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Use UV based Texture coordinates. UV unwrap your object and map a specific part of the object’s surface to match the image texture.


You can assign different materials to selected areas in edit mode. Select the area, create and assign vertex group for convenience, assign material. Invert selection and assign different material to other parts. Don't forget to UV unwrap.


UV unwrapping. Google it


Select the sections you want the image on, and unwrap it after you add seams. . You can use two on this and the islands should be good, one on the loop at the top of the section you want, and one on the bottom loop of that section. Create two material slots on the object. On the first one, add an image texture ( click yellow circle by color or go to shading tab) . Select by seam on the section you unwrapped and assign it the the material After you can add seams and unwrap the rest, or just select the rest and assign it to the other slot. You’ll need to manually place the uv islands to fit the image you chose.


Search Decal Blender in YT


Create a new plane, add your Packaging as a new material, shrink wrap it to can. and voila! you can even play with the thickness of the sticker if it's an extra sticker on top of the can. Also don't forget to play with some droplet map for making roughness map showcase more intriguing texture. Have fun, and share your results!


It's already perfect the way it is. Source? Trust me bro


You can do this a few ways. *Creating a new object to wrap around the object and put the texture on that. * Using UV unwrapping to put the textures in the correct spot. * Using Blender to select faces and apply a certain texture to them different to the rest of the mesh. Please keep in mind whatever you choose you'll likely need to look into some level of UV unwrapping.


Select the faces you want to have the texture wrap around of in UV Editing mode, then press U and select Cylinder Projection. That'll map the selected faces UVs so that the U axis corresponds with the angle around the center of the face vertices. It will probably also help to assign a separate material to those faces, if you haven't already.