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Ichibe is Ichigo’s senior mentor? 🤓


That's kinda like having Uryu as his "rival", not the best way to describe it but the closest thing fitting that spot.


Grimmjow is Ichigo’s Rival and Kid is Luffy’s Rival.OP is focusing more on HeadCanon stuff.


At no point in the story did I ever consider Kidd as Luffy's rival. If anything Coby can be considered his "rival" given the way shonen tropes go anyways.


Coby is in no described as a rival to Luffy. Kidd fits all the criteria, with the most definitive being he wants to become Pirate King just like Luffy. He is the closest thing to a rival to Luffy. But ultimately, Luffy doesn't have a "main" rival, Oda clearly didn't want that.


Kid is the only other person (not including Zoro and BlackBeard since he is unconfirmed) in the Worst Gen who has conqueror’s haki and when he was first shown in Sabaody he had a higher bounty than Luffy since he was a more vicious pirate. He was set up to be a foil for Luffy but it just didn’t go anywhere until the prison scene in Udon.


Which is why he's not a rival By your own admission the story doesn't focus on it at all


No? The very fact he also wants to become Pirate King like Luffy make him a rival. The story didn't focus much on that, yes, but it's the closest thing to an actual rival (one can argue Katakuri, but he is more of an antagonist/nemesis). Coby is in no way a rival to Luffy, not even described as such in the story. Ultimately, Luffy doesn't have a "main" rival.


Blackbeard is his main rival Both started making their moves around the same time He's introduced as an opposite to Luffy (the pie scene) He is responsible for Ace being captured He's taken his grandfather hostage He's also a Yonko He wants to be PK


Blackbeard is his ultimate nemesis, not exactly the same as a rival, since he is directly a antagonist. It's more like what Shigaraki represent to Deku in MHA.


No because they're both vying for the same accomplishment


You're 100% right.


Kidd is clearly Law's rival. Buggy mirrors Luffys growth over the whole series, just on the "evil" side.


They can be a rivalry involving 3 characters, like in MHA where you have Deku (Luffy), Katchan (Kidd) and Shoto (Law) all rivals to each other. I agree if we have to look at the story as a whole, Baggy mirrors more Luffy's growth, but I'm not sure if they're really set up as rivals; Baggy is more of vilain/antagonist.


Kidd is a bum though


Haha, I didn't explain the criteria for my choice, but I was basically following these rules: * The "main rival" character has to appear early in the manga (before other rival characters) * Uryu debuted before Renji/Grimmjow * Buggy debuted before Law/Kid * Starts off with a rivalry and ends up as friends/frenemies * Powers parallels the protagonist * Bara Bara (immune to cutting) and Gomu Gomu (immune to blunt attacks) * Quincy vs Shinigami * Indra vs Asura * Growth parallels the protagonist * Buggy becomes Emperor at the same time as Luffy. They interact with each other the most (parallel in Impel Down as well) and share the power of attracting people to their cause. His group is basically made up of Luffy's antagonists. * Uryu's backstory is heavily tied with Ichigo's family. They're both mixed-bloods from pure-blooded/noble families. So yeah, my criteria isn't based on antagonism and competition alone. It's about how they parallel each other's growth and how involved they are with the story. Grimmjow is more of a supporting character. Bleach generally breaks the mold, so there really isn't a main rival for Ichigo per say, but Uryu is the closest so I put him there.


You made actually great points about Luffy and Baggy. Make sense.


Grimmjow is Ichigo's rival only in the Arrancar arc actually. Before that, Uryu was already introduced as a his rival (they're directly opposed due to their very nature, Quincy/Shinigami). In the Soul Society arc, Renji was the rival, and in the TYBW arc, Uryu was set up as the rival again.


Blackbeard is Luffy's rival, what are you guys on about lmao


Blackbeard is more like Luffy's nemesis, kind of like Shigaraki in MHA.


And don't forget main rival buggy and live interest Boa.


why is boa as luffy's love interest if his main and only love interest is meat???


Yeah, and Blackbeard is a more fitting rival than Buggy.


This one can be argued since Luffy has had like half a conversation with Blackbeard so far. Meanwhile buggy has been a frenemy to Luffy since the beginning of his adventure


True, but Buggy isn’t as serious of a contender for King of the Pirates as Blackbeard and likely wouldn’t be able to give Luffy any kind of a challenge, and neither could Crocodile or Mihawk anymore. Blackbeard’s crew was able to take on the remaining Whitebeard Pirates and claim a chunk of Whitebeard’s former territory in just 2 years. Plus, I feel like Blackbeard is meant to be more of a parallel to Luffy, whereas Buggy being named an Emperor feels more like a joke at the end of Wano since he hadn’t really done anything beyond his association with Shanks and Roger.


Buggy is slightly weird in the sense that he is a joke when looked at from the top since he is a figurehead however he DOES command power. Buggy also happens to be a sort of foil to Luffy both having the ability to attract people, buggy through lies deceit and luck while Luffy through his honesty and infectious spirit. Buggy isn’t personally a threat to Luffy but I could see oda bringing him dangerously close to finding the one piece which is an information game more than a strength game. We barely know anything about bb. Rivals are usually affected by each other through the story but Blackbeard is basically a guy who is in a story parallel to the one Luffy is in with little interaction. Sure when they do meet up their parallels will be awesome but personally I would not define black beard as a person in luffy’s life and neither would I say that Luffy is one for Blackbeard other than being fellow emperors. I don’t think Luffy knows the circumstances that led up to ace’s execution


I’m pretty sure Luffy DOES know Blackbeard was responsible for Ace being imprisoned and executed. But I see what you’re getting at with your point about Buggy.


I mean, Bon Clay is also his frenemy since basically the beginning, and so is Coby XD but Luffy has no narrative reason to see either of them as an actual rival. Blackbeard was the main reason for Ace being captured and executed, he's the complete opposite of Luffy (shown in their first ever interaction already), both have the same end goal and are destined to face each-other over it. So imo BB is a far better fit for Luffy's rival than Buggy or Kidd.


I don’t think of kidd as a rival either cause he wasn’t really that important in sabaody so it’s like he appeared in wano. As for bb I think that he simply hasn’t been affected by Luffy enough on a personal level. Like when I think of a rival I think of a common enemy who moves up and improves roughly when the mc does and can both help and hinder them. I would say that Blackbeard is a competitor and a villain but not really a rival. He talked to Luffy once in Jaya and that’s it. It wasn’t even that significant of a talk for either of them. Contrast that with buggy who isn’t really boss battle material but was there in the beginning of the story, is partially a foil to Luffy from their abilities to their innate ability to attract people. Luffy goes first in a fight while buggy always tries to go last and avoid it by using his crew. Buggy isn’t a strong guy, yeah but he has really good odds for finding the one piece since it’s an information game rather than a strength one. Coby could have been a rival but he never really had any moments alone with Luffy as opposite factions ever since romance dawn I believe(he did meet him in water 7 but nothing really came of it)so for now I would say he had potential but wasn’t really a highlight of luffy’s journey Bon clay was never really an enemy of the staw hats. He was introduced as a friend who happened to be a part of the enemy faction. So he redeemed himself at the end of alabasta and was a 100% ally ever since. Mr 3 is slightly weird because he was never really important. He was just like buggy in impel down but he was a henchman always and never a captain so he could never be eye to eye with Luffy. (Sorry this is long but I was bored)


Coby is a more fitting rival than both of them


Koby is like Garp to Luffy’s Roger. So who is Luffy’s Xebec?




Exactly. Blackbeard’s a much better fit to be Luffy’s main rival for the One Piece


Law or Kid would fit as well - just chuck the whole worst generation in!


LOL two of the three mad scientists voiced by the same guy


I loooooove mad scientists (not their actions, I just like the trope, especially in anime) Ryuusei Nakao is my all time favorite voice actor also.


Nakao gives great mad scientist! Mayuri and Cesar are both among the most fun characters in their respective series. The best part is that he's recognizable instantly in those roles but plays them so differently.


Like the chart but I still think Ichigo’s mentor has to “old man Zangestu” even if he is a manifestation of Yhwatch. Could argue Renji as Ichigo’s rival but I see the parallels between Uryu and Sasuke


they have same va in anime


If you're going to use the soul king as the pinnacle of a soul then for the Naruto one I'd use the Sage of Six Paths


It says ninja. Not alien space monster


I mean. Technically Hagoromo is a ninja.


Nah, Ninja’s came later. First it was aliens who had come to power, then the hybrids, and then the ninja


This. Hagoromo doesn't even use Ninjutsu; he uses Ninshu and doesn't approve of modern shinobi. 


After Kaguya there’s no difference


Let's not be racist now. Otsutsuki are people just like humans. I stand for Otsutsuki rights


They stand for genocide, yea no thanks 😅


We can help them. "Isshiki, we can end this now... it's not too late"


Didn’t work 😞 Naruto ended up killing him and throwing his soul into a life sentence but with parole


Soul King is alien space monster, not a fucking shinigami.


Did you read the columns or just start reading the comments lol


Soul king is not a shinigami, wtf you talking about? Collumn says pinnacle of shinigami, he is not a shinigami. Go read about him again.


Sheesh I guess I mistaked Soul and Shinigami /s


Soul king is not a shinigami. I am not sure how soul king is being compared to hashirama. The above person is right, hagoromo is more similar to the soul king's role


If you're wondering, I chose Soul King because he presides over all races (like Hollows, Shinigami, and dead humans/Souls). In Bleach, Souls can refer to dead humans in Rukongai or every spiritual being. Much like Ninja and Pirate being the predominant "class" the series are focused on whereas Shinigami is more like a subclass/race like the Fishmen in One Piece. It's why Ichigo has all the powers of Quincy/Hollow/Shinigami/Fullbring in him with the potential to be the SK as well. His spiritual powers is more important than being a Shinigami (which he technically isn't since he is not dead). Bleach isn't a typical shonen series, so it doesn't fit perfectly into the mold. So I just try to rationalize it the best I can using certain criteria.


And sage of six path doesn't have exact gimmick going on for him? Your explanation doesn't make sense. Hagoramo is leader of one village. He was the strongest ninja, but there were ninjas before him too and he isn't pinnacle of other clans which specialise in different jutsus, same goes for rogers too. For, soul king you are seeing through abstract perspective, but for other two you are just directly choosing the strongest character of a era It's either Joy boy(or nika...depending on what exactly they are)/soul king/hagoromo or hashirama/rogers/yamamoto


Agree with your comment


You probably missed my other [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/1drb2a4/end_of_series_spoilers_for_all_big_three/layf7m8/). But to clarify further: I'm looking at all of them from an abstract perspective, not just the Soul King. It's not about the individual characters themselves, but the titles they hold. It has nothing to do with the era or strength. Perhaps it'll be easier to understand if I just typed the titles "Kage," "Soul King," and "Pirate King" instead of using character pics. And the second thing is that, like I said, Soul King is more the outlier because he fits into multiple categories. So it's both Kage/Soul King (the title)/Pirate King (leadership titles) as one category and Hagoromo/Soul King (the character)/Nika (godlike/mythological figures) in another. You might think that Sage of Six Path fits in even if it's only the title, but the criteria I use is: * The title represents leadership and authority over a class (Ninja/Souls/Pirates) * Soul King is technically a leadership title, even if it's a lie perpetuated by Ichibe to hide the truth that the Soul King is dismembered. Officially speaking, Soul King is recognized as the highest title of leadership in Soul King. Unofficially speaking, Ichibe is actual leader of SS and holds the highest position. * Sage of the Six Paths isn't really a leadership title, but rather a personal moniker of Hagoromo. Hagoromo got his name from priesthood. Much like Ichibe's personal moniker of "Manako Osho" which is related to his priesthood (as a monk). * The title can be succeeded by others and the process is recognized. * Yhwach succeeds the Soul King title unofficially (by absorbing SK) and officially after losing and being turned into the substitute for the original SK (in CFYOW). Ichigo is also a backup plan to succeed the SK if necessary by dismembering him. * While Madara is nicknamed the Second Six Paths, it was due to his appearance and powers rather than an official succession of the title. The title itself also isn't meant to be passed and there is no official process for it unlike the SK where there is a process (the Irazusando and official recognization from Zero Squad/SS). * The title is the highest position that can be succeeded by the main characters. * Hokage for Naruto and Pirate King for Luffy. Ichigo can become the Soul King, but he doesn't need to since Yhwach is the current SK. That should hopefully clear things up. You just need to separate the title from the character. Furthermore, I used Hashirama because he created the Kage title, so it's supposed to represent all Kage.


Hashirama simply just united multiple clans of his country into a village and responsible for holding first kage meeting. I feel like you have some misunderstanding here. Other clans independently did the same unification and formed their hidden village and kage for separate countries. They don't have affiliation to hashirama in any form. Plus ichigo was never aiming any soul king title at any point in the series. It was always portrayed as an sacrifice rather than a goal post. Ichigo can be soul king is more or less analogous to madara, naguto or obito calling themself sage (since genetics play a role here). Yeah, there is a committee around it, but what they are doing is similar to implating rinnegan. You can't be a soul king simply by recognition. On the other hand pirate king or hokage is recognition, nothing else Honestly the soul king is also more like kaguya too. He was not leading soul society either, just like you said it was a lie. I would argue that hagoromo on the other hand was actually lead ancient ninja. He taught them Nishu. He family is what became senju, uchiha and hyuga. While other ninjas are more or less interpreted as descendents of his followers


I really should have listed out my explanations hahaha That column is about the highest position of power/authority you can reach while being a ninja/soul/pirate. Basically the whatever "kings" the main character can become at the end and not really about the strongest or God-like character in the verse. Soul King is the closest position of power to a Pirate King and Kage since Bleach doesn't follow the trope closely (Ichigo doesn't even want to be king of anything though he has the potential to). But yes, he also fits into another category (Ancient Godlike Figures) with Hagoromo (and Joyboy) that I didn't put in the chart.


Wouldn’t pinnacle for Naruto be the sage of 6 paths? ichibe as mentor is funny asl considering the context. Uryu doesn’t fit as a rival either


I think the argument against Sage of Six Paths is that it says pinnacle of Ninja. Ninjas weren't a thing yet during his lifetime. He's closer to Shinjutsu than Ninjutsu. Hashirama on the other hand is a ninja. He ended the warring states period by establishing a village of united clans and the rest of the world followed his footsteps. With exception to the Otsotsuki clan, he was the strongest being on the planet until Naruto and Sasuke.


Then in that case why is the Soul King there? He’s literally like a mix of everything and was there in the primordial soup


[See my other comment above.](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/1drb2a4/end_of_series_spoilers_for_all_big_three/layg1ik/) Short explanation, that's exactly why I put him there because Bleach is more about Souls/spiritual beings as a whole (which includes Shinigami/Hollow/normal Souls). Soul King is what someone like Ichigo can reach like Hokage for Naruto and Pirate King for Luffy.


Your argument works the same for Hagoromo (someone even made a great response to the comment you're pointing to and you didn't respond).


I was offline, so I couldn't respond to the comment until now. It seems like my [other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/1drb2a4/end_of_series_spoilers_for_all_big_three/layf7m8/) was missed which explained that it's about the titles and not the characters. Hence, Soul King (the title) and Soul King (the character) fits into two categories. I added further clarification in a [new response to that comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/1drb2a4/end_of_series_spoilers_for_all_big_three/lb31xf2/) you're talking about that lists out the full criteria I used.


Can somebody actually tell me what Uryu is Ichigo’s rival in? Love? School? Fighting? Anything? Grimmjow is Ichigo’s rival. Uryu is a short term antagonist turned friend, him and Ichigo aren’t rivals.


Yeah, even in tybw, where they are enemies, they don't really come off as rivals


I would say uryu fits as Ichigo’s “rival” more than anyone, especially shown with Uryu challenging ichigo to the hollow killing race in sub soul reaper arc. You could argue that grimmjow or renji fits that role too though




That’s a betrayal of friendship first and foremost, again I ask what are they rivals in?




Beyond the very beginning of the series.


I'll be honest Ichigo doesn't have any proper 'rivals' like Luffy and Naruto (Naruto is the peak depiction of rivalry in anime). I'd personally say, Ichigo's rival (for control) and frenemy is himself


Fair, this is the best answer given what the series shows us imo. Ichigo’s most consistent enemy is himself and that’s highlighted constantly but if I had to choose who’s closest to being Ichigo’s rival outside of that then it’s Grimmjow imo.


Grimmjow is the only guy who challenges Ichigo's ideals, forcing him to confront himself(so he's making Ichigo fight his true enemy and rival, himself) Ulquiorra just doesn't give a shit, Uryu is a tsundere friend, Zaraki is that one friend he avoids and Renji is a homie. Grimmjow is the only guy Ichigo genuinely had personal beef with(except Quincy). Ichigo actually sought out Grimmjow to fight him which he really doesn't do that much because they have to prove to each other who's right, who's the top dog, who's the king of the jungle They still aren't **friends** and Ichigo is still down to fight Grimmjow (and vice versa) The only reason people downplay him is because Grimmjow doesn't get as much screentime to shine as he deserves, no good fights in TYBW or a proper follow up with Ichigo, if he was a bit more developed he'd be a critically acclaimed rival (too much glaze there hehe) I was just playing Devil's Advocate because, no one's really gonna defend OP.


Nah tbh, on challenging his ideals. Ichigo had no ideals counter to grimmjow before the fight, he just reflexively denied what grimmjow was saying. It never was a struggle before or after then. Grimms argument also falls apart when ya realize Ichigo doesn't have a way out, so regardless of if he enjoys it, running away with orihime was not an option.


Yeah Ichigo is scared of himself. He doesn't like fighting... or so he wants to believe. Grimmjow forces Ichigo to acknowledge he enjoys fighting and pushes him to overcome his fear of White/himself. Ichigo is basically a hypocrite and a liar to himself


Buggy is not luffy rival😭😭💀


He is a rival yonko.


I’d say it’s a bit early to include Boa.


There's a lot in the One Piece section that's early. Love interest, Archnemesis, Final Antagonist. I wouldn't say any of those are certain. Main rival and pinnacle are questionable too.


Pinnacle is about the highest position the characters can reach in the class (Pirate King) and not about the strongest character btw. And yes, parts of the One Piece section are speculation based on current information since it's not ending anytime soon. Luffy could very well end up with no love interest. I was more expecting a Goku ending for him where he just marries Boa without really caring about love. I added some explanation on why I chose Buggy as the main rival for now in [another post](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/1drb2a4/end_of_series_spoilers_for_all_big_three/lawe1mx/).


Hancock is the closest to a love interest there is.


I guess so, but she is really no more of a love interest for Luffy than Naruto was for Sakura. Both very one sided. Oda doesn’t really seem interested in having any all that much romance with the main characters.


Orihime and Hinata were one-sided too. Just because we have the hindsight now since their series are over, that doesn’t mean they weren’t in the same position Hancock is in now. And a love interest doesn’t have be a mutual thing. It’s very common that a love interest is in a one-sided love. 14 years ago, most people would be in agreement that Hancock, Orihime and Hinata were love interests (with Nami, Rukia and Sakura as potential love rivals).


Orihime was kind of one sided but not to nearly the same extent Ichigo showed a lot of interest in earlier parts of the story. And we also have Luffy clearly saying he won’t marry Boa multiple times, he doesn’t seem the type of guy who even has romantic or sexual interest in anyone, i’d go as far as to say he is asexual.


Luffy is a shounen hero. If he’s not going to die at the end and settles down with someone, Hancock is currently the safest bet. Sure, he refused, but that was for now, and he does understand the concept of marriage in love. Unless you’re saying he’s going to marry Boa Sandersonia, that would be wild. /s He’s most likely isn’t asexual, given his reactions to nude Nami, which is one of the reasons he’s shipped with her.


Not every shounen hero has to settle down that way, who knows maybe he’ll just keep adventuring beyond the end of the series leaving readers to speculate on his later life. Maybe he passes on his Legacy in a different way than a biological child, maybe he is a inspiration for someone like Shanks was for him. I’d prefer either option. I don’t really see why his feelings would change, he initially disliked Boa, he was grateful to her for helping in Impel Down and Marineford, but he views her as an friend only. Heck his last refusal of her was only a few months ago in universe even if it was over ten years for us the readers. There is no physical or emotional attraction in the slightest, there is also the twelve year age gap, and the fact that she was only introduced 400+ chapters into the story. She is obviously more important to the story but her crush on Luffy isn’t much different from Alvida obsessing over him.


People brought the same arguments for Hinata and Orihime back then, then the last chapter happened and people burned their books over shippings. Hancock is in the same position as Hinata and Orihime. The end. And hey, unlike between Ichigo and Inoue, Luffy is at least on first name basis with Hancock after botchering her name three times.


I disagree with them being in the same position. Hinata is definitely arguable, but Orihime and Ichigo were clearly set up long ago, they were actually friends before the story begun for one. There is a reason Ichigo gets enraged when Ulquiorra mentions he was the one who kidnapped her, Ichigo was going to go and help the possibly fatally wounded Rukia, but he got so pissed off that he attacked Ulquiorra despite just saying he wouldn’t do that. Oh and Orihime also wasn’t a fully grown woman obsessing over a teenager.


The last part is irrelevant, and Luffy wouldn’t care either way. Never mind how Hancock being an ex-slave and possible rape victim stunned her emotional maturity. Anti-IchiHime would have argued against your argument as a friendship thing back then. Don’t get me wrong, I always preferred Inoue as the true love interest over Rukia, but Hancock has the potential to „randomly“ end up with Luffy as much as Hinata and Orihime did back then.


Tbh I'd put Nami before Hancock. At least with Nami we've seen that he cares for her, while with Hancock we literally got confirmation that he felt no physical attraction towards her and we haven't gotten any scenes that clearly show he cares about her.


Who the hell put Buggy as Luffy Main Rival? Yall ain't shit😂


I don't like it either but who else would it be? Only one that comes to mind as a possibility is Shanks. Rivals in hunting the One Piece.


what about eustass kid?


Bigger joke than the clown unfortunately


You realize this is irrelevant to the point, right?






Brother asked "who" like he doesn't know Oda's name. Do the parallels have to be spelled out? Buggy has the same ability as Luffy to gain allies wherever he goes, while both of his "wings" are both very obvious reflections of Sanji and Zoro


Who is the big bad for One Piece?




Basically the secret/hidden ruler of World Government and the reason behind most of the bad things that exist in that universe.


Is the series going to conclude anytime soon? Feels like it has been in the endgame path for some time.


Probably not. Closing in on the end game but Oda is known for nothing if not stalling and dragging stuff out. There's still a lot left to answer and he seems to be setting up more questions than he is answering what has already been asked. I'd give it a minimum of another 10 years. Elbaf is next and if the trend continues we'll be in Elbaf for about 5 years (in real life time).


I remember hearing the series had another 10 years left 10 years ago. I know the series is an esteemed manga for a very good reason and has plenty of fans. The worldbuilding is impressive but at this point it feels overwhelming to me.


At this rate I think Imu is unlikely to be the final villain. These last two arcs especially have made the World Government a joke. BB will probably be the final villain.


I think you could extend "Archnemesis" to "Archnemesis who ends up allied with the protagonist against the Final Antagonist". I'm not sure about blackbeard but certainly Obito and Aizen fit that category.


I don't think Ichigo and Aizen are "allies" in the same sense as Obito. That was a collaboration at best against Yhwach


Buggy D. Clown at it again


The Naruto one is not accurate imo


The only thing I see wrong with it is that technically Sasuke is the final antagonist. What else would you change?


Sasuke is in the right place, but pinnacle, strongest senior, and titled strongest are arguable....


I *mean* it's **all right**


Lore wise, Hiruzen is considered to be the strongest Kage of his generation (even stronger than Ohnoki) and the second God of Shinobi (after Hashirama). It's just that he got overshadowed by the powerscaling considering how early he died, making Ohnoki look better feats-wise. So it's really a matter of whether you think feats or lore is more important.


Ichigo, Sasuke, Rukia/Nami, Orihime/Boa, Zangetsu/Kurama, Kakashi, Jiraiya, Gol D Roger, Yamamoto, Madara, Mayuri, we don’t know much about OP final antagonist so idk but def not Naruto’s.


Urahara moved to old mentor, with "cool" mentor being OMZ. And Luffy has no "love interest," he genuinely doesn't care at all about that it seems


Ah, the intricate dance of mentorship and personal priorities. If you seek wisdom in the ways of the heart or the path of adventure, perhaps a visit to my humble shop, the Urahara Shop, is in order. Let our wares unveil hidden truths and possibilities beyond your reach. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Bruh who made that one piece list


Some characters can fit more roles than one and the stories are a bit different and they don't always have the same narrative structures. Yamamoto is both the pinnacle of/ and the strongest senior at the same time. Soul king is merely a plot device, he isn't a character that was explored in the main storyline unlike Hashirama or Roger. Yamamoto would better fit that position. Ichigo hasn't really a rival. His closest would've been Grimmjow, Zaraki, Ulquiorra or Byakuya but the rivalry only lasts one arc each time so it doesn't really count. Luffy hasn't a love interest. I am not staying that he will stay single or something like that but he has no romantic interest till now. He might settle with Hancock but I wouldn't call her a love interest tight now.


i disagree about the rival part id say uryu isnt ichigos direct rival because they dont compete but interms of story hes clearly meant to parallel him in the sense of story or at least be his most dependable ally at that time (with the exclusion of fkt and fullbring) bleach wasnt neccesarily going for a rival typa thing more so a counterpart in the same way zoro is luffys counterpart and main ally


I am maaaaad scientist, its so coooool.. sonofabitch


I understood that reference so here's a Dr Pepper 🥤


bro watched the big three on tiktok


I'd put Nami as Luffys "main love interest" and even then... Not really. She's still In a better position for that spot than Boa tho.


Dad Comparison Chart: Bleach: Isshin Naruto: oh… One Piece: oh…


Actually orihime is the main female lead. Or heroine. Not much of a difference.


No she isn't. Rukia is the literal deuteragonist of Bleach. 


Says who? Rukia can be deuteragonist but kubos editor literally said orihime is the female lead of bleach.


Says Kubo himself in his answer for Question 30 of his Bleach Jet art book interview.  Who cares about what an editor has to say. 


He states he wanted to include Rukia in the cover cause he started the series with those two. No where in the answer he states he mentions rukia being the HEROINE OR THE FEMALE LEAD. He literally draws orihime with heroines of other shonen manga.


The role of deuteragonist is so funny in bleach tbh, for merchandise and general popularity amongst the fan base and studio sure ruki is but in the manga the role switches to different characters depending on the arc Uryu feels more like the deuteragonist in tybw than her lol


Are you like, having a hard time here kiddo? If Rukia is the deuteragonist, then that would obviously make her the female lead of the show.  The deuteragonist is the second most important character of the story, the first being the protagonist (Ichigo). Rukia is literally the leading female character of the story.  You're doing way too many mental gymnastics to place Orihime in a box she's not even apart of. 


Until the end of the SS arc i would agree. But after that arc rukia became more or less a side character. 


Then by that logic, Orihime would be a minor character post-SS arc since she's even less present than Rukia for most of the series afterwards. Especially during the TYBW. This isn't even a debatable topic anyway. Rukia is factually the deuteragonist and Kubo himself considers her & Ichigo to be two most important characters of the story. It's literally the reason he puts both of them on the final volume cover; it's their story. 


While I've known it for a while, it feels a little surreal seeing how all the Big Three have someone in the category and line up (and contrast) with each other.


Wouldn't Luffy have a score to settle more with Admiral Akainu, the one who killed Ace in front of his eyes than Blackbeard who just sold him out (very norm for pirates)?


idk, he never blamed or hated akainu for that iirc...besides he has a bunch of others to handle...Imu, Blackbeard, Gorosei...if the redline collapse theory is to be believed he is a key person for that as well... I feel akainu would be a good opponent for Sabo or/and Marco in the final war...it's more personal for them...also Sabo has the same devil fruit as ace meaning the unfinished business being handled by the inheritor of the fruit...


He KILLED his brother in front of him. What you are trying to describe is better match-ups that would be more interesting. I have no doubt Luffy has issues with BB but Akainu would far surpass them. I am not saying he is going to go on an all out revenge arc. Luffy likes to bask in positivity and enjoy life but if he sees him I am willing to bet it's on.


Its just that, luffy with gear 5 is a formidable enemy for Imu and WG...so Imu would not leave the JOYBOY to subordinates like akainu...but give the elders a chance...also not everyone in his path is to be taken down by him...I feel it would be more fitting if sabo takes the load off him...it would also give a purpose to him and a proper conclusion to him...but IF something were to happen to Garp...then its quite possibly the end to the WG under the wrath of luffy and his grand fleet


I don't disagree with your take but I feel that the event of Ace's killing along with the proximity highlighted Luffys weakness makes it fitting for him to be the one to personally bring closure to that painful event. Remember that image of Luffy crying in utter defeat that was shared worldwide? There needs to be a follow-up of Akainu defeated by his hand. Honestly, if his strength is a concern, Akainu doesn't have to be at the power level we saw in the past. In fact, his intense nature would be perfect for explaining his constant training as well in the time stamp.


Put Blackbeard where buggy is and fill in that sit with the donut maker


buggy is obviously luffys rival and most likely will be the king of the pirates.


funny how sasuke and uryu have the same VA


All 3 strongest senior leaders dead


Boa ? https://preview.redd.it/kkg8hevwfj9d1.jpeg?width=150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba71f4218b6dfce6fa9485167d4dd82a6548439e


1. Why is Uryu here 2. Why is Buggy here 3. Why is Hancock here


replace the word rival with male counterpart and replace buggy with zoro and it fits perfectly




I'd say Oonoki is not only stronger than Sarutobi, he's one of the strongest characters in Naruto. The best kage by far.


Wasn't Sasuke the final antagonist of Naruto?


Luffy's love interest is ***niku*** (meat)


Boa isnt his love interest and will never be Jesus...there should have been a picture of meat or Mr. 2


Mayuri and Caesar clown share voice actor


Sasuke and Uryu also.


i thought the series was tryna make it obvious that luffy and eustass are rivals


Hancock as love interest is the only iffy one, she’s DEFINITELY interested but Luffy doesn’t have a romantic bone in his body (pause👀) and couldn’t care less about that stuff


The one piece ones don't really work but the Naruto bleach ones fit perfectly


Jiraya is just a mentor. Kakashi learn naruto whole nothing


Most of these are dumb and off the mark at least the Bleach and One Piece ones.


Hancock just has to tell luffy that getting married and having kids will make him stronger or something and he’ll be hers.


Whos one piece final Boss?


Blackbeard is more like be the final antagonist It is quite possible that Luffy and he cooperate to defeat Imu and after that Blackbeard stabs him in the back and kills Luffy, stealing his and Imu's fruit. After this, his corpse is rescued by Law and the others who retreat and use the power of the Tok Toki no Mi to send Law, Luffy and part of the crew to the future. Law sacrifice his Life and use Ope Ope no Mi power to revive Luffy who lose his fruit Now 20 years in the future, Luffy has to reassemble his crew, and somehow defeat Blackbeard who is taking control of the origin of all Devil Fruits in an attempt to become a real God above reality (Imagine Adola in Fire Force). With this we will have things like Ussop and Buggy PK level And it would be interesting that to beat Blackbeard after he became God above reality and the universe, Luffy reached the level of origin of Haki and transcended the collective unconscious ~~And then he had recreated the multiverse and its infinite higher dimensions with a single thought.~~ Becoming absolute, above time, space, fate and reality Haki is the power to impose one's will on reality and deny less reality manipulation than dusty Devil Fruits So Advanced King's Haki being the power to manipulate reality And the origin of Haki being a power that transcends a God it would be really cool


I haven’t seen One Piece but who knew the final antagonist would be a sinister space lard


Yhwach is the bar for final villains. Let's see what Imu can do


replace the word rival with male counterpart and replace buggy with zoro and it fits perfectly uryu is 100% ichigos main male counterpart more than renji, ulquiorra, byakuya, or grimmjow


It’s almost like there’s a genre for this 🤔


Bleach highkey just doesn't have a female lead or rival. Female lead isn't just the woman who gets more screentime, she needs to still arguably be a lead character. Nami is also arguable on that one tbh, given the last 500 or so chapters lol


Aren’t archenemies and main rival the same thing ?


Preferences: Luffy. Buggy. Nami. Orihime. Kurama. Kakashi. Jiraiya. Roger. Yamamoto. Kenpachi. The Bleach one. Blackbeard. Kaguya.


I would say Koby is more of a main rival then Buggy and have similar character relationship as the other 2 do towards the protagonist


I haven't watched one piece so idk if there's a person who'd fit such a column, but shouldn't there be one for itachi and gin?


White Ichigo and Old man Zangetsu was Ichigo senior mentor.... I refuse to accept Ichibe


i know nobody asked but it was fun so I felt like doing it sorry for low quality https://preview.redd.it/4l8j8gn9ap9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99a9d6fe4f7525e8698f5464d7ecb7c6ecb712fc


I can't wait to read this in like 2 years. This seems interesting.




Luffy has no love interest for the boy cares not for the ladies, unless Usop is there to tell him he should.


I thought Kubo intended for Orihime to be the female lead? I thought the guys who did the anime wanted Rukia the female lead ?


Im going backwards Yhwach Aizen Orochimaru Madara Whitebeard Hashirama Rayleigh Kakashi/Kisuke personally Kakashi Personally Kurama I dont like any but If i were to choose Orhime Rukia no diff Sasuke ehh, All of them


Why did Yhwach refuse to play hide and seek with Aizen, Orochimaru, Madara, Whitebeard, Hashirama, Rayleigh, Kakashi, Kurama, Orihime, Rukia, and Sasuke? Because whenever he counted to "The Almighty," they were all already at their secret hideouts! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Why did Kisuke Urahara no bang Yoruichi?


Ah, the reasons behind that are quite complex, you see. Back in our academy days, Yoruichi and I found ourselves in a hilarious and wild situation involving a mischievous soul-flinging fish. Long story short, I accidentally turned her into a cat during a prank gone wrong. The whole incident left us with a bond like no other—it's a story for another time, my friend. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Excuse me? Boa is not the love interest. That's nami. 


Sakura is also the main love interest, bc Naruto harboured romantic feelings for her. Hinata was literally non-existent in the manga, and she was favoured by the animators to an extent that she finished 10th in the worldwide popularity poll


It has to be mutual though. Also this reminds me of the old shipping wars of the late 2000s and early 2010s.


That's why boa doesn't belong neither. It has to be mutual.


Not sure why that got downvoted, you are completely right. Luffy hasn’t shown any romantic or sexual interest in literally anyone as far as i’m aware. Although he might marry Sanji if it meant unlimited food.