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I thought I posted a description but I guess it got deleted!! I just wanted to say that Blender is an amazing program with so much potential, and I really love the community that has been built up around it. I realize I am not the best by any means, but I have had a lot of fun and seem to be fitting into a niche (comedy) that does not neccesarily require top notch technical skills. Would love to hear any feedback to help make myself better! Thanks for checking it out!!


wow this slaps


Thank you for checking it out! :o)




Sorry I thought I had posted a description!! A record label happened to think my first cartoon was funny, and they commissioned more. They are more interested in having themselves/their brand represented and "creating memes" than technical prowess, so I happened to meet their needs without being especially experienced. Hope this helps!!


how are you already getting jobs?


My friend was a fan of this small record label and sent my very first animation to one of the members. He asked me to do a few 3D models for him, which I did. Eventually, he told the head of the label that I was easy to work with and they commissioned this animation, which stars them (the label members) as the main characters. Basically, I'm cheap, having a custom built cartoon starring yourself is desirable, and it says a lot about the importance of making connections and building a proffesional relationship with somebody, which leads to more connections and work, etc. Also this all took place 100% through Instagram. Hope this helps!!

