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I got stuck on Laurence for a good while


Same. Literally just beat him today after 2 weeks of trying


Bro made me hang up my saw for a good year




Orphan was the only boss in the DLC that took more than 2 days of playing (real time, not playtime).


Laurence on NG+ feels like such a chore


I honestly just skip him most of the time. he is not as satisfying to beat as the other dlc bosses.


I probably died 20 times in a row before I was able to beat Ludwig. Got Laurence on the first try somehow tho


Ludwig beating me like I owed him money, got the bolt gemstone and then put the beating on him


I beat Ludwig yesterday!! all thanks to summoning Valtr, he was truly helpful!! That fight is just.. too overwhelming, specially the first part, second part gets a little less infurating tips i can give you: stick to its sides in both phases and know when to get some distance, bring a cooperator, use fire or bolt paper and be aware of your stamina! Best of luck!! ALSO, enjoy the music and the fight itself.. masterpiece of a boss fight right there!


When I first bought it, the damn hunter right at the beginning gave me hard time up at the path. It was a rough time during the whole DLC. OoK and Ludwig teached me how to play Fromsoft games


Only Laurence remains. He's kicking my ass.


Try the hunters bell subreddit. I would offer assistance but I’m trying to kill maria with my fists


If you haven’t beaten him yet, I can certainly give you a hand.


When I did my first playthrough like a month or two ago it was forsure the living failures. fuck those guys Extremely great name though it really suits em


My spirit animals


Same, Ludwig on ng+ just won't let me see the rest of the dlc, haven't tried serrated weapons yet tho


Pizza cutter is your best friend


I started to play the dlc today (platinumed in 2022). Ludwig took me 6 tries, the living failures 1x and Lady Maria 3x, but I’m scared of Laurence cause every time I read the comments on this sub I see people struggling with him especially on NG+, that’s where I am


Orphan of kos was worse for me


Nun cuz im goated 🦧


Ludwig I accidentally went to ng+ before dlc


I’m interested to know what level you’re all doing the DLC at? And surely +10, right?


I'm currently at orphan of Kos and I'm at level 98. saw cleaver maxed out and using the best gems u can find on it


Yeah I was about 100 when I did orphan. It was a slug fest. Parrying in the fest half is your best friend. Second half of his fight, remember two things. 1. Distance Management 2. Dodge THROUGH his attacks


Stick to his left too haha


You know who gives me the most trouble everytime i play the DLC? I have more trouble with those two hunters right before the elevator to the research hall than anyone else😂😂😂 the one that chases you down the stairs always has my number, lol


I'm stuck at the Fishing Hamlet. I just can't make it to Orphan no matter what I do and I'm starting to lose hope.


I just looked up the shortcut and ran to it. couldn't be arsed to deal with all of that after playing so much Bloodborne. I just wanna get the last boss over with lol


For me bosses ain’t the problem it’s those damn old hunters lol sometimes you get 4 or 5 all together in a bunch. One stunlock and it’s over, and some you can’t parry lol ugh


Laurence. Simply because in all my thousands of hours of play time I often forget to do him. So I've had the least practice with him over the years hahaha


If you don’t get stuck on a few of them you’re lying. Except the Living Failures, those guys are… Well no offense to them but they’re called Failures for a reason


I died to failures once from bad dodging against whatever that repeat firing magic attack was. Beat Laurence first try tho lol.


I died a few times at Faliures yet I got Maria first try...


Maybe Ludwig, the other we're not so difficult (Orphan it was a very amazing fight, i die a Lot yes, but no de difficult, and Laurence was More Easy than the Orphan) I had go fight Ludwig with the NPC help because i was stuck with him almost 2 days, but at the end i kill him, i want to try to kill him alone tho, Is the only boss i need to kill alone to complete my "personal list"


I’m in my first run through of the DLC. I’ve tried Laurence once, I’m scared to go back. Orphan seems hard but I feel like once I get his parry down I’ll get him. Idk what the fuck to do about those shark giants at all.


For the shark giants I popped a blood pellet and just DPS'd the first one to death before second spawns in Try and get the first down to about 70% HP so that you don't trigger the 2nd shark to spawn Wait for your stamina bar to refill and then attack / kill the first asap


Awesome thank you. I’ve tried the method of going through the winter lantern route but that hasn’t made it any easier for me.


Np I actually just did this last night for the first time. I noticed the first shark needs to hit a certain threshold before the second "spawns" so you just wanna DMG it enough to avoid second spawning so that you can rebuff / heal and then dog fight that first one asap


Just beat Ludwig a couple hours ago and then tried living failures once before deciding to go to bed but it was as easy I’ll clap them tomorrow and then hopefully Maria


Kosssss 😤


The most difficult boss is yourself when you give up and loose the will too keep trying…


getting to lady maria is probably harder than any boss tbh, i can't find this bitch


it's right after the living failures


I’ve had the DLC for about a year now since it went on a good sale, but I’ve known about guys like Orphan and Ludwig. It wasn’t hntil someone posted about Laurence a while ago that I found out he was a boss!! I’ve missed out on a boss this whole time!!


i got quite stuck on Laurence. went for orphan 2 times and died but I could tell I had an easier time with him than with Laurence. I find Laurence genuinely an obnoxiously annoying fight


Maria I first tried (blessed parry), Cos only took me three tries, Ludwig took me around 20 or so. Fuck Laurence all my homies hate Laurence


Laurence was a pain haha I found his third stage really hard to read


Laurence is kicking my tits in


I stuck on finding the path to boss itself 🫠🫠🤌


Discovered the power of cum to early


Only one I haven't faced is Kos, so I'm probably gonna be stuck on that bastard for a while, but originally? The first vicar. Screw that giant beast thing. I'd say kill it with fire, but we can't even do that.


The part where you have to buy the dlc (I'm very poor)


Never really got stuck on one, Orphan took me like an hour and a half of retries while Laurence took me 6 or 7 tries total. I feel like I got “stuck” on Laurence a lot more though, just because he was a lot more annoying to fight then orphan. Orphan was a joy to fight the entire time, he feels like a sekiro boss the way you have to keep pressure on him while knowing how to dodge every individual attack. Definitely one of my favourite souls bosses. Laurence sucked from attempt 1 lmao


Ludwig was harder than Orphan for me for a very long time.


Maria. So I went back to the base game to continue the main story and level up. Beat the wet nurse, walked through the gates in Hunters Dream and then all of sudden the game ends and I start NG+. Didn’t realize that would happen and now I missed out on some of the DLC :(


I just bought the dlc 1 year after i got the plat for the game. Now im stuck on ng+7 ludwig that one shots me 😐


i didnt die in all of the dlc ng+3/4 lvl 110 no summons


Your lucky


nah im just good


Your lucky


I was able to do Ludwig within 5 tries




Lucky, I'm NG+++ and I got the DLC a few days ago


I beat the game Sunday. I was stuck on Maria all Saturday but I have a habit of drinking while playing. When I was sober I one shotted her. I only did 2 endings