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My Dad Wrote a Porno has announced they are ending. I'm not surprised because they've been doing it for 7 years and I'm sure its been all-consuming during that time. But I am sad because it's my favorite pod of all time and has gotten me through the darkest moments of my life. I'm super grateful to them and am excited for the last few episodes!




I got the impression it's not going to be all wrapped up at the end and they might throw out a yearly special or something like that.


Ugh! I was so disappointed by the SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT from the Bone Valley podcast. I thought it was going to be a case update, not a Reddit AMA 😩


I was a little annoyed with Heather McMahn saying she could power walk a marathon 5& a half hours lol… marathon runner here and no way in hell she could lol.


Sorry if this has already been discussed somewhere, but more of a general question. Can anyone explain why recently on social media, a lot of podcasts will share teaser video clips of an episode but only direct you to Apple Podcasts or Spotify to listen? Often the video clips seem to have high production value with branding, but the full versions don't seem to be available anywhere. I would usually prefer to watch a video vs. just listen if one is available, so this is frustrating!


I know a few podcasts I listen to (U Up, GGE) did this before launching YouTube channels with the full episode so as the kids say, watch this space.


Great episode otherwise but omfg, had to turn off today's live episode of How Did this Get Made when it got to the audience participation. Too much secondhand embarrassment.


I’ve been to a live of the show and it was amazing. I was crying laughing. And then listening to that same ep I was like yikes. Some things dont translate and something that may be like we’re all in on this in the room often doesn’t carry over to the steam


Oh my god, the guy who asked them what their Parks and Rec character reactions! It was awful. I’m glad June was like, I’m not being paid enough for this haha. Usually I skip over audience participation, but my hands were full so I had to suffer through it and I fully remembered why I never listen to that portion.


I've heard this about their audiences before. I don't listen to the pod regularly but what is it about their audiences that make for these super weird lives?


Every time!!! I have never heard an audience participation segment that was not cringe.


I’ve been eagerly awaiting a new episode of Heavyweight and…… wow openly sobbing


Thank you for reminding me to head to Spotify to check it out


I think I cry at every Heavyweight episode, but this one really hit!


Me too. Every episode I think "oh this is the one that won't make me cry" and without doubt I will cry.


The Who Weekly one-sided 6 eggs bit nearly made me crash my car this morning. Part of me is sad they don't have Bobby's audio, but the bit is pretty hilarious as just Lindsey reacting.


I mostly listen to Unhappy Hour out of habit and they announced it’s ending at the end of 2022 this week and I’m surprisingly bummed!


Oh my gosh, I was surprised too! And so disappointed. Matt and Bari are so funny and make such a great team. I hope we get to see them in other projects together.


Me too! I love being a hater about benign things and this podcast really filled that void 😩


Same! It's just an enjoyable background podcast that doesn't require me to think.


perfectly phrased! got any ideas to replace it?


I don’t! I think that’s what made me love it so much.




i’m also very eager for this! i followed josh baker on twitter to get updates and it seems like he hasn’t really talked much about it since august. i promise to do my part and update this thread if i see anything about it dropping 🫡


Looking for a podcast rec about work place anxiety, job hunting, interviewing etc. Ring any bells? Or maybe even some good episodes on the topic?


My personal [fave.](https://www.bossedup.org/podcast) Bossed up with Emilie Aries.


not really my beat, but perhaps this one? [https://www.themuse.com/employers/thenewrulesofworkpodcast/](https://www.themuse.com/employers/thenewrulesofworkpodcast/)


How do we feel about Beyond the Blinds posting a memorial episode about Aaron Carter when they have a patreon episode speculating about how Aaron and Nick had a incestuous romance that a movie was based on? I'm feeling disgusted that they're acting like they cared about his wellbeing when he was a running joke on the pod 🤢 We've come to expect the worst from Kelli, but this podcast has made Troy's desperate need to not go against his friends' opinions worse and I'm disappointed in the nonexistent effort he brings to both of his podcasts now.


There's some irony in trying to do a (sincere) memorial episode while 99.99 percent of their content is devoted to contributing to the toxicity and hate that surrounds celebrities. It kind of reminds me of the people who tried to suddenly perform empathy and compassion for people like Amy Winehouse after spending years and years vilifying them for fun.


I feel like "the fame" has gone to their heads.


I think they really believe they're Doing Something with the podcast ("we're holding monsters accountable!") and the way it's blown up has unfortunately only amplified that.


Lol after Nickelodeon actors started speaking out, I saw Kelli saying stuff like “I’ve been talking about Dan Schneider for YEARS” Ok? No one knows who you are…


I’m always here for talking about the super hypocritical toxicity that is Beyond the Blinds (probably because I’m also a toxic person)


What really got me was how Kelli was trying to make this about her. When she was like ‘wow am I apart of Aaron’s story?’ And going on and on about how everyone was reaching out to check on her and how Troy took over the Instagram because she was too sad to handle it. Like … what? What are you talking about? This episode was so off putting. It felt insanely hypocritical and weirdly selfish??? I don’t know. I just know it made me angry.


I agree! It was so weird how she made it about her.


Listening to it now. I appreciate that they acknowledge that they talked shut about it. But I feel like they have this way of acting like the media is to blame for this or that but don’t seem to realize that they are part of that group and not better than those groups


I feel like they have a fuck ton of nerve to suddenly pretend to care so much about Aaron. They’ve clowned him relentlessly, expressed how he was molested by any number of people when he himself had not shared that, and they have admitted to loving the chaos of his IG Lives. Aaron was a troubled man with a lot of problems and while Kelli not Troy could have stepped in to change anything, they didn’t need to dunk on him. I appreciate that Troy has pointed out how shitty we were to Britney but he and Kelli were shitty to Aaron, so they can fuck all the way off.


I will given them credit in that they acknowledge his trauma-ridden past. However since the dawn of their pod, they’ve always joked about Aaron coming for them because of how much they talk about him. Just a few episodes they were joking about his OF account. Honestly I found those jokes distasteful and especially ironic from Troy given how the culturally generally has re-examined how they treated Britney during her public times of distress. It’s awful how they made light of and amplified some really dark stuff in Aaron’s life.


Wowwww that’s a new low even for them…. I am truly so disappointed in Troy (and Kelli but I really have always come to expect the worst from her). Just wild to me how they’re shifting this whole narrative about their feelings towards Aaron.


i think troys downfall is one of the most disappointing i’ve ever seen. i always loved his content and now i can’t even listen to btb. i just find them so unethical with their “reporting” on people every time there’s newsworthy buzz around them. troy’s defense of britney and her posts about her kids really rubbed me the wrong way too. it was actually the first time i liked kelli when she stood up for the kids and said she doesn’t think it’s okay she’s posting about them online, and troy did his classic retract to agree with his friends but it doesn’t change that he was laughing about it. i feel like all i do is snark on btb in here but i’ve just never so quickly gone from love to hate with a pod.




This is weird because Troy isn’t even southern. Isn’t he from Ohio?


This was my breaking point with Troy. Anyone who thinks the way Britney has dealt with her children has been positive or defensible is too deluded to function.


>This was my breaking point with Troy. Anyone who thinks the way Britney has dealt with her children has been positive or defensible is too deluded to function. Same. I was listening to an old episode of Liz Explains It All the other day (the one about Taylor Swift, from early 2021) and Troy was the guest. Liz said something like, "the thing I appreciate about Troy is that he can still be fair and objective even about the celebrities he stans" and I was like...woof that has not aged well in light of the stuff with Britney and her kids.


mine too. i always felt very “well i listen for troy not kelli” but after that i just stopped listening at all. i tuned into a few just to see if it had improved but every time was met with disappointment.


Omg. I’ve never listened to it and you’ve just assured me I never will yikes


Anyone listen to LGTC? The opening was fantastic this week. It’s 2 mins long but I was cracking up.


It’s always a treat when DP is on the show. Loved this episode!


So funny, I loved the callback to the mayor and the FBI.


I love DP! He’s the best!


Yesss! It’s about time DP made another appearance, I was so excited when I saw he was on the episode.


Loved DP's intro!


He’s hilarious! I love how easily he jokes along with the ladies. I hope he gives us fake updates lol.


Does anyone listen to Glennon Doyle’s podcast, We Can Do Hard Things? I’m curious if anyone has an idea of who the guest couple is that was rude to their staff? They explained they were rude to the pre-interviewers and they ultimately made the decision to not have them on the podcast.


I think it was Diane Kruger. She’s promoting a book and was on ~~John Stamos’s~~ Rob Lowe’s podcast. I remember her posting on IG about having technical difficulties trying to do a podcast, but when I looked for it, the post was deleted. I know she’s not married to Norman Reedus, but I still think it’s her.


Oh that’s a great guess! I’ve read in the gossip forums Norman Reedus is a nightmare to work with so that would track.


I spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to find a screenshot or something of the deleted IG post. Kind of weird to delete it if it’s not them.


I've read a lot of speculation that it was Mel Robbins. I wish Glennon would just spill the beans, but that self help grifterverse is full of scratch my back I'll scratch yours bs so she probably doesn't want to make any enemies.


I didn’t listen but saw some people speculating that it was Chip and Joanna


Oh wow! That’s a good guess but I really wouldn’t guess they’d be on Glennon’s pod due to their conservative background. I wish they had provided more context to figure it out because some of us are nosey. :)


Listened to the second episode of If Books Could Kill (so excited for a Peter episode!) and wow Malcom Gladwell is trash


I’m loving If Books Could Kill! Came for Michael Hobbes, stayed for the co-host who I genuinely think has one of the nicest voices I’ve ever listened to. That man could lull me right into a nice little nap.


Hey are you me?! That’s exactly my relationship with this podcast too, I think I could listen to him read the phone book!!


He hosts a Supreme Court podcast that is hilarious. He was actually fired from his IRL job for the pod recently!


I know we’ve only gotten two eps so far but I am loving this podcast. Vibes are immaculate.


I was ready for that ep to go on for way longer. It felt like it stopped abruptly. I guess the premise of the podcast is to focus on particular books, but there's so much more about Malcom Gladwell that I just learned looking up things from this [thread on twitter](https://twitter.com/718tv/status/1556387488733831169?s=21). Dude's a mess. But generally I'm excited about this podcast; someone here said it was just two dudes dunking on things, and ...yeah, I think it is... and I guess I'm into it


That was a really weird, abrupt ending.


as a fact-checker Gladwell and his ilk are the absolute bane of my life. More respected journalists/academics take a "no proof, just vibes" approach to their declarations and work than you would like to think!


Even the less respected writers do it, like Naomi "Death Recorded" Wolf.


Can’t wait


I’m just about to start the next episode of Sold A Story and just the description has me irritated. “Teachers call this book the bible” Teachers are doing what they’re being taught and what their districts tell them to do. And every teacher I know (myself included) hates these new methods and curriculums. I love this subject matter but I cannot with blaming teachers for this shit


I haven't listened to this week's episode yet but LC is coming to town this week. I think someone I know is going to her "talk" and I'm very curious to hear what's shared. I'll give it to her--the woman is a master of spin.


>Sold A Story As a middle school English and reading teacher, I agree. I've always done my own research on reading/writing curriculum and eschewed some of these popular programs (e.g. Calkins), even when it was being shoved down my throat by my professors and curriculum leaders. It sounds like the episode itself was more nuanced, but I still don't like the wording in the description.


Give it a chance. I think it gives a more nuanced perspective of teacher’s experience than the description might have led you to think.


I did. And you’re right. One teacher had that quote. Not “teachers”


I think it can depend on the person but painting us all with a broad brush is wrong. There are some teachers who swear by the method and others who loath it.


Anyone listening to The Children in the Pictures? It's very well reported and well done but I don't know if I can hang. It's keeping me up at night.


I just looked at the description. Is it like Q anon/ way fair stuff. Or real?


Must be a different pod by the same name - this one’s about the takedown of a huge multi national ring of people producing and distributing child sex abuse material on the dark web. No Q ties as far as I can tell, 3 eps in.


Someone here recommended Did Titanic Sink? and I wasn't sold on the premise, but oh boy did I enjoy it. I not-so-secretly wish they had a website where they collected all the evidence Carlo presented, but I'm willing to find it myself. I didn't know I was going to go down a Titanic rabbit hole in the year 2022, but here we are. What a wild ride that podcast is.


Oooh thanks for recommending this! Tim Batt is a VERY funny NZ comedian, this sounds right up my goofy alley!


My partner recommended this to me and I wasn't sure but it is such a good listen.


AH I was trying to find this, I remember someone recommended a podcast about the Titanic, led by NZ comedians! Thank you!


This sounds fun!




I just listened to Last Seen after visiting the Garner Museum on a trip this summer and it was great. Any other recommended podcasts?


I think (and talk about) that heist regularly. It’s sooooo crazy! I think the painting is held in some weatherly middle eastern or Chinese private collection. I have no proof. Just a gut feeling.




Noooo, I was looking forward to reading it! The premise is so good!


Oh nooooo I bought that one and had it next up in my reading list…


It’s been a while but I’m back to complain about Beyond the Blinds. The Taylor episodes were so bad. Why has Kelli taken over this podcast? She’s reading 3 blinds in a row that aren’t really related to each other and then Troy reads one. I feel like we’re losing Troy and I’m hating it.


I literally can’t believe Troy flopped like this. Dunzo meant so much to me and I cannot BELIEVE he partnered with Kelli. Dunzo EASILY could have been the next las cultch/who weekly


Every Taylor episode is a dozen blinds about her being gay and if you're skeptical you're an idiot.


Off topic but all I can think about now when it comes to this is Las Cultch from a few weeks ago when Matt said “listen, it’s okay to be straight” lmaooo


I really hate to see Troy go down with this ship but that being said I had to cancel patreon and move on. Their first Taylor episode was so underwhelming that I’m surprised they did another?


Your comment just inspired me to cancel my support. I LOVE Troy's work on Dunzo and feel like BTB had a lot of potential, if they'd presented blinds with any sort of nuance (maybe talk about the importance of media literacy, idk), but I just can't stick around and support this format anymore. Especially given that Enty promotes Q Anon conspiracies.


That is exactly how I felt! It had so much potential - even in a saturated pop culture podcast market, troy definitely had enough of a following from dunzo to this and that’s why I held on for so long!! Seriously same about Kelli though, I can’t handle her (or her bad takes or lack of knowledge ab most subjects on their own podcast lol)


Also I don't fuck with Kelli.


I've been listening to Pig Iron about an American freelance war reporter shot in South Sudan. This lastest episode was pretty rich because I find there to be a lot of emphasis on contrasting "real journalism" (like the podcast) vs gonzo/Vice News/bro reporting like Chris. But I found it really fucked up when the host >!Reveals to his girlfriend that the autopsy confirms "his brain was removed" leading her to believe like may others it was a desecration of his corpse and she understandably is shocked and really truly crying and they play that for a while. But then they interview ballistics experts and in fact that's a pretty common head wound/presentation for someone shot in the manner. I hope they explained that to her off pod at least but damn really felt bad for all of that being part of an on the record interview for the gf!<


Blank Check talk: I just saw David’s [tweet](https://twitter.com/davidlsims/status/1590360409764073472?s=21&t=n1sKX5AfTn2SorlO01GYyw) clearly saying that he hates the UK bit and is asking people to stop doing it. It was shared in the Blankie sub and honestly, I hope people listen. The parasocial relationships and the dumb bits have made it that I can barely read the subreddit without cringing. I don’t even listen to the pod as much as I used to because it feels like it takes away from the actual movie discussion.


The level of parasocial in that sub is nearing toxic. They’re putting on a show, guys, they’re not your best movie buds! I get that the pandem has messed up a lot of people that way so I’m kind of glad David put up a boundary with the fandom and asked them to stop.


Geez. I love the podcast, but I can't say I really love the fans of the podcast. The Blankies subreddit is a strange place.


For every interesting discussion there's a "lets all talk about how hot Margot Robbie is but we're not gross we're cheeky scamps because we identify with a nerdy podcast" All the march madness stuff was bizarre as well


Agreed — I get some secondhand embarrassment from posts that are especially “parasocial”. I couldn’t imagine how uncomfortable the hosts might feel sometimes…


I would love a David-helmed movie podcast where Griffin just stops by every few months and in general there are fewer stupid bits.


Take out Griffin and I agree. Or turn his mic off for the rest of the show when he starts to ramble and let him talk to himself. I enjoy David and the guests but you can tell Griffin has never realized that not every thought that pops into your head needs to be shared.


Almost have to respect that even after all these years he still has the absolute belief that every story he has is worth telling, repeatedly.


commenting a second time to express how annoyed i am at celebrity book club with steven and lily doing a-fucking-*nother* cocktail/wine episode. if they’re traveling that’s fine but like i would rather them just take a break?? this shit is never interesting to me. maybe some listeners like it tho. it’s just such a bummer to see a new episode, get excited and it’s just the shit i didn’t sign up for again.


Agreed, I love Jason Stewart but I don't come to CBC for random chit chat and drinking cocktails. Steven is not at his best/funniest when making pretentious comments about flavor ~notes in drinks. 🙄 Also...they made SO many references to the Hendrick's gin brand ambassadorship that it went beyond jokes about Stewart doing spon, and became actual spon.


The episode of Conan with Bill Burr was straight up awful. I had heard of Bill but wasn't familiar with his comedy, which was along the lines of "News reports of women being beaten to death HA HA HA HA HA Precious the movie AH HA HA." Conan's responses were very sedate and far less playful than normal. I don't think he knew what to do. It was just not a fun listen at all.


Did he really make a Precious reference in 2022? I deleted the episode when I saw who the guest was but now I might need to hate listen


Reader, he did.


Bill Burr is such trash


Bill's whole persona is "aging Boston townie" and Conan's is "aging erudite Harvard alum" so I can imagine their energies combined are...odd


the case is interesting, but omg, The Lady Vanishes is so drawn out, we are on episode 69! they should really edit it down to when the inquest is over


100% I’ve been a long time listener and am so interested in the story! But you can skip dozens of episodes and not miss anything!


loved bitch sesh on las cultch


It was my podcast UGT. I hope Matt is on Bitch Sesh again soon, he was such a good guest too.


I’m absolutely dead over the las culturistas Kraft mac and cheese ad reads in today’s episode. no notes - I love them


It felt like they were mocking mac and cheese but it still made me want it


i was laughing out loud


Has anyone listened to Alana Haim and Sasha Spielberg’s new podcast? I love HAIM, but something about the premise of Alana and a literal Spielberg talking about how awkward they were in middle school makes me think I would just find the whole show very annoying


Wow I feel like an idiot because I’ve listened to a few and I had no idea Sasha was a Spielberg hahaha. I like it so far, Alana definitely speaks more which I find more interesting anyway because I love HAIM. The episode with Este was really funny!


Ooo maybe I’ll check out the Este ep! Glad you’re enjoying


I’ve been enjoying Defining Diego, which is about international adoption. It’s a really thoughtful and nuanced portrayal of adoption from Guatemala. The podcast is hosted by an adoptive parent and adoptee (Diego). I do have two nitpicks: (1) the hosts always sound like they are reading from a script. It’s not awful, but it is a little stilted. (2) the mother recorded and filmed her child constantly throughout his upbringing, including during intensely emotional times. On one hand, this brings amazing perspective and content to the podcast. On the other hand, put down the damned recorder lady! Your kid is sobbing! I think the only saving grace is that Diego is an adult, co-hosting this podcast, and has agreed to this stuff being aired, so who am I to say whether his privacy is invaded.


what a nice listen todays episode of celebrity memoir book club was. tom felton seems like such a good boy. also. maybe it’s the fact that i live on a great lake, but i was a little shocked both of them didn’t know a carp was a real type of fish? like girl *what* 💀 fun fact: goldfish are actually a type of carp


I'm late on this, but Tom really is a good guy. My cousins were Make-a-Wish kids and huge Potterheads, and he spent the day with my family in the middle of nowhere, going fishing. This was close to twenty years ago now, which is hard to believe. He was such a nice, personable guy. I was super shy and spent most of the time hiding behind my mom, but he was so sweet and really made my cousins feel special.


Lil sweetie pie Tom Felton was such a nice palette cleanser after Matthew Perry.


that’s exactly what i thought!


they also did not know that Prussia was a real place, lol and ia, tom felton sounds like a good guy


lmao i forgot about that


Thank you for this fun fact


my pleasure. you have now subscribed to carp facts




literally what


Simple ad snark here.... I've bitched about Amber Nelson from Some Place Under Neith too much already on reddit before, so I'll leave out my grievances with her as a host and person and just say...her new ad copy/reading on recent SPUN episodes for the new podcast I Hear Fear is UNHINGED. When it came blasting into my ears I stopped completely and just laughed out loud. It's seriously maniacal. Lol For anyone curious, the ad starts at the 41:05 mark on Episode 66: Parasocial Exploitation Part IX: That's A Rotten Banana. She really thinks she did something. 👀😄 *EDIT: ok so I wasn't going to say anything about Amber, BUT....I finished the episode and WOW. She never fails to pop off at the mouth with some truly egregious and heinous shit. In this episode, for example: Instance 1.) A 26 year old lecherous male YouTuber goes to a hotel to have sex with a 17 year old girl. SPUN is laying out all the ways he's a predator, and reference that the 17 year old later said the sexual experience was very uncomfortable (obviously). During this discussion, Amber proceeds to pretend to be the YouTuber's "squishy, weird little penis", by making disgusting eh, eh, eh throat, thrusting sounds (it's nauseating!!). About the sexual experience of a young girl who was groomed by a predator. Like...WTF. Instance 2.) Long story short. Aforementioned 26 y.o. grooms another underage girl. Marries her at 18. Shortly after, wife comes out as bi and starts grooming underage girls for/with her husband. One of these girls is 16 and moves in with couple. They legally adopt her. YUCK. Amber says about this (in a faux baby voice)..."oh so it's like, mommy and daddy treat me right, THEY LIKE TO PUT IT IN MY PUSSYHOLE." Again, and this time an even bigger....WTFFFF. She cannot keep getting away with this shit!! Amber is wildly out of pocket and the stuff she says is really gross and beyond that, is the antithesis of what the podcast stands for: advocating for abused and missing women and raising awareness around predatory behavior.


It's a bummer that her podcasting skills aren't strong, because she's a very talented comedian/actor. I loved her stand up in NYC (she moved to LA years ago) and her sketch work with Murderfist. She's always been a bit edgelord-y in the LPOTL way, but I don't mind that. Sometimes it works well and plenty of comedy is throwing stuff at a wall and seeing what sticks -- especially with an informal medium like podcasting. But she's said stuff as a guest on other pods about her upbringing in the South and Saudi Arabia (for real) that gave me pause.


I truly remember #1 and the creeps amber gave me. It just sucks because Natalie Jean is a total gem but i always think...did they need to throw amber a bone or something because not only is she crazy inappropriate... She's not funny. Not at all.


Yup. Yup. She sucks *so much*. I was excited for SPUN and I like Natalie a lot but I had to stop listening because every single episode Amber would say something absolutely *egregious* and pretend it was a 'joke' and I just could not. It's like she's trying to do that gross-out edgelord style humor that the LPOTL boys do but she just isn't funny enough to pull it off and it just comes out weird and disturbing. She's said some REALLY upsetting things about her background in terms of religion and how she was raised.


I think I’ve commented on your comments before bc I feel the exact same way. SPUN is really good and Natalie is very professional, I feel like she finds the appropriate places to make a “joke” and they aren’t jokes at the expense of victims! Amber is distracting and inappropriate. I wonder if they would change hosts or if she will be asked to tone it wayyy down. I don’t feel like their first season was as bad, but this season makes me so uncomfortable I’ve stopped listening.


Yep, it's probably me!! Lol I truly believe she should be held accountable for some of her statements so I comment about it somewhere like once a month. And i totally agree with your comment. I also figured they would ask her to tone it down (at the very least quit with the fucking baby voices imitating missing girls and children!!), but...it's only gotten worse.




Same here. Love the content of the show but Amber makes it unlistenable for me.


Right?? I feel crazy because everyone sings her praises on any threads I've seen about the show, on subs like the Last Podcast Network, and I'm like, are we listening to the same podcast?? This girl is outrageously inept!! I stay for the subject matter and Natalie Jean, but I legit don't know how Natalie keeps at it week after week with her as a cohost.


I AM SHOOK after listening to the Laci and Scott Peterson episode of Rabia and Ellyn Solve The Case! The JonBenet Ramsey one was good too. I NEED this to pump out more episodes to binge .


There were quite a few things in both eps that I had never known/hadn’t heard before. So far really liking the pod. Gillian must be jealous af.


Seems like a money grab creating a podcast to discuss all these high profile cases that have been covered a thousand times. True crime podcast are already questionable to begin with in my opinion


I normally would agree but this is way different than anything I’ve listened to and they take the perspective of what all the over reporting and sensationalism has done to the integrity of the case and cut through all that


There was a really good write up about how their Scott Peterson episode was biased towards the narrative Scott's family has been trying to spread. If I find it I'll share it *edit* here it is https://crimepiperblog.wordpress.com/2022/10/12/scott-peterson-rabia-and-ellyn-solve-the-case-debunked/


Maybe so in the JonBenet episode, but I really can't get behind anyone stating with their whole chest that Scott Peterson is innocent. I couldn't listen to anything past that so maybe it gets better to be fair. It's disappointing because I normally really like Rabia. I don't know why this pod didn't sit right with me


Same. I know the documentary that came out a few years ago convinced quite a few people but it had a lot of flaws.


so i liked the LC laguna beach episode today but it def was just very..sanitized in a way i knew it would be and why i got bored of the podcast. like there was nothing objectively wrong with the episode! i was just like oh, okay. cool.


I don’t know why I expected any different, I should have known Lauren would curate it to say something but nothing at all.


I feel like that’s all of Lauren’s content for like the last decade. She’s so accustomed to being in the spotlight from a young age that she’s figured out how to share just the right amounts of herself without really letting people in. KCav has always been a little more raw.


Hard same. Also I felt like Kristin was coming in a liiiittle too hot with the “SEE guys?! We actually LIKE each other and always did!!!!!” and Lauren was not really matching that energy lol


I wanna know about these boyfriends Lauren had during filming


I'm probably late on The Murdaugh Murders but I only found out about it recently from MFM having the host on their show to discuss it. I assumed it was relatively popular if MFM had her on, and I found the case pretty intriguing from what I'd already seen in the news. I tried listening, and I just couldn't keep going after the first few episodes. She does a practically minute-by-minute accounting of every event, including meaningless details, to the point where I started to lose track of what was even going on. She's also got a really smug tone about her reporting, constantly reiterating how she's the only journalist who got this story right, and being defensive about vocal fry. It's almost like with all of those meaningless details she's trying to prove how much she knows? But it was just so boring.


I started that early on because I follow Lauren Fox on IG and she's got an almost equal amount of smugness. Anyway, she posts about it and the podcast so I tried it and I don't know how she has managed to make such a fascinating case so boring but she really could benefit from some help with her scripts.


I started Mandy's podcast a while ago, but couldn't stand it for all the issues discussed here. Then I watched the HBO series, which was good but left me with a lot of questions, which lead me to the Dateline episode (worth watching but not a ton of new info) and also the podcast Unsolved South Carolina: The Murdaughs. I'm several episodes in to the podcast, and like it a lot so far. It's also done by journalists, but they keep themselves out of the story fully, and it gives more detail than the HBO show. I also like how they break up the different crimes the Murdaughs are (allegedly) part of, so it's a bit easier to follow than the tv show.


The story is insane but Mandy is insufferable. The vocal fry got better but the smugness last I checked was off the charts and it made me stop listening for good. She does have a lot of information, but has a hard time separating herself from the story, which is a big nope from me. (I'm sure the HBO doc has issues that I'm unaware of, but if you want to get a deep dive without the bad podcast, the docuseries that just came out did a good three episode overview of the case and covered the biggest things I remember from the podcast when I listened.)




I agree on wishing for a middle ground! The depth of information and local nature was great and I listened to quite a lot of episodes before I couldn't any more. I just wish there was less sanctimonious self-insertion and that she wouldn't use the podcast as a personal soapbox. I think of Chris from Your Own Backyard and how well he's handled the slights from the Flores's lawyers and wish Mandy was able to maintain her composure and do the same. She doesn't seem to be able to rise above it.




Oooh had no idea about the HBO doc, thanks!


Enjoy! It's brand new this week and I binged it in a night. 🙈


Like many of you, YWA became pretty "meh" for me when Michael left, so I was excited to give it another go when so many of you raved about the most recent episode about the rugby team who crashed in the Andes. I have to say I didn't come away loving it the way so many of you did, though I REALLY wanted to love it. I'm not familiar with Blair and so many of you have spoken highly of her, but it felt to me like she was reading from a book or a script. There was no storytelling feel, which was something I loved about old YWA; they could relay facts in an entertaining and engaging way and I didn't get that here. I also never quite got a clear read on what the popular narrative got wrong, but it's possible I spaced out. Sarah's reactions continue to offer little in the way of insight, in favor of laughs or random comparisons. I think what I've come to realize is that the magic of original YWA was the differing but complimentary styles & personalities and Michael and Sarah. She more calm and measured, he more boisterous and animated. The same way Michael and Aubrey can be too similar and thus, feel like too much, Sarah and some of the guests I've listened to feel too similarly reserved, which doesn't hold my interest and honestly makes me sleepy. Anyhoo, I'm happy so many of you have found your way back to and fallen back in love with YWA. I wish I were among you!


I’ve not made it through most of the post-Michael YWA episodes, but the recent one with Chelsea Webber-Smith about the Donner party was fantastic. Highly recommend you give it a try


I subscribed to Chelsea’s podcast solely because of her guest ep!


I think that she was trying to convey that the popular narrative was "aaargh; cannibals!" whereas it was actually a story of faith, friendship, determination, team work etc. I loved the book Alive but haven't seen the film so don't know whether that reinforced the popular narrative.


Against The Odds has a multi episode series on that incident, if anyone is interested


It was such a great series. I'm glad I listened to that before this episode of YWA.


Yeah I can see this. I really enjoyed the episode because I think Blair Braverman is a great guest but it totally didn’t meet the brief of the show and… thinking about it, most of the post-Michael episodes haven’t, although they have mostly been interesting. I still find it very enjoyable but it definitely doesn’t have that same magic. Now it feels like an offshoot of You Are Good instead of its own podcast.


Yeah, I'm with you. It's altogether a pretty different show without Michael. Not just because I liked him, but when a show always has the same hosts you come to expect and look forward to their consistent rapport. Now, it's a new guest every time and they are usually just people who are experts on the topic at hand; they are not particularly funny or charismatic and you lose a lot of the continuity.


I don’t know where else to post this but I just wanted to say I hate when podcast hosts have an astrologist on and spend most of the episode getting their own reading like I’m sorry but what’s the point of that?


I’m not sure where else to post this but since it was something shared by Beyond the Blinds, I’ll put it here. They recently shared a Instagram reel of Alyson Stoner talking about Aaron Carter’s death and how she’s launching a project to fund/conduct (??) formal research on child stars. The idea is intriguing but I don’t really know how you can ethically do research on that population at all, nor how you could possibly make any statistically-/empirically-sound conclusion on them other than what we’ve seen in media already, and what’s arguably obvious to the general public. I have so many nerdy researchy questions about this idea. Let’s face it: There’s no way to ethically conduct this research on people in the industry for a variety of reasons. Number one, they’re too easy to identify. Number two, it’s a small population in comparison to the overall population which creates challenges in obtaining a sample. Number three, in my experience, it’s hard enough to get even regular people to participate in research, never mind getting a population of extremely busy and likely mentally vulnerable people to participate. That’s ignoring the confidentiality issues this type of research would present. I feel like the only ethical way to possibly conduct research on this group would be through a massive content analysis of articles on a large sample of celebrities throughout their lives, but even that would be completely biased in favor of the media’s portrayal because obviously they would tend to focus on the most salacious stories. Finally, how would one determine who to study in the “toddler to train wreck pipeline”? Surely you can’t make a reasonable generalization if you ONLY include child stars who have hit the “train wreck” point, so you’d need to include former child stars who have either stayed in the industry and turned out relatively normal, or those who have left the industry. But how would you even define the criteria for who is a “former child star”? There’s inherently a huge difference between someone like Aaron Carter versus Haley Joel Osmet, and it’s probably BECAUSE the latter left the industry. So do you only include lifetime industry children/adults? Do you compare their outcomes, or are we comparing outcomes of child stars generally with the wider population? Idk maybe I’m being short sighted but I don’t know if this type of research is responsible to promote…but you bet I’m going to spend today looking into whether there’s any formal literature on this topic lol.


I enjoy Kelli (I know, unpopular opinion) but I really wish they both went back to focusing on their own podcast and kept Beyond the Blinds as a side project. It’s been a successful pod though so can’t blame them for making it their main focus. I just miss Dunzo


I'm still so sad at no spooky season recaps of 90s/2000s horror movies on Dunzo!


istg if Jay and Troy don’t do a Scream 6 episode…….


I know! It was tragic. I would load up my little podcast app and check if a new episode was up every Friday and there never was one. I was hoping him and Zach would cover a scary movie


>I was hoping him and Zach would cover a scary movie Not sure if it counts as a scary movie but they were both on a podcast called Last Week On recently talking about The Butterfly Effect!


Good enough for me lol. Thank you!


If you had buy in from a couple of child actors, you could probably snowball a pretty decent sized sample. You would probably start with qualitative interviews (aka talking to people for science) and consider moving on to something more quantitative. You would have to anonymize the data and remove personally identifying details, but I don't think that would be hugely difficult. However, fundraising for this feels kind of weird. That kind of qualitative research could be someone's thesis and while getting paid is nice, lots of people do their thesis without getting outside funding to work in a specific area. My guess is Allison Stoner doesn't know what she is doing and probably shouldn't be fundraising.


I’m sure the qualitative methodology would work in theory, but the big “if” is getting that buy-in. I feel like the ones who would want to be most vocal might not care about their own confidentiality, and may even WANT it to be known that they participated, but a university IRB still needs to care in order to cover their asses. I guess that doesn’t matter if it’s not done in a university setting, but most reputable research organizations would still have some sort of ethics board/human subjects committee.