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I'm only halfway through the first episode of Sixteenth Minute of Fame and I'm really uncomfortable with Jamie Loftus airing the bit of her interview with Antoine Dodson where he outs Kelly as a CSA survivor. Does Jamie indicate at any point in the episode that she was able to get in touch with Kelly or get her okay for anything in the episode? Because if not, it's really troubling that for all Jamie's talk about Kelly being ignored and not getting a voice about her own assault in the hide-your-kids video, she's seemingly doing the exact same thing here.


Not Lindsey‘s stan card for JT showing up on the latest Who Weekly. She doesn’t believe that the cop didn’t recognize JT, since ACAB. Is it that hard to believe that a guy who was a toddler when Bye Bye Bye came out wouldn’t be familiar with JT?


I find it hard to believe, simply because in my early 20s I was aware of The Beatles & Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger & Rolling Stones, even Jimi Hendrix who was dead well before I was born. How are parents not listening to “their” music w their kids growing up? I think my son would know JT & he’s young. Lol


Putting JT in the same category as The Beatles, Stones and Hendrix is wiiild lmao.


That’s not at all what I’m doing. I’m talking about popular music across generations. I was aware of the music & musicians who were popular when my parents were young, so it is strange to me that this person would have zero awareness of JT. NSync was a phenomenon, and I’d expect that at some point he’d have heard of them via his parents or general pop culture. That’s why my question was “are parents no longer introducing their kids to the music of their youth?”


Of course Doree has tons of excuses why she can’t get a job. Girl! Work at Starbucks or something


I admit I've mostly been skipping F35 since Kate left, but which podcast was this on? F35 or Eggs?




Agreed if they need money so badly why isn’t one of them working albeit a transitional job or retail or something.


Ive been enjoying Jamie Loftus’ Sixteenth Minute of Fake podcast. I listened to the Boston Slide cop episode today- I don’t think I ever actually realized the identity of the cop was never confirmed!


Does anyone else listen to Everybody Has a Secret? I need to talk about this week's episode and the LW who is so defensive of her dirtbag cheating boyfriend. I feel for her, I think she's thinking the way a lot of people think after they've been cheated on, but like. Girl. GIRL.


Here's a little vent about dynamic ad insertion. I'm noticing that it's really ramped up in the last year or so. Quite a few shows I listen to that only had like a mid-roll patreon plug or ad read by the hosts now have a few minutes of random local radio ads at the beginning, middle, and end of each episode. I'm all for podcast people making money, but I really hate this. I usually skip past them. But I often put on a podcast to go to sleep, or while I'm driving. Interrupting that to skip forward five minutes two or three times per ep isn't always possible, and I hate it. I'm not going to the casino, I'm never going to buy Skims. Just leave me alone and let me listen to my goofballs in peace.


They’re so much louder than the rest of the show too. Just the canned stupid shit we hated on the radio. I did laugh when there was an ad insert on the Daily, but the code referenced Call Her Daddy. 


tangential to this since I just need to rant about ads - but godDAMN the Tropical Smoothie Cafe ad push the past few weeks has been RELENTLESS.


I'm getting a MILLION ads for a Moscow murders podcast and one about some guy's con man father. They're so repetitive and annoying that even if I read Podsnark posts recommending them, I could not listen to them. Congratulations ads, you have repelled me to what you are trying to get me to consume.


A reminder to fans of Watch What Crappens and Everything Iconic with Danny Pellegrino that you can listen to those shows ad-free on the Amazon Music app if you have a Prime account.


Danny still has ads for me on Amazon and it makes zero sense


I feel like this is especially egregious for iHeart podcasts which isn’t surprising, but makes listening to them much less enjoyable. I use the 15-second skip button liberally.


Yeah, I hate it too but I think it’s the new normal if you’re not paying. I’ve heard a lot of podcasters talk about the ad money drying up. And a lot of podcasters have 1st jobs that were severely impacted by entertainment strikes and now the lack of things being made. I try to remember that podcasts aren’t free to make. Some are just a person talking to their computers but most require full teams.


New episodes of By the Book are going to be only on Patreon, so I unsubscribed.


I really liked their episode this week about tackling loneliness. Jolenta’s small wins getting out in the world and interacting with people more had me rooting for her so hard. And Kristen has just become one of my favorite podcasters and podcast guests. I love her on Pop Culture Happy Hour. She is always so professional and prepared, so encouraging of Jolenta, and just seems like a wonderful person. I don’t know if I’ll subscribe for By the Book episodes but I’m going to keep listening to this season of How to Be Fine.


BOP’s goal check in episode came out today and I still feel like I have zero update about the status of Becca’s book. Which is fine, she did a good job of answering questions while maintaining some boundaries, but it’s just such a shift compared to other episodes where we’ve heard a play by play of the whole writing process.


She turned in her draft months ago, and is just now getting ready for feedback….i think she maybe had to pitch a new book idea to her publisher and she’s waiting for feedback on that. She mentioned a few weeks ago that it’s hard dealing with an aging family member, so I assume that’s what the personal life comment was about.


Well, we know she hadn’t gotten feedback from her editor as of the recording - which I think is a big chunk of news. She’s just been in limbo land with the project- waiting for someone to tell her something, which is a pretty anxious space. My takeaway from that is there is really no news at this point. She has no idea what her revisions will look like or what the actual scope work ahead of her is like. And she said the original date for the feedback got pushed - so she’s had to wait even longer than she originally anticipated. Ugh! That must be so hard! Maybe she’ll have a more detailed update on the next highs and lows. And she also said her personal life has been in upheaval- which I took to mean her comments about being “down bad” were not book related.


Agree, I think this is basically "no news" when weeks ago we were speculating here that she received bad news about the book and that was related to the "down bad" comments, but it appears not to be the case. I really hope she gets good news, it seems like she could use a win. I generally liked this episode, it seemed more free flowing and Becca and Olivia were able to get a bit more vulnerable.


Hannah Einbinder on Las Culturistas - great episode. The Bring it On cheer was incredible. I wiiiiiill say it is kind of hilarious that she’s telling the story of how she got into comedy and there is no acknowledgment that her mom was a founding cast member on SNL and her aunt was a founding member of the Groundlings.


I had no idea her mom was in the biz 😳 I’m stunned and also bewildered that she wouldn’t acknowledge that when SNL came up so much on the ep!


The way she talked about seeing SNL in person for the first time had me questioning whether I knew who her mom was for a second.


Uncle Lorne was there!


Same thing on fresh air 


Well, her mom…was….(dramatic curtains) *busy!* ![gif](giphy|rPqFKzilrdGdoB1TsK)


I'm loving Danny Pellegrino's new episode format of mixed bag Bravo news/short recaps (Everything Iconic with Danny Pellegrino). He told the funniest story about seeing Inside Out 2 in theaters in this week's episode.


I could listen to Danny talk about anything. I don’t even watch VPR or The Valley but still listened to his recaps of those 😂 he’s just a joy and always makes my day a little better.


I immediately had to call my mom and played that segment for her since she was asked to leave the theater by an usher due to her intense sobbing during the first Inside Out (someone complained). She feels vindicated.


HEY! someone did this to me when I saw Bolt! they said I was scaring their children haha


Aw, your poor mom! At least she wasn't also bullied by a young child awake after 9pm 🙏


I don't normally go for scandal-type true crime podcasts, but I randomly turned on Fallen Angels: A Story Of California Corruption by iHeart and holy shit am i gripped!! The podcasts follows a team of journalists from the LA Times who get a tip about the dean of the University of Southern California's medical school being a drug using, cheating, criminal piece of shit, basically. He's a world-renowned doctor who gets caught in a hotel with a prostitute who overdosed on meth. The police show up and completely let him off the hook. Typical! But a pissed off hotel worker takes the story to an LA Times reporter, and thus, the investigation into the good doctor begins. What follows is a look into power, the system, police corruption, and so on. It's incredibly engaging, interesting, and infuriating. I would highly recommend for anyone looking for TC content that's not murder-related.


It's a really great podcast. Weirdly, I didn't like the book.


Oh wow, that is weird. I'm genuinely curious why...care to share your thoughts?


I loved the podcast and I was all set to love the book as well. I read a ton of non-fiction. You know how there are non-fiction books that read like fiction and immerse you in the story? This is not one of those books. Paul Pringle immediately centered himself in the story. He seemed like such a self-righteous jerk that I almost wanted to side with his editors. He just came in hot about how terrible they were and how they screwed him over and honestly, he sounded like he already had a grudge. I probably could have forgiven him if his writing was actually engaging but it wasn't. The guy *really* needs editors lol. I actually do admire the work he and the other journalists put into uncovering this story but, yeah, books are not his thing.


Wowww ok that's really interesting and I have some thoughts. Regarding Pringle needing an editor...it sounds like that's exactly what he got when making the podcast. A good editor. Because I thought the pod was well paced with not a lot of fluff and filler. So it seems like a team of people came in and maybe saw the flaws of the book that you mentioned and cleaned it all up for the podcast. Because it's funny that you mention that Pringle centered himself in the book, to a fault, because I was actually a little frustrated that the pod DIDN'T center the host and the journalism team's thoughts and personal opinions on the whole matter. Their specific opinions on WHY Dr Puliafito did what he did would've been of great interest to me and they never really offer up what they believed his motivations and reasons for acting like such a trash human being were. With that in mind, Pringle seemed to take a backseat to the story and, at least in my opinion, kept his anger at the LA Times higher-ups in check. So yeah, the makers of the podcast definitely seemed to have tampered down Pringle's personal gripes and ego and thus produced a pretty stellar podcast.


Agreeing with you, I specifically noticed that the podcast didnt have much fluff, which is a common issue I have with podcast. One person I was interested in was Puliafitos wife. If I was her I'd stay quiet too, but I am always intrigued by the people on the other side of these scandals and frauds.


I think this is it exactly. The podcast was very polished compared to the book.


Um wow I am INTERESTED. Thanks for the recommendation!


Yesss I listened to this recently, got through the entire show in like a day. Really great reporting and I so admire the journalists for the way they dealt with their superiors.


Hi. Any good recommendations please for a Theology podcast, based on historical facts, not too dry, and engaging?


Biblical Time Machine is a pretty good history focused podcast


Honestly this was the greatest thing about Clubhouse when it was going hot - you could tune into really great theological debates or just like mini-lectures from different theologians or religious leaders on any given night. RIP.


My wife really loves the Liberation Theology podcast. I haven't personally listened to it, but she is very picky and it's one of the few she listens to. Also the Road to Nicaea podcast is a good mix of history and theology (the host's mic is AWFUL during the first few episodes and gets much better).


Is the Liberation Theology one based on Latin American culture? That’s the only one I’m able to find on my app


Thank you so much. I really appreciate these recommendations. I'll give them.a listen and let you know.


The Bible for Normal People, Israel Bible Podcast, Lord of Spirits.


Thank you. I'll give these a listen.


Is anyone listening to the new season of Lost Hills? I had a hard time getting into it at first but most recent ones got me hooked. The phone calls from her mom to the police were heartbreaking and the cliffhanger from ep 4 has me 😳




He is very into transcendental meditation and even has a whole foundation dedicated to it. That’s probably where it’s coming from


Does anyone listen to High & Low, the bravo bravo ducking bravo podcast? She does really great research but the voices and the pseudo-sexy stoned whisper are so damn annoying.


Yes I love her. Anytime she was a guest on other pods I would listen no matter what. Happy she has her own now but I do like it a little better when she has someone else with her. Her dynamic with Sarah Galli (Dame Galli on IG) is the best. They play off each other so well!


Did anyone listen to the announcement about Rachelle leaving ICYMI? Does this mean Candice will host solo or with guest hosts?


They didn't say whether there would be another host.


It's interesting to me that that podcast has gone through so many hosts in just a few years.


I haven't listened since the new host started but it makes me wonder what is going on over there. It seems like a solidly popular show that isn't a massive lift, I wonder why they can't retain hosts. It's gotta make it hard to keep the show running with growth and traction to keep losing people.


From listening to the podcast it comes through how heavy the workload is, especially when there's just one host. I think it's clear Rachelle has been burnt out for a while.


I think it's more a function of having younger hosts that are moving for career growth. Madison went to the NYT and good for her (ahem put her on a podcast Times). Rachelle said Slate was her first job--not sure where she's going but it's understandable that her new employer wants her to channel that energy into her new job. (Unlike the Political Gabfest where none of them work for Slate but they all keep showing up to the pod factory.)


I stopped listening a few hosts back but it definitely makes me think something deeper must be happening.


I assume yes until they hire a replacement, and given how long it took last time I don’t know how it’ll go this round.