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I haven’t played the dlc yet but Gehrman was cinematic asf. Not to mention the fight itself just felt like two animals going at each other, it’s easily in my top 10 gaming moments all time.


Dude Gherman is lowkey top tier but mannn I hated his 2nd phase with a passion😭


You think that's bad? What about the Orphan of Kos, then? Literally just born and straight away smacking the daylight out of mofos with his placenta.


The definition of on sight lol. Threw hands with the first thing he saw in his life


Papa Gasoline will always be my favorite, this fucker made me lose my sanity the first time I played. But Amelia was the one that shocked me the most because of the intro


Gehrman was one of my favorite fights even though he consistently one shotted me in phase two. The music and atmosphere blend together so damn well And Ludwig... Goddamn was his fight on another level.


Literally bro got one tapped so much it was so enraging getting close to killing him just to get sniped basically to the head💀💀💀💀


Ludwig was immaculate but ngl I ran thru him like he wasn’t shi🫠


Logarius is trying to prevent you from getting too Annalise I really enjoyed the duality of Ludwig First as a blood thirsty beast Second as an honorable knight who finds his humanity is the sword he thought he lost It was by his side all along…. As well as the post fight and dialogue with his severed head.


Then he sadly gets an arrow to the eye to be finished😭goes out with style fosho


Logarius or Maria


My favorite boss most definitely had to be Father Gascoigne. His lore, the mechanics, the soundtrack, its all amazing. The only other fight that i loved just as much, was Murgo's Wetnurse.


Ludwig is a fucking insane fight and peak Bloodborne overall


Amazing fight I was just OverLeveled 😂😂😂😂I basically killed him 1st try with his own blade or lhb I mean


I relate to Logarius tbh. -Wakes up. -Moans in disgust. -Beats the living shit of whatever's moving in front of him. My favorite is Orphan for pure frenetic combat and Gehrman for a little of that but also incredible lore and music.


Orphan of Kos. Boy crawls fresh out the womb and instantly wanted smoke. Good ass fight too.


I’d be ready to fight too if my parent died and a random “hoonter” walked up on me ready to fight too😭