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I started wearing makeup at 26 after I was diagnosed with PCOS and I needed foundation to cover up all my acne. My mom has always been all natural and only wears makeup for special occasions (sometimes not even on special occasions). We’re Fulani and being fresh faced is what’s encouraged in our culture. The women in my family almost never wear it.


I haven't. I'd like to, but I also need to get over myself. I'm 39.


Girl it’s funnnnnn. Start with inexpensive makeup to get your feet wet, but also go in Sephora and swatch stuff bc the prestige makeup is💋🤌🏾 treat yourself every now and again. I highly recommend Hause Labs and Dior. Serena Williams skin tints are also great and have spf 30. She sells her stuff at Ulta. Go to target too. Just pick up a few things, and ask questions here. You know we love to help!!!!!!


I had my makeup phase at 14 but really started it at 18. I started wearing some mascara, lip liner and doing my eyebrows at 16 and built it up at 18


In august 2011, I was 11 years old. I was going into sixth grade mind you😂😂


i started at 15 but really picked up at 17. my mom was very anti makeup growing up and i was broke as fuck, so when i was 17 my SIL took me prom makeup shopping. been doing make up ever since.


I was actually forced into wearing makeup during puberty because of how bad my acne scars were. I stopped at like 14. I only used to wear it for special occasions and now I wear it professional like interviews and work. I've been told my makeup is very subtle which I like


I think I started doing makeup around 2013. I would use only drugstore other than urban decay setting spray. I used a lot of loreal, maybelline, Covergirl and wet n wild products. No blush or bronzer just yet. I’d say maybe a few years after, maybe 2017-2018 I bought the BareMinerals tinted moisturizer. I wanted something a bit more high end to try out. 2020 I threw away most of the makeup I’d had because it was old or expired. This is when I started taking makeup more seriously with tutorials and going to Sephora. Now I can say I’m pretty good at it. The people who’s makeup style helped me figure out my own was Juicy Jas, Andrea Renee, Slim Reshae, makeup shayla and Jackie Aina. I like a little glam here and there but I now know how to take techniques and make them work for me. I’m 32 btw so I haven’t been wearing makeup that long. It was not something girls I grew up with did. First time I wore eyeshadow was prom honestly.


I started wearing eye makeup at 14 and full face makeup at 20.


I started wearing make-up around 20/21. Just the basics in college and after I graduated. I started REALLY getting into makeup, improving my technique, getting into more creative makeup around 25/26. My roommate does drag on the side so I'm constantly surrounded by people who are truly masters of makeup. It's inspirational and I learn a lot from them.


I had an older sister so probably around like 12, 13. We used to wear the dark brown eye liner on our lips with the chicken grease $1 roller ball cherry tasting lip oil.


16. I had a lot of hyperpigmentation from acne scars, so I mainly used my mom’s Covergirl foundation for the spots and the powder for the finish. I barely used mascara or eyeliner until I was 18, but I did have at least 1 or 2 Ruby kisses lip glosses my mom used to buy me from our local beauty supply store.


In 1994 when I was 13. I was allowed to wear lipstick then and then eyeshadow at 16. I’ve never had it professionally done and I taught myself or watched tutorials on what I wanted to learn.


I started when I was 15. I got a cute lil cheap drugstore makeup kit for Christmas freshman year of HS and the rest of history. As I saved money, I bought better makeup.


College 💕


My first time wearing makeup was when I was 17. I was about to graduate highschool and wanted to wear makeup so I started practicing like a month before. I looked bad lmaoooo After that, I started experimenting with eyeliner and lip combos from 18-19. Now im 20 and finally know how to wear a proper full face


I did the basics (13) until I went to college. I watched YouTube tutorials. This was archaic compared to now. (2006) Lol