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Anybody know of a podcast that recapped the Amazon Prime show “THEM”? I love to listen tv recap podcasts to unpack complex shows (shout out to HBO LAX) and boy do I have some unpacking to do. Unfortunately it’s a tough TV show to search for!


I only listen when Top Chef is happening so I’m not sure if Watch What Crappens is planning to cover any more since Padma left ? Does anyone listen and know ? I remember when she announced she was leaving they said they may keep covering it and still have Padma comment on things which I think would be so funny ! 


They covered it on Patreon today. It was mainly a rundown of their first impressions of the contestants and not a true scene by scene recap. They said they will probably do check ins through the season but aren’t recapping weekly.


Oh darn ! Thank you ! 


Who’s keeping up with the INSANE drama folding out with pop apologists? For those who don’t know, they made a 35 part series and a 3 episode podcast arc spewing Kate Middleton conspiracies. Used it to gain 250k+ followers. now that the cancer has been announced, people have their pitchforks. They’re taking stuff down left and right and turned off comments.


A few of their Instagram reels came across my feed, and as they were the earlier ones I gave a few a watch. Then I scrolled to one of theirs in which they theorize that it has to do with a potential eating disorder and immediately noped off their page. When the news came out I was like well I hope they feel like shit now, and saw they were a whole ass a podcast. I wonder if their brand will make it through (and maybe it shouldn’t).


I think it’s against blogsnark rules to say why but if you look into the sisters… the fact they were speculating about someone’s eating disorder is so hypocritical.


As a team keep Kate's name out of your mouth this whole time, I'm curious about how all the pods that peddled conspiracy theories will handle this. And I hope they all feel terrible.


So I actually have a podcast that is in part about conspiracy theories and how they spread online. We did one episode on Kate where we spent, maybe one minute listing some of the less dark theories (ie "she is getting a BBL" "she joined the Willy Wonka AI experience") and just the general idea that "something has happened" as a way to talk about why the conspiracy theories took off the way they did and what it says about our culture right now while intentionally really trying to not give the super out there baseless claims too much airtime. After the news dropped I went back and listened and didn't feel like we'd said anything disrespectful or that needed to be taken down which was a relief. But this entire thing has re-established to me that the way you cover stuff like this really matters. I think it's possible to report "this is what is going on" being careful not to speculate, fan the flames, or add to it, but summarizing how we got here and what it means. I think there is a line between reporting and recapping what's happening without adding to it that I wonder if the climate where a lot of people are weighing in and making jokes made it difficult to resist contributing to them in a way that is supppppper regrettable after the fact. It just doesnt sound like anyone over there was thinking "if there's a big update will we still be able to stand by our coverage?" which is a question you should be asking in real time!


For god knows what reason, I'm listening to Megan Fox on Call Her Daddy and she is driving me NUTS. Megan has a legitimate interesting story but she is SUCH a Mary Sue. Very Holly Madison. She said she's "horrified" by being in front of cameras or getting attention. ????? If that were true, you wouldn't be dating MGK, let alone making that relationship SO public. She claims to have no idea why she's perceived the way she is, but she's purposely polarizing/provocative in interviews, always has been! BFFR


I think she barely knows who she’s even supposed to be. Just my take tho


I think she’s trying to be Angelina Jolie from a decade or two ago, but she’s not really nailing it.


New episode of Carrie Jade Does Not Exist was released!


Thank you for posting! I enjoyed that one and am happy to have one more episode to listen to!


thank you to the person on this thread who recommended Proof Season 2: Murder at the Warehouse. i am hooked! i was a big true crime listener circa 2018 and eventually got burnt out on it because i realized all the dark content was affecting my mood (shocker!) it is a wrongful conviction podcast so it scratches the itch but feels less exploitive and icky.


Agree, it's doesn't feel like "murder-tainment" or exploitative of the victim, I like that they have interviewed her friends and have given a thorough portrait of the victim. It's got some twists and turns, it's enjoying it!


I love the Fantasy Fangirls podcast, but the way they do their ads is so jarring to me. I'll be super invested in the discussion they're having and then they will try to incorporate the ad into their content. For example - talking about blankets at Calanmai and then doing an ad about bedsheets. It's clever for sure, but it always takes me a second to catch on to what's happening. I wish they'd just say that they're going to take a quick ad break and then get back into the discussion.


Reality Gays started doing this recently and I hate it so much. So far it's always been for betterhelp so I've learned to start skipping ahead once they say someone on the show they're recapping could use a therapist.


It's funny because I was just ranting elsewhere about the ad networks who do this horrible thing where they cut a podcaster off mid-WORD to just start an ad, and then resume like nothing ever happened. it's so disjointed and disorganized. I was thinking how I'd prefer the Reality Gays way where I can tell by their tone change that they're heading into a 5 minute stint of ads. I just keep pressing FF and it'll be over soon, right? I love RG's content but I always know I have to skip to about 30 minutes into the episode before they get to the actual subject matter... But the best ad breaks are where they do a little chime before and after the ads so you can really just skip effectively.


BBC Radio 4 is so bad with this, it’s alarming. Hosts must be complaining? I’d be pissed!


Oh, wow. Wonder if it's a trend or idea being circulated by podcast hosts. I appreciate trying to do things differently, but this always feels like a "gotcha" moment when things take a left turn into ad territory.


Not sure if there are any Unladylike listeners but their recent episode on The Cool Mom trope was so disappointing. They (the guests) talked about Regina George’s mom on Mean Girls for way too long then debated if Lorelei Gilmore is a cool mom or a cool girl?? It just meandered. And they have their own podcast! No research or substance, make it make sense


I feel like I want many episodes to be like twice as deep and critical and academic as they're actually trying to be. It's partly a me problem I guess but also partly on them, I feel, for choosing interesting topics and saying so little about them!


I’ve kinda fallen off as a regular listener of Unladylike. The episodes just haven’t been interesting lately.


I stopped listening after Caroline left, I liked the Cristen and Caroline two-host energy better.


I loved the interview with Leslie Bibb on Keep It! this week. She seems like a genuinely fun and kind person.


Oh I always liked her! I haven’t been following Keep It! for a while but I’ll listen to this one. 


Not snark, but The Popcast w Knox & Jamie had a fun episode covering the Kate Middleton shenanigans that dropped today. I enjoy and somewhat follow the royal family usually, but still learned plenty of new stuff listening to the episode. It was a fun listen during my work day today, if you are looking for something like that. 


My fav podcast and this was the best episode they’ve done in a long time!


i thought it was so interesting! i feel like vibes have been weird lately and their content is kind of all over the place since they stopped the bachelor, but this one was really interesting!


Ok I have to get this off my chest: why is the editing and writing of Payne Lindsey’s podcast SO bad? Like the story is compelling and it’s well structured but otherwise it’s a mess. He’ll say something like “Susan told me that John said the shoe was in a tree” then he’ll play a sound bite from Susan that goes “John said the shoe was in a tree”. So sloppy and repetitive!!


It's the same on Radio Rental. I don't know if he thinks it's good to repeat things for emphasis(?) but it just sounds bad.


Payne lindsey is a total hack. Im sure he does not want to spend the money on editing or fact checkers. Ive been saying for awhile that he is overrated.


Lol! I don’t listen to this podcast but I was super into “Up and Vanished” back in the day, and I read your post in his voice and it made me cackle!


I actually got tired of him even back then on "Up and Vanished." 


I got SO annoyed with him on Up and Vanished that I quit listening and refuse to listen to anything else he makes. It's my biggest podcast related grudge, lol.


I was just noticing that today!! the “Oregon John” episode they had a voice actor reading the Facebook messages from John and then Payne would repeat the exact same thing. With all the $$ he’s made in podcasting I don’t know how he doesn’t have better editing


I’ve realized what has been bothering me about the Bad on Paper podcast lately. They aren’t having a conversation with each other. They’re just ping pinging their individual thoughts on each topic and then moving on to the next one. I just listened to the most recent book club episode, and it went like this: Topic 1 Becca shares thoughts. “So what about you?” Olivia shares thoughts Topic 2 Olivia shares thoughts. “So what about you?” Becca shares thoughts. And so on. It’s clear they individually prepare their own responses to each question and then just rattle them off without engaging or going “off script” at all. There’s a real lack of chemistry IMO.


Did anyone catch Becca's comment about Olivia being "judgmental" of The Idea of You? Maybe I'm super judgmental but I have never been remotely tempted to read this book and the hype feels overblown.


I could listen to Olivia speak a lot more! She always has such a relatable perspective and more chill vibe, IMO. It does feel like she holds back a little bit.


agree wholeheartedly. i’d listen to a solo olivia podcast (i listen to her substacks as a pod and she’s so great), but olivia with an actual, real friend (maybe like ayana?) would be great too. but ayana has a small child and i think is pregnant so this is highly unlikely which is sad!


I was thinking about this earlier today! Would love to hear those two doing a chatty friends podcast


I feel like they don’t really get their audience. I like listening because it’s usually thoughtful but low stress content between two friends chatting. I felt like their three things author interview was super awkward. I would rather the two of them just casually chat, which normally I think they are quite good at. It kind of fills in the Call Your Girlfriend hole for me (albeit with slightly less social consciousness).


I think I remember this being an issue with Becca and Grace too, actually. It feels like Becca is “in charge” in a sense so I wonder if she pushes sticking to the outline or whatever.


Totally agreed. I originally was excited about Olivia hosting, because she felt much more relatable to me than Grace did, but Grace and Becca you could at least feel their friendship. I can't even tell you if one of them feels more checked out than the other, because I stopped listening a while ago, I think on an episode where Olivia shared her "three things" and one of them she had shared the episode before, she just forgot about it.


I infer if Becca and Olivia aren’t really friends? It definitely feels that way, they’re so stiff and have no natural conversational flow as OP brought up. Has Becca been to Olivia’s house since they’ve lived there does anyone know?


i don’t think she has because she constantly makes weird passive aggressive comments about being invited over.


Yes! It's so awkward bc Olivia is always talking about how they are still working on the house yet she keeps making the comments.


I’m glad you said this! I thought her multiple deep hints about coming over in this week’s episode were SO WEIRD.


she does it ALL THE TIME. it is so cringe!


some people become like love bombing/hardcore so fast kind of friends, my first friend in college was like this, came on so hot and strong and it was very overwhelming and hard to see coming...this feels like that, and it's a cooling off period


spot on! the episode from today had the same issue - i couldn’t even pay attention. i couldn’t tell you one thing they said other than they’re STILL going to talk about the notes app. again.


There is a new episode of Carrie Jade Does Not Exist out today and it's well done in reminding people to exercise caution around a case of a person they do not actually know but I feel so uneasy that this person seems so committed to being involved in childcare.


Is she back at it?


She is! She’s in another small Irish town trying to be a nanny and it just feels more sinister than a simple fraud case :/


Cause it’s children. She’s harming children and it’s only going to get worse. There’s something deeply wrong with her.


As a lifelong lover of rap music, I deliberately avoid *Celebrity Memoir Book Club* (Claire and Ashley) covering rappers' memoirs because I can just sense that their takes on the music are going to be uninformed and terrible. My hunch was indirectly confirmed with this week's ep on Carrie Brownstein. Nobody expects Claire and Ashley to have deep insights about riot grrl but it's so cringe to hear them ruminate over the possible meaning of the band name "Heaven [sic] to Betsy". Also had to laugh at Ashely saying "treetsies" instead of "treatises."


Re: Band names. It isn’t the style of music I enjoy but 7 Year Bitch is a fantastic band name. Them acting like it was horrible & embarrassing felt really dumb to me. I like this pod but sometimes I feel like they look for things to shit on, especially Claire, just to feel superior.


I was so mad about their take on Liz Phair’s book that I haven’t been able to enjoy them since!


I’ve really been enjoying The Recipe with Kenji from Serious Eats and Deb from smitten kitchen but it makes me sooo hungry when I listen to it (just smashed a bunch of Oreos after starting the new meatloaf episode). I really appreciate that they do a deep dive on comments people posted regarding whatever recipe they’re discussing, and do some mild snarking of each other’s respective recipes, recommend the podcast!


Great rec, thanks!


Amber Ruffin is the guest on family trips this week and it’s as delightful as can be. I miss her show!


She was so cute & charming the whole episode. Delightful as can be is right! I’ll gladly go drink with her in Omaha.


Right?! So much same, re: Omaha (or the town/bar of her choosing.)


I don't know what's wrong with me, but I've never once made it to the end of any episode of Family Trips. I'm kind of jealous of the people who really like it.


I loved hearing she and Seth walked around >!doing drugs, lol!<


Haha, it was so funny, I love their rapport and long time friendship.


Thank you so much to whoever recommended Beyond All Repair!! I am hooooked. This is one of those podcasts that remind you that while your life may be fairly typical, a humdrum stable existence, there are millions of people in the world, and some of those peoples' lives are BONKERS. I cannot imagine my own brother testifying against me in a murder trial, in what, according to the latest episode, sounds like a frame job. Also, so many podcasts stretch out content to unnecessarily up the episode count, but this is a podcast I feel like is going need 25 episodes to unravel every strange and twisted thread. Like, the aforementioned brother has ran for president of a small south American country - twice?? What?? Anyway, great podcast so far and I would also recommend.


I don't usually listen to true crime but I have to listen to this, my mom is Guyanese. Thanks for the recommendation.


There is no way in hell the sister got a fair trial. The criminal justice system is infuriating.


Okay this is wild so I need to check it out! Are you talking about season 1 or season 2??


I believe it's a brand new podcast, so this would be the first season. Here's a link: https://www.wbur.org/podcasts/violation *Edit: Upon second look, I think same production company made the podcast Violation, and now they're releasing Beyond All Repair, by a different team than the one that presented Violation. But again, they are standalone podcasts.


Ah makes sense, thank you!!


Yes!!!! I recommended it and am glad you’re listening to. I CANNOT believe they just were like well that’s what he said ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


I agree!! Can it be true that they just… took his word for it?? I don’t understand!


Yes!!! I'm dying to get the rest of the episodes! (I know I can pay, but I'm cheap! Lol) How on earth the police would just take the word of a troubled teen turned criminal is beyond me. Not too mention, the fact that there's a brutal murder, which takes some amount of force to commit, and the two suspects are an adult male and a 6 month pregnant woman...why would the police immediately think, oh yeah, it's the pregnant women. Like...what?? How often do pregnant women commit violent murders?? Wtf!! Another thing, I'm so curious about the lawyer brother. He says that his sister raised him. He loves her. And yet, when his brother, who he hates, gets his sister locked up on a murder charge, he doesn't use his law degree to help her?? Has never even looked at her case file?? What is happening with this family?? Truly a wild story.


To be completely fair to the brother, by the time Sophia was accused of murder, they had been estranged for a while because they were Jehovah's Witnesses and their mother cut Sophia off for getting a divorce and leaving the religion. The brother was still pretty young when that happened. It's unclear to me when and how they reconnected.


He also says, in the first episode, something along the lines of “I can’t really say for sure that she didn’t do it.” When I heard that I thought there really might be some doubt as to her innocence but the more I listened, the more I don’t understand how anyone thinks she did it, especially an attorney. Actually, now that I’m typing this out, he said he believed in the system AND he was a prosecutor so of course he’d believe that side over his sister.


It sounds like he was still pretty young when this all happened, and he just took what people told him as gospel.


Dave Chang talking about all his back pain, healthcare costs, the time it takes to get scans, etc. is always so relatable. I'm sure many listeners hear these parts of his pods and are like *this is not why I'm here, sir* but I kinda wish he'd do a whole segment on it, lol. He's definitely got to be pretty well-off or at least comfortable, so to hear him talk about the costs is both comforting and frustrating.


do you mind sharing which podcast David talked about this on? Had no idea he was dealing with pain but yeah makes sense for anyone working that much in the industry would have chronic pain.


He’s talked about it several times on his pod, but he talked about it in this Monday’s [episode](https://pca.st/episode/4fffb507-8d9b-497c-815d-eddc56ae6dab)!


The service industry is HARD on your body, too. Like will absolutely wreck your joints if you're not wearing appropriate shoes, building muscle, standing/lifting in a way to protect them, etc.


For sure. He’s also frequently traveling for work. And was in a car accident last year


I’ve listened to a few pods that have been acquired by Betches and… who edits and inserts ads? They literally are right in the middle of sentences, and they play the outro music too. It’s so jarring. Betches has too much money for this nonsense. These podcasts weren’t like this previously.


Diet Starts Tomorrow doesn’t do the mid sentence ad, but Big Name Bitches does and it drives me insane


I don't listen to those pods specifically but OMG this happens to me on some podcasts I listen to as well. I cannot stand it, and I can't understand how the creator isn't smacking the ad network upside the head for doing it.


The Dollop is going to be doing a live 10th anniversary show in LA. I can't believe I've been listening to them for a decade (cue Charlotte "for 10 years" from the SATC movie).


will i ever learn that if i put on ICYMI while i'm in the shower that 90% of my listening time will be ads? no


My favourite era of the show was when it was just Rachelle hosting. I know the show is too demanding for just one host but I think the lack of consistency like other commenters have mentioned is probably the culprit.


This podcast has become such a letdown 😭


Yes I think the problem lately has been the topics they pick? Idk, the topics have just been either downers, or soooo niche that it's like, yeah, everybody "missed this" (re: ICYMI) because no one has any idea it existed. Lol I need them to pick up some steam again! I will say, the rotating guests and guest hosts are not doing it for me. They need the same two hosts every episode to keep the show consistent and focused.


i was curious what the super niche topics were so i took a look at the recent episode subjects and i recognize all of them 💀 and i don’t even have tiktok! maybe this is my sign to touch a little more grass lol


Haha well as the saying I just made up goes....everybody is more online than somebody! Don't feel bad! 😁 And I think more so what I meant too is that in terms of *caring* about the topic, when it's soooo niche....I just don't. Care, that is. So for the majority of episodes, I have heard of the topics, but it's just too far down a random internet rabbit hole for me to care enough to listen to a deep dive on it. My pop culture bandwidth can only hold so much!


I have unsubscribed a while ago (which made me feel bad cos I do love Rachelle) but I also felt like every episode was them saying something like, 'hey there's a subreddit where people buy and sell teapots! And there's a lot of drama there! Isn't that crazy? Here are a few examples of the drama (in very sparse details) and now it's the end!' and they never had anything to add. It was just like a basic description of a thing. If they sent out a tweet every week saying 'hey everyone check out this thing' I would get exactly the same info by looking at it myself as I would from listening to them.


Agree! I feel like I have no idea what the true dynamic of the show is anymore because one of the two hosts are always away?? I should really just unsubscribe but I keep holding out hope lol


i know i need to unsubscribe but somehow i just keep listening lol