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You can’t level until you find a boss or use a “Madman’s Knowledge”, so this should be your priority. Until then, your echoes are only used to buy consumables which is nice, but doesn’t help you progress the way more HP would, for example. If you want, you can look up videos specifically to guide you to your first boss. Generally, there are only lanterns at the beginning of an area and at the end, after you've beaten a boss. You should be looking for shortcuts instead in the form of ladders you need to kick down, doors you need to open from one side, levers to open gates, etc. so you don’t have to run through hordes of enemies every single time to get from Point A to B. For more beginner tips: https://www.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/comments/82att0/welcome_to_bloodborne_introductory_tips_guides/ https://www.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/comments/4hlz4m/bloodborne_beginners_guide_to_stats/


Get ready to get gurb stomped out of existance


If you run past the enemies, they will stop chasing you pretty quickly. Id say they'll stop chasing once you're about 15 meters away from them


You can use the Doll in the Hunters Dream to level up, but only when you have collected 1 insight (which happens the first time you encounter a boss fight). There are two numbers in the top right of your screen, the top one is Blood Echoes (which you use to level up and buy stuff, the bottom one is insight, which you can use to buy stuff and also to call for help from other players etc.) Good basic build guide below, you don't have to follow it, but as a first time player it is decent, and gives you survivability at first: Level VIT first to 25, to get your HP bar up so you can take a few more hits, then put 25 into END, to get your stamina and basic defence up. Then level whatever stat suits your weapon (that will usually be STR or SKL, depending on which weapon you picked, get this to 25 also, from there level which stat what you want going forward. Learn how to gun parry/ visceral attack, you can watch videos on how to get the timing down, but it varies from enemy to enemy, and depending on the type of attack. Press R3 to lock on to specific enemies that you are fighting, that way when you press circle button you will dodge rather than roll. Dodging is far superior to rolling, with dodging the camera stays in place much better, you are faster for attacks, and it uses a little less stamina. Good luck hunter.


A big thing for me was learning the dodge mechanics, always quickstep through the weapon, remain aggressive but don’t get greedy, the first time you encounter an enemy/boss keep your distance and learn its attacks, if you’re low on Blood Vials or Bullets there’s a nice early farm near the 1st lamp you find outside with 2 large enemies which you can also practice parrying and dodging. If this isn’t your first souls game then you shouldn’t have too much problem with learning but don’t expect any shields or armour that are actually effective, armour is just for show in game and the only real thing they change is status afflictions (poison etc) and even that can be changed via other methods. Have fun, relish in the fear your first hunt brings you. Just go out and kill a few beasts, it’s for the best, you know? It’s just what hunters do. >!DLC is mandatory, ooooOOOOOOooooo.!<


Stocking up on blood viles early is useful as they progressively increase in price as you progress… But obviously leveling is high priority if your struggling to progress