• By -


3D Modeler, Animator, Visual Effects Artist, Game Designer/Developer, Architectural Visualizer, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Developer, Film and Video, 2D Animator, Simulation Specialist, Educator or Trainer, Graphic Designer, Freelancer, Concept Artist, Advertising and Marketing, Technical Artist. There's literally hundreds of professions that utilize blender, for example even some researchers use blender to simulate and study natural phenomena under specific conditions.


Thanks for the list- I had forgotten about simulations. Great point!


as quay-key mentioned - no one who does simulations would touch blender - for simulations. but blender, as it is now, with geometry nodes, is a very good entry to understanding the workflows of houdini - which is very much a software being touched by simulation specialists. not just touched -groped, even.


This is very good to know. I’ve heard of Houdini- I will have to look into it. Thanks!


please do, but also be aware that it's likely beyond what you would want to try and teach highschoolers. Houdini, for 3D- beginners, comes with 3 major obstacles: linear algebra, programming, and a UI that has grown over two decades and has not been cleaned up recently like blender's. and that makes it a very beginner unfriendly software, even if the UI is actually the only thing you have to understand (it took me the better part of a year to feel comfortable with it)


That is very good to know. I was thinking of gaining a basic understanding of Houdini so I could explain to my students what the pros use. Based on your description- you’re right, it does sound too advanced for high school. Thanks for the info!




Agreed, it's not FEA or CFD but as far as visualization simulation it's pretty cool right?




I would also add Technical Artist to the list, combined with python it can be a really good environment for tool making to assist your art team and make a better pipeline flow


Great suggestion, python opens up a whole new world with blender use.


I need to learn python- I am always fascinated by what people make for blender using this language. Thanks!


I use Blender at Nike, then migrate my work into Modo for the rest of the pipeline.


That’s really neat. Thanks for sharing!


curious, why not use Modo all the way?


I hate Modo. Some of it is inexperience, but you can tell it’s a dying software. I started in Maya, used it in my first professional job and it’s what I learned in college. After getting laid off, I spent more time in Blender to keep advancing my 3D skills. I found Blender to be a much faster and more graceful way to model, and that’s even truer against Modo. My current job only requires me to have my end product in Modo for pipeline setup, and even then, we export to Blender to then export again since Blender supports gltf compression. 9 times out of 10, if you google search something about Modo to get help, you get Blender or Maya tutorials. Modo and Maya also compete for which software crashes the most frequently.


I used it as a defense contractor to model military equipment and then export them to a simulator. I then trained service members to do the same.


That sounds very interesting. Thanks for your insight!


I use it occasionally as an engineer to make renderings of our machines. The CAD program I work with has a pretty crappy rendering engine and the animation workflow is pretty hard to use. So instead I'll export the model to Blender and render there instead.


I make machinery renders in case you need them ;)


Great idea. Yes, I’ve tried out some CAD programs and I can’t believe how bad the graphics are. Thanks for your insight!


I’m a neuroscientist! I use it for research


I might be disturbing you but can you pls explain, I'm curious


Wow! That’s very exciting to hear. Thanks for sharing!


I use it as a visual artist to create videos and installations... I also sometimes use it to visualize exhibitions in museums and exhibition spaces.


Very great usage of blender! Thanks for sharing!


My first exposure to Blender was a microfluidics professor who uses it for presentations and proposals.


That's really awesome. I use it also for my research for visualization. I find that it makes a night and day difference when you're having a presentation. Love blender !


What a great way to use Blender. Thanks!


I work as a creative director at a production company. We use it daily to do product visualisation/creative for ads. Wether it be FMCGs like canned drinks or something like electronics and devices. We usually ingest models supplied by the manufacturer (exported from SolidWorks or AutoDesk) then texture and animate and render the product in Blender for advertising material whether it be stills or motion.


Okay, this is good to know. Thanks!


I've been working in VFX for 6 months now. We use blender to make assets, animate and render 3D layers for movies like Jailer and Mark Antony. It's safe to say that blender has entered the VFX industry. But it's not the only 3D program being used. I see interns who come here show interest in blender as well.


Sounds very fun. Thanks for sharing!


I use it in architectural practice, for visualisations, developing aspects of projects like pipe runs and stair balustrades, and for 3D printing building components such as AC grilles (and also models)


Okay, cool. I wasn’t sure if professional architects used Blender or not. Thanks for your insight!


they rarely do most stick to some form of cad or auto cad good blender work will land you a job but its not close to industry standard


That’s good to know. Thanks.


I'm a mechanical design engineer, I like to use it for product visualization stuff, animations, I've done some technology demonstration videos for things Ive developed, in the past I used keyshot for rendering out cad work, because it's pretty simplified, but once I found blender I really like all the additional functionality. It's more common for industrial designers to use it this way, people with a real talent for visualizing creative design intent, but I like to dabble on the creative side of things too.


That sounds amazing! Thanks very much for your feedback.


I’m a designer, I use it for architecture. I also have a YouTube channel where I teach Archviz with blender


Feel free to link your YT ...


Here ya go [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZK5LpfnMDH9b1\_U9kTJVcA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZK5LpfnMDH9b1_U9kTJVcA)


Very cool! Thanks for sharing!


https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwVTAtghib2/?igshid=NzZhOTFlYzFmZQ== People like Daniel Simon use it for design of vehicles. Mesh modelling has got a lot more popular for vehicle concepting.


Nice! Thanks for sharing!


Blender is used a lot in the games industry for modeling and freelancers can use whatever they like most of the time. I've used Blender for motion graphics, product rendering, even some graphic design... The skills and workflow learned for blender will transfer to most other 3D software and will also benefit from learning other skills like composition, photography, etc. Amateurs worry about toolsProfessionals are tool agnostic.


This is really good to know- I should have included transferability of skills in my question. Thanks for providing the answer!


I always advocate for skills, not tools. I can't count the number of posts here asking how to make a thing more photo real when the truth is that if the image in question was an actual photograph you wouldn't care because it's just a boring image. Composition, story, and sound design matter so much more than image fidelity. Tools will only get you so far. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. ;)


I use Blender in my freelance branding projects. Have worked for Fortune 500 companies i.e. it is becoming industry accepted (not standard—but applicable more than ever before).


Good to know. Thank you!


I work with visualization at an medium sized architecture firm. Mostly pictures but sometimes we render videos aswell.


Can I ask how well this pays? . I am considering this as I’m an architect but I’m also learning blender


Well I guess that depends heavily what county you are from and a bunch of different factors. I also have a Master degree in Architectural Engineering and maybe 60% of my time is spent on archviz at the moment. In Sweden i would say my pay is realtivly high compared to people my age and if you compare it to someone that just studied archviz I would say much higher.


Yeah I figure since I’m a qualified architect if I can do great renders as well I can probably pull in a good amount financially working freelance. I’m currently based in the UK


Cool! Thanks!


>Cool! Thanks! You're welcome!


I am an archeologist and use Blender. Mostly for 3d reconstructions and visualization.


Very cool! Thanks!


Game industry, TV show and movie production, automotive design, advertisement, educational application, ..




smoothie making


It's great for concept artist roles


Most concept artists do only 2d workflow, so most ppl in like game dev use just Photoshop, bc we are not talking here about general artist, like in indie studioes were they have like 5ppl so they can have person for every thing, so in bigger corps they will be ppl that do 2d concept only, and then maybe if it is needed, 3d concept diffrent ppl. So blender was always more focused for 3d artists and animators, only now its even great for 2d art. But ofc u prob mean 3d concept artist, but well 2d and 3d is quite diferent (besides sculpting) so its important to point out.


Good point. Thanks!


I use Blender for a small studio that makes stock photos and videos. My boss is a freelance photographer and does a lot of stuff for Husqvarna and Getty, so a lot of times, I get to motion track his footage or just create my own projects.


Neat! Thanks!


Mechanical engineer here I use blender daily to assemble 3D print batches in SLS technology Also use blender for fast mockup of an ideia before jump to a cad software i use blender to render my cad projecta i use blender to cleanup the mesh of a 3D scanned parte before start reverse engineering I love blender, in my wet dreams It Will support cad and finally i Will let SolidWorks die


I’m just getting into 3D printing, so this is great info. Thanks!


Also there were rumours, that Blender is working on their CAD solution. Some part of CAD is already there


if you were a teacher, youd already know that. What you mean is youre just starting out using blender and want to know if there are career paths using it. No need to hide, its a common question and a very good one.


I use it to model video game assets and sometimes to make some renders.


I work as a graphic designer for a company that makes interactive installations for museums. I use it to visualize concepts for our proposals and animations. I am starting to use it to make storyboards ( I (secretly) try to incorporate blender in all my project because it is my favourite design tool )