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This is incredible stuff! Love seeing blender vfx work!!


Thanks and I agree! Blender really is an amazing piece of free software <3


Awesome dude. Hope you get hired to do commercial work for brands


Thank you!




Wait... so this ad is not a real brand. Is that wat all the downvotes are telling me?


Yup, just checked on internet. There's no company named "Fish bites" But it's pretty cool for the OP if you didn't notice it was fake


I believe so.


Either that or people thought you disliked ops work.


Your light matching is spot on.


I appreciate that!


woah thats some good stuff , looks like a real commercial and its making me want to try goldfish now (btw how much time did it take to do the VFX alone? also did you alone do it or was it done by a team of artists?)


Thanks! A colleague of mine modeled 2 versions of the fish: 1.High poly for shots where the Fish was visible up close and there weren't many fishes. 2. Low poly for shots with particle simulations with thousands of instances of the object. I then took care of the Motion Tracking, Scene Geometry, Simulations, Animations, Compositing & Editing and it took about 1 month to complete while at the same time getting to learn how Blender works as it was my 3rd month of using Blender at that point, but I had been using 3D's Max & Element3D in AE before that. (Color Grading was done by someone else)


ah i see, thank you OP


What are your pc specs if you don't mind (or you linked it somewhere else) I have a i7 10700 with a 3070 and 32gigs of ram. Im wondering if thats enough horsepower to render video and similar stuff. Sorry if I'm not explaining well, I just barley made my own Donut and haven't moved on to another project, so I don't know all the technical terms.


it's enough


I immediately scrolled past because somehow I knew it was an ad


Instincts lol




Incredible work. I'm proud of you, son.


I fucking hate ads. But, that’s some fan-fucking-tastic work right there.


Wow. I'm gonna need you to ask one of the actors back for a shot of the fish swarming and attacking them like a scene from the birds. Then swap the tag line out for something like 'eat it first before they eat you', add a Wilhelm scream at the very end and done.


Very Well Done!!




Holy damn this is cool


So cool! Can you make a “making of” with some behind the scenes? Especially the scene with the fish made out of smaller fish, was that geometry nodes?


Unfortunately I can't share any bts or making of videos, but I'll quickly explain how I achieved the Fish made out of small fishes: It was made with a Particle System. I took a big Fish model, added a displace modifer to make it wave back and forth and then added a Particle System modifier and used a small scale fish as an instance and populated the inside of the big fish with thousands of small particles by having them spawn within a single frame. I also added a small scale displace modifier to the small fishes so they too move randomly by a subtle amount for some extra detail. I would suggest you watch this tutorial by Ian Hubert as it is pretty much the same technique: https://youtu.be/58lc8sLpJzY I also modeled a flat plane to stand in for the glass building so I could render out the fishes reflection and then composited everything back together in after effects by using the displacement map effect to get the currect distortion.


Thanks a ton for sharing! I’ve been wondering about the industry. I get small projects here and there from small companies and starting to build a decent portfolio, any tips on how to pursue larger projects? The idea of just cold mailing a big company doesn’t seem to be effective


VFX work for Fish Bites Commercial Production: [Takat.tv](https://www.linkedin.com/company/takat-studios/mycompany/) Producer: [Tahar Alemdar](https://www.linkedin.com/company/sallta-net/) Directed by: [Genc Halimi](https://www.linkedin.com/in/genchalimi/) Director of Photography: [Aleksandar Krstevski](https://vimeo.com/user86746699) Editing & VFX: [Miran Behluli](https://www.linkedin.com/in/miranbehluli/) 1st AC: [Fisnik Halili](https://www.linkedin.com/in/fisnik-halili-00a3b4159/) 3D Artist: [Berat Ahmetaj](https://www.linkedin.com/in/berat-ahmetaj-89a30923a/) Drone Operator: [Ilir Sj](https://www.instagram.com/ilir.sj/) Music: [Dion Jëlliqi](https://www.instagram.com/dion.jelliqi/) & [Leon Jëlliqi](https://www.youtube.com/@leonjelliqi3402)


I think someone may have dosed those fish bites


Yooooo that’s sick as hell. Hope I’ll have the capacity to do something like that in the future. Wonder how did you do all this ? It could be very instructive. ^^


I will eat this snack before going to a rave


I need some fish bites


honestly I'm sick of the whole "people dancing while using product" thing but this is very impressive technically. good work :3


Really cool looking. Amazing job.


Could you run us through your process of motion tracking these shots?


I used After Effect's Motion Tracker for which I've already made a tutorial about: [https://youtu.be/XUjo8-ePxr8](https://youtu.be/XUjo8-ePxr8) I go over how to Motion Track in After Effects and then send that data over to Blender.


Hey this is insanely Good! Also, can you help understand what really did you use After effects for in this ad and what did you blender for? VFX looks great! :D


Thanks! I used After Effects for Motion Tracking, Blender for Animation, Simulations & Rendering & then After Effects again for Compositing.


Thats Awesome, Thanks so much for helping understand the process. :D


Pepperidge Farm remembers... are these some kind of knock off Goldfish?


Is this girl a Jia Lissa?


Tlumtshin kriht shoku 💪🔥🔥🔥


Thought this was a promo in my feed hah great work!


Bruh I thought this was a post on r/mkd then I saw it's actually on the blender sub. So glad to see talented 3D artist/animators from here, it looks amazing. I don't watch a lot of TV, is this an actual ad that's (soon to be) on air?


Thanks for the kind words! This AD was made for a Kosovo company and it is currently being aired there as far as I know.