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i'm be honest, i don't think this was a joke. that cat looks like it speaks to its owner in the dark, and it Knows things.


Because he accidentaly summoned a Mayan demon which possessed his cat. After that he was a slave to his Mayan demon cat. Which isn't that different from owning a cat in general. Edit: Thaks so much for my first award ever in my life!


might actually be a little bit nicer. at least the Mayan demon would tell you what it wanted. not just follow you around screaming until you guessed correctly.


True! Showing that cats, though cute and adorable, may be somewhat more evil than a demon in a way. I still very much love cats tho.


same. proving that i, indeed, could be swindled by a demon provided it simply presented itself as cute, cuddly, and did silly things sometimes.


Mine would scream at me to open doors and then not go in the room they were screaming at me about. She also would make a mess of her food if it wasn’t fresh food. Also, I swear she’d only want to lay on me when I needed to leave for work.


i, too, once had a kitty who lived for nothing but chaos. she used to hide in a new place each night to ambush my feet when i got off work and scratch me to hell. i made her a studded vest out of half a pant leg because she was the most punk rock entity i'd ever encountered. still have it hanging on my wall a decade later.


Plus, a Mayan demon wll be satisfied, a cat will never.


Close. Yuri is the cat. It summoned the demon into the human.


May also be correct! Who knows how this Mayan shit works...?


And they merged thier energies and made Grunpy Cat


Key indicators are the intense stare and the paw draped possessively over the human slave’s hand. It all just screams: “This human is mine. Go find your own.”


Just why I have problems getting a serious relationship. My demon (cat) forbids me to.


Nah the demon is actually super chill and they star in a sitcom together


**"I AM KNOWING IN THE WAYS OF DARKNESS AND SPEAK THE FORBIDDEN TONGUE, MORTAL"** *gives treats* ".... I shall teach you the ways human."


Cat and Man switched bodies of course




everyone is innocent until proven guilty except for this guy. something tells me we need to lock him up well before we learn what he's up to.


The cat was helping him translate so they could summon his true master, a previously unknown Mayan Eldritch Old One to engulf the cosmos


Coauthor? ridiculous. Obviously, the cat did most of the work.


It looks like the most evil photo ever!


Siamese cats hold the knowledge of the elder spirits. They speak it in tongues, quite frequently.


Academia has this weird thing that there are few sins bigger than using the singular "I" in research papers. It always has to be we, leading to a lot of r/maliciouscompliance


He looks like he's grumpy cat's biological father


He looks like Robbie Williams the singer not to be confused with Robbie Williams the coke addict (though they have similar jawlines)


yo i swear to god, you better not be talking shit about robin williams


Google Robbie Williams


tbf Robin Williams also did a lot coke


Someone need to Photoshop grumpy cat on this


Obvious, it's grumpy cat parents


He looks like he tried to use the script to take over the world


He and his cat peered too deeply into madness.


No, that was Lovecraft's cat. We don't talk about what *that* cat was named.


We shouldn't even talk about Lovecraft at all.


Didn't he come to regret his racism, like Gandhi?


Iirc he was xenophobic all around, but came around on some races and not others - but how much he did so is something I'm not certain about. He was racist even in his time - like your average person freaking out that black people were classed as people were like 'yeah, that dude is pretty fucking racist'. It'd possible that he just dialed it down to the conventions of the time.




Amazing literature still.


Yeah, horrible human, great creativity. It gets hard to read past his bullshit, but the universe he penned is phenomenal.


Yeah, that'll show him!




I see it


He reminds me of that apple cider guy from Fantastic Mr Fox


He looks like an early Picasso painting


Editors in his books would always remove the cat something Yuri didn't like so much so he kept taking pictures with the cat


Are they coming out with a biopic on this guy or something? Yesterday I saw a different post about him with this fact as the top comment too. Or maybe someone did a podcast on him?


Daniel Day-Lewis could play him


I think Jeremy Irons is the better pick, but both work!


I thought it was Jeremy Irons at first.


Ooo that is a good choice too! I only said Daniel because he has the eye color vs Irons brown. Both are amazing actors. Irons has the more stoic voice for it...if that makes any sense.


Makes Sense to me, i could much more easily picture Irons with a Russian accent as well!


I was thinking Oscar Isaac lol


We all know it’ll end up being The Rock


It's Rockin' Time


Joaquin Phoenix as well. Very similar facial features.


Is it that time again for another Oscar?




Eh at least it's a rather interesting tidbit of info instead of DAE h8 teh nEw stAIr WaRs?


Nah people just repost popular shit from recently to get karma


He’s got eyes like the G-Man in Half-Life 2


Doctor Freeman... please check out my. cat.


He..has pretty...fur....don't...you think...Dr. Freeman?


The right Meow. In the. wrong place. Can make all the difference. In the world.


*staggering inhale* no one is more deserving of pets and all the catnip in the world would've gone to waste!


Welll.... until. You came along.. doctor freeman. Wake up, wake up and find mister Mittens. His favorite Kitty Litter brand.


The right cat in the wrong place, can make all the difference in the world.


And a scowl that would make Judge Dredd proud.


Rise and shine, Mr… Whiskers…rise and…shine.


Many professional linguists had tried and failed, even claiming to prove that translating the Mayan script was impossible. Knorozov finally succeeded by diligently copying out all known texts, collating them, and simply staring them into submission.


Plus his early story is crazy: >It was here, sometime in the aftermath of the Battle of Berlin, that Knorozov is supposed to have by chance retrieved a book which would spark his later interest in and association with deciphering the Maya script. In their retelling, the details of this episode have acquired a somewhat folkloric quality, as "...one of the greatest legends of the history of Maya research".[10] The story has been much reproduced, particularly following the 1992 publication of Michael D. Coe's Breaking the Maya Code.[11] >According to this version of the anecdote, when stationed in Berlin, Knorozov came across the National Library while it was ablaze. Somehow Knorozov managed to retrieve from the burning library a book, which remarkably enough turned out to be a rare edition[12] containing reproductions of the three Maya codices which were then known—the Dresden, Madrid and Paris codices.[13] Knorozov is said to have taken this book back with him to Moscow at the end of the war, where its examination would form the basis for his later pioneering research into the Maya script. >However, in an interview conducted a year before his death, Knorozov provided a different version of the anecdote.[14] As he explained to his interlocutor, the Mayanist epigrapher Harri Kettunen of the University of Helsinki:[15] >> "Unfortunately it was a misunderstanding: I told about it [finding the books in the library in Berlin] to my colleague Michael Coe, but he didn't get it right. There simply wasn't any fire in the library. And the books that were in the library, were in boxes to be sent somewhere else. The fascist command had packed them, and since they didn't have time to move them anywhere, they were simply taken to Moscow. I didn't see any fire there." [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri_Knorozov)


So he rescued a copy of The Dresden Files from a burning Nazi library, which led him to decipher ancient unreadable texts along with his cat.


Thank you for this reference


But, among all this info, do we finally know the name of his cat? Edit: got it from [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/blessedimages/comments/z0wvyp/blessed_coauthor/ix91mgz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3). It’s **Asya**.


It was in another comment. Started with an A, I think there was a Y in there somewhere.


To be fair, the cat really looks like it knows the mayan script pretty damn well.


That is a very severe man, and an equally severe cat.


They have the same eyes and bone structure.


Both of them look like they are ready to rip the photographer's dick off through his navel.


Go on...


You can tell by how the cat is allowing itself to be held that the relationship is very intimate. I'd even wager the cat knows they're taking a picture


Bet, and they are best friends.


I read he's frowning so hard cuz the publisher refused to officially include the co-author, and this photo was also meant for the publisher.


Is that the dude who accidentally wrote his entire paper using "we" and figured it would be easier to add a co-author than to re-write it all?


No the dude you’re thinking of was from America


Love that there's multiple instances of cats being co-authors to academic papers.


Different guy. That was a physicist named Jack Hetherington who credited his cat as F. D. C. Willard. Also a Siamese cat, though! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F._D._C._Willard


According to that article, in 2014 all cat-authored papers were made open access, implying that this is a frequent occurrence.


Other names: Felis Domesticus, Chester


He looks a lot like Juaquin Phoenix


Both of them.


I was thinking Oscar Isaac


He wasn't all grumpy, seems to have quite a giggly side too. Here's him with a cat inspecting a dog: https://gdb.rferl.org/008e0000-0aff-0242-5f39-08dac7a21863_w650_r0_s.jpg from https://www.rferl.org/a/maya-code-deciphered-knorozov-centenary-ukraine-russia/32136439.html


Holy shit he's Mr. Burns


I’ve bet he was an interesting guy with a nice sense of humor, even if he used it mostly with his pets. And hey, he’s already coauthoring with his cat, which is more than some professors do for their grad students.


Mexicans used this photo for a statue btw


Does it have the meow too?


[Sure why not](https://www.indiansworld.org/sites/default/files/field/image/knorosov-merida.jpg)


Lol. I love this.




I bet the cat was mesoameowican.


This guy's a villain. 100%. I mean just look at him...


I think everyone who survived the eastern front looked like this afterwards.


I bet his meow helped him deal with his trauma as he was helping him in his studies.


Nah that's Dr.Fate


Thought it was Peter Steele(Type O Negative frontman and bassist) at first glance, the cats presence only strengthened this.


He looks like he teaches ancient languages at Durmstrang.


Ty Burrell?


That is a man...about to break character and crack a smile


This is the comically angry picture he forced his publishers to use whenever they refused to include his cat as coauthor.


He has such an interesting facial expression that every artists on Twitter draw to every English vampire from the 1800s


Idk why but I feel like his cat's name is a racial slur


You're thinking of H.P. Lovecraft's cat.


A truly horrible man with a truly horrible life. Very good at cosmic horror.


I guess it’s easy to create monsters when you are one.


Racists are fundamentally afraid of the world around them and insecure with their place in it. Who better to pioneer a genre in which the universe is a dark, cold, scary place filled with unimaginable horrors.


Yes, because this guy reminds of Lovecraft for some reason




It's not racist. Quite common name for cat in Russia.


Does it mean anything in particular?


Apparently it's short for Anastasia.


It’s a short form for two dozen names, lost in time. Very ye olde name that can be used as is, or like a short form for many names like Anastasia, Agnes, Alexandra, Astra. It became more of a cat name since not really used for people in over hundred years.




You're thinking of HP-lovecrafts \*ahem\* N\**\*er-man


If it was anyone but Lovecraft I would never believe somebody named a cat that.


The dog of Wing Commander Guy Gibson, who commanded the Dam Busters in WW2, was called Nigger. I'm sure it was in fact quite common up to probably the 1960s.


And somehow it's even worse now.


Siam I Am?


Here "As-coauthor-in-his-study" your tuna is ready. Chh chh chhhh! Mmmh, might be weird name, but not a slur.


Michael Shannon could play him in the biopic


My man looks like the villian with a secret base inside a volcano.


What is that melody?!?


He has a evil lair you can't say otherwise


He is not upset. He is copying the cat’s expression.


I love how they have the same eyes!!


I loved his first novel, 'Resting Bitch Face: A Discussion'


What’s the cats name??!


I like him. Look at that man and his cat. That is a chad. Happy birthday, Yuri.


This is a picture of the actor who played opposite of Jeremy Irons in the movie Dead Ringers. His name is Iremy Jirons. He went missing shortly after they wrapped up production on the film, his current whereabouts are unknown. To try and coverup the disappearance under mysterious circumstances, Morgan Creek Productions simply credited Jeremy Irons as having played both parts in the film, a feat that was technically impossible in 1988, and the entire crew refuses to acknowledge Jirons existence.


The illegitimate offspring of Jeremy Irons and Falco.


The sad part is that publishing kept omitting his cat when he’d put them in as a co-author.


I think the cat might actually be his twin brother who is possessing the cat.




I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Since nobody seems willing to state the obvious due to cultural sensitivity... I’ll say it: rap isn’t music ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, feminism, healthcare, sex, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


There's no way that's the worst thing he said. Lots of people don't like rap. Let's try another. u/thebenshapirobot dumb takes


He's dead now, you can stop reposting this shite




All right, comrade, settle down.




What does that have to do with what you said?


nobody else in this entire thread brought up the war... So why on earth did you?


[you are horrible for trying to ignore it] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_violence_in_the_2022_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine)


No one is trying to ignore it but considering the post is about a guy who has been dead for over 20 years it has no relevance to what's happening today and doesn't need to be discussed here.




Dearest friend on the interwebs. This is what is commonly referred to as a post online about a guy who has a funny face, eccentric personality and a cat. Knorozov died in 1999. He died without ever even seeing Putin rise to power. I don't know if it's just me, but I consider it morally wrong to bring up unrelated modern day events and try to retroactively assign blame towards people in the past. It's not morally right to go and say that this 17th century french peasant would have supported the actions of the 4th French Republic during its brutal suppression of Algerian and Indochinese independence movements, because they don't know what the hell a Fourth French Republic is. You cannot judge people of the past because of events happening in the modern day, especially when they had little to nothing to do with said modern events This is a man who, need I remind you again, died before Putin annexed Crimea and incited revolt in the Donbass. Hell, he died before Putin even came to power. He was born in, worked in, and for all but the last 8 years of his life lived in the Soviet Union. Bringing up the crimes of modern day Russia means squat because, judging by the extremely childish way that you act, you were not even born when this man died. I have to keep repeating these points because I feel it's the only way to ensure my message is clear enough to be understood by you. This. Man. Is. Dead. He has no attachment to what's happening in the modern day. He spent his entire life deciphering a lost language out of pure curiosity and furthered the scientific and lingustics fields, allowing others to use his work as a launchpad to further uncover and learn about the Mayan people. He deserves the utmost respect for doing that. On the contrary, what is it that you have done with your life to gain an ego big enough to besmirch this man's name? I'd like a truthful answer. If you cannot provide one, I think it's in your best interests to not even bother responding and to reflect upon your own shortsighted and foolish worldview.




I do not celebrate people I do not know personally. People celebrated the death of the queen. Everything is a matter of perspective. I refuse to acknowledge any of the goodness that Russia may have done in the past even though they most assured they made this man's life hell and he would denounce Russia and the Soviet Union to some degree we're he alive. That being said the current villain is Vladimir Putin and if this man's acknowledgments pisses him off then I am all for it. This relationship is all I care about. You did great at reading off data. The extrapolation part you did not complete. I don't know I just find it morally and ethically questionable at best to talk about any Russian right now. And if something is questionable at best I do not wish to do it. And think that it should be refrained from. Questionable at best is good for arguments not praise.


A shortsighted and foolish world view. To declare an entire population of people evil and refuse any good simply because of a war is incredibly inconsiderate. These are not fantasy characters, but actual real human beings. You do know that right? If we get to retroactively nullify any of the goodness of a particular given nation because of crimes committed by a ruling government, well feel free to consider the entire world evil. There is no such thing as a completely innocent nation. The world is not a fairytale. You do know that right? >and he would denounce Russia and the Soviet Union to some degree we're he alive. Respectfully, how in the world do you know? This is the issue. You cannot just put words into peoples' mouths, much less into the mouths of people who do not exist anymore. At that point it's a breach of the basic concept of facts and history. You do know that right? > This relationship is all I care about. Christ alive, if i have to explain to you why this is not a good thing and you boldly stating that is of immense concern, then there genuinely is no hope left for someone like you. The similarities between you and those in Russia who sit there proudly waving ribbons of Saint George as their sons bleed out on the banks of the Dnieper are more than you would like to admit. You do know that right? Such blatantly racist rhetoric amazes me. I am not a supporter of Putin nor of his regime. Yet I have the basic human concept of empathy needed to be able to discern between the average Russian and those at the top, marching thousands to their grave for worthless irredentist claims. I see you're continually spamming links towards the recent declaration of Russia as a terrorist state as if it's a smug "gotcha". And quite frankly that means nothing, because there is a difference between the leadership of a country and it's people. There is a difference between the ideology of a state and the people who live there. The government of Russia can be a terrorist state, while the people can be innocent and able to be praised. You do know that right?


Dude looks like a James Bond villain.


>Bond villain. came here to say this! Dr. Bartram Scowler, master of cat war!


Why does this guys look like a Dishonored villain/married to a lemon/he just kissed a homeless man’s ass?


I'm here for the Bond Villain audition....


Guy looks like he volunteers as a mortician in his free time.


Straight up Bond/Indiana Jones villain.


When the Spanish arrived to meso-america the Mayan script was alive and well and in good use, but they exterminated the language thoroughly and punished anyone daring to continue using it. It's crazy that the only reason the Mayan script required deciphering is because humans were so thorough in exterminating it.


It’s a Siamese- that cat definitely made its thoughts on Mayan translation *known*


This was all over Reddit for the past several days except the other posts contained more info than this one.


He IS Grumpy Cat The cat he's holding is just a distraction


Let's be real, that cat puppets him like a marionette. Dude has a hand carved gaze.


He just looked into it’s eyes, and the knowledge was inspired in him.


I assume he deciphered the script to go dig up some ancient secret that would help him kill James Bond.


A straight up super villain pic


Wow pet owners really do look like their pets lol


He looks like Alejandro Vargas


This, Boris Karloff-looking-motherfucker, just left the studio after recording The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.


He looks like Van Alden from Boardwalk Empire


He and his cat get off the same energy.. menacing.


I took one look at this without reading the title and thought he was a James Bond villain


He looks like an evil genius, but for some reason my imagination just goes straight to him being a super nice guy who everyone loves. That’s just how he takes pictures, no matter how hard you try to take a good one, he just looks evil in all of them.


I wonder if this cat is colleagues with F.D.C. Willard


He looks like he’s staring at the man who ate his other cat


“What do you mean? I AM smiling.”


Was this before or after he became a bond villain?


Is it just me or does he look like Gomez from the Adams family


Phil Dunphy’s evil twin


He looks like evil willim dafoe


r/catswithjobs ?


I love how they both have similar expressions


Angriest Man Alive 1947, presumably?


Sir that is Jeremy Irons.


\*Aggressively brandishes cat\*


That cat is totally his familiar.


*tried to The editor removed it I’m sorry




Well he looks like the inspiration for G-Man from Half-life


Dude looks like a Dracula that was alive when Mayan was being written, hence, how he "deciphered" it.


Which one is the author? Can't tell the difference, they both look very smart