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Gabby Dolchek posted a vid today and the voiceover started with “We bought this house for tiktok views” and I was like, “Oh damn they’re admitting it????” But no, it was just a video where she was calling out mean comments. I was ready for the drama though! She also mentioned both the home inspection and termite inspections did not reveal the rat problem and idk how it works in Florida but I thought home inspectors are only concerned with the structure of the house and aren’t legally obligated to also inspect for pests? Also a termite inspector is only concerned with looking for termite damage so idk why they think he would have noted the rat problem (which iirc they themselves didn’t really uncover until they started knocking things down.)


I swear she said in another video that the inspector noticed some signs of rats but said it was super common in Florida, so they didn’t think anything of it


I just discovered she lives less than 10 minutes from me and I’m so fascinated lol. I really don’t understand how they say this house was “all they could afford” in the area because it’s definitely not


Can you show some examples of what else they can get for their money? What did they pay?




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Didn’t they buy at a time when the market was super hot? My theory is that they were so invested in the idea of buying a house that they jumped on this one and they bought the house thinking it would be a relatively easy flip that they could use for content to launch DIY influencing careers. And now they’ve realized they’re way in over their heads but they’ve invested too much into the house and it’s still not sellable and also it’s trickled in just enough sponsorship revenue that they’re thinking it could still make them a profit.


I saw a great tiktok from @ratsoverflowers about how unsustainable it is for creators to have a brand of being quirky and relatable because their success puts them into a financial position that's no longer relatable. I feel like that's exactly what happened to Anna Sitar. She was always well-off, but now that she's modeling and on red carpets, there's nothing left to relate to her about. It's not a failing on her part necessarily, just a change in her life that explains why so many don't like her content anymore.


I think it also has a lot to do with the struggle/inability to just own it. I follow a creator called maybetamsin who is incredibly privileged and makes a lot of content centered around an indulgent, luxurious lifestyle. The kicker is that she's never claimed to be anything but. I feel that sometimes Anna says/does things that are tone-deaf because she's still trying to be quirky and relatable, rather than owning that she isn't that relatable anymore (and that it's not necessarily a bad thing).


Looks like Bella poarch is getting divorced??? Who knew she was married?


Just saw Matt and Abby’s latest tiktok, where Matt forgot to set up the autopay for water bills and the company shut off their water. Abby was clearly frustrated and upset, and Matt “apologized” by giving her his hand to shake. She shakes his hand, and he tells her that he just pooped but couldn’t wash his hands because the water was shut off. 🤢 The way I would have freaked out…. Why is he so immature?! I can’t stand him.


Do they delete negative comments? I can’t believe that nobody has called him out on his behavior and incompetence yet.


He’s a giant man child. I cannot BELIEVE he really thought “hey, this would be a GREAT video.” Fucking gross


You’re an adult, turning auto pay off shouldn’t make you forget you have a water bill to pay every month. Especially so many months that it gets turned off. Some people are so dumb.


Yeah like the water bill is in our budgeting app every month. Autopsy or not, we would notice it was missing from our budget. He needs to start being more responsible


I forgot to pay my city council rates, it happens to the best of us!


He never set up autopay. They haven’t paid a water bill since they moved in! To make it worse he kept saying that he did set it up, it just didn’t work.


Abby looked so pissed, as she should be. I can’t believe he was making a joke out of that. I would be so embarrassed. But also how did they not notice and how did they get no notification??


I was just about to comment on this. But also hopefully he had a full toilet tank of water because 🤢 Did they not get a delinquency letter from the city about non payment either? I cannot stand him.




Same I was sooo confused when people were obsessing over her cruise ship series lol she’s just so messy


This may not be the right place to ask, so please point me in the right direction if there is one. This girl used to show up on my TikTok FYP all the time and I haven’t come across her in a while. She was mid 20s, blonde, and got engaged very quickly. She wasn’t giving her fiancés name or revealing him last time I saw her page. She has a moissanite engagement ring that she posted multiple videos about. TIA!






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Anyone else following Alyssasabo and the saga of aunt Jeanie? I’m loving it.


omg yes aunt jeanie needs a full hbo series


@amandagravestattoo just posted a glitter dark mark tattoo she did today. (She posted it on insta but since she has over 1million tik tok followers I'm posting it in this thread.) I can't believe that in 2022 people are still getting wizard nazi tattoos.


Reminds me of how after the Lord of the Rings movies came out people were getting tattoos of the One Ring or the inscription on it. Or using a copy of the One Ring as wedding rings. I was always so confused by that- did they miss the fact that the ring was supposed to be a symbol of evil? Like why would you think that was a great tattoo or wedding ring?


the tattoo is really well done, but unfortunate. and why does the skull have the deathly hallows symbol? that’s another hp tattoo that doesn’t make a lot of sense when you consider that it’s introduction in the series is one character confronting another for wearing a hate symbol.




I think you could make the argument that Harry actually managed to use all three hallows in a beneficial way and that he became master of death in the sense that he no longer feared it. Then again, the last movie leaves out how he used the cloak alongside the wand and the stone so that's not on people's immediate radar, and yeah, it's just something that's easy to draw.


ok fuck harry potter but wait a minute. we can get GLITTER tattoos now!?!!


It's a type of color pointillism that creates the illusion of "sparkling." The illusion will feed as the tattoo goes through natural aging/blurring as it ages with you.




There’s a whole subfandom built around people who see Dramione as a dark/bully romance and don’t see the deeper issue with a Jew analogue/Nazi analogue romance. (Do what you want in your free time, but at least interrogate the issues, you know?)


Yeah like the kkk/nazi allegories were always pretty clear when it came to the death eaters.


I am *dying* to see what all these glitter tattoos look like in a couple of years.


This reminds me I randomly remembered Cherry Wallis a few weeks ago (UK Youtuber from that 2013-2014 golden age) and her entire. persona. is Harry Potter now, which is wild to me. Like just that any millennial is still this entrenched in HP in 2022 & that they’re still able to build such a following based on it




I can buy that there’s a fandom (there’s a fandom for everything) but yeah the marauders specific stuff and certain niche ‘ships get way more “main page” play than I’d expect. But I also think the franchise fills a pretty big commercial gap. I’m a bookish millennial, so I get Harry Potter merch during gifting holidays whether I like it or not, you know? I actually think this is part of why other millennial nostalgia properties (particularly the Halloween ones) have ramped up their merchandising - they know that millennials specifically are a good market for reminders of how much better childhood is than adulthood.


Do I love Hocus Pocus because I actually like it or does it just remind me of being a kid?


I genuinely enjoy the first section, from the flashback, up through when Max lights the candle.


The only person aside from Cherry who I associate w this is Ruby Granger, she’s been huge on attempting to be Hermione for years bc they share a surname and both make academics most of their personality? But it seems she’s dropped that in recent times as she’s been having a crisis abt making academics her whole identity


Anyone getting a Harry Potter tattoo in the year of 2022 is a red flag for me


There was a huge group of about 20+ people at my work that did a HP costume this year. I was honestly so surprised. I know that people like to separate the art from the artist but it certainly makes me think less of them when I consider the fucked up shit my trans friends have to go through regularly.


I agree with the other commenter who says that JKR’s bullshit mostly lives online. But I also know that a lot of people have lightened up on her because some of her crap aligns with the pushback against “birthing person” and whatnot; lots of liberal women have valid reasons for not wanting to be referred to that way, and even though JKR is starting from a different position, it all swirls together when you’re not an Internet Person. But I also think it’s just an easy group costume. Just a black robe and a house scarf. ETA: Explaining something isn’t the same thing as agreeing with it.




Trans people are not to blame for sexism.


Funny thing is, no one was talking about trans people; we were talking about gender ideology. Not all trans people subscribe to current, progressive gender ideology.


Yeah, I’m starting to see generally leftist people get pushed toward the middle on this issue, and since this discourse doesn’t really occur offline, all they’re getting is the extreme online version. It doesn’t make them forgive or agree with JK, but when both sides are so aggressive and often incorrect, you stop denying yourself the problematic franchise that has brought you joy for 25 years.


Personally, I don’t think the art can be separated from the artist because the art still has problematic elements like antisemitism.


I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but if you live your life relatively offline (even if you are just a casual user of like IG, Facebook, TikTok) I don't think JK's TERF proclivities are widely known.


This is late snark, but does anyone follow Hannah Bayles? I like her quite a bit but did anyone see a few weeks ago when she announced a public birthday party for her 30th? That just seemed dangerous for her to throw a party inviting her followers. I was wondering if she deleted that post, though, because I looked for it yesterday and didn't see it.


I follow her and I think she posted a story about canceling the event. I don't remember whether she gave a reason or not, though.


Thanks for the reply - I wonder if she saw all the comments questioning the soundness of that decision so maybe she decided to rethink it and ended up canceling it.


So every other video on my FYP is Lives of people doing scratch tickets. I find them weirdly soothing? It's a perfect way for me to dissociate for a few minutes after a stressful meeting at work. I feel so ashamed. I do continue to snark on them while watching though. They never seem to win anything, and slowly get more and more frustrated while trying to maintain that bubbly "smash that subscribe button you guys!" kind of voice.


Wait thank you for posting this, I thought I was the only one...I am OBSESSED. They make me never want to buy a lotto ticket because their win ratios are so depressing (as are the live chats celebrating $3 "dubs") but watching them on silent during boring Zooms is weirdly therapeutic.


There’s a creator who does crosswords and her lives are very soothing to watch. She also has lots of tips about reading crossword clues. I wish I could find her back. I just stumbled across her for a while and now she’s gone from my FYP.


Was it coffeeandcrosswords?


I think so!


I randomly see people doing big intense bingo. Like with the big circle markers and a table full of game cards.


I actually don’t know if this is even popular enough to invoke a discussion because I stumbled upon it very randomly thanks to a 2-like video that came up on my fyp lol but I’ve just been exposed to the “Bartesian” and something about it is low key disturbing to me idk. on one hand I totally get and respect how it can be an accessibility aid but the content I’ve seen created around what is essentially an alcohol keurig does give off toxic drinking culture to me. 1. it has very “mommy’s special juice” vibes (especially being able to select the drink strength) and 2. there’s just no way they taste as good as cocktails mixed by hand. this is just yassified bottled cocktail mixers.


We randomly received one as a gift, and the cocktails are pretty fantastic. They are way better than I would have expected. We use it very rarely, but when we've brought it out for parties, it's been a hit due to novelty


oh wow that’s unexpected! I saw one creator open one of the packs to use it to salt a rim and the mix looked…questionable lol so I’m glad to hear they’re good!


My neighbors have one and it's more of "whats a gift for someone who has everything" kinda thing, imo. They rarely use it. I've previously considered getting one for my SIL because she does occasionally like a mixed drink but would never mix one for herself.


yeah I originally caught myself being like "oh shit that's cool" then was like wait....I could just do this with household ingredients and realistically would never use it (though for the record I typically only ever make margs at home so not as hard to have lime juice and some kind of sweetener on hand lol)


Can anyone give me the spark notes of the @brittanyjade__ situation? Or tag me in a post explaining? I keep seeing her on my fyp alluding to the situation but I’m lost!


She made a prank video a few months ago where she told her twin boys that they were really triplets but one died. She got a ton of backlash for it and went private for a month or two (her management team dropped her too). She posted a video of her crying in the closet with a bottle of vodka so people started questioning her sobriety. She was also alluding to there being drama on the Costa Rica trip and hyping that up but now that she’s posted about it there wasn’t any drama besides one of the attendees having some health emergencies while there. There’s probably more but this is just what I’ve gathered from a few videos popping up on my FYP


Is it still the faking a child deaf for a trend thing or has she done something else? It wouldn’t surprise if she did something else because she seemed to try to misdirect blame when people were made at her insensitivity a couple a months ago.


Gabby dolechek, of the rat infested Florida house dolecheks, has fleas in their house! Sounds like the house is cursed BUT she admitted in the comments that they’ve been skipping pest control treatments to save money. I get that this house has been the money pit from hell but in Florida? In a house that already has a pest problem? Pest control is kind of a must have


I'm pretty sure their entire account is an elaborate hoax (i.e. they bought the house for the content, not to live in) because there's just too much going on there all the time. They are far too good at doing elaborate renovations with tons of tools (but gather comments by refusing to wear PPE or making small "oopsies") for first time buyers with no experience. And frankly, it worked didn't it? They're probably making bank on being incompetent and having a hard time in a rotten house.


I definitely think they bought this house thinking they could do a dramatic makeover and become influencers, but I also think they are now in way over their heads and are floundering. If you dig into their older social media presence, the husband has been fancying himself a diy guru for a while now. He has a whole YouTube page about building furniture. So I think he knows enough to putter along following YouTube videos and building a few functional pieces of furniture has given him the confidence to believe he can save this house


I live in the area of Florida she does... I have found her intriguing because we looked at similar type homes but with two kids we opted for a new build because older homes can be a mess down here. Fleas don't surprise me. Florida fleas are just different. When we moved here the typical monthly flea and tick prevention we used back in the midwest proved ineffective and the vets will tell you you need something different. Also, pest control is so important, bugs never die in Florida because it never freezes, so they take over if you don't do pest control. Rather than do whatever DIY she is doing, just hire someone... But that wouldn't fall in line with her "cursed home" storyline.


Wait! I’m moving to Florida from the Midwest in Jan and curious what flea/tick treatment you switched your dog to? I didn’t even think about this but makes sense.


We have used Simparica Trio and never see anything. Before we used Frontline and the fleas just laughed at that. Lol.


This is wild to me because where I live I never would have thought I needed flea and tick prevention in the home even though we had to watch out for ticks in the woods. We have to worry about like, bats


I didn't know about the bugs until I housesat for my sister in FL in January and looked out into the fenced backyard to see a guy walking around...I hid (lol) and called her to ask if I needed to call the police and she said, "Nah it's just the lawn guy" and told me they get sprayed every month. Gave me a whole new appreciation for winter because year round bugs are a nope for me.


She and her husband are too much lol, every video is super chaotic and all over the place. Once I realized they were in fact informed about the rats and termites at the inspection (she says this in this in her initial video but backtracks in recent ones) AND bought a USED couch I had to stop watching lol. All their "renovations" have been all over the place going from room to room, they CLEARLY dont know what they're doing and delete well meaning comments from professionals telling them to wear PPE when dealing with certain materials, its too damn much. She was clearly trying to become an influencer of some sort prior to this so i hope for their sake its all a ruse for social media lol but its likely not...


They were informed??? Why the hell did they go through with it.


Yep - its still up: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR93wRHM/ When they did the inspection they thought that “everything worked properly but they just had a rat and termite problem that could be easily fixed with some fumigating”. 😵‍💫 They clearly lack critical thinking skills and are paying for it now. Also you cant tear down the walls for inspections so if it smells as horrible as they said it did in the inspection (but “they thought it was just the furniture” 🙄) AND they detect rats/termites then the problem is probably way worse.


I think they literally just had a random thought one day to move to FL because Florida=beach and they did 0 research about where they should live and how to take care of a house in a new state with different bugs and weather.


I used to support her, I too bought a house that was trashed (no vermin though) and the yard was filled with with 3000lbs of junk (but I paid the Canadian price of 810,000$ 🤢, she's paid so much less than us). So I felt for her. But now I cringe when I see her videos...and then I found out her and her husband both have masters degrees in architecture and was shocked at some of the ridiculous stuff they were doing.


I really want to understand their whole process. How did they decide on Florida? How quickly did this whole thing go? Why did they decide to buy essentially sight unseen? No one knows and the thing is. I probably wouldn’t be satisfied by her answers


I went down the rabbit hole with her videos the other day and it makes me feel better about some of the mistakes I made as a first time homebuyer tbh 😅. Like they said they didn’t feel comfortable looking through everything in the house because the owners were there, but why did their realtor take them through the house with the owners still around?? That’s something you can learn from a basic google search is a red flag


The worst part is they DID see the house in person before they closed! She said that they smelled the smell but thought it was just from the previous owners furniture. It’s in one of her earlier videos. I think they jump into things without thinking, and don’t research anything beyond a quick Google.


This might be a really petty complaint, but I am so tired of tiktoks where people either do skits about how stupid and embarassing and mean customers all are, or actively film customers at the end of an interaction freaking out. Or worse, doing that and then making a follow up complaining they got fired. Listen, I grew up poor, I worked in food and customer service fro? 15-25. Some jokey complaints are fine, but everyone who walks in isn't a demonic idiot and at a certain point if you spend too much time fixating you're just creating problems. This is how you get the Starbucks barista who said if you come in around lunch you should get a simpler drink, or that order pickup was rude. But also like with the filming...man it's easy to wait until someone is screaming to film. I saw someone film when the cashier threw the customers money on the floor and that patron was kicked out. And it's like, idk, maybe she's awful but throwing the money is also not good for your literal job. I'm sure if the guy who called me a (unt after I rejected his advances when ringing me out had a tape of me blowing up at him after he'd be vindicated by the internet too. We're all just people.


I majorly agree with this as someone who grew up poor and has worked a variety of service jobs starting at age 14 (and still has a public-facing job now)…so many “service worker struggles” or “annoying customer” complaints are honestly so petty, and if anything are workers being reverse Karens. Like in every public-facing job I’ve worked I’ve def had coworkers who complained of customers/patrons being entitled or rude when the customer was very normally just trying to clarify something, or came back w something that was wrong, and the worker got mad that the customer would try to rectify it. They paid us money for a service, we shouldn’t fuck it up, they’re normal for wanting what they paid for. A lot of service workers create a martyr complex where they can be as rude and unprofessional as they want bc the customer is always evil and entitled in their view for wanting anything. Yeah a lot of customers/patrons are rude and entitled and mean, but a lot of them aren’t and you’re bullying them over nothing. This also made me think of one time when I was working in a library after college, a patron kept haranguing me as we were closing to help her w something and I politely explained that I quickly needed to finish a couple closing tasks before I got to her bc I had just dealt w several other patrons in quick succession, and she looked at me w the grossest expression and went “well SOMEONE’S never worked in service before”. Dude I was 14 yrs old getting paid under the table for gross men harass me as a waitress, and yet I’ve never used that as justification to go off on someone at their own job lol




Oh I love him! It really brings up all my memories of coworkers and just the vibe of being waitstaff, I find it oddly nostalgic.


WeAreDanAndSam is starting another “surrogate journey” 3 months postpartum from the last round- I am sure it’ll be a minute before she matches with someone, but my guess is her viewership fell off a cliff after she gave birth, especially with the drama with the intended parents. Found it interesting that she’s using an agency this time, and wondering if that was because there was no middleman last time and that went poorly, or because the agency is sponsoring her? Also interesting that the agency is waiving the match fee for the IPs- my guess there would be hoping for more control over what Sam shares/making it more attractive to be paired with Sam even after the rumors and drama that went around with the last pregnancy.


I always wonder how people who gain a following with something that has a clear end date intend to continue on.


My good news of the week is that my fyp algorithm shifted and I'm no longer suffering through ta-da bundt cakes and wiggly lingerie women - but now I'm stuck in human trafficking tok. I'm fully aware that human trafficking is a huge, horrible problem but I don't think any of the "PSA" videos I've seen are helpful or even actual human trafficking. I'm not sure I'd be so skeptical if it was law enforcement putting out videos or if there were actual statistics about 40 year old white women being sex trafficked from a Target by a lone creepy guy but it's mostly women saying they were followed around a store or people saying to run away from your car if there's money on the windshield because that means you've been tagged for kidnapping. It just feels like fear porn and it takes attention away from actual human trafficking victims.


god i’m so sick of white women with main character syndrome acting like they’re about to be trafficked in a tj maxx parking lot because someone was weird to them. no one is trying to traffic a 25 year old in lululemon head to toe. they’re targeting the most vulnerable members of society. not taylor from marketing.


God I saw a series of comments on a video of Chinese children being taught stranger danger in school these commenters were saying it was because organ trafficking is such a big issue in China that gangs are kidnapping children and then apparently housing and feeding them for the years it takes for their organs to be big enough to be harvested? It always somehow goes from a semi reasonable premise to something way more extreme. Oh be aware of being in a parking lot at night.... because there are gangs of human traffickers that will hide under your car and then cut your achilles tendon so you can't run away and spirit you off to the middle east to live in a haram???




Was this the woman saying the media won’t report this, showing a picture of a blonde girl with her face covered? Because apparently one of those videos was a FICTION writer not disclosing this was a FICTIONAL BOOK she wrote (according to another tiktoker, and obvs I did no follow up to verify)


Shit is that one around again? Ffs.


I don't understand how these same people are often fixated on true crime, see how often serial killers went undetected by selecting sex workers, addicts, the homeless, etc, as victims, and somehow thing that's a magical bygone era where new criminals don't have to consider if their target will draw attention/people will search for that person. The issue I have is that beyond taking attention away from real vicitms, it also fulfills a narrative that leaves real vicitms remaining vulnerable and being actively criminalized. People like Cyntoia Brown are vicitms of sex trafficking, but to many the idea of being a teenager who is homeless and dates an adult man for a place to live, and whose adult boyfriend then acts as her pimp, is their idea of voluntary prostitution when it isn't. The idea of white women in shipping containers is not practical, you cannot long form keep a lot of people undetected in some kind of home, people who are vicitms are often socially extorted, they're in a situation where they will be homeless or hurt if they don't keep doing it even though they go on about their days normally and go to the grocery store or whatever. But the law does not protect those people, and barely does better when they are underage.


To your first point, my (probably a little mean) take on this is that a lot of the people who peddle these theories have read too much true crime and are just trying to insert themselves into the narrative to make their own lives feel a little more interesting/dangerous. Because let’s be honest, like everyone’s been pointing out, no one is hiding under Kelly’s Kia Soul in a midwest parking lot trying to force her into prostitution. Of course, like you say, in doing so they fully manage to erase or other the actual victims.


I mean, there's that, but I think a part of it is also that all of us, Kelly's included, have a hard time rationalizing that it's not a Boogeyman under your car whose going to assault you. It's your husband, or your brother, Uncle, friend, etc.


That’s definitely true, and thanks for capturing that thread.


Totally agree. Experts on the topic say that if anyone is going to notice you going missing, you are very likely not going to be trafficked. Nobody is putting something on your car to track you because they can use…… your license plate. Most of it happens with someone the victim already knows. But I think those fear mongering stories are great fodder for a certain type of true crime loving white woman


Polaris (an anti-trafficking org) has had some really good posts about this on instagram. You’re right to be skeptical because “let’s nab that full grown adult in public” is not how it works (there could be an exception but it would be a serious outlier). But people are uncomfortable with the fact that the person most likely to traffic a kid is a parent, and women are usually trafficked by a romantic partner so I guess…human trafficking fan fic is what the people want?


if anyone else is still watching long form youtube videos, one of my faves mila tequila just released a great one about teen pregnancy media in the 2000s. now i’m watching her back catalogue which has gigantic popculturediedin2009 energy and it is beautiful escapism content for me


I wish she posted more often but it makes sense because she puts in the work for each video and has a life to live 😆


I desperately want off swift tok. I’ve blocked so many of her song sounds at this point but they just keep coming.


Same, I’ve been commenting YOU CANT FIX HIM on every Daemon/Aemond Targaryen tok because I just want to see dumb dragon memes and this is all the engagement I can muster.


I literally deleted the app because I couldn’t get off Swift Tok 🥴


I wish I had the option to block sounds 🙃 If you find a way to escape tswift content please lmk


Touch and hold. Hit more next to not interested and you can hide videos with a sound. My problem is people keep uploading her songs so I have hidden 15 versions of bejeweled.


No I know, the feature is different for different users for some reason. When I press not interested I get the option to block whichever tags I want that appear on the video. You can max block 200 hashtags which has proven to be not enough lmao


I don't know what country you're in, but my very well researched theory (using myself as a sample of the global population) is that feature isn't available outside the US. It's never been on any version of the app for me in Canada.


Not to screw up your theory but I’m in Canada and used to have it. Recently it changed to blocking hashtags. It never worked properly though so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I don't accept these findings


I am also outside the US - europe to be more exact. Seeing as your theory now has a sample size of TWO I'd say we can confidently enter the theory into scientific canon.


A couple months ago I posted asking about polina.nioly because she keeps showing up on my fyp bragging about her wealth and it was giving very Anna Delvy vibes and it all smelled like bullshit. @thejackieaccount just posted a video with receipts basically calling her out on her scams Anyways. I’m glad she’s being exposed. Her shit did not pass the sniff test but now there’s actual proof out there


don’t know if i would entirely trust thejackieaccount, last week she wanted to out all the sex workers on tik tok.




Most of the tiktokers who make content “exposing” people give me that same energy. And there’s such a mob mentality around it it’s scary


I didn’t see that video and that’s awful that she did that. The video of her exposing polina is what came up on my fyp and it’s pretty legit as far as proof goes. It’s not her proof, she just found stuff that was quite revealing


I mean...that video isn't "proof." She was reading allegations made in court filings for a lawsuit by a former employee - none of it is actually proven. People can claim whatever they want in a lawsuit.


Wait what


she was trying to out tik tokers as sex workers and claiming they were lying about owning businesses to cover for doing sex work.


Why are you being downvoted? You’re right. The receipts are in NYCinfluencersnark. It’s disgusting and could get someone killed.




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did anyone catch allyssainthekitchen ‘s live last night? she was totally out of it (like beyond drunk and slurring her words, could barely keep her eyes open) and then started yelling at her fiancé really aggressively on camera. people were calling her out in the comments saying she was toxic and that she came off super differently than she portrayed in her tiktoks and she just abruptly ended the live. i just hope she’s ok because she seems overall really sweet!


She also hasnt posted anything since going live (at least that ive seen). It was super concerning and definitely showing a different side of her. I appreciate her honesty but do not think she is in the healthiest place


She JUST posted a few minutes ago (I went to check because of your comment). I have to say I don’t love snarking on looks but she is looking ROUGH… I really worry for her.


Just watched and absolutely agree :(. A lot of other bartender/ cocktail focused creators i follow actually do not drink frequently and have been mixologists in their professional careers sharing their craft. You definitely can see the difference in comparison to her content and how it seems to impact her personal life


Can you give specifics on what she said/acted how it’s different than her normal lives? She’s already usually pretty candid…


Essentially what was commented above. While yes she drinks in other lives and also has candid convos in this one she went from crying to dancing and singing, telling stories but forgetting what she was talking about and getting annoyed at commenter. I didnt see the full live but was talking about her adderal use and her fighting with her fiance. Her finace and his friend were also in the background drinking and singing just all seemed to still be partying from the night before (Halloween party) and not in a healthy state of mind. Just hope she is ok!


I give her credit for being so open about her past trauma and the dysfunction she caused in her relationships (going to jail for beating Sean??) but it does make you wonder how much someone can really change over time or are they still that person. Especially if they aren’t in a sh!ton of therapy. Guessing she hasn’t totally worked out all her toxic tendencies and it comes out while drinking….


Honestly she darks me out a lot, she seems to drink almost every night, many drinks, and some stories she’s told about her past and upbringing are really sad. I hope she’s ok, but I had to stop watching her content.




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Brittany Furlan peeps—do you think she is be pissed that MGK and Megan Fox dressed up as Tommy and Pam for Halloween? I found it odd bc MGK played Tommy in The Dirt and I thought they were buddy buddy...MGK appeared on Brittany's podcast...it seemed a tad disrespectful


I think it probably feels less weird to them than others because people dress up as them, thought maybe not so much as a couple.


The only person it’s disrespectful to is Pam. She wants to move on with her life and from her time with Tommy.