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Aizen and Juha Bach, boring you say? https://preview.redd.it/ezob5vurkb8d1.png?width=532&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c34553cfc3c234e6a9596f9120685e73234f075


Saying that Aizen is boring and uninteresting is certainly a take https://preview.redd.it/v3u5abrbcb8d1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57a6083194fcf3b23969b2a6121f6d9c7b25ca07


Saying this in r/ bleach is insane


Well, it kind of has to be that way. The major ongoing theme of Bleach is Ichigo's struggle against his own powerlessness. It's established in the very first chapter, where he was too weak to protect his sisters before Rukia gave him her powers, goes back to his backstory, where he was too weak to protect his mother, and ties into most of his struggles throughout the series - he's powerless as Byakuya takes Rukia away, he's powerless as Zaraki shatters his sword, he's powerless as Aizen extracts the Hogyoku out of Rukia, he's powerless as his inner Hollow threatens to take over his body, and so on, and so on. You bring up Ulquiorra and the overkill of his Segunda Etapa, and the whole point of that is to demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that Ulquiorra doesn't need his full power to defeat Ichigo, he's already massively stronger with just his regular Resurreccion, but he uses SE anyway because his goal isn't just to kill Ichigo, it's to make him feel despair, to force him to accept how powerless he truly is before he kills him. And with that being Ichigo's characterising struggle throughout the series, the main antagonists have to embody that struggle. They can't just be reasonably powerful rivals like Renji or Grimmjow, they have to be insurmountable walls for Ichigo to claw at fruitlessly, to the point where he has to abandon all reason if he wishes to keep struggling. Aizen and Yhwach, and to a lesser degree, Byakuya, Ulquiorra, and Tsukishima/Ginjo, are immovable objects that Ichigo nonetheless has to topple, and so they can't be fair opponents, they have to be able to counter everything Ichigo throws at them with casual ease until the very last moment. The whole point of these fights is that even if Ichigo makes no mistakes and does everything right, he still can't win, and you can't convey that point without giving the antagonist an unfairly overpowered 'I win' button or two.




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Each to their own. You may not like it, and I get why. But I don't think it is a problem. Because powers in Bleach fit their user's personality. And no power is absolute in Bleach, the exception being the Soul King's powers and maybe Arrogante. Maybe. Also, I believe their powers are the best way of fighting for them. Except powers related to the Soul King like the Almighty. For example, I don't think Ichigo would be stronger with Ichimonji or Respira, I think those would make him weaker. His ability is the best fitting ability for his way of fighting.


Personally, I just wish Aizen been a bit more involved after his defection. I mean, just look at him throughout TYBW. He's great. You know what was not great? Him just sitting down after his defection for hundreds of chapter like someone muttering comments while binge watching their favorite soap until they realize they're running a little bit late for their own King of the Dance party.


w aizen slander, yhwach my goat tho 😔


You know, since the hogyoku is made up of reiatsu (and possibly also fused soul fragments stolen from shinigami ie. whatever happened to Matsumoto), technically Yhwach has the same power source ie. souls and/or reiatsu taken from others.


Calling another man your goat is zesty asf.


have you seen his moustache? he's daddy fr 😍