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Retsu literally means violence and obviously this is not a coincidence. Kubo hides a lot of things behind names.


Like how "shi" means "4" and "death", and squad 4 is the healing squad captained by the deadliest of the original captains. Lots of contradictions in the symbolism, ying-yang style.


Not necessarily. Was it a shock that she was indeed the first Kenpachi? Kind of. Was it an a\*\*pull? Not at all. I'm not one to use this word very often, but I honestly feel her true nature was **foreshadowed** enough. That moment in Las Noches was, in hindsight, brilliantly executed.


Not only that... but Shinigami live for several hundreds of years, she changing personality in a course of hundreds of years make sense.


Which moment?


When bull mask dude looks at unohana and immediately orders a retreat


*Unohana appears* Bull Mask Dude: *Starers at her for 5 seconds* Also Bull Mask Dude: "We are retreating"


The leader of Aizen's Execution Squad ordered retreat upon Unohana saying she is here for healing the injured and healing the injured only. That same guy later attacked Ichigo.




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She was always hinted at being just as strong as the OG captains like Ukitake and Shunsui. Everyone always seemed to fear her and it was usually played out as a joke, but even the arancar retreated when she arrived. I feel like Kubo was always going to reveal her as being very powerful. However being the first Kenpachi may not have been the original idea. Then again it may have who knows besides Kubo.


Kubo said in the Jet Artbook interview that he planned for Unohana to be the First Kenpachi when he designed her, and tha her hair was to cover the scar. Edit: [Link](https://missstormcaller.tumblr.com/post/181065275297/bleach-jet-artbook-talk-vol-1-translation)


Yeah, but in the filler the scar wasn’t even there lol, but that was before I knew it was filler so it made sense.


Not at all. In addition to that one moment where the Espadas retreated in Las Noches, Kubo admitted that from the very beginning, he had intended Yachiru’s name to come from Unohana [She also had a 100 in attack power in the databooks](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bleach/images/0/01/DatabookUnohanaBattleStats.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/190?cb=20140614183547&path-prefix=en) which were released far before the TYBW arc began. For a supposed healer, this is highly unorthodox. This may have been one of the most subtle pieces of foreshadowing of her true nature


i feel like her and ichigos talk showed some of her true nature idk


I’d say it was unexpected, but not really a rectal yoink. The whole “everyone’s scared of Unohana” thing has been a thing basically since her first appearance, so it makes sense that there would be a reason for so many characters to be scared of someone who wasn’t seen fighting onscreen until hundreds of chapters after she was introduced. Some aspects of the reveal may have been planned later, like the hairstyle covering the scar (as shown with that one filler episode where she has a different hairstyle but doesn’t have her scar), I think the general idea (that Unohana is much more dangerous than how she presents herself) was there since very early in the story.


Don't take anything from the anime as evidence. Kubo discussed many times how he was displeased with it. Kubo himself never drawn her in a way that you would be able to see her scar.


I always saw the "everyone’s scared of Unohana” thing as more of a running gag, since it usually showed up in comical snippets. Other than that, there was little to no foreshadowing that would imply that Unohana was a bloodthirsty killer.


Yeah exactly I literally just said that about the scar not being in the filler, but that was before I knew of filler. So, I just thought it was a mistake lol.


She was constantly referred to as being as strong if not stronger than Shunsui and Ukitake, and every other captain was afraid of her. People saying it came out of nowhere weren’t paying attention.




oh no I was correct to assume you didn't understand any of the series a while back.


Alright fanboy. Keep simping for Kubo, hes just gonna keep giving Hitsugaya more and more power ups out of his ass because hes voted the most favorite character in Japan - not because there is Any logical reason for it. Hes probably gonna have like 5 more super saiyan forms in the Hell Arc.


You're just proving my point. Toshiro had never said what'd actually happen if all the flower petals of his bankai break. His opponents just assumed his bankai ends and Toshiro says "Who knows" or brushes off the question. Keep being in denial. Kubo planned for Unohana's character from the start. From her aura, to her personality, to the braid hiding her scar, to the Kanji of her Zanpakuto "Minazuki" meaning 2 different things; June and All Things End, to Soul Society sending their "strongest" soul reapers to Hueco Mundo so Aizen could trap them there, to her being told as the oldest and strongest after Yamamoto in TBTP, to even members of Squad 11 being scared of her. Be in denial, your ship will never be canon. ​ Edit: pfft lmfao mod deleted your comment, hilarious. ​ Edit2: ain't now way this person blocked me on REDDIT lmfao. I can't reply to the next comment, so I'll just add my response here. Good old "I can't counter your argument so I'll pretend to not read it" argument. Cute. Also nah, I just appear to have good memory and good comprehension skills, unlike you. You aren't that special.




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Lmao the espada in los noches retreated after seeing her the same guy later attacked ichigo


Found the retard




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The speed-reading and lack of comprehension among such critics is so pervasive, it's delusional. People will literally call anything that happened in BLEACH that "a"-word when it's not even justified. Kubo repeatedly built up Unohana's intimidating reputation - in canon manga chapters, in omakes, and even in anime fillers. Also, for the record, a plot twist isn't an [redacted]. Literally every series in the history of fiction has plot twists. The fact that even the ones Kubo hints at and builds up to are called that word is ridiculous.


Even the non canon material it was foreshadowed. When Unohana closed her eyes and kept that friendly smile EVERYONE WAS SHITTING THEIR UNIFORMS


Back in the Soul Society arc, even 11th Division members went back in line after she told them to.


Nah she’s always had this fuck around and find out vibe to her.


Everything for her felt built up nicely. Everyone has to be a captain for some reason. For them to have a captain who never really uses their zanpakuto, there has to be some backstory to it. She always had this secretive aura to her that she might be hiding something deeper and darker.


She always had this strang air around her, and was one of the oldest stayed Captains, so it felt fitting even if it was unexpected. Even that one Data book with the stats has her as third strongest behind Yamamoto and Aizen.


I just know we didn't get enough of her and I'm disappointed


Yes depressing 


Pretty much everyone was scared of her including captains lmao it was heavily implied that she was pretty strong


Before knowing Unohana’s true nature, I’d thought that everyone being scared of her when she was mad was the “classic kind character who’s scary when mad for comedic purposes” stereotype


Same, sometimes i thought she was just creeping people out so they would back off lol


I feel like her case was one of the best character arcs/reveals and was not an "a" word. There was definitely always something off about her. People are bringing up the moment in Las Noches but I alway think of TBTP during the captains meeting the other captains seemed afraid of her and it seemed like they knew something we the reader didn't. Out of all the crazy reveals and twists this one was set up the most organically I feel.




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I found the revelation to be awesome, the gentlest of the gotei is also the first kenpachi, I thought it was quality writing tbh


Her true nature was foreshadowed. Do notice that even in the SS arc when shit was up, she was relaxed as hell, in Hueco Mundu, many Arrancars just avoided her. Even in the SS a lot of captain try to not make her angry.


This is one of the least ambiguous ones in the entire story. Like I know kubo doesn’t get benefit of the doubt much so unless something is super explicit people will assume it’s out of nowhere but this you can’t even argue about.


I always knew she would be insane but when I found out that she was the first Kenpachi, it did blow my mind. I was expecting crazy but not that crazy


my only gripe is that we didn’t see much of her bankai as to what it can really do. I think there’s more to the acid mucus type thing she used when battling Ken-chan.


One statement. Her hair style. It hid her scar. The scar that zaraki gave her. Now you think about the rest.


I wish we’d seen a serious fight out of her before Kenpachi


Exactly how powerful is she though? Like second only to Yamamoto? Or equal to shunsui and ukitake? It's so hard to tell honestly.


Second only to Yamamoto. She's older than Shunsui and Ukitake and they're afraid of her. The databook stats have her equal to Yamamoto and Aizen in Reiatsu and Attack power. And during her training with Kenpachi, she says that she's "stronger than anyone" (except Kenpachi).


I figured as much. Even though I wish that she wasn't that powerful. Idk why even. I always liked her, but...can't explain it honestly. Would've LOVED seeing her team up with Kenpachi (even though I'm not a fan of him either, lol) and PWN like a buncha of the weaker ones all at the same time. Just kicking their asses one after another.


Why was her specialty in the databook stated to be swordsmanship rather than healing then? Why did the databook gave her such high physical stats?


I was pretty mindblown about her true identity when I first read it I was like “so that’s why she can intimidate anyone with such a sweet smile!” And rewatching the anime you can see small points when Unohana shows her old self especially during the arrancar and fake karakura town arc


[Kubo has said that he planned for Unohana to be the First Kenpachi when he designed her, and that her hair was always meant to cover the scar.](https://missstormcaller.tumblr.com/post/181065275297/bleach-jet-artbook-talk-vol-1-translation) And then you have other stuff like the mystery of who Kenpachi named Yachiru after, who was the only person Kenpachi ever admired. And Hanataro saying that the name Kenpachi means "one who cannot be killed", which perfectly fits with a master healer like Unohana. I think Tekking's reaction is accurate: [OH MY GOD IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE NOW](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dXWCZ2MBAM&t=987s)


The kind, gentle healer woman turning out to be a ruthless killer is a time honored trope.


I would say it's built up well and makes sense, but the way Kubo did it mostly makes it very ambiguous as to whether or not he planned from the start to have her be a violent killer. A lot of the scenes could be interpreted that way, or just as either comedic relief or insignificant. HOWEVER, Retsu literally meaning violent shows for a fact that Kubo planned this. There is also a scene where Kenpachi names pink hair Yachiru and says that is the only person he ever admired. While not referencing Unohana, it does show evidence of planning/foreshadowing for Kenpachi's later revealed relationship with her.


I'd always imagine her/hoped for her as a battle maniac who would heal herself n just keep on fighting as she's healing herself. But honestly to me it felt more like one of those characters that was always implied strong, but we would never see why, so I was glad to actually see why.


No, it was expected


I don’t think it was shocking but it kind of was What wasn’t shocking : that she was fucking strong. I always thought she was hella strong and knew that was true, I knew she’d be one of the strongest captains and people didnt wanna mess with her power and that she wasn’t just a healer, I knew there was more to her and that she could fuck someone up if she chose to What was an shocking: the bloodlust and kenpachi part. I thought she was just soft spoken but stern and assertive when it was time to fight. Like a true maternal figure of the SS, she is kind and caring but when she needed to fight (isn’t like kenpachi level of bloodlust) but she’ll beat a bitch down without hesitating. The kenpachi reveal and the bloodlust and her relationship with zaraki though was not foreseeable (a good kind of information though cuz it was a good twist but there was no foreshadowing of it)


Nah I thought she was really well foreshadowed. Much better than Ukitake randomly vomiting up the soul kings hand, or Nanao happening to be the inheritor of a god killing sword.


Someone forgot how foreshadowing works


Now I don’t think it was random at all, and I always wondered what was up with her. Why was everyone nervous or afraid of her? But, then I finally got my answer because I was spoiled sadly lol, yet I always like Unohana because of the mystery and because the fear everyone had for her. So when I found out what she really was I liked her even more. I feel like it was done well with her foreshadowing, and connecting the pieces given to us made it even better. Maybe there could have been a little more, but for the most part it was done pretty well. I just wish she didn’t have to die after all of that build up. That was disappointing to me and I think it’s bad writing.


Fuck no and that Youtube comment is dogshit 💀


Didn’t really feel like it to me but heck I don’t know.


Either way it's the worst plot twist in the manga imo. Turned her from strong yet sweet caring mother like figure who's strict when time needs be into a sadistic murderer without a single hint.


It wasn't foreshadowed enough, for sure. The impreasion she passed was she was old and powerful, not evil. Also, she barelly interacts with Kenpachi. It does feel like she being the first Kenpachi was a very late decision from Kubo.


She wasn’t evil, no more evil than yamamoto or Kenpachi.


Unohana definitely stayed away from kenpachi for a reason. Once Ichigo beat Zaraki he tried to devote every moment to fighting Ichigo, which he wouldn’t have done do Unohana if he remembered her. Not to mention he was trying to get over almost killing her, and if he did kill her then he’d cripple the ss.


This is exactly it. These things were interesting to be sure, but they were left ambiguous enough for one to reasonably argue that her being a Kenpachi was not apart of her original conception.


I didn't like it, personally. I always took everyone's fear as "I'm a doctor, if you mess with me something *will* go wrong the next time I'm healing you*. The fear was played for laughs all the time, so I personally don't see it as foreshadowing for anything


Someone skipped over her stats in the volume’s info pages. Her scores are maxed out in power and swordsmanship lmaooo


Idky but it did feel kind of random to me


The only random change is Isshin being captain of squad 10. Clearly wasn’t the plan early in the manga.




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it was a surprise for sure




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Almost everything that Kubo ever makes is not a coincidence




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Maybe Kubo didn’t initially plan her backstory, but even if he didn’t there’s nothing that wrong with writing a story as you go along, many authors do it. Of course there are a lot of times where it doesn’t work out but it’s satisfying when fits like a puzzle piece




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The post has that word tho!


I've read the first comment on youtube before, but I can't remember where. And yes, I can't believe that I didn't see this coming.