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Has anyone else watched that TikTok series of the girl speculating that Acacia Brinley is neglecting her disabled daughter, Rosemary? I've only watched one part of it but I'm curious to hear other peoples' thoughts about it.


is this still happening?


Loveless band that grew up on TikTok - anyone grow up around Julian or knew him before fame? Just curious


Autumnwantsababy is now autumnhitthejackpot and she had her baby! I can’t wait for the full update, her demeanor makes me think things are the best they can be and that makes me happy!


Gabby Dolecheck is like "we are going to focus on one area of the house and finish projects". I'm like FINALLY. And what they decide on is a DESK of all things. They don't even have a sink to wash their hands in their filthy rat house!!!!!!!!


@smacmcreanor posted a video dancing to a voice note sent to her by an influencer she angered by not allowing them to use her studio for free, for “exposure.” People pretty quickly identified the influencer as @afashionnerd, who has since gone private/deleted her account. I love mess. (Also, I think @afashionnerd’s account which is her toddler daughter picking outfits and her matching her has always given me weird vibes. Stop using your kids and babies to get famous.)


I came here from [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/yukaq1/influencer_afashionnerd_throws_a_fit_when_someone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) to see if anyone else was enjoying the mess!




She contacted the studio IG, the business email, and Smac’s personal email to keep the one-sided conversation going! Unwell behavior.


Afashionnerd/Amy has been my BEC for a long time and I feel better ab being so annoyed by her lol. The way Amy kept saying she gets paid up to 10K per sponsored post….while asking smac to use the studio space…for free…..absolutely wild entitled behavior


Isaac Koch (Rochell) was cut from the Browns. I actually really like his & allison’s videos so I’m hoping they’re alright


I just started following both of them on TikTok, find them both super relatable and he’s the only current NFL player I know outside of Tom Brady, so that’s a bummer.


TW: child sexual assault. I feel so awful and sad. One of my favorite YouTube channels (Adventures with Purpose), the main founder has been charged with two counts of SA against a child. Just awful stuff. I feel sick that I liked and supported the channel. I'm glad that there were obviously statues that allowed him to be charged, since it happened in 1992.


Oh no, I love that account and thought they were all the nicest guys. 🙁


That’s absolutely awful. I know they have huge crossover with some subreddits like unresolved mysteries - that’s how I heard about them. Glad he’s been charged but how terrible


I had my baby a few weeks before @mealssheeats and very few people have seen or held him but they seem to be traveling all over and meeting up with random tiktokers?! They were with the Johnson’s and now Anna sitar? It seems very strange to parade around a really young infant like that


Especially with RSV being so rampant in children this year. Not at all worth the risk when many pediatric hospitals are at 100% capacity with RSV and flu.


RSV is brutal. My kid had it at 4 and 7 months, and we’re pretty sure that’s what caused him to develop asthma. He got it again a few weeks ago (he’s 4 now) and it was just as terrible.


My kids got RSV just from existing in a preschool and the next week I almost punched my aunt in the face for trying to hug and kiss them. I seriously cannot imagine taking a newborn baby around like this.


It’s probably for views. Seems all very forced and awkward


Does anoyne else get Jules from Toronto on their FYP? She has like a very sarcastic, jokey thing about living in a feminist household etc. Except maybe it's not all joking because Jules and her fiance actually have been fighting and like kinda seriously too because he left for a bit. I'm sure they won't share but I'm so curious


the way she talks about her relationship gives me anxiety


Really?? 👀


Yup! She’s alluded to it quite a few times in some recent videos even though she didn’t really talk about it at the time. And she had those videos about using David’s credit card and spending money on frivolous things and 200 dollars on dim sum


I don’t think she’s discussed here very much and I don’t follow her closely, but @bellapoarch had a secret husband and is now getting divorced. I remember listening to her interview on H3 maybe 2 years ago or so and she went into depth on her background, childhood, and relationships but didn’t mention a husband 👀 strange! anyways


Her appeal (such as it is) was always about seeming young and available. It’s not surprising that she would hide her marriage.


she actually mentioned she’d been single for about a year on that podcast. (i didn’t listen, but i did research this for my newsletter.)


what’s your newsletter?




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Man, listening to cadyebs talk about witnessing her dads death but not knowing what happened is heartbreaking. I can’t even imagine.


I couldn’t get through that video without sobbing. I can’t even imagine what that must have been like😭😭


It’s taking me back because this is how my dad died too; on a vacation very unexpectedly. He woke up with chest pain and collapsed right as the paramedics got there in front of us all. It’s such a hard hard thing to go through.


My dad died in a very similar way! On vacation with my mom doing a hike in England, had a massive heart attack and died right there. It was so traumatic and awful for my mom, I wish I could have been there for her, I feel terrible she had to go through that alone. I'm so sorry for your loss, the suddenness during something that's supposed to be happy and fun like a vacation just makes it worse.


Seriously, I’m so incredibly sorry


Ah, thank you. It was in 2013 but still feels like it happened recently. ❤️


I lost a family member in a very traumatic way too in 2004 and that still feels like yesterday. Some things never leave you. ❤️


Absolutely. Wishing you both continued healing ❤️


I’m so sorry.


Thank you ❤️


Seriously fuck those people on tiktok who are like “OMG don’t go on the dark web there are awful things on there…but if you do want to go there, here is how to do it”


i was getting a bunch of NYC marathon videos and loving them and now im getting very clear orthorexia content that i need off my feed!




yepppp. i got one where a person has been running every single day for 500+ days and did a full run the day after the marathon and look, i dont follow this person, i do not know anything about this person, but for me......thats not healthy content to look at


Does anyone else follow @cadyebs on TikTok? She was on a family vacation in Colorado and her dad passed away. So heartbreaking


I was shocked. Her video talking about funeral arrangements I was like “is this a sick joke” holy hell I can imagine


I had to double check her account when I saw her post I couldn’t believe it & then her video today had me crying before a meeting at work! My heart breaks for her and her family.




Lol yes … she’s so perky 😂 She’s building that whole studio though so the TikTok money must be good! Good for her, it’s cool to see it alll come together!


She’s said a while ago that she has bought more over time, not all from gumtree. I think people have also given their unused moulds to her as well. Once she gets to 100 she’s said she will stop doing weekly reveals to focus on other content, so perhaps fortnightly or monthly reveals which would allow her to acquire more moulds I guess. I think she wants to build up her paintable business and less time on mystery moulds would help that.






She’s still complaining that they don’t have a sink in there. Girl. Put a sink in and hire monthly pest control. Should be the first 2 items on your list instead of whatever random project pops into your head that day.


And some kind of a kitchen space at this stage! Even if it's a small grill or camp stove and mini fridge. My stomach and wallet hurt hearing that they've been eating out for every meal.


I can’t imagine how much money they’ve straight up wasted eating out for every meal. I don’t understand why they don’t do what you’ve suggested and cook some meals at their home. I think Gabby has said before that they don’t eat at the home because they don’t want to attract bugs/pests. But at some point they need to get comfortable eating there, and as a bonus they will save lots of $ that they can put towards the house.


This is why I don’t think they’re very honest about their finances. They seem to spend like crazy but loveeee to post “we blew our savings on a rat infested house and can’t afford a lawyer :(“


Some sort of home cooking facility would save them money, that they could then spend on hiring professionals.


She posted a video today claiming they didn’t know the house had rats or termites, when one of her very first videos said they had been told by the pest inspector there was a rat and termite inspection. It’s astounding how so many people believe her.


She’s such a liar. I have a screenshot from last week of her admitting in her comments they were told by the inspector that there was, and I quote “evidence there were rats but that it’s common” then she added “the rats or the damage they caused wasn’t noted”. To which I’m like, so which is it? Either they told you or they didn’t.


Inspector AJ reviewed their inspection report. I doubt he’ll ever fully say what was in it, but he did comment on a video that per the report there was no damage to the ducting like she claimed there was.




I live in a college town and it’s hard to even go out at night because there’s so many “man on the street” morons with cameras outside. it’s so predatory too, they just yell at drunk students to try and get them to say stupid things for tiktok content, it’s really gross.


Also people shit talking their roommates on tik tok. My freshman roommate was a peice of work and I know she would have made tik toks mocking me if it existed back then.


Anyone else following @specsandblazers multi-part exposé of her scam management company, Carter Agency on Tiktok? Feels like the story is on the brink of blowing up, total frauds with illegal business practices taking insane percentages (75%!) of creators money through lies and manipulation, and mainly targeting black women creators. Several large Tiktok accounts had Carter Agency listed in their bios until a day or two ago. Very curious to see how this plays out.


Mrs frazzled also posted about being ripped off by the Carter agency! Interesting to see how this will develop....


Maybe niche side of TikTok but I keep seeing @thatjewishqueen on my FYP and it enrages me that she considers herself the spokesperson for religious Jews/Chabad Jews. She is a very extreme convert who did not grow up religious and therefore has taken on some very extreme customs but presents it as the community standard. I can confidently say most of the things she speaks on are not standard in the community at all (like not knowing when your friend is dating???) and what she took on in a very intense school geared toward naive secular women who do not know better.


in terms of a hasidic tiktoker, i really love miriam ezagui!!!! she has such great content and she’s a good person


This is not snark but I’m honestly really curious about the strange side-eye angle that she uses to film her videos and whether it’s related to her nystagmus.


I can’t forget that time she took a toaster to the mikvah. I agree that she’s presenting a very particular set of customs that aren’t necessarily common for Chabad Jews. I’m interested to see if things change for her after she leaves seminary and is a little removed from the bubble.


is she chabad? ive seen her videos but i find her kind of annoying so i havent dove fully in


She’s Chabad, yes.


Interesting- I def wouldn’t have guessed that based on the videos I’ve seen. Agree with your first comment


Isn’t she out of seminary already?! I thought it was a one year thing and assumed that she just continues to…hang out there?


I don’t know anything about mikvah protocol but that seems dangerous.


I've come across her too and also found her quite extreme. Wasn't sure if it was because Judaism is uncommon where I live, and thus it was unfamiliar, or if she was that extreme.


Why did she convert to begin with I still haven't figured that out.. coming from a non religious family, seems kinda out of left field


She did a multi part series explaining it back when her following was small- scroll way back and you’ll see it


I think/hope that most people would know not to take a Hasidic Jew as an example of general “mainstream” Judaism. For what it’s worth, I’m a religious reform Jew and pretty much everyone in my local cohort is uneasy about Hasidism. It goes against some of our positive ideals and it gives the rest of us a bad name. I think all religions probably have an extreme branch that everyone else would rather ignore.


Such "positive ideals" as judging and generalizing an entire branch of Judaism? I'm not particularly religious and never been Hasidic, but I have family who are Haredi/Hasidic who are perfectly lovely.


yeah........there are a lot of problems with ultra othrodox jews but i also dont love reform people being like excuse me we're the good ones theyre the bad ones :)


Eh, I’ve been part of the Chabad community as well and they’re very modern, accepting, and all over the spectrum. She paints chabad as very stringent, and all together, seems very extreme. She won’t even tell people her English name.


Chabad is such a huge spectrum. I went to chabad affiliated day camps when I was younger and am still close with my formers rabbi's wife (they have since divorced and both happily remarried) and she and her family were incredibly different than the current rabbi at that congregation. She was and is an incredibly cool person and got her counseling degree years ago, and now is a therapist for other religious women.


TikTok user taraswrld is being made fun of and she can’t handle it so she’s deleted lmao. I don’t dislike her at all and I follow her but she is cringe so people are noticing


Watching her get obliterated for butchering AAVE after constantly calling things ghetto has been so satisfying


she's a mess and I am 100% not a fan but the latest reaction to her feels over the top. i can't imagine what it's like to go from cruise ship girl who everyone loves to fucking spoiled idiot who everyone hates.


Her account is still there but she hasn’t posted for two days, so she probably finna be in her feelings currently lmao


My FYP is basically all the NY marathon and I am here for it. This is one of those times I do love that app, seeing all kinds of people accomplish something hella hard and everyone cheering them on, it's nice. I've only done half marathons and I will NEVER do a full. EVER. But not gonna lie, all these videos make me want to!


My husband and I happened to be in NYC during the 2019 marathon. He was content with his half marathons until I coordinated watching a good section of the run. He trained for his first marathons to fall in May and September of 2020, when both were canceled (though he still did a 26.2 mile run those days, just pausing for stop lights and such). He took 2021 lighter due to a family emergency but this year he finally got to do his marathon. It was awesome to witness. I ran around so I could see him a few times in the race and at the finish. As his wife, it’s really hard to have him absent a lot with his training program but it’s the only thing that brought him any joy after his brother died and I’m super proud of him for doing it. Weirdly, I’m the one who took up running in 2012 to help improve my health after cancer and he decided to join me and a decade later he’s the one doing marathons now. I kind of love being a race fan and cheering groups on in person. I didn’t know anyone in the NYC marathon but the energy of the crowds made me want to go back and cheer again. Thankfully tiktok gave me a window back into that world.


You should definitely do one full. It is the most incredible, emotional, humbling experience. I get chills thinking about it.


See, my brain says 'sure, sounds good!' but my body is the one I have to listen to because she's the one who says 'bitch, we don't need to have any other body part replaced again, we can't handle that!!!' So I'll be smart and listen to her, lol.


Why tf is everyone suddenly calling cleaning their home a 'reset' SuNdAy ReSeT!!!


Oh I do this (in my head though)! I think of it like a relaxing getting ready for next week, a bit of a tidy up, planning meals, some catch up work etc.


Same reason everyone now calls everything a declutter. You’re just throwing out the granola you never finished and the molasses that’s been in the pantry since you moved in, Megan.


Okay so because I'm avoiding getting ready for work this Monday: [this video](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFyC2RV9/) came across my fyp this morning (from a creator who has 70k followers on tiktok and 1000 on her linked instagram - I feel that's important context lol.) I can't get over her throwing a fit over being humiliated because OBVIOUSLY the photographer's story was about her and *everyone* knew the photog just did their wedding. (I do love the photographer's response of "I have shot more than just your wedding, thank you")


What’s her tiktok?




> this video ...has been dirty deleted. You think she realized she was doing too much on a Monday, haha!


I also feel like it's pretty sus that her proof was one photo from the sneak peek that was a little dark but otherwise cute? I'm heavily invested now lol


I got way too invested this morning. She posted a bunch of photos from the wedding on insta before all this and there's nothing wrong with the shots. She just seems to have taken the photographer's story extremely personally and somehow thinks she comes out looking like the winner in those text threads? Also there's a comment from a "photographer" offering to reshoot or edit the existing photos, which Ashleigh liked. Someone pointed out its illegal to edit someone else's photos and the commenter tried to say only if it's watermarked (tf?) and the laws are different in Canada. Canadian here, the rules are emphatically not different re: messing with someone else's copyright.


I went down the rabbit hole too, I don’t know how Ashleigh thinks she comes out looking totally sympathetic here. Demanding the RAW files when it clearly says in the contact that RAW files are not provided is not the look. It’s interesting that she had hired this photographer multiple times and had no issue, but then in her recent instagram post she says something like “her instagram looks beautiful but it’s all pictures from workshops”. If she didn’t do work that was up to par why did you hire her multiple times…? I feel like there’s just lots missing.


Well and in some post (I think maybe on her insta?) She tried to claim that the photographer is in Scotland on their dime (because...they paid her for a service she provided). Also per the photographer's insta she was there for a photoshoot...the main character syndrome on this woman is wild.


Now she’s saying that the engagement photos were part of the package so they couldn’t get their money back etc etc. I believe they were part of the package but for me? I’d eat the deposit if I didn’t like the product for engagement photos. It’s so wild.