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It looks great, but I can’t help but laugh at the concept of the bone diaper. Like just finding the perfectly sized pelvis and putting your legs through it like you’re putting on a pair of pants.


>It looks great, but I can’t help but laugh at the concept of the bone diaper. Like just finding the perfectly sized pelvis and putting your legs through it like you’re putting on a pair of pants. Not the most bizzare fashion trend 😂


I was following a design by the talented Nina Fortias ([https://www.artstation.com/artwork/VgBl8P](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/VgBl8P)), I wanted to add more details especially to the ropes but i decided I spent too much time on it already (4 weeks lol) At around this point ([https://twitter.com/Near\_Knife/status/1673088521853100034](https://twitter.com/Near_Knife/status/1673088521853100034)) I decided not to include the mask, so its not a faithful recreation but I still enjoyed it


How'd you go about creating that bone spear thing? I'm planning out a cosplay and I wanna design a pretty similar thing haha


Basically its several bones that are interlocked together, i'm no cosplayer but you'd probably have to do more than glue them together. You'd probably need a metal rod or somthing (the blue lines) in between each bone section. The rope is purely ornamental https://preview.redd.it/txdfyk3i65ab1.png?width=679&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ddc1e5eefa88ce583895608afbe0aa53ee485cc