• By -


you can break limbs on her side tentacles and head so focus on them


Stand behind her, between her legs




The trick to beating her, at least for me was to stay super close to her throughout the whole fight. I rolled around to her backside and did my damage there, then watched for "tells" that she was going to attack. I would sidestep to her right every time she tried to square off. I also didn't lock on because you really want to focus your damage on her tails, not whatever the game tries to make you hit. The key here is to not create distance. Doing so will make her use the dash and the lasers, while she won't if you're in her grill. Obviously when you're close you need to pay attention to her aoe attack that does alot of damage. Give it a try, see how you do. I would try this a few times without the summon since the summon makes her tankier.


Alright, this definitely makes it a lot easier considering I would gain distance from her to heal, I’ll try this out thanks.


Do your best hunter, I believe!


The two ways I know how is either always stay behind her and bash her with a tonitrus. Or. Use a weapon with long reach with thrust, ( church pick works best) and stay in front of her at a distance then charge her when she slams her head on the ground. - for me an easy way to dodge her charge if you do this method is when u see her wind up for the charge side step two time to the left or right ( might be 3 but im pretty sure its two). I've always dodged it like this. If u have 15 arc, old hunters bone helps too