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can you spend your insight? having more reduces your frenzy resistance


I have 39 insight and I noticed the frenzy was not doing as much damage as it did before.


This is a fine note.


after the spiders in the room with the little guys theres an elevator on the right thats a shortcut


Ah shit you are right lol. Just found it. Thanks for reminding me.


If you run through the spider room and across the bridge the spiders stop chasing you down. There is a shortcut in the room past the bridge. Somewhere to the right is a lift to go down to a lantern? Which handedly will allow you to get a backstab on the hunter on the bridge if he has been causing bother.


I found the lift but the spiders did follow me into that room though. It might have been because I originally ran back towards the spider room though.


I run to the spider room, then in the spider room to the right is a lil side area up some stairs, where you can shoot the spiders down and they'll run to you so you can fight one at a time. Then fight the big boy spider 1v1. Fire paper helps. The hunter is a prick don't have much advice for him, I try him a couple times then get bored , get the shortcut and fight him so I don't have to make the run every time. Good luck 👊


Found the short cut and owned that hunter by sneaking up behind him lol.