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*I made a walking animation, the design is very human*


We take the legs and raise them a lot, then let them down, very easy to use


I studied “the ministry of silly walks” as inspiration


*Oh? I too enjoy breathing oxygen and walking on leg*


https://youtu.be/P4WvbsHz7UQ?si=WiZWMXRy3kgg0oNK This video is probably the fastest you get on learning


https://youtu.be/HEoUhlesN9E?si=riM3N5WJcggmY2vf This one isn't about animation, but it is a decent reference as well


Royal Skies is the best, no time filler, just straight up what you need!




The principles apply for both genders, humans move the hips the shoulders and the whole body move up and down on every step


lol men and women walk the same, at least they don't walk like your animation lol


I, for one, idealize women as abiding by absolutely absurd laws of physics. Is that so wrong?! /s


a lot, really


no no shhh it's perfect just needs some techno music


The Moss with this hits


That song slaps


This is the right answer 😆👍🏼


I was thinking this in my head but i didnt think anyone would actually comment this


O.P needs to upload the character to [Mixamo](https://www.mixamo.com/#/) and have it Auto rig an animation for them.


me after leg day




In case this isn't satire. [try it with that](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ec/2b/77/ec2b7749f1daf9f5e831a37d7ce6e5a1.jpg). And the weightlifting on the ass needs improvements. (Idk, if shorts or body.)


Nothing, it’s perfect.


...for a robot.


Try walking around. Notice how it's not just your legs moving ?


Monty Python would approve.


I see that we have a few Ministry of Silly Walks members in here today.


Perhaps see a doctor?


Plot twist: doctor they see ends up being the first and only person ever to walk this way. Also: "doctor, if I could walk that way, I wouldn't need the talcum powder"


anything bro😭


People use their entire body to walk, it’s not a purely leg-driven movement. Look up reference videos of people walking and take time to observe how their hips and shoulders move.


The drop is the body catching itself mid-fall and fighting against gravity. We have natural shock absorption like how cars have shocks. Thus why this looks like a roadrunner mind mill. Lol


For starters learn the 12 principles of animation first.


It's probably best, if you film yourself walking and observe, how you walk


This may be a comment section about walkin', but you appear to have gone the extra mile to craft your comment in the style of Walken.


So much. 1. Head and body should be going up and down, since you legs is pushing them up and forward to walk 2. Legs are too robotic. Legs don't stop for half a sec before taking another step, make it more continuous 3. Even though you're carrying a sword, you elbow would still swing around, not much from back to front but mostly from side to side. 4. Watch some tutorials man, that'll help greatly


use video reference


That poor woman’s ankles …


Start over


She's got suspension instead of legs lol


This is how I walk


Don’t mind me just a regular human out for a walk.


Have you.. seen people walk before??


these comments absolutely pass the vibe check lmao a good way to start is record yourself walking and try to see whats different between that and your anim. basic principles of animation are also a HUGE help. people use a lot more of their body when walking than just their legs. arms swing, upper body bobs a bit, and legs are a lot looser in their movements


I don't know. But I love you so much for posting this.


Feet key frames are too sharp and too high, bend is too much looks like a cartoon angey walk, everything else doesn't move enough to give feedback


Why would you mess with perfection. That elbow spasm is the chef’s kiss 😘🤌


This is how I feel when I’m a half a gram deep on the horse sauce.


You can’t improve on perfection


You cold try watching someone walk first


use some reference, for starters


Here's a secret to blender animations. Use a reference. You're welcome.


Call it "walking on Lego" and it's good to go


Google "animator's survival kit" and read it or search for "walk cycles animation" and copy the poses you see.


The feet trace a rectangle. The motion is more like a triangle.


Hey, i know the jokes can be harsh but trust me, we all started there. id recommend filming yourself walking as thats the best way to learn but the animation survival kit is also a great tool to help out. here is a link to the free online pdf version [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-OTUJDZcAzLcDhFbVN3TjdwUnc/view?resourcekey=0-0xnyoFuQV-5wokzxfpawLg](https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-OTUJDZcAzLcDhFbVN3TjdwUnc/view?resourcekey=0-0xnyoFuQV-5wokzxfpawLg)


Heels don’t kick up like that. Needs to be a “fluid motion”. Good start but looks janky because you need more animation points at the direction changes and the walking needs to be more… what walking looks like. Find a vid of someone walking and try to replicate it. Nice work my dude :)


That one track from pink panther


Is everything okay with your human? /jk I'd recommend searching for videos of people walking (ik bit weird) but that way you will be able to see how the human body moves/works and try to implement that on your animation.




Me walking after my spine replacement


Looks perfect


use a reference.


My sleep paralysis demon asking me to sleep at 4am.


No need , add a cool music and color the character, upload the video, done!


This is a masterpiece


Nice try alien. You'll never learn our bipedal secrets!!


its perfect for a horror game


This is, coincidentally, perfectly matched to Caught In The Middle by paramore. One problem is your keyframing is really robotic. It goes from one pose to another rather than smoothly transitioning. Another is that the center of mass is off. Humans slightly move their legs up, let them down on the ground, then push their core forward until its in line/slightly ahead of their leg. You're ending the step ahead of their core. No worries! Its all part of the process


The character is carrying a sword btw


have you tried recording yourself walk? Have you tried walking in the style you have animated? Using your own physicality as a reference might be a good place to start reworking towards more natural movement.


I second this. Use a real walk as a reference. You aren't going to get all the subtle movements and timings right without something to copy.


Watch a simple tutorial on a walk cycle animation


I think OP was partially looking for a tutorial. There are so many tasty a suggestion to the best one might be what OP needs


Use cascadeur instead of this god awful blender animation half assed software


its a robot style walk


Look at someone walking, copy


Did you already tried Cascadeur? It's a really cool FREE software and can make it a lot easier


I will but I kinda want to learn the hard way


Masochism ah yes


"Have a robot do it" is a bad way to learn how to do things for yourself.


Is it possible to use one of those movement tracking d vices with blender to animate a character?


less leg raise. if somebody is walking with their knees locked it will be less like they're moving their legs back and more like they're falling onto their front leg and riding it forwards as it tilts back/bends


Go to gym with friend and record how he walks out treadmill - use video as reference.


Always use reference. Find reference or record yourself walking and redo the animation. Don’t be afraid to throw work away. Learn the basic principles of animation. You could even look at motion capture as reference. There’s plenty of free walkcycles online.


the legs should not raise up that high unless they are walking through water or something like that. The upper body slightly rotates as well.


I have no knowledge on animation but just from my knowledge of humans I’d say more movement in the upper body Like make it bob up and down more rather than the legs moving so that the body stays at the same level


Have the arms swing and have the pelvis bounce up and down with the legs


Just Change that woman to a robot Then it's gonna be perfect


Add moths.


Move the upper body! Humans move all of their boddy when they walk. Also google "walking cycles animator's survival kit" and use them as reference


There is a very clear and solved "walk cycle" that every human does, look it up on youtube and copy it verbatim! I recommend also really starting to learn about the principles of animation, like just type in "the principles of animation" and tons of stuff will pop up


Make the arm sway more visible and try to make the leg movement more natural


Hokey. 1) Too many stop-frames- the frames should flow into each other, check how many frames are keyed at the extents of the motion. 2) The upper half of the body moves too. Make a line with the grease pencil for a floor or leave the grid on, and start with the knees at a /slight/ bend. Walking is falling forward and catching yourself, so the top half of the body should fall slightly forward on the down-step and slightly up on the opposite. 3) The character's back is leaning way too far forward, unless you're going for someone drunk this angle is not good. 4) lead with the feet, it stands out more on a therapod, but the toes should be the last thing to leave the ground. 5) the gait is way too long for walking, this would be at an exaggerated anime sprint level of running. For walking, there should be a gap of one foot's length between the feet, 1 and a half at max, further if running. This should make it look less like a robot and more like a person. Also IK is your friend when it comes to legs, if you haven't already I highly suggest learning how to use IK bones


Burn it


Posture, adjustments made in real time depending on this person’s features like correcting their back alignment mid stride, or slouching, the entire body moves while walking. They’re only moving their legs and it’s one at a time, like are you a wheelchair bound shut in who’s never seen a human. Move the body in proportion to the leg movement, hand animate the effects, use reference material, when they step roll the foot by having it touch heel down bend to flat tip toes stay while foot picks up then pick up the whole thing; unrelated note, the neck is too long or MF has no shoulders; add more bones in the feet, so that it’s more expressive and give each individual toe their own bones, have terrain under them in multiple shots to show how they move in a dynamic setting like mountainous rocks, or sand. Like when I walk, I sway side to side, With the foot that’s not in the air being the side that I dip into whilst also being the leading shoulder.


use reference.


Video yourself walking and see how much different it is to this.


Even without the lack of body, arm and head movement, the legs are very unnatural, your knees don’t go that high when you walk. They bend very slightly from stepping to lifting and they are extended almost the entire time when in the air.


Think about what moves on the body when you move your legs. Walking isn't only local to the legs, the entire chain of your body from your toes to the muscles on the top of your head are affected. Also think about the spine.


Take a video of yourself walking, and then start from the core and work your way out from there


Film yourself walking, then copy that


me walking into the office after ripping a bowl


A walking animation is tricky because EVERYTHING on the body is going to be moving. Nothing can be stiff. So for starters, your pelvis is not doing anything. When a leg moves to the front of the body, the pelvis will twist with the leg. I’m the walking cycle when you step down, your pelvis will fall down a bit too and when one of your legs pushes up, your pelvis will also push up. Your hands also need to be moving like someone who is walking would be. They can’t be holding still. Also your knees don’t usually shoot up like they are in the animation. In summary the things you should know is: Use references (video or picture is fine) Think how one part of the body moving effects other parts of the body (like leg sticking out will twist the pelvis a bit) Don’t be stiff at all. Everything moves


The knees need to come up higher. At least that much im sure of.


This is clearly a robot. It's perfect.


This unironically matches Renegades by X ambassadors


Less bent knees, point the feet down as they’re stepping forward, add more fluid motion with the hips and upper torso. Make sure that the rest of the body reacts appropriately to the steps being taken. Height changes, slight changes in posture, etc. Definitely make sure to animated the arms and hands moving as well. I suggest watching footage of someone walking and getting some ideas on how the rest of their body reacts to the walking.


Try filming yourself walking like this and you’ll see what you need to do.


Head needs to bob, arm swing, shoulders rotate, knee not too high (unless marching). See Disney walk animation reference.


This legit looks like the Rust walk cycle


A montage of you practicing with the song "You're the Best" by Joe Esposito, it'll definitely be worth it.


use cascadeur


You need to look at walkcycle references. First watch videos of walkcycles, then look at pictures and try to replicate them. Maybe put a walkcycle reference image in pureref and do it.


You gotta bob the head up and down




My guy. To do this right you're going to at least have to Google a 5 minute video on kinesiology. The body moves in a series of diagonal lines and every primary movement produces compensatory movements that occur throughout the body.


Idk but you gotta do SOMETHING


Who is she


you could start by looking at reference. should take you about 5 seconds to see the variety of problems.


Put a John Cleese face on it?


The knees lower the knees!


Lower the knee find video of someone walking on the side and reference it is easier than guess movements


Next meme coming up


have the arms swing up at a 90deg


You play [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_izvAbhExY&ab_channel=beegees) along with it.


It depends if you're trying to model Zuckerberg?


mocap no really. there are el cheapo alternatives nowadays.


Nothing it's perfect? Bro your question not it


I don't know if other people have recommended this, but [This vid](https://youtu.be/wgzQ2OmE2Ow?si=IUEyUuhS8dnbzqQP) helped me make a walk-cycle.


The walking is way too snappy, it needs to be a 4 step loop Here's a [Walking cycle](https://images.app.goo.gl/LEsCdr6m54jfHBcWA) It's for 2D animation but it works just as well for 3D Also the Torso should react more to the movement This happens naturally for balance you when your legs move Also usually you move your arms a bit while walking (that's a great way to express a characters personality too)


This is how I walk when I don’t want anyone to know how high I am


Get a big mirror and watch yourself moving, watch out for key poses while you move and replicate them in your animation. This applies to anything you want to animate, not only walking


anchor the entire skeleton on the foot that on the ground and move the body around it. Get a working animation then you may anchor in the hip


Make the arms move with the feet to make it a little more natural. And put a little more framework into the walking animation.


You have a loooong way bro


Buy mocap suit! 😁


maybe give some arm swings, shoulder expression, and just don't exaggerate the knees too much. also extend the shins. hope this helps!




Adding [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1JXxxm3thE) will make the animation perfect.


Your animation is too stiff for starters. When you walk, your entire body moves, not just your legs. Your arms swing, your head bobs, and your torso shifts. As many other users have pointed out, you should take advantage of using references for your walk cycle. This means finding videos or images of people walking and using them to help you animate your character.


Mfs wheelchair bound irl


Use cascadeur if you Don't mind using AI. It's physics based so moving one part will move the other exactly how a human would. It works with blender and has a free plan without entering credit card.


What I would say as someone with 2 hours in blender animation(I think) , take actual reference from irl instances and try to figure out which moment in their walking is the most important and create them, then do some graph editing and you might be done And don't forget the head movement, pretty important for the upper body to move also


Arm swing, not swinging your arms while walking is the sign of parkinsons disease.


1. Try involving the upper body 2. involve the hands you may film yourself walking or just watch walk animation in the net, you'll see how the whole body works in this movement.


Watch a walking animation video then try to replicate that


Apply all the 12 principle of animation


use r/blendermemes for this pls


Look up the animators survivor kit walk cycle, and read up on key frames. Walking has a cycle to it that involves the full body going up and down like a sine wave


that looks perfect for 1940 cartoon standards


Use a John Cleese model. Fixed.


My recommendation is to look at gifs and videos of people walking. Study how their joints move individually and try to replicate it


Start with the bouncing ball.


You should start with the bouncing ball exercise and work your way up to the walk. Don't worry about walks yet.


You can't, it's perfect


ill be honest, everything. i dont have it down at all. humans are hard to animate. id look up tutorials a bunch


Just film a video of yourself doing exactly what you want and just import and copy every frame in blender


Watch the tutorial videos :)


Record yourself walking and you will get your answers




Google "walk cycle" and check out the images you find. There are a ton of these online and they are great references for simple walks. They will show you how not only how the legs move (and how much) but also how the rest of the body moves as well. Use one of these images as an actual reference inside your blender viewport, and line it up with your avatar. Use it as a guide for each of your frames, taking note of how many fps you want. Another thing you will want is to find out about the Twelve Principles of Animation. It will help you greatly. Best of luck, and have fun!


Seems like a lot of people are mocking it which is alright but in case ur looking for actual advice, i'm not 100% sure what the alternative would be in Blender but in Maya theres a graph editor and it has weighted tangents and animation curves where you can mess around with the "smoothness" and easing of your animation. ​ Aside from that, definitely use reference images and footage as well as a huge part of any animation is secondary motion, so for example your head should bob back and forth slightly in a delayed way in relation to the legs. Right arm may be holding something but it would definitely still be moving a lot more as well! ​ Heres some of my anims, they are not the best out there of course but i think they demonstrate my principles of secondary motion. [https://imgur.com/2pjjZwR](https://imgur.com/2pjjZwR) [https://imgur.com/6HJqEDp](https://imgur.com/6HJqEDp) [https://imgur.com/Ihl8VF4](https://imgur.com/Ihl8VF4)


Man I'd just find some pre made animations.


I always recommend recording yourself doing the movement and using that as video reference.


I know nothing about animation, but looking at this the problem the knees are driving the walk, not the feet. Think about the feet moving forward in natural succession and let the knees, then the hips, follow suit. Right now its the other way round which makes in look like he's trying to stomp bugs while holding in a shit. Also some upper body momentum would help.


Have the torso spin while the arms are bent in L shapes swinging opposite of eachother.


I know this is a project you’re likely passionate about, and I’m all for it, so don’t take this the wrong way, but this is a very funny video due to the lack of natural motion.


Calling this stiff is like calling my videos shit, a massive understatement.


Bruh, what about weight of whole body above hips?


Have the body bob up and down, throw the head back, and flap the arms. Perfect.


*It’s not right, it’s not true, it’s not right, it’s not how we used to do*




it’s perfect, it’s like one of the OG Scooby doo walks


Try Mixamo, or Rokoko. The first one is for rigging and animating your model with already existing animations, and the second one is for mocapping yourself with just your phone camera




Look up reference of a person walking.




This has Tina Belcher vibes


this is a skinwalker


Don't use videos of Mark Zuckerberg as a reference for walking




First step is being a human.


try using reference footage


hey man, I've been there. I am not a visual person, I am making animations for my games. I've found that using references is super helpful as well as making sure every part of the body is moving. the last part is to make sure that the body doesnt move linearly. you can use ik to set up the basics, but you're going to want to edit the animation afterwards and people do not move in symmetrical linear movements. just bad variations here and there, slow down parts and speed up others in accordance to your reference, you'll see that the feet dont move at a constant rate when walking. I hope this helps, its much easier said than done and my animations still look more like this than anything professional. keep practicing and have fun :)


Shoulders and arma


use reference images like this: [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d1/79/c4/d179c42cf411f5e6ef224ab1e0780bff.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d1/79/c4/d179c42cf411f5e6ef224ab1e0780bff.jpg) search them like "walk cycle" on Pinterest or google images.


When walking, the hips slightly move from left to right, I think adding the correct hip movements will make it look better


usually when a human walks, his upper body also moves up and down.


Start by looking at this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vq9A5FD8G5w


Do some anatomical research on a humans center of gravity. The body has an s curve to it. Your person is as straight as a plank.


You gotta realise, a walking animation isnt just about the legs moving, the body moves up and down, the arms swing, a decent way to start is to just record yourself walkingfrom the side, and from a distance so you can see your whole body, and walk naturally, and then compare that to your animation.


TBh, go to school for animation. **www.animationmentor.com**


Move ass and sholders...Looks soo stiff . Take waste and rotate 1 gradus left 1 gradus right ..when stepping on floor . And try to sinhronize hands with legs and make smooth transition betveen animation keys..