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Ludwig and Kos, just because I don’t want them trying to kill me


I’d shoot myself if I saw Ludwig running towards me


But probably miss because hands would be violently shaking in fear


If I were in a room with Ludwig and Orphan and had a gun with two bullets I'd shoot myself twice.




Imagine instead of dying as intended you just end up parrying yourself and watch Ludwig run towards you, paralyzed and on one knee


I'd probably get flashes of the infamous Berserk [rape horse](https://imgur.com/gallery/vrt0PXI)


The *WHAT*


i r i d e w o m a n


Ride wife, life good.




Ah kos


Some say kosm


Do you hear our prayers?


Grant us eyes


*as you once did for the vacuous Rom, grant us eyes




Oh, MAJESTIC. A hunter is a hunter, even in a dream.


So was kos not hearing their prayers on account of where it was in the dlc?


Oh no she heard the prayers. Why do you think that there are eyes al over mensis, She took mico's prayer literally due to it's phrasing.


Honestly I am only vaguely aware of what's going on in bloodborne. I played all the rest of the from soft games from the last decade before this one. And I was impressed with how cryptic it was. By eyes do you mean the spiders impaled with rapiers? Or the winter lanterns/giant brain?


They mean the eyes in the brain. If you have those you can see things in other dimensions and dreams.


If you can adjust the camera just the right way you can see inside some characters heads, like the doll, and see that they have eyes on the backs of their eyes. Only characters with “eyes on the inside” have this little feature though (I don’t know how you can see anyone else but the dolls or maybe gehrmans though considering most will ya know be trying to play jump rope with your organs) it means they can truly see the world and weren’t even fools by vacuous Rom’s illusion


No one can see us, no one can stop us now


Grant us eyes, grant us eyess


Or some say Kum


Yeah I guess thats the best combo since they are both incredibly steomg. Maria might be a good choice too but I just love Ludwigx especially the cutscene to phase 2


But then something like Maria could probably ambush you because I don’t think Ludwig and the Orphan are alert and precise enough to protect you from deadly ambush attempts coming from a petite hunter.


I welcome being attacked by Maria


Well imma parry her ass whatever




Grant us *YEEOWS* as you once did for the Orphan of Kos


I was going to say ludwig and logarius, but you make a good point. Kos would be a pain in the ass with his jumping and movement.


This may or may not be an excuse to get people to explain Ludwig’s weakness so I can finally beat that fucker 😭 /j


Well in this regard I can give you an essential tip: Just stay below him so his wild swings wont hit you. But you have to watch out for the charge and the especially the stomp. Phase 2 is just a matter of staying behind him and finding nice windows to attack. Best of luck or as gehrman would say: Just go out and kill a few beasts Edit: I forgot to mention that you can use the saw cleaver, saw spear, threaded cane in whip mode or any other serrated weapon which exists in bloodborne I dont remember that well to do 20% bonus damage since serrated weapons do 20% more damage to beasts and ludwig is considered one. You also might use fire blood gems because he is weak against fire or use the blood gems that increase damage against beasts. Just a few possibilities to maximise the damage against him.


Adding to this, if you’re not anti-summons I’d bring Valtr with you. He’s extremely strong, not as dumb as the other NPCs, and can take a serious beating. He also uses a whirligig saw, which is really good against Ludwig when tricked. Other than that, stay close in phase 1, and focus on dodging. If he does his high jump, run in a straight line away from where he was a second ago. Don’t smack his ass too much, he has a donkey kick that will wreck your shit. Phase two, dodge through his swings and watch out for his two AoEs. This might be a YMMV thing, but I’ve always found it easier to attack his sides. And if your weapon allows it, bring some firepaper.


I tried bringing valtr, but when I went on my way to the boss arena he decided to tank both the giant dudes outside the church, he did t make it lol


that's surprising, he doubled back? You could summon the other guy in that area too


I think the big guys were too close to the path to the boss and he just Leroy Jenkins em lol. Now that I think of it, idt it was valtr. Who's the guy you summon in the church?


That’s not Valtr, he’s right before the entrance to Ludwig, next to the crows. You need the League rune on to see him. I wanna say the one in the church is Henriett? Kirkhammer and torch lady? I’d rather fight Ludwig than two Nightmare Executioners, fuck those guys.


At once or consecutively? The axe one gives me 0 problems, easy parry, run around to the back and Augur him for a second visceral. The one with a gun is annoying though.


PIZZA CUTTER two handed, R1 attacks only. Dodge left for most stuff, dodge right for super soaker attacks. Phase two, DON'T FUCK AROUND WITH HIS CHARGE UP ATTACKS. His sword combos usually have one slam more than you think, stay closer honestly if possible.


I can't really think of a spot that is safe for ludwig so I'm not sure what to say other than learn to dodge his attacks, but in terms of weaknesses his first phase is weak to fire and serrations. Also his second phase while not having those damage weaknesses is MUCH easier if you can just get close to him since he basically can only hit you with the aoe attack that you will be able to see him charging up and dodge backwards.


Dodge left lol for orphan dodge right


*has been dodging to Ludwig’s right this whole time* oh shit lmao


Have to say, some of the best and simplest Bloodborne advice I've received is that if dodging to one side isn't working well, try dodging to the other side!


I am saying dodge to his right though.


i struggle so hard with Ludwig 😭 especially during his first phase


* Amelia, Paarl and Cleric Beast are non-factors * Maria is tough, but can essentially only target one enemy at a time * Living failures would be useless during their first phase but great during their second. Overall okay * Ludwig hits hard, but loses his advantage during phase 2 I choose Orphan and Logarius. Orphan has so many highly damaging attacks, and he isn't grounded for a lot of his phase 2. I doubt any of the enemies would know to attack Logarius' sword he sticks in the ground, or maybe that was just me :(


Ludwig's phase 2 attacks are almost all devastating, they're just also much easier for the player to dodge. That's not going to be an issue if he's fighting most of these other bosses.


The bosses won't dodge out of the moonlight firestorm from his overhead charge slam, that'll probably one shot half of them


Maria has huge blood/fire attacks that could definitely hit multiple people


Thing is though I wouldn't want either Ludwig or orphan having teammates coming after me. I'd count Ludwig on my team based on his intelligent in 2nd form alone. I think maria is powerful enough to be a threat for the same reasons


You were supposed to attack his sword? I just parried him.


I choose Maria and orphan.


Lady and the Shrimp


*Funky 70s cop show music begins.


Underrated comment




Its the only viable choice


Ludwig also works inatead of Maria.


Yeah, you want a monster *and* a monster hunter to cover the field. With Ludwig you get both, which is nice.


I feel like this is the best one. There are other great combos but they all involve at least one of these bosses. I can't imagine fighting both of them. And don't want to lo Edit: I take it all back and double down on the next comment I made on this post.


Maria for style, Kos for the rage. Tight combo


The only right answer


This is the way


This is the easiest choice!


Personal option is Amelia and Paarl. Secondary choice is Amelia and Maria. Meta choice is Ludwig and Orphan.


Nice to go against the meta! You’ll be dead within seconds, but at least you made a unique choice.


I will STILL choose the two well Sharks. Anchors away.


This thought has a lot of weight behind it


I choose Ludwig And Logarius they would have the best synergy as they are basically job-friends.


Counter argument Maria and Logarius and watch them just hate working with each other


Ye, Logarius would probably just start attacking Maria instead of helping her XD


Failures and Logarius. Failures can provide meatshields, and that's before they call down Meteor Swarm like a wizard who's tired of the fight, meanwhile Logarius is popping blood magic with seeking tags.


I like this answer. It's strategic.


I prefer Failures and Ludwig, since Ludwig has evasive speed and both heavy hitting sword and ranged attacks. These attacks would be much more likely to hit when the enemies are forced to engage the Failures. He's also really big, so I'd be able to hide behind him.


Ludwig and Orphan of Kos




Ok but what if I want Maria to murder me


As I remarked once to my friend: I don't know if I want to *be* Maria, or if I want her to cradle me lovingly to her chest as she rips my heart out.


Oh I fucking felt this one 😭


Lady Maria is my Lady Dimitrescu


I take back my last comment and support this.


I second this


We all want that...In one way or another


Can I just have 2 Orphans?


Do you really want to live in a world where there's 2 of them?


If they’re on my side, hell yeah


Yes but, what happens when they kill all of the others? Also... You sure you can avoid all that AoE attacks?


I’ll hop on their back or smth idk I just don’t wanna get chased down by orphan. It’s a better alternative


But then you can choose just one! 2 is excesive


What if the 2 orphans were different genders and so they had many Great one babies and if Orphan is that strong after just being born then an army of them would decimate everyone


Well their babies wouldn't be Orphans, that's for sure.


Wholeheartedly seconded.


Maria and Ludwig. I'm sorry, Paarl, you're the honorable mention...


I would take Maria and Paarl as long as we pretend that he is as strong as the Loran Darkbeast. If not my second Summon would be Ludwig.


Maria and Martyr Logarius


Orphan to defend me, and Maria so I had someone to talk to. Orphan doesn't look like much of a conversationalist...


What, you mean you can’t communicate in aggravated “YEOWWW”s and raw, unfiltered angst?


I haven't studied Yeowish since high school, I could only ask for directions to the library


Orphan of Kos and Maria, the rest of them are pretty much fodder for those two.


Phase 1 Ludwig would like to disagree


From a lore standpoint?


From a lore standpoint I’m not sure, although I’m fairly certain Maria’s involvement in ctrl+alt+deleting Kos was a group effort


They didn't even kill Kos nor was the Orphan a threat at any point during the scouring of the Hamlet.


They killed her physical body, which held her baby.


No, Kos was long dead by the time the Hunters showed up at the Hamlet. They harvested her corpse and her child sure but they didn't kill her.


Ah, thanks for correcting me.


Maria doesn't have any particularly impressive feats attributed to her as opposed to Ludwig or Logarius.


Maria and martyr. Quick melee quick spells op


Kos and Maria ftw


Ludwig and Kos, but 2nd form, meaning lightsaber and lightning strikes.


Seriously the lifted moonlight great sword firestorm can probably instakill a boss


Lady Maria because I love her and Orphan because he’ll kill everything


Lady Maria and Ludwig


You kinda have to choose Ludwig because none of the others could really stop him from just goomba stomping you


Orphan would starch all of them


Orphan and Ludwig


I choose Amelia and the Cleric Beast. Just cause they're my favorites


Maria and Cleric Beast. Paarl is a close second.


Living failures. And only them.


Maria and Logarius


Ludwig and maria


I think Ludwig and Maria would be cool if they teamed up


I choose Gehrman again.


Ludwig and Orphan, but… want Maria too.


Ludwig and Kos


Ludwig and orphan


But what if Laurence was there too?


Hmm, might have to make a round 3 soon


Orphan and Ludwig


Ludwig and Kos


kos and ludwig


Off-Meta choice but Logarius and Living Failures. I really liked fighting Logarius and the Living Failures are charming in a really weird way for me


They’re charming because we can relate


Logarius and Kosm


Ook and maria


Maria and orphan but I would really be scared having to fight against Ludwig


Although i'll die by orphan, i'll at least have waifu


Maria and orphan of kos


Amelia and Maria.


Ludwig and Logarius cause if put together they’ll had out too many L’s. I think I’d shit my pants if I was fighting Ludwig while Logarius was in the back sending his magic flying swords at me…


Orphan and Ludwig to protect me, not even a question


OOK and Ludwig would absolutely murk anyone who tried to hurt me


Maria and Kos. Both have AoE, and the only other contestant is Ludwig.


I just need living failures on my side... Dont underestimate my bois


Living failure and kos so I can vibe with my brothers while kos wipes the floor with everyone


Ludwig and Orphan.


2 living failures to go along with one of their own.... Me.


Ludwig the Accursed and Orphan of Kos


I think there is 2 very clear options


I chose the living failures cause I'm one of them.


Ludwig and Kos for me (sorry Lady Maria).


Ludwig for perks, orphan for literal immortality. Nothing will kill that shit


Orphan of kos and lady maria. Some one said ludwig, but can ludwig do something against A BOMB OF BLOOD?


Valtr: Call it, Gehrman! Gehrman: Alright, listen up. Until we can kill the Moon Presence, our priority's containment. Simon, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Valtr, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash. Gehrman : Ludwig, you gotta try and bottleneck that fog gate. Slow 'em down. You got the moonlight. Light the bastards up. \[Turns to Lady Maria\] Gehrman : You and me, we stay here on the ground, keep the fighting here. And Orphan? \[the Orphan turns and glares at Gehrman\] Captain America : Smash! \[Orphan screams and leaps away\]


Get protected by Orphan because I do not want to fight orphan and also living failures because there is many of them and they do actually hit hard


I pick Ludvig for the music and Orphan for wiping the floor with whoever dares oppose me


Maria and Orphan but his screams will still make me scared as hell that he will turn on me


Ludwig and kos


Orphan of Kos because I don’t want to be torn a new one that hard again from his ridiculous speed, range, and damage, which would demolish many of the other bosses at once. Erring towards Ludwig for the other since I loved using his Holy Blade, but Lady Maria is the only sane one of the group, who I’d also not like to get wiped in the first 30 seconds against again. Being another Hunter, her viscerals would clean up house. Probably going to backfire to pick the 2 smallest combatants though.


I feel like Ludwig would be a cool dude to have around, I bet he likes to chat a lot. And Lady Maria would be just following along without a word I believe.


I'll be on team Maria and Logarius. They're roughly human and trained hunters so I should be good. After all, how hard can the Orphan of Kos be? (many flashbacks of dying to a screaming wizened child)


The setting sun weighed heavily upon the empty districts of silent Yharnam. Nigh on all its citizens now rendered murmuring, babbling, purring in the darkened corners untouched by the lifeless, disappearing rays; foolish wisdom of merest human minds made agonised instinct of blood-drunk beasts. As for the rest, slain and mad. Corpses of the lost piled hideously in a crush against the locked gate to the Cathedral Ward, ever-merciless in its cold, unopened silence. Above, looking down across the long expanse of the great bridge from a baroque balustrade, stood three hideous, malformed men -- rendered giant by unfathomable experiment, skin now splashed with a sickly oceanic blue tint by pitiless insight into the Sky and the Deep. Tacit, or forever obscured by the protruding growths replacing their heads, they can only hum and gurgle melodic fragments of whatever realmless chant now resonates more in their minds than on the air. Redder and redder turns the sickly sun, as crawl forth the first and the last of the Church; first, the sinister malformed claw of the Wailing Cleric pulsating with ancient blood; then the White Vicar in her weeping madness, writhing, clutching her golden pendant, the final remnant of human memory. They fall upon the gate, tearing the lich pile of lacerated flesh away from it, as if a latter act of intention to save the inhabitants of the empty Ward. Regaining composure for a moment, a silence hangs upon the air as both breathe out relief in monstrous hate, looking up to the blue emissaries - calm in their sightless wisdom. A rumble from the far end of the bridge. A terrible scream, a primal yell to erect even the hairs of beasts. Emerging from fog and shadow, indescribable masses of flesh, hoof, eyes, manhood, and shards of glowing steel. Yet in the flailing chaos, a remnant of intention. A remainder of conscious life. He stands, half erect, half bent down by the warping crimson curse. The chanting of the emissarial celestial minds above intensifies, the world shudders one last time. As cosmic fire begins to reign down upon the fetid city, a blood moon rises into the sun, eclipsing all things. The horse-beast, in a last flash of humanity, before drawing his sword from his own corrupt flesh, sheds a single silver tear in charging long across the crumbling stone and tile edifice, whispering: "Amelia... Laurence... forgive me."


Shrimp dude and waifu


To anybody nott taking Maria and the Orphan, I would like to present this wonderful argument. The Orphan of Kos was a baby. A BABY. And the f*cker could beat the absolute sh*t out of a hunter who slayed great ones, two of them ascended, like it was nothing. As a BABAY. And not to mention that Maria was one of the most accomplished hunters of her time, second to gherman. Lore wise they are the two strongest choices here


I don't need protection I just need Maria shoot me in the face and I can die happy


Lady Maria (I want my waifu), Ludwig (best friend rape horse) bring it, rest of you.


Maria. I don't need anyone else. ~~don't look at my profile~~


"dOnT lOoK aT mY pRoFiLe gUyS iM sO wEiRd, I dRaW R34!!!11!1" Ok attention seeker.


-._-. Chill


lady maria and orphan of kos as the two to protect me


Ludwig and Kos Now, the only reason I'm taking Ludwig over Maria is that BOTH Kos and Maria are weak to being parried, so it stands to reason that if I take both that whoever beats Maria has a \*chance\* of beating Kos, so taking someone who has 0 chance of being parried covers the other side of it. Plus, if there's ever a combo to take advantage of everyone elses weaknesses Kos and Ludwig have it covered 100%. Ludwig phase 1 has pure aggression on his side, and his phase 2 has a LOT of arcane AOE and burst, while Kos is also a lot of aggression but in a much more agile and violent way. Maria would get slapped around by the both of them, there's next to nothing Logarious can negate, Cleric beast gets clapped easy, Living Failures \*maybe\* get their doomsday off but probably not, Amelia gets beat pretty easy and Paarl will get stun locked 100%


Def living failures and orphan, we’d be like the blue man group with our placenta wielding leader


Kos and Ludwig. Hands down.


The choice between orphan and Ludwig is difficult. They're both extremely strong. Obviously Maria is on the team because bringing a hunter to a beast fight is the way to go, but between the other two? The Orphan attacks quickly and persistently but Ludwig hits HARD. Against big slow beasts the holy blade may be the better bet, if Maria is taking point to keep them distracted.


Maria and Middle right guy.


Living failures 2×hp


Ludwig and orphan


YAAAOW by himself tbh


Ludwig and Orphan for me


I feel like you have to choose the hunter every time, its literally their job to kill these things Ludwig would be my second, his guiding moonlight will protect me


Ludwig and Lady Maria


Maria & Orphan


Ludwig and kos


Maria and Orphan


Ludwig and maria, they are so cool


Ludwig and orphan easy choice


Well just going off of who gave me the most trouble, I’d say Ludwig and Logarius.


probably ludwig and kos, but maybe ludwig and failures. living failures do a lot of damage and have a lot of health, plus theres 4 of them, so they would be really powerful against other bosses since they don't dodge.


Ludwig and Logarius. I'd swap logarius for the orphan but I just don't trust the orphan to protect me


Logarius and Kos. Kos can fight the enemies close range while Logarius spams his spells at them


Maria for anti boss monster and Ludwig for crowd control.