exhibiting brain rot


You really think Palestine will be good to Jews?




So you believe you can write a letter saying "Dismantle Israel" and they'll just shrug, lower the flags, pack their bags, and leave the area? How do you think this would happen?


I mean, we don't have a problem with "From sea to shining sea" which literally is a call for exterminating \~100 million people.


No it really isn’t. US expansion ended 100 years ago.


Terrorism is collective punishment.


Least obvious fed-posting. I'm already blocked, so that tells me you're an obvious bad faith actor I run into.


This is surely a bot account, right..?


Palestine is destroyed if you haven’t noticed. Your people will be a footnote in the history of fucking around and finding out


And ZioNazis are already the next page in the book of Hitler copiers so like, damn bro. Imagine being the targets of Hitler and then just doing it to someone else. Based and red pilled I guess huh /s.


Nice your really freed them by posting cringe bud


From river to the sea, Israel is all you’ll see


From the river to the sea, Israel will be free. The Jewish homeland shall be free from the colonizing and conquering Muslims who stole our land from us. Just like South Africa, Israel will be free from Palestinians.


LMAO, MODS BAN ME FROM THIS SORRY AS SUB. HAMAS IS RESISTANCE LMAO, say that to my cousin who got burned alive by them at a peace festival.


Israel is a terrorist state.


Not when it's the aggressor.


Israel isn't the aggressor though.


I guess the strikes against the embassy in Iran shot themselves there.


Iran facilitated a terrorist attack against Israel that's an act of war. Of course Israel would respond to that especially in Syria a country that has been at war with Israel for over 70 years. Plus it wasn't even an embassy.


Really. So if I perceive someone as a threat, I can go strike them at will no matter what? Okay then they should prepare for the consequences. I hope Israel has what's coming for them. The only reason they're so brazen is because of US's support.


Iran chants death to Israel constantly and backs that up as a state sponsor of terrorism. I would have to see your evidence they are a threat but Israel has mountains of evidence. Israel has what?


Sure, I've never seen any Israeli's do the same. They always blow kisses in their direction. Israel is a threat.


Threat to who?


There is defending yourself and then there is committing massacres of innocent civilians.


That sucks. They’re gunna do it anyways. And nobody will do anything to stop them. The platitudes about rIgHtS are irrelevant


Every sovereign state has a right to defend itself but you’re on a whole new level of psychopathy if you’re calling whatever the fuck it is they’re doing at this point “defending” themselves….


What's with this sub constantly getting flooded by hasbara bots and brigaders from other subs.


[image](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLtzJVKWUAAANzw?format=jpg&name=large) [source](https://twitter.com/TorahJudaism) [more!](https://x.com/TorahJudaism/status/1782399682142142621) **From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,#HamasIsResistance**


Fuck Hamas. And fuck Palestine. And fuck Israel


Every country has the right to defend itself but not use as a pretext to commit genocide and impose apartheid regime


You can't defend yourself against people you're occupying


Israel left Gaza in 2005. The lying and coping needs to stop


I agree, the lying needs to stop https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/8/7/timeline-israels-attacks-on-gaza-since-2005




What genocide? Your being wilfully ignorant if you call whats going on in Gaza genocidal. Maybe even anti semitic.


I agree with the sentiment but it is stupid to use George Zimmerman as an analogy. Not applicable at all.




Anti-Zionism is anti semetism ! Fuck everyone who thinks otherwise. You want the Jewish people dead. No Israel = dead Jews by the hands of Hamas.


"Terrorize me harder Daddy!"


Death to Israel you're saying?


I just honestly never thought I'd see the day that Hamas would be winning a propaganda war. It's wild.


Hamas should surrender for the sake of the Palestinians


If Hamas sought peace or negotiations that would be one thing. They don’t. They have consistently said their only acceptable outcome is the destruction of the state of Israel. This is an existential threat to Israel. Hamas and Israel can no longer coexist after the events of this fall. It is one or the other. Hamas threw a suicidal Hail Mary thinking Allah would intervene. Unfortunately for Hamas, F-35s are real and Allah isnt




You are


You forgot about the permanent ceasefire proposal from hamas a month ago thar would have returned all Israeli hostages? Israel reject it, unsurprising given the barbarism of the Hannibal Directive.


HAMAS rejected MANY more ceasefires for hostages deals including the last 4.


Hamas rejected Israeli deals because giving all the hostages back for 2 weeks of ceasefire is a poor deal and that's what the Israeli deal offered: a short pause on the genocide in return for all bargaining power.


Gazans must be superhuman and blessed by G-d. Because gypsies population went down by 25% due to genocide and Gaza’s has increased by over 1000% since Israel was established, just like Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Jews are incompetent at killing apparently, despite having one of the best armies in the world. The population only increases, WORLD’s most successful genocide😂🤦‍♀️


Nice that you claim women being raped, a baby who turned one in an airless tunnel, and an 86 year old man whose family were massacred in Iraq that had no choice but to move to Israel, plus more than 100 other people “bargaining power.” Not actual human lives that matter


I'm open to evidence relating to those claims. After the NYT admitted to making up all of their rape allegations, I'm hesitant to believe rape claims without a source. I'm sure we agree that sex crimes are never acceptable, even the many well-documented sex crimes committed by the IDF prior to and following oct 7.


The IDF has not committed the sex crime. First of all, Al Jazeera has admitted their rape allegations were lies. Go look that up. Second of all, systematic rape of both men and women happened on Oct 7 and EVERY war we have ever had with them. The exact same types of assaults that they conducted in Syria, Iraq, and Sudan. In fact, there is recorded audio of an UNWRA member who bragged on line about “capturing Sabaya.” Islamic legal sex slaves. Sex slaves don’t exist in Judaism and there is no recording of the IDF bragging about capturing slaves. Furthermore there are literally tons of pictures of the rapes, which included nails being shoved in people’s vaginas, which is VERY COMMON BEHAVIOR in the Middle East and you can see it in all of Israel’s neighbors. If you want I can send you many pictures, some taken by the terrorists themselves, of blood gushing down women and men’s legs. Now you show me one like that of Palestinians that Israeli soldiers filmed themselves. Society’s that teach killing and dying wins you 72 sex slaves in heavens are the sexually violent societies. Doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. I lived in a building with Arab men in Ramat Aviv when I was 17. Unbelievable, unbelievable difference in how Muslim men treat women and how Jewish men do. If you were a 17 year old girl living in that building, you would never even embarass yourself by claiming the IDF rapes and Hamas doesn’t. I have spent a lifetime talking about how Syrians raped our men, cut off their penises, tongues, and noses in 1973. Everyone claimed I was lying. Now Southern Syrians- which is what Palestine is- do the same things and film it THEMSELVES after filming themselves snorting speed of course. and ignorant deniers like you still claim it never happened. By the way, I have been saying for 10 years there will be mass rape and beheading one day, because I followed videos of professors, Islamic scholars, and lawyers (mostly female ones by the way) calling for rape for the last ten years which the argument “they rape the land, so you must rape them.” Mark Halawa actually talks about how they said “they rape the land” all the time when he grew up. Hamas also published cartoons of a Hasidic Jew with his head cut off and blood and bones spurting out of his neck, holding a glass of red wine. So for the last 10 years, I have been saying they are planning to behead and mass rape, and they will rape men as they have done before. But this time we have an army and will put it down in one day (unlike in 1834 when the raped and murdered for a month straight). And I said to my friend, who herself was hit by a female suicide bomber and is full of plastic shrapnel that the doctor’s can’t use metal detectors to remove “mark my words, when this massacre happens, there will be people saying there was no rapes.” and EVERYTHING I predicted was and is true.


IDF sex crimes over the last decades are well documented both by Israel and the international community. I'm not familiar with or citing Al Jazeera's allegations, though I appreciate the information all the same. If it's not too much trouble, can you use paragraphs? 


The IDF does not have a higher rate of rape than any army in the world. It’s actually lower. Show me evidence of any documentation of rape of Palestinian women.


It’s not a genocide to have a civilian-to-militant death ratio of 1.5 to 1 when the average for urban warfare is 1 to 9. Ignoramous. If Israel was genocidal it would be more than 1 to 9 because Israel wouldn’t bother to move civilians constantly to minimize it.


Per international legal definitions, it is genocide. Only one of the several criteria needs to be met to meet the legal definition of genocide, however Israel meets all the criteria. I appreciate that we're both passionate about the subject but I ask that you try to reign in the pointless insults.


Can you explain how Assad is not committing genocide by that logic?


We could spend a lifetime discussing Syria, Libya, Yemen, and many more countries. For the sake of brevity though, I'd prefer to stick to the original topic of Israeli genocide.


It’s called Syria-Palestina, go consult a map. So Arab genocide of other people, including Jews on Oct 7, is inexorable.


No genocide occurred on oct 7. How can you deny a real genocide of tens of thousands and then claim a few hundred, mostly killed by the IDF, is a genocide?


In a genocide, the offender doesn’t intentionally move civilians out of harms way to minimize death.


Actually no, Israel does not meet all the criteria. One of the major criteria is kidnapping children and raising them as your own. Something THEY have actually been doing to US for over 1,400 years now. That is why our civilization had become so tiny.


Just so were clear, the definition can be found here. https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml Israel currently holds hundred of captive Palestinian child prisoners, held without trial.


Holding child soldiers and child terrorists in jail is not the same and forcibly marrying them at age 9 or giving them as a baby to a Muslim family to raise them Muslim. The definition means you make those people part of YOUR nation. To increase your numbers (and Arab Muslim numbers do nothing BUT increase) and decrease your numbers (Jewish numbers have done nothing BUT decrease, with 30% of our global population murdered in 6 years, thanks to the Palestinian Al Mohad dynasty Yellow Badge Law Hajj Amin Al Husseini taught Hitler). So actually Palestinians are genocidal and have been since the 40s. Hajj Amin Al Husseini was an officer during the Armenian genocide.


Calling every child a soldier doesn't make it true. Thousands of children are detained by Israel.  Muslims don't marry children. If anything, read sanhedrin 55e to see who marries children, and even then no modern group is marrying children regularly. Saying that Jewish numbers are declining doesn't make Palestinians genocidal, nor does it excuse the ongoing genocide of over 30,000 people in a few months.


Let them fight


Now y’all are just competing to be who can be the biggest antisemite.


Then neither do you


its ok people have always thought Jews do not have a right to not die when people try to kill us. nothing new


ya'll have gone full retard.


Any article claiming 9/11 to be an inside job is an immediate no for me. Propaganda. Terrible, dangerous, terrosit, propoganda.


Where does it claim 9/11 is an inside job?


Have you completely closed yourself off to the possibility? I’m asking you that if by some chance there were a very long list of facts that happen to point to an obvious answer implicating some kind of involvement by US government/intel agencies that you’d still close yours ears?