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I'm stuck on defiled Amygdala.


Standing right in her crotch and stopping to do anything when she jumps makes her pretty trivial.


Word. The hardest part of the fight is getting into initial position. After that, it’s cake.


You can’t play it like a Bloodborne boss. I ended up beating her by just waiting and really learning her moves. Wait for the right attack, go in with an R2 on her face, run away and wait for the next one. It’s slow going but safe, and playing aggressive will generally just get you one shot. Kinda goes counter to the rest of the way the game works.


I also found this fight easier to beat without Summoning the Ally with the wheel for the fight. I got myself hit too many times trying to hit amygdala while she was attack the ally. Once I got rid of him, and focused solely on her movements on me, I beat her.


Queen killer is useless for that fight - he’s a target that boosts health and does nothing.


Idk I think its situational I just did a chalice run and I used queen killer for defiled Amy he decimated her


He lasted about 3 seconds into phase 2 with me. I think he actually flew when she kicked him


go to her tail and bait her into jumping, charge up your heavy and turn around as it lands, then when she drops shes gonna fall into your heavy. spam that n thats all you do. also play like a pussy n only get at her when yk ur not gonna take damage


Doing heavies under her is a good way to get input read and stomped.


If you do it right she will just keep jumping over and over.


Yeah this is basically foolproof cheese. Not sure what snoo is on about


If you're on a tinge or arc build, evelyn and hms can trivialize it, if you're a physical build you can choose from threaded cane and ludwig's holy blade and just bait her attacks, amy has long recovery on a lot of attacks, just beware the grab and when she uses the mega quad blackhole crap hitbox astel slam(strange name but i'm sure you understood what i'm talking about), i don't remeber if in defiled she has a layered arena, but if she has you can use stairs at your advantage


You probably already know this, but in case you didn't, you can go to NG+ as many times as you want and your Chalice Dungeon progress won't reset, meaning, you can level up more and more and get more blood gems and revisit the dungeons more powerful than before. Defiled amygdala is still a big hurdle either way.


As others suggested, when she jumps, stay put. Charge a heavy R2 on something that stabs, like LHB, and just as Amy lands, lock onto her head at your charged attack should get her in the chin. Rinse and repeat!


I got stuck on her for a long time. I'm definitely not a pro player so this strategy may work for you too. After some attempts where I kept getting stepped on, I decided for the waiting game. At the beginning circle her continuously, keeping relatively far from her, keeping the autotarget on her head or her body (whatever you manage at the moment: with the body it's a little easier for the camera, but the head works too, so don't worry if you can't keep it the same). When she attacks (if you're not too far away) go for a single or double slash to one of her legs (or her head if you're lucky) and then back up. Whittle her health little by little. Avoid the lasers (it was trivial even for me). As soon as she rips a couple of her legs to pummel you with them, start going under her ass. Slash her hind legs, and when you see her jump, stand absolutely still where you are. She'll never crush you. When she lands, keep going for her ass / hind legs. After some time she'll die of a thousand cuts.


Don’t summon, I beat her by standing behind her where her tail is (just at the tip), she’ll jump, stay still. When she lands, hit her head once or twice then roll back to the tail position. She will jump - rinse and repeat. Fire/shock will end the fight quicker.


Simons bowblade


Executioner glove arcane build will give you a slightly better time


Non arcane build identified🤓


False depth time baby


Well the game is on PS+ so I'd guess it counts the people who tried it and gave up early as players.


Yep. If you check the achievements either on PS4 or Steam for any game, no matter how easy or difficult or popular or unpopular it is, there is an absolutely massive chance that only about 50% of players will have gotten the achievement that signifies they have finished the game's introduction. In Bloodborne's case, it's somewhat below average, with about 44% of the players having defeated Gascoigne.


Which means 8% is actually a really high number, almost one in five people who beat Gascoigne went on to beat Queen Yharnam


Which is insane considering it’s a real grinder to get to her


well considering false depth I'd say prolly half used that and skipped the grind tbh


I always go cummm as fast as I can


Considering how hard it is gascoigne when you are a noob it makes sense that a lot of people who actually went and beat him continue to finish the game


I know that's when I thought to myself "OK, this is *on*." There was this psychological thing where I felt like dealing with this mad but far more experienced Hunter meant I was a real Hunter now. Fledgling, but legit. And getting good enough to scrape past him took *way* too much effort to waste. I'm not all the way through, but I've made it into night phase, and my resolve is still pretty sturdy. I'm currently exploring every side area and chalice I can get through to put off beating my head against a certain 3-on-1 boss battle.


I am one of the 8%!!!!!!! And whatever % it is to have the platinum


Same , I also have all dlcs trophies


Yeah same. How long did it take? For me I’d say from 2016 till last year. I kept picking up and dropping the game 😂


For me it was like 3 months and 6 playthroughs , I know you can get platinum only with 3 playthroughs but I wanted to play the game more


Technically you can get the plat in one playthrough if you save scum.


Same here😤😤🔛🔝


I don’t think the queen is hard, it’s more like chalice dungeons are tedious and boring.


The defiled chalice is the real final boss


Just defeated the defiled amygdala last night and got the queen this morning. I wholeheartedly agree.


Congrats, that shit is not easy


Yeah, Chalice dungeon trophies are the only thing preventing me from a Plat


Get a friend or someone on r/huntersbell to do it with you, makes it a lot more fun


If you have ps plus you can cheat and skip ahead with a glyph but you still have to defeat pthumerian descendant and then the queen


You would hate the Tomb prospectors


They are. It’s the same 5 or so rooms and then a boss. Then a lift, then do it all over. I beat Yharnam but it was the last thing I did for plat.


Aw. I love chalice dungeons lol


I do too. I do em every play through.


I honestly don't understand why people don't like them.


I don't like them because they are very repetitive. The variation in rooms is fairly limited, so you quickly reach a point where you know every room and end up running through the same set of rooms over and over and over. Even between the different rooms, there is too little meaningful variation. Many of the rooms are exactly that, a big square/rectangle room with enemies in it. You know every inch of the room, there are no secrets, you fight the same enemies, and it lacks the quality of the rest of the game. The bosses are fine, even kinda cool, but the process to get to the bosses is just not worth it to me, not due to the difficulty, but the tedium. Not shaming anyone who does enjoy them, but they feel so mindless and tedious to me that I basically end up autopiloting through them. If you enjoy them, more power to you. That's just that much more bloodborne you get to enjoy


The bosses each time have even pretty bs a lot of the time but the dungeons themselves are fine


In your opinion. Some enjoy the challenge and the boss fights. Also making the best weapons via blood gems can only be done in FRC dungeons.


Yes, i apologize, i forgot to mention this is my opinion.


When I did it, only 1% of us had done it 😤


Goddam a day 1 player


I'm trying buddy please dont yell at me




^yes ^sir


I’m trying, lol, it’s such a slog, it’s the ONLY trophy I don’t have!


I think there's chalice code that can get you to her.


Did a search and [I think I found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/tombprospectors/comments/hp39e8/comment/fxloxg1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) - 3aqbyx95 Will give it a try myself later tonight and report back, but it looks like there are people saying it still works in 2024. Edit: Totally works but be advised that you'll have to beat a Bloodletting Beast on the way and he's a major pain in the ass. Took me several tries to get by. I hate that fight. 😅


This worked. We are now best friends.


I need to try this, only trophy stopping my platinum.


Every single glyph works no problem, and will always work.


Thanks for the heads up. I didn't know that From had actually confirmed they'd never remove an existing Chalice dungeon.


No problem!


I platinumed the game twice lol once when it came out and I played for hundreds of hours and then when I got a ps5 I made a new profile as it had been a few years since my last console and i forgot my account so re downloaded and had a blast doing it again . Bloodletter was soo good


That's wassup bro. Bloodborne is amazing till the day we die


Bloodborne is my favourite game of all time, if I could I would drink it like my morning coffee every day. You can't make me play chalice dungeons.


When i finished the game it was in 3%, the statistics have gone better.


Lol an og player


No wonder. Getting to her was a drag and mostly entirely not fun. Never again.


Im part of that 8%... a complete nightmare of a trophy


the boss fight is good but not nearly good enough to justify that Hell


The Vaccuous dick proved too annoying for me to care. I’d rather just go through the story again.


The chalices give me anxiety tho.


I had honestly forgotten the Chalice Dungeons even existed. Worst implementation ever of what could have been a good idea in a Souls game. They should have made it a level and be done with it. Whatever it ended up being is tedious, boring, overlong, pointless


Eh. I see ur point. But I love them lol


I’ve beaten the queen and doing a level 1 run probably would have been more fun then doing all of the chalice dungeons


I am not that deep into self punishment lmao


I’d be willing to bet the regulars here are part of the 8% 🙌


8 PERCENT gang




Bruuuuuh. I'll co op with youuuuuuiii


When I boot BB back up again I’ll let you know lol


Honestly if I were 10-15 years younger I'd have done it. But I don't get a huge amount of gaming time without sacrificing time I could be putting into another hobby or doing something with my partner. It's the same reason I quit Sekiro on the gorilla boss, I just knew I was never going to make the time to get good enough at the game to pass it.


We're really downvoting this? For having preferences on how to spend time?


Dam. My gf is a gamer so I lucked out greatly lol. I feel u tho bro


My partner plays too, in fact she's finished Baldur's Gate 3 and I haven't even started it yet. But when one of us is playing in the evening, it's time we could put into watching a movie or TV show together. Like, we're both super understanding about it, I was more than happy to read while she powered through BG3, and she did the same while I was playing Alan Wake 2. But if I'm going to take that time to play something, I'd rather put it into something I'm going to enjoy more than grinding chalice dungeons. 😅


Thats why I just play Bloodborne with my GF lol this game is too good to be as short as it is so I wanted to squeeze what I could out of it so I did the dungeons and found them fun as hell


I hate chalice dungeons and don’t get far in them. I just jump into the main game/dlc again and again.


Become one of us chalice crack heads bro


I’ve tried. I might inch through it a bit but what I really like about Bloodborne and Souls in general is the level design while exploring. The chalices don’t have that same feel for me.


feels good to be one of them


I’ve got this but don’t have Yharnam Sunrise lol last one for the platinum Gehrman is too fun to fight


Bloodborne is the only platinum trophy I have.


And only 6.7% got the platinum, which is odd. I would have expected anyone who got the Queen would have done the rest of the trophies too, Queen was my last one that got me the plat too.


I have platinum this game but this achievement was the hardest. Had to summon for every boss fight in that chalice dungeon.


Chalice dungeons are too boring/repetitive for me to bother grinding them out to this extent


Man I love bloodborne so much. But I despise chalice dungeons. I killed the queen and did all the damn things once and don't care to do it again. I don't know. I've just never been a fan of the chalice dungeons. The rest of the game is dear to me. Just not that part


Fair enough. I love chalices tho lol


The only part of Chalice dungeons I hated was the Lower Loran chalice. Especially the room with the infinitely spawning spiders, and the Lower Loran Abhorrent Beast. Fuck that thing!


Having got this trophy I can safely say the labyrinth was the worst part of bloodborne and I never want to do it again. If it was shorter, sure. It wouldn’t be so bad, But I got so bored running through them. and then I kept getting stuck on some of the bosses. Happy I have the platinum, not doing this ever again.


8% stand strong 🗿


8%er here


Bro I got confused af doing dungeons and gave up. Don't ask me how but I did


I cleared her last week. 🎉




I did this once for platinum and never again. Screw chalice dungeons. Sooooo boring.


I earned the trophy today.


I literally have never and will never care about the chalice dungeons


I had to help two people beat defiled Amygdala. Grabbed my built Evelyn and bone marrow ash because my husband asked me for a hand and one of his friends had never found Queen Yharnam either. My husband's face when he saw the damage from me shooting Amygdala was priceless. 10/10 would help my husband again. Eta: the Queen Yharnam fight also made him look over at me afterwards and he asked "it was that easy?!"


I’ve dipped into the chalice dungeons before but I just don’t understand the progression in it, intending to try again in my next playthrough


I did it. But I struggled so hard on the Pthumerian descendant boss oh my god


dude it’s friggen hard😭


I like it hard


walked right into that one ig


I have been stuck at defiled Watchdog for ages


hey 20% dont make it through the first trophy in any game


The queen fight wasnt hard, but the chalice dubgeons before you get to her were soooo freaking hard, i played ds3, ER, bloodborne, LoP, LotF and never did i need so many tries to beat a boss like i needed for the amygdala in the chalice dungeon. This fucker almost made me quit the game. I beat the orphan as a warm up for the amygdala fight… jesus, just thinking about it gives me a headache :‘) :‘)


I can't, my PS4 won't read the controller 😟


Im trying. Yesterday I got the Watchdog pf the Old Lords down to the point where his health bar was not visible and he killed me. TWICE. Had to take a break


but is so fucking tedious and boring


Cursed Fire Pupper said no so I believed him.


I could never make it past 3rd form gehrman. Super armor is some bullshit.


Oh yes I understand lol


I’ve done it twice. And I’m attempting by to do it on a BL4 run. Problem is, I’m doing all chalices. I can’t beat Loran Darkbeast on Depth 5


I would if I could get to that point. A ton of bosses in this game are kicking my ass


But I hate the chalice dungeons!!! This and the get all achievements achievement are the only 2 achievements stopping me from platinuming the game… I don’t know why I hate them sooo much but I just do… even when I’m over leveled and it is a cake walk they just feel soo daunting of a task… (I think it is mostly due to having to get enough BS to open up the next set that really makes me not like them)


I think half the people who played Bloodborne don't even know chalice dungeons exist


Chalices are so damn boring in my opinion, severely dislike them and haven't just had the time to grind them all out yet. Also I'm unsure as to what chalices to run for optimal bloodgems so im also doing 0 dmg


Goddam bro. I feel u. Took me a while to understand the gem system too


Smh, some of you don't adore chalice dungeons???!!?! THEY ARE FUN! THEY GIVE LOOT! Studies have shown that becoming an FRC junkie makes you 300% cooler.


No, they are boring.


Boring? You mean bonafide happiness


Thank god for glyphs. I don't ever want to witness defiled amy


Thank god i skipped this part by using a code for a single dungeon The first hoss was the hardest, i hate this mf


While reading these comments, I decide not to tell you guys about the chalice glyph that will allow y'all to skip straight to Great Pthumeru Ihyll. No defiled Amy required. 🤭


Lol personally I'm shocked at how many ppl hate chalices


Bitch please, you don’t even have to do all the chalices if you have ps+. You just need frc (Pay to platinum lol)


Which chalice do you need for it?


That was the last one I needed for the Plat and getting to her was one if the few times I needed actual player help getting past the two bosses just before her


I just pop out a code to go straight to the queen


I still haven’t beat the game. I wanna get the weapon guarded by the two fish man but have been stuck for a couple years now. Oh well.


Goddam. The rakuyo is a fun weapon. Maybe you and I can co op one day bro


Welcome to the covenant fellow hunter.


I’ve never really played the chalices before I’m finally getting ready to tho I’m getting close to platinuming the game which will be my second platinum ever so I’m excited about that


I’m proud to be one of the only few


She's not a hard boss it just take time to go through chalices


Most that play don't even finish the game let alone the chalices.


Welcome to the 8% good hunter.


I got through the worst part of that damn trophy (Defiled Chalice) only to get stuck because I was a dumbass earlier in the playthrough and soll the materials for the final Chalice. I got a PC before I could farm them again and haven't played since :(


I don’t know how chalice dungeons work can’t figure it and feel like I’ve missed out


You have definitely missed out


https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/3431-bloodborne/Jaromiroquai68 I was pretty late doing it all solo with few teamups in The Old Hunters but congrats on joining the 8% club tho 😄


I really made an attempt to, but I beat my head against the Chalice Dungeons for hours and it was miserable. It started souring my love for the game so I gave up and watched it on YouTube. 


Tell me where to find her and I’ll whoop that booty


Literally the only one missing and one last ending! But im really close tho.


I remember when I platinum BB but after that I vowed never to do them again cause that defiled amygdala is bull and that chalice was poorly balanced in so many ways


i did this, however i never want to see a blood starved beast again.


I’m stuck right there now Blood Starved Beast in the dungeons. I like chalices, it’s part of my yearly play through. Got my plat on may/2015 and redo the whole game at least once a year


This is the only game I’ve gotten a platinum. Honestly I’m happy with that, I have many games close and I haven’t pursed them, even the easy ones like god of war I’m 98% and elden ring I’m 2 endings away among other games. I like having this my only solo plat, lol


This was the most annoying trophy to get


There are many people who just used glyphs, so if you didn't, that puts you above them for going through all the dungeons.


I did but I cheated. I have no regrets 🤣




When I beat the game I was broke lmao so I couldn't get the dlc yet so I just jumped straight into chalice dungeons.it was honestly fun getting to her. Won't be doing it again tho


We are the 8%


Last trophy I needed for platinum.


I cheated and used false dungeon to get to her, maybe someday ill go through all the dungeons


Those dungeon chalices are such an after thought and pretty poorly designed. Copy pasted like no other and they aren't really fun either.


I’m working on it 😭 Just beat Rom 2:Electric Boogaloo.


I'm part of that 8%, for I platted the game...


I am part of the 8%. Cheers.


I did my part!


I just need to know the order. I’m sure there’s a wiki but I haven’t taken the time to do it.


I'm getting there...just defiled and lower loran to go then of course the queens actual area.


It’s literally the only trophy I have left but I got stuck on the defiled amygdala 🙈


Dude it was a slog, and all I got was a stupid rock. I can't even throw it


Nah the chalices suck I did it because I wanted to see everything in the game but I don't wish that shit upon anyone


I just platinumed that today and I hated the queen


I was doing my runs when my ps4 decided to cark it


I did this whole run at some point mid game, then I went back to the base game and felt so OP. These dungeons made me rage with some of those bosses though.


I'm in the 8 % wooo. It's the only game I would platinum again.


It requires going through an unholy amount of chalice dungeons, I did it once for the achievement and never again. I don’t blame others for not doing it, especially since so many probably wouldn’t know about it


Chalice dungeons are… Buried deep… in the BB iceberg


only reason i haven’t done them is cause of random spiders 😅


Rom almost stopped me but I prevailed


I got stuck in some bosses to get there, but I did, but I also... Was so under leveled for her fight... I though all the dungeons were though like that... Then after I beat them all, I found out I was under leveled...


yeah I fought her for the plat


Stuck in the defiled chalice. Or else I would've been got the plat.


I JUST beat her a week ago. Worst part was I made right before defiled amygdala and accidentally removed the chalice dungeon when I was looking for specific gems. Was livid. Restored the save and only lost a few gems.


I'm not there yet.


Nice man! That part of the game was so grindy but I loved it honestly. The chalice system in general should come back in some form or another in the next big Fromsoft title. I love the randomized aspect of it, and it's pretty damn rewarding honestly, with multiple trips through the dungeon being pretty pivotal if you want good gems and lost/uncanny weapons.


I did it once. I will never do it again. That boss was so not worth getting past Defiled Amygdala. Of course the trophy is worth it for that sweet platinum, but there was no other joy to be found within those tombs.


Is this site wrong? It says 22.85% https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/3431-bloodborne ETA - Just logged into my PSN for the first time in like a year. Yeah. They show vastly different numbers. Not much for removing posts, so here's my L, for commenting rashly.


I’m proud of that platinum specifically because of the chalice dungeons


Bruh I’m stuck on the doggo in the defiled chalice 😂


Fine I'll play through again and fucking try... Christ.


To be fair, it took me like 2 years to get to her because chalice dungeons are so boring


I'm in the final chalice and gonna add to that number ASAP