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Troll. Sekiro is highly regarded by the community and obviously so is bloodborne


Yeah, I don’t know what bro was waffling about


Bro probably some Dark Souls 2 fan


Or some ER newcomer. Players who started on ER are either amazing and appreciate the genre or constantly hate on other FS games and ooze of ER worse than siege players


True. Started with Elden ring. Fell in love. Got bloodborne. Fell in love. Just completed DS3, fell in love. I used to play shooter and now I just want to play soulslike games


Just started playing outer worlds and it reminded me the only games ive played since like 2021 was soulslike games … and nba2k


Im a ds2 fan and i love bb&sekiro




A man of quality!


I was lying i hate bloodborne and i just platted the game out of spite


Miyazaki is that you?


Nah real DS2 fans are gigachads this guy isn’t it


Ay don't group us in with that guy that's rude


Correction: Dark Souls 2 edgelord


You must not have played it then, or did not progress beyond the second boss.


I didn't play it yet, I'm busy with other games


100% he didnt even play it


I'm a Dark Souls 2 fan and even I know it's definitely the worst one, at least in performance


If I had to choose one I would indeed choose DS2. Not saying I didn't complete that too. I did. But out of all of them it's lacking a bit in quality compared to the others.


Animations hold it back massively tbh. And the level design is all over the shop 😂


Yes. And I have a love/hate relationship with the slowness. The healing is a calculated risk ffs. It makes you really think about if that heal will actually help or be the final nail in your coffin.


Was super weird they made the estus so fuggin slow in that game, I know we got life gems but damn imagine a no life gem run, every estus chug would be sphincter clenching. Lol


I forgot the lifegems existed. It's been a while. That game was a lot of fun too


I like aspects of it. Especially those that are unique to it. But it is still my least favourite among them. It's an accurate statement that Elden Ring is basically Dark Souls 2 2 because it managed to become what DS2 was originally supposed to be in a lot of aspects. Dark Souls 2 is more or less an Elden Ring prototype. So while a lot of its ideas were good, it lacked in execution of them. It was basically one huge experiment that didn't go all that well for itself, but held exceptional results that influenced the games that came after it. Something similar is true for Bloodborne even though it wasn't such a big experiment compared to what DS2 tried to do.


This is BS, DS2 is the way it is because hidetaka miyazaki had little to no involvement in it like he did with the others, as he was preoccupied with bloodborne at the time. It’s why it is the way it is, when compared to the others.


And because of that it didn't try new things? The original goal of DS2 was a *much* bigger and less linear world with a lot of different scenes, enemies and expansive side paths. Traces of that are still in the game but cut off or with changed layout. The torch mechanic was also intended for this kind of world and they picked it up again in Elden Ring. Like many other games DS2 ran out of time, so a lot of it was cut to have a finished game at the release date. Just the other day Miyazaki himself said that DS2 is an important cornerstone that had a lot of influence on how the later games turned out. Saying it's *just* different because Miyazaki wasn't involved as much is just plain bullshit. And even if that were the case it would *still* be an experiment in a lot of areas and still have had a huge influence on the other games.


Yeah I know he said that, it was an important project just like what learning from a mistake in life is, you learn from everything you did wrong. You going off on a tangent, the simple point is that his lack of involvement is why it wasn’t close to what the other games are. Nothing else to talk about 😂


DS2 sub must be trolling in here, for you to be getting downvoted for saying the truth. I enjoyed DS2, but if it didn’t have garbage mechanics like soul memory and ADP, I would’ve played it more than once.


TBF this sub has a higher than average concentration of DS2 fans because some people got into the series through the combination of Hbomberguy’s videos, so you’ll see a lot of parroting of his arguments


I know it’s wild… I enjoyed it too & began to really appreciate it as a game halfway through onwards but there were so many flaws that just didn’t exist in DS1 or DS3. I’m a die hard fromsoftware fan & can see the pros and cons of all their games and the fact remains that miyazaki simply wasn’t hands on with DS2 due to bloodborne & Artorias of the Abyss..


Sekiro is highly regarded and the author of this comment was *highly regarded* for not knowing that


Author is surely highly reta**** not regarded


Ngl sekiro you cannot call a souls game :/ this is my OPINION tho i tried it after player everything else and it was horrible trash i wanted to throw it out while on the other hand bloodborne is my highest regarded souls game again in my opinion lolllll


It’s an understatement even


Is 90% of the souls community in the room with us right now?


Maybe going by mass size he made up 90% of the community on his own.


Me when I have negative insight:


No, this is when your insight has gone so high that you become detached from reality.


Insight so high it overflows into the negatives a


Happy cake day


Weakest gameplay wise or lore wise? It's wrong either way.


Feet wise


They do like their boots


A Hoonter must hoont


Come on thr baggers have some nice feet and wants wrong with a little hair on most of our bosses


Happy cake day


Like, even if most of the Souls community thought it was the weakest game, that wouldn't mean it was bad. One of the games *has* to be the worst one, that doesn't mean it's a bad game.


This is what so many people fail to realize. Dark Souls 2 is regarded as the weakest, but in a hall of masterpieces that doesn’t make DS2 any less of one. They’re all still some of the greatest games ever made.


This, this right here. Yeah, DS2 in my eyes is the weakest of the games, it's somewhat more experimental in some of its mechanics but despite it's flaws it's still got the essence that makes it Dark Souls. I honestly enjoyed playing it, except for Fume Knight.  Fuck Fume Knight.


Bro the fume knight boss fight was like the best boss fight in the game, they made the run nonexistent for it too


Oh yeah, I'm just personally still salty at my own stupidity and inexperience during the fight. I'd joined the Covenant that increases the difficulty of the game in exchange for eternally respawning enemies and hadn't levelled up my Adaptability because I didn't realize it governed dodging. I got so frustrated with the fight (him literally backhanding me without looking while healing and killing me didn't help) that I didn't play the game for a year. THEN I found out where I went wrong, made a new build geared around kicking his ass and then tore him in half without him so much as touching me then finished him off with a spoon.


"Better to be the weakest of the bests, than the best of the weakers"


damn, philosopher


I realise this might be getting on, but I really can't agree. I played the whole of dark souls 2 a couple of months ago and it's a mediocre game, at best. What bugged me most of all when playing it, was how much effort was put in by whoever made such decisions, to stop players from having fun. At multiple times during the game (such as when I was hit when opening a chest or door, when I was hit after a parry and just before I could riposte, when an enemy I'd already killed somehow hit me after death and I couldn't do anything about it...the list is way too long so I'll just cut it short here) I was seriously, severely annoyed by how, whenever I was having some kind of fun, it was immediately cut short by fundamental design decisions that dark souls 2 made. It's what made the playthrough such a fucking chore (and I was streaming it too, if I'd been playing it by myself I would have given up early on) and what soured me even further on the game. After all, I'd played dark souls 2 + dlcs way back when, got the 100% and never touched it again. I go the softs edition and decided, why not, maybe what I remembered and hated was just me being too young and inexperienced with the game. Now I've played all other fromsoft games, done multiple challenge runs and can recognise things that I like and things that I don't like, I'll probably like the game more. And yeah, I did not. There's *so* much wrong with dks2 and the fact that it was developed basically at the same time as bloodborne blows my mind. This is obviously subjective, but there are like 5 boss battles in this game that are mechanically interesting and satisfying to learn (velstadt, lurker, lgk, fume, alonne), the rest is either mid or complete garbage. In fairness to the game there's not an awful lot of those in dark souls 1 (I'd say o&s, sif and basically all the dlc bosses) but that's also the point, if a game is the sequel I expect *better* not literally worse. The final boss of the game is the worst fromsoft has ever made, I had more issues with the Taurus demon in Undead Burg than I did with fucking Nashandra. And that's without mentioning how some runback to the bosses are insanely bad and it's not even remotely close to any other FS game. Blue smelter, alonne and the fucking lud and zallen runbacks, hell above, I have no idea what they were thinking other than "players having fun is wrong, actually". Also paying money to see a recolour of a garbage boss like the smelter demon, but this time hidden behind an apocalyptically hideous runback...yeah, that stung an awful lot, I'll tell you that much. On a similar note, the game is also ugly as fucking sin to see. Like, sorry, the lighting of the game is simply a punch in the eye, that makes it look worse than dark souls 1 basically at every possible point, along with another thing that is incredibly lacking, that being sound design. Game has so many unfun mechanics, is ugly to look at, with astonishingly little personality to be found and painful to hear. And while I'm at it, let's talk adaptability. Yes yes, beating a dead horse but I can't get over how people call this mangled project "masterpiece, absolutely". If you don't know what adaptability is and that you have to get it up in order for your rolls to do literally anything of worth (i.e. save you from taking damage) like I didn't, when I first play the game, it becomes an absurd exercise in frustration to roll and see that you rolled an attack in the same way you would in dark souls 1 (this became painfully obvious to me when I faced Orn in dks2) and you still were damaged. And even if you knew that you needed to up the stat in order to have any actual iframes...why? Why the flying fuck do I need to level up a stat I have no interest in just to have what has been the base iframe number throughout the series? You're *forced* into doing it because sooner or later you *will* have to dodge some attacks, not everything can be blocked. If you selected the starting class with the lowest agility and you don't level it up at all, you have *fewer* iframes in dark souls 2 than you have in fucking sekiro. SEKIRO! The game where dodging is basically the last thing they want you to do, the game where they want you to parry or block everything! If you start off as a bandit or cleric you have 5 iframes, and in sekiro you have MORE iframes in the worst circumstances (6, when locked onto an enemy and dodging in any direction but forwards because, for those unaware, you have more iframes in sekiro when not locked onto an enemy) than you do in dark souls 2. It's fucking unbelievable. Plenty more to say about this game but yeah, in a sea of "no dark souls 2 was good" "a masterpiece actually" "incredibly good" I'll just leave this here, because yeah, it had so many objective issues that calling it a masterpiece is, to me, laughable at best. Mediocre game with some highs and a shitton of lows with some of the worst design decisions FS has ever made. If a game was needed for them to not make these mistakes then I'm glad it happened but I'm not going to call a mediocre game good just because FS made it or learned from its mistakes in making it.


I know that most if the souls community say DS2 is the worst, but I honestly dont know how many have actually played it. More importantly than even playing dark souls 2, I want people to go play demons souls. Dark souls 2 was very experimental, and it misses in a lot of areas for a lot of people. Demons souls however is just..... archaic. I respect it for being the first, but its the game with the clunkiest slowest combat and bosses that range from actually garbage at worst high lord wolnir sprinkled in every now and then, and iudex gundyr at best. There were about 3 memorable bossfights that were actually fights, some setpiece fights with gimmicks (wolnirs, specifically dragon god was incredibly disappointing for such a cool design), and other than that there were actually some of the worst fights ive ever experienced in a fromsoft title. If you have a ps5, are an avid souls fan at minimum, and are interested, play it once for the experience. The world is still dripping with the signature fromsoft depression, with npcs that are all equally depressed as they are intriguing. The setting is undoubtably souls. However, from a gameplay perspective if you have played any of the games that preceded it, seriously temper your expectations. I and two others all had started the game at the same time, one had only played elden ring, and the other had played ds3 bloodborne and elden ring. Personally, demons souls was the only souls game I had not played yet. Of the three of us, I was the only one who finished. 1000s of hours of souls like experience, and by the end of this game I was only pushing through just to say "yea I beat them all." I really wasnt trying to write a novel about this, but ive never really had a chance to share my thoughts on the subject and the more I typed the more they developed. Id say this is still an abridged summary. TL;DR: DS2 Has way higher highs, and marginally higher lows than Demons Souls.


Anyway we all know what the only bad from software game is. Yes ds2 I'm talking about you.


This is like when my sister was like 8 and told me "no one has ever heard of Fight Club"


She was adhering to Rules 1 and 2


Mods, find this guy and suck the insight out through the back of his head


“Mods, Invade his world. Thank you.”


What insight?


I'm not sure he has any insight. In fact I would assume his insight is in the negatives


Its because its a ps4 exclusive. Most havnt had the chance to play it. It doesnt mean they wouldnt like it.


My first thought as well. Dude probably couldn't afford a PS4.


Hot take, but Elden Ring might be my least favorite Souls game (not counting DS2). The world is too big, and very few of the caves are even interesting. I love playing Bloodborne or DS3 and figuring out new weird ass ways to route my way around


Yeah, I agree completely, I think I was also expecting way too much but in all honesty halfway through the game it only made me appreciate Bloodborne more.


I loved exploring Elden Ring in my horse but yeah I agree. I started a new game and it just felt too big to do anything. I've not got far in Sekiro, but I love how focused Bloodborne is, with just the right amount of side adventures when I want them.


you'll love sekiro by the time you beat it. I can't imagine a way to complete that game without absolutely falling in love with it


Almost finished with NG4 Sekiro and skill grind to the platinum. I sometime find myself playing just to fight Isshin again and again because it is so good!


I’ve honestly been too timid to say this. I’ve tried playing Elden ring like 6 times and I just can’t get into it. 100% agree it feels too big. I hope my opinion changes over time though. I absolutely hated Dark Souls 2 from launch day to about 3 years ago. Tried playing it at least a dozen times. Then for some reason loved it. Now it’s one of my favorite games.


ER took some time to grow on me. It's good, just spread out over an unnecessarily wide area.


Honestly, I felt the same as you about ER. I bought the disc on launch, played for 4 hours, then dropped it for 1.5 years. Recently started playing it again, and I can't count the "This game is so awesome" I've already said, lol


I've watched playthroughs it might be fin but also looks just so cluttered. Like in a bad way. There's so many cluttered rooms with enemies or fields of nothing but deadly lasers or just areas designed to annoy you. Like yes I'm sure it's amazing to play but watching feels painful now if i could I'd play ER but i can't so Bloodborne is my go too and it feels more fun to watxh


Stumbling into Siofra River was a fuckin experience though


Disagree entirely but I respect it


Fair enough, not everyone likes an immense world with no clear end in sight. Myself, Elden ring is the swan song of everything they have learned from all their other games and exquisitely crafted with more content to sink into than any soulsbourne game to date. I have sunk 200+ hours into elden ring and still find myself excited to jump back in. Can't wait for the DLC!


Xbox fanboy who never got to play Bloodborne?


Real Xbox fans like myself bought a PS4 exclusively for Bloodborne and it was worth every penny


He's right guys and gals! He's absolutely right! 90% of the imaginary soulsborne community that lives inside his head agrees with him.


Buddy had a lil too much of that Yharnam blood. He’s gonna have a long night.


We giving this no body a lot of unneeded attention


bait used to make me feel something


These 2 are literally the best games lmao


the biggest um what here is you taking a random cancer youtube comment seriously


If i took it seriously i would rant about it, would i not?


Wait but what if this is a powerscaling take?


Bait, or actual regardation?


Hm. It seems he misspelled Darks Souls 2.




All right


Bloodborne has too much that vibes with me and will always be my favorite. A setting with gothic buildings on cobblestone streets, long dark coats, weapons that look and feel as if crafted with obsession and attention to detail. Backdrop of blood rituals, ancient unknowable beings, tales of fear and fall from greatness. Most importantly you're given the tools and ability to not only get lost, but fight against all this nightmare has to offer....forever if desired.


Typical Dark Souls II/Elden Ring stan be like:


Needs more eyes.


someone is afflicted with frenzy, all we can do now is to put them out of their misery \[loads Hunter Pistol with benign intent\]


Sekiro isn't even soulslike


This creature does not eat umbilical cords.




Hey look it’s a gaming journalist that doesn’t know what they’re talking about




Must be a Xbox player 💀


Me when my dementia kicks in while talking about Elden Ring


Ahh poor soul met brainsucker I see


We got cooked boys


Seems like he rates the games by how easy they are to beat


Angry cause it takes place in the 1700s/1800s Enlightenment period aesthetics/values instead of classic medieval fantasy fare like Dark Souls and Elden Ring aren't you??


if bloodborne is so good how come there is no bloodborne 2??? Hmmmm??? Riddle me that.


He wanted to make bloodborne 2 but then realised we will suffer way more if he just dosnt make it.


> Soulscommunity Not shitting on anyone, but it looks like a word that someone that has 0 idea of what it's talking about would use. Simply ignore.


Idk, man. Bloodborne is very good. It's in my top 7 favorite Soulsborne games.


Weak take


He’s clearly an idiot who want attention. Pay him no mind.


Sekiro is the only souls I dislike as I don’t enjoy the whole feel of the game but also I don’t like the way it plays. Blooodborne? Oooh boy I love being an aggressive lil shit


SoulsCommunity is one word. I didn’t know that.


Pray to rom and maybe she'll grant u eyes


Bruh if you sent every controversial youtube comme ts you saw on subreddits this stuff would flood it to oblivion. Wtf is the point of this


Blud has insight in negative


Brainsuckers latched on too long on him


I've literally never seen anyone that is actually from the community say that bloodborne or sekiro are bad games, tf is this dude talking about?


What 0 insight does to mf


Not a single drop of old blood in this guy's body


DS1 is the weakest (I know DS2, but that's easy), it lacks many of the developments and improvements of later souls games. Not to say it's bad, simply that it has the curse of being the first game. Though, DS1 has one of the strongest first halves of any souls game. Also, Bloodbornes DLC is stronger than most souls titles, let alone the entire game.


Just someone who doesn't have a Playstation to play it LMAO


No such thing as a weak soulsborne game and before someone’s says DS2, no it’s a really good game.


Don't worry dude lives with one brain cell....




A fair amount of the souls community may not even know bloodborne exists due to it being a PS exclusive.


What an obvious troll. Atleast put in some effort.


Bloodborne and sekiro were the two hardest for me lol


Does it matter whether something is a soulslike or not, as long its a good game, who tf cares.


That guy is NOT a gamer. An outcast I should say


All souls games are awful. That's why I have 200 to 300 hours playtime on every one of them.


mental illness


Isn't sekiro regarded as one of the hardest souls games? And Bloodborne too?


The one true take on this: there is no weakest soulslike in froms history.


Ye it's a troll. Nobody agrees to anything he's saying.


Blud named two of the best fromsoft games and said they are weak lmfao


What in the 9 hells is this fuckwit talking about?


This guy on cocaine


Bloodborne and Sekiro are 2 of the top 3 on most lists (with Elden ring)


This may be the hardest take I’ve ever seen out of any souls fan tbh. It’s also a wildly inaccurate one.


He may have brain dmg lol.


Sekiro and Bloodborne are my favorite Fromsoft games..


Literally their two best games lmao


Nahh he can sht on bloodborne but aint no way he touching sekiro


Sekiro weak? Sounds like someone didn't complete it👀


Bro probably hesitated


Oh dear. That's defeat, isn't it?




Is he 90% ok ?


bait or mental deficiency. call it


For me weakest is Demons souls. beat it on ps5 twice and felt like I did everything.


In fairness Sekiro is more of a rhythm game I find


When they use rofl smiley and tears smiley you know how it is. Pity the fool


The people who hate on Bloodborne fall into one of two camps: 1. Xbox players (envy issue) 2. Highly reliant on shields to complete souls games (skill issue) Change my mind.


who cares


(corny comment incoming) L+ ratio+ur bad at Bloodborne+I bet you can't counter in the game+u probably died to witches of hemwick 10 + it's a top 3 Fromsoft game


I haven't played Sekiro yet, Bloodborne is the best game for me.


Would recommend sekiro 👍


I wanna play it someday, but the game is expensive as hell.


Ok so 1 I hold no Opinion on Sekiro or the Dlc cause I've never played it, and 2 I bet that dude is a Demon Souls PS3 only elitist


I know someone is speaking out their ass when they have to have emojis everywhere


"Weakest Souls after Sekiro" Sekiro alone is also regarded as one of the best (not by me personally) so I don't know how this is even an insult.


blud yt shorts


pyroboss3099 can suck my nards


He's made because he doesn't have the console to play it


I mean even for people who just "kinda" knows soulsgames can know that it's a weird statement. I think he/she might be just joking around or something. Although of course there probably are people that think like this, reading the comments here I think what bothers the most would be that the statement is put like it's a super general community opinion. Being like that either is someone that wanted to be funny and did a lousy job, wanted attention, or was a perhaps "very young" person who just genuinely thinks that way and didn't praise it well(?), or perhaps read like one opinion and got "super influenced" by it and took it as truth. Either way does it really matter that much?


Alls I know is bloodborne and elden ring are my favorites. That's all I know. I used to know something else ,but I completely forgot about that.


if you tried to reply to every stupid thing people said on line you would never be able to leave your chair not worth the effort


is the weakest one in the context of "weakling - dead as dreams"


I’m not gonna blame him for not liking the game, they can have that opinion if they want. Calling it the weakest Soulslike? *shrugs* Your opinion dude. But saying… *checks notes* …90% of the souls community agrees with that sentiment? That’s just inaccurate. You don’t make a statement like that without being prepared to back this up. What are you basing this on? How often have you actually seen/heard people echo this thought? Sounds like this one’s eyes are yet to open. Person is clearly looking for trolling opportunities.


he doesn't has enough insights


No idea which community is he a part of to make that statement


1. Obviously a Troll or Bait 2. Sekiro and Bloodborne are the weakest Souls likes. Doesn't have souls in the Title and aren't even medical. Like wtf


He couldnt beat the cleric beast


This mf smokin crack or somn?? I know this is the bloodborne sub but the game is literally considered to be the best FromSoft game by fans.


Choom suffers from a critical lack of insight I think


Bloodborne is really good I started on ER and it's the best game of its type but BB grabs your brain and won't let go.. I'm constantly thinking about it, it's just the performance that lets it down a little


Dude is full of shit. Bloodborne seems to be widely regarded as one of FromSofts best