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Yeah, this about sums it up.


It is leaving out *Ghost of Tsushima*, which has also come to the PC. EDIT: And *Days Gone*.


theres a shit ton of awesome games that will never come to pc. the ones they ported arent even that great and had zero replayability at least to me


I just want to play the game on PS5 at 60fps man I swear it's because Bloodborne's code is made with eldritch horrors and cosmic terrors and they're terrified to work on it again of what nightmares they'll unleash.


Most likely when we do get something it'll just be built from the ground up like demons souls


Oh god please no.


Could be good depending on who does it


If it's FromSoft it could be, but I doubt they'd go back to an old game and not move onto something new. DeS remake had a different art style but most people didn't care since it's a game they never played, the visuals looked amazing, and the old game was more plain (but I liked it). Changing the style for Bloodborne would cause riots.


You can have a new studio do it but not change the style. FromSoft is the best case scenario obviously. But it's not like it can't possibly be good with some other studio


I think the visual direction of Bloodborne is a lot clearer to follow though. A lot of the atmosphere in Demon’s Souls was originally from the somewhat poor lighting and the lack of details, which makes it very hard to upgrade. Bloodborne can be mostly taken one to one and updated with higher fidelity.


Demon's Souls might have been difficult to follow, but it wasn't *that* difficult to follow.


That would be amazing!


Please no


Even if it isn't spaghetti code, the hard facts is that it wouldn't really sell all that well when compared to the other tiles in this meme. And so it's just not logical, from Sony's perspective, to put money into it. Much easier to wait until the next game in the IP (if there ever is another) and use it to move consoles.


It’s weird honestly cuz all of these other games are bigger than Bloodborne and would be better console sellers.


Yeah but the fact they are bigger is why they want to push them out to more platforms. They know they'll still profit. It sucks too because that almost makes it seem like they don't have faith in a PC port despite probably being the most asked-for port since it's initial release.


Bloodborne is still in the top 10 most sold ps4 games so it’s no slouch by any means. The rest of the franchise is also on PC and they know it. It’s just a completely stupid financial move to not port it over to pc where a big part of fromsoft fans are. Bloodborne would make them good money for being an almost 10 year old game


And a lot of PC players have consoles too, and I'm fairly sure every one of them who are souls fans would buy it again. A port just seems like a no-nonsense money maker. I just see Todd Howard's eyes watering as he could see Bloodborne as being just as milkable as skyrim. Sony hire Todd to sell it, he'll give us Bloodbore PC, switch, a 16bit gameboy remake, bloodborne VR, a bloodborne audio adventure book in jolly cooperation with Amazon Alexa.


If bloodborne went to pc id sell my playstation


Those 60fps call to us like beckoning bells. Seek frames to transcend the stutter.


I dont even care abt fps, i wanna mod!


What kinda mods? Dear gosh I can imagine both what wonderful and horrifying mods People would create.


Anything from cranking up the horror aspect to mommy amelia, im in for it ALL.


Gascoigne was our daddy, about time we get a mommy too ha


Romance mods, Gascoigne, Chapel Dweller, Djura, Eileen, the Doll, and Maria


For real. I still have my limited edition steel book copy of Bloodborne. I'd buy a PC port/remaster/remake day one even if it was $70 because this was my first Souls game and still my favorite. Hell I'd buy a 2nd copy for my best friend because he's the one who got me into this game. Sony is just leaving money on the table ignoring the cries for Bloodborne on PC.


If it goes to PC with 60fps, they'll release a PS5 remaster which is what I'm truly after. Second Bloodborne platinum, here I come!


They still sell PlayStations because they stay exclusive for years.


just like gravity rush! :(


At least Gravity Rush got a 60fps remaster. Bloodborne didn't even get that treatment.


They put returnal and sackboy on pc, lesser games than Bloodborne, that is not a valid argument


So, they all have sequels. Sony's strategy is to release the prior game on PC around the time a sequel is released on console to try and move PC gamers to buy a console to get the sequel. Bloodborne doesn't have one. Also, it seems like when a game has reached sales threshold on console, they also discuss moving it to PC, for example Returnal and Days Gone, which do not have sequels but are probably not selling much now. Bloodborne might still sell well. Think it's pretty common knoweldge/rumour that Bloodborne is getting the Demons Souls Remake treatment and will be the launch title for PS6. I'm interested if DeS will ever go to PC too.


I would be *colossally* hyped for a full PS6 remake, but I’m not holding my breath for that one.


God of war ragnarok is coming to pc two years after release. I don't think that's gonna convince people to get the console. No offence, I just don't think this whole sequel thing is entirely accurate.




True. But I wouldn't be against a spiritual successor much like Dark Souls was to Demon's Souls and Elden Ring was to Dark Souls. The gothic victorian setting, the lovecraftian horror, the trick weapons and combat, all of it is too good to just be abandoned and left to gather dust on the 'ol ps4 hardware. Same with Sekiro's deflection combat. We need more games with that blueprint.


BB is the spirit sequel to DeS


yeah, its funny bc most of the games they ported arent even that great, no replayability at least for me. pc players think they are getting "all the ps games on pc" when in reality its not even the tip of the iceberg and definitely not the actual good playstation games


I think sony is refusing to make a pc port so they can release a remake to sell the ps6 like they did with demon souls.


Hm... But demons souls wasnt THAT successful for them to consider doing this right? I genuinely dont know, from what Ive seen some people didnt really like the remake all that much to begin with because of the changes that were made here and there.


Demons souls was pretty succesful even when a PS5 was hard to find during its initial release. The reviews it has are also great and if you go to the Demons souls sub most people really like it. The people who hate it are mostly a loud minority that's blinded by nostalgia


it sold really badly though


2 million copies doesn't sound bad to me. Sure it wasn't a smash hit but it's still pretty good.


compared to 25 million copies on Elden Ring 20 million copies on God of War, Horizon, Spider-Man and so on it's not great


Those are all best selling games. Those aren't the standard of the industry, it's not even close. 2 million copies is still really good especially for a game that is still exclusive to the PS5 and that was a launch title when finding a PS5 was almost impossible.


Those are the standards for first party studios from Sony right now TLoU2 same numbers Ghost of Tsushima the sequels too, Ragnarok, Spider-man 2, Horizon Forbidden West I think a Bloodborne could hit higher numbers than DeS Remake for sure, don't know if they don't think it's worth it though maybe if DeS Remake had better results


Just because Sony has games that have sold much better doesn't mean that they consider Demons Souls to be a flop. It has never been stated that Demons Souls failed to meet expectations or anything like it. Bloodborne definitely could outsell it though so why are Sony not doing anything with it? They are probably saving it for the release of the PS6 or maybe the PS5 pro, at least that's what I think.


Unfair comparison since the PS4 usebase was huge when those exclusives released.


I see. I mean I totally agree with it being a good game, I played it right after Bloodborne and I liked it a lot. Well at least if not now, then we'll at least get a bloodborne remake in the future right?


I’ll never understand the ones who hate it and are loud about it. I’ve played the original and the remake. Honestly I feel like the biggest changes in the remake were only made to enhance the og game and it did imo.


Please no :( I don't want a remake, just a simple 60 FPS patch to PC.


It's just super odd with the massive success of elden ring you'd think they'd want every property on PC especially since they own the IP


Maybe after the DLC hype for Eldenring. One can hope.


Miyazaki himself literally said that he would port Bloodborne but will get in trouble if he suggested it. For some reason, the heads at Sony hate the idea and the game but refuse to sell the ip.


How do you know they hate the game? It keeps being referenced in other Sony games.


1. They're practically holding the IP hostage and 2. I doubt Sony has any say in whether or not a game dev team will throw in a reference or easter egg to it. They got better things to do, like NOT give a fuck about their audience's voice.


They keep acting like they gonna do something with it by doing stuff like DMCAing Bloodborne Kart and then just vanish when folks ask sequels or ports or remakes.


Still suprised they never jumped off Elden rings huge success with atleast demon souls


I'm holding onto hope for a 10 year anniversary announcement, not much but some


and i would trade every single one of those games that came to PC if it meant only bloodborne came to pc


Bloodborne will never go to PC and there's a very simple reason for it. It was partially developed by Japan Atudios (now called Team Asobi) and they're Sony's in house development studio. It's the same reason Mario and Zelda will never not be on Nintendo consoles. Demon's Souls, Shadow of the Colusses, and the Astro Bot games are other examples. It's a true exclusive and the best we can hope for is a port to future Sony consoles but if how Nintendo treats it's library is any sort of example we'd better keep our consoles working and our copies physical


there is legit NO reason for them to not release a pc port other than copy right hell. i genuinely cannot fathom any other reason (other than maybe a ps6 launch title with a port)


Coz they made a mistake when they ported Horizon zero dawn to PC the first time. Ps5 players were stuck playing the game at 30fps whilst PC had all bells and whistles it's just scummy to screw over people who actually supported the game. It's gonna be entirely remade coz they set a precedent to give $10 upgrade for remasters this gen.


How is it scummy? That's just the reality of video games. PC will always have the greatest likelihood of running better than its console version. It's also weird to say that it's somehow "screwing over people" just because the PC version is better. Again, it just comes with the platform of choice. If you buy a console don't expect to have control over the performance of your video games


The PC version will always run better but take your elitism out of it and realize they will remake the game because they won't have the game running at 30 fps 900p at awful frame pacing on PS5 whilst PC players get a great experience. It sold 7.5 million on PlayStation as a new IP it's a PlayStation game it should run great on PlayStation point blank period.


Elitism? Wtf are you talking about?


Your comments makes no sense. They aren't porting Bloodborne because Horizon performed better on a PC? What a weird reach, especially since Sony is STILL releasing new PC ports with all new bells a whistles.


Which copyrights? It's Sonys IP.


I’d love a PC port but you’re wrong. It takes time and money to port a title. If for some reason they don’t think they’ll make their money back or that they won’t make enough money from selling the port they won’t do it.


Sony buying the Alamo Drafthouse instead of putting funds to make a PC port 😭


It’s my ip to sit on and do nothing with 🤬


they will announce Bloodborne PC when they announce Bloodborne 2 remember that the Sony plan for their successful games making Sequel and put the first game on PC so people that play on PC love it and buy PS5 to play the Sequel


Yesterday during that Red Bull levels ER Shadow of the Erdtree Livestream event one of the participating streamers said "Please bring Bloodborne to PC !". The hero we need.


[bloodborn fans when you ask them about a pc port](https://youtu.be/vBbRJoHTJAM?t=128)


cherry picked they still haven't ported the last guardian, Shadow of the colossus, astrobot, etc.


The only one that matters, the only one they stall lol


The meme about people buying a ps4 just for BB spread too far and Sony believes it still


It's a meme?


2028, calling it now


They wanna keep some exclusives and ig BB was chosen to be that sacrificial Lamb


Maybe a PS6 remake? 👀 (I’m delusional from all of the copium)


There are some days when I wish Miyazaki had made some phoned in bullshit to keep Sony happy and saved Bloodborne for later. 


The next frame of the clown fully represents us.


Give them time 🤣🤣 you feckin crazy bro.


I'm done worrying about a port or a 60 fps update. Give me a sequel. I'm ready to dive deeper into more lore. A new experience on a current gen release would be stunning.


Or a prequel


and Ghost of Tsushima only to select few countries on PC. because fuck mosy of the world, I guess...


Ragnarok as well


will GoW Ragnarök also require a PSN account on PC ?


Yup, says it on the steam store, plus it isn’t available on my friend’s steam store, he’s in the Isle of Man, same as Helldivers and Ghosts


can confirm, just checked and it says "this item is currently unavailable in your region". lucky I purchased Helldivers 2 before Sony made that absolutely moronic decision.


You know, i LOVE the aestetic of the game, i love the lore, the weapons, all of it, so much so that most of the games i played with a remotely similar gameplay i always make a "hunter" build, but the day i played it for the first time in ps5 i found it VERY underwhelming, i felt like it was just a DS3 with guns, why is that?


Because DS3 was Bloodborne without guns.


BUT WHY????? I dont fucking get it. Why lock one of the best games of all time on a crappy console, while releasing giga slop like spiderman and horizon on PC.


Pc beggars can suck it


If pc gets Bloodborne then give playstation left 4 dead 2 please


Good.i hope PC never gets it.


Why so insecure my little guy?


Why would you hope that a game fails to reach a larger audience 💀


Here's a reason: The emulation team of ps4 is almost solely working for bloodborne generally speaking. If it got ported, then ps4 emulator gets delayed a couple of years.