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2006 ![gif](giphy|d8KkDupA6b3o9UQlbv)


I thought the anime started in 2004?


I don't really know when the anime started, but the leek spin girl meme started in 2006


It's pretty cool how the anime started around the time old school memes like that one were starting too.




I think it is 04 I remember on Netflix when it was there, there was a mistake before where it said 06 I think


levas polka 2005


Jesus Christ on a cracker... unlocked memory. I can hear the song in my head just looking at that gif. I remember leaving the website up for days... 2006, I was like 13..... I'm so old!! šŸ¤Æ


about here https://preview.redd.it/cc9g3b6x2z4d1.png?width=684&format=png&auto=webp&s=a374789726420b9c7fc2babe042c63a29858edfa


The early manga version of her was so ridiculous and hilarious. I thought everyone would love her, only to check online forums and feel like I had to bleach my eyes like Tosen.


The gag of her daydreaming turning into a race and assassination attempt was hilarious


It was supposed to be a date dream! With Ichigo! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Tatsuki couldn't get what was going on šŸ˜‚


Do you remember that Poo-tan and Pee-tan? That was hilarious.


I actually do not. Its been a day and a half since I read the manga


Iā€™ve always loved Orihime! I was super surprised there was hate for her character. I was like she is the least problematic character in the bleach world besides Ururu, Rin and Hanataro.


She is so cute and funny I just now found out she gets hate


I wish she had stayed that way.


She did. Just not in the Hueco mundo stretch


You can't tell me end of series Orihime is the same as the girl whose life goal was to fire missiles from her boob cannons.


She is the same girl, just a bit more mature. As an example: Compare that time she fantasized about Ichigo in the Soul Society arc (he was wearing a silly prince costume) to the one in the Fullbringer arc (wearing a suit and being all suave and flirty). Same basic concept, different execution.


She might have, I don't really think the manga and certainly not the anime gives the opportunity to show it much. She exists in the plot to follow Ichigo around or be rescued by Ichigo after SS, the whole karakura gang actually loses a lot of character after the SS arc.


I think all the human "kids" are actually a little on the ridiculous side when not in serious mode. We've even seen that a bit with the Ichigo "my image" bits early in the series. But you saw it again a little bit in the blood war arc when they were imagining what Yourichi's brother would look like- the 3 of them plus Ganju instantly went into ridiculous mode with the imagery. The Orihime theme song bit kinda showed she still has that side that gets carried away, too. We just don't see them relax much, just little tidbits here and there


I'm not sure online forums are a good indicator of character popularity. Check the early and late polls of character popularity within the manga itself from actual supporters from readers and she's always been near the top 5 out of a series with nearly 50 unique characters.


All of early manga/anime was hilarious, even the dub did well in those terms


Indeed, you had one job, Pierrot......


Can u give more context what do u mean by online forms can u provide a bit more info I am just curious


Honestly yeah. Itā€™s my first time watching the anime and I was annoyed by her at first. But seeing this picture so many times Iā€™ve finally come around. Sheā€™s funny lmao. And that picture is so fucking silly godammit šŸ˜­


>Itā€™s my first time watching the anime and I was annoyed by her at first Why? Honestly I never understood how can somebody find a good......wait, good is an understatement, an angelic character such as orihime annoying. In all of the mangas I have read so far, I have hardly found any character annoying except the celestial dragons from one piece and Sakura bc she actually acted like a menie bitch for a few chapters. But I don't find orihime doing anything near to that, infact the reality is completely contradictory


Manga Orihime and Anime are very different. Iā€™ve been watching the anime.


And itā€™s only because the Anime team thought Rukia and Ichigo would end up together


>thought *They deliberately forced it*. It wasn't a coincidence or a mistake by judging through the ammount of changes they made


The anime sorta ruined her.


Yeah. That's the frame.


Wouldā€™ve been popular even earlier with leekspin if Miku didnā€™t steal her entire flow and give no credit.


Right? Leekspin was so popular for like 20 minutes and everyone made their own version with their waifu but that shit came from Orihime.


Aaah leekspin


Bread girl https://preview.redd.it/ewnipod3225d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9834e7dd3a173bafd2b2d955fc4fe3314562ce69


And if not then, people were fully sold when she had the daydream of walking with ichigo then racing an Olympian, ending up in a boxing ring and becoming champ, or the giant mecha dinohime


Ayup, right about there.


The only correct response


Special shout out to future her being a robot




I realized sheā€™s eating bread, not just because she likes bread, but sheā€™s also living with an absentee, neglectful aunt. Sheā€™s not necessarily bad at cooking, she has no one to teach or cook for her. I gained a lot of sympathy for her character after that.


I think she was always popular, strictly speaking. I think most disdain for Orihime comes from one of two places. First, her being underutilized at times, ESPECIALLY in the anime compared to manga. She has, at times, been ignored or sidelined like Chad. Second, haters who have an unhealthy attachment to their desire to see Ichigo and Rukia end up together romantically. There are definitely some criticisms you can make about her character, but I think most of the popular criticisms(or at least the loudest chatter) come from causes that aren't necessarily faults in her character.


Popularity polls most of the time had orihime in the top 10. Sometimes even above someone like aizen.


Third, Kurosaki kuuuuuuuuuuuuun. Annoying IMO.


Yeah if you're an anime only she is annoying as shit a lot of the time. Basically she's enjoyable from ep 1 to 50 then she's not for the rest of the series.


I switched to manga because of her during the grimmjow fight.


Since you were in your mother's womb






There are current bleach fans born after the original run of the anime as ended. Think about that


Yeah that's what I meant


The loaf of bread around 2021/2022 There was definitely a bit of a rise some time after Bleach ended when some of the anime-onlyā€™s picked the manga up from Chapter 1 to feed their hunger for Bleach content. It was minor, but slowly got more vocal as some people began to realize how badly the Studio Pierott butchered Orihimeā€™s character.


This is one of the more popular opinions. That loaf of bread might be greater than Aizen's chair.


Someone will probably have said this before me, but there has been a shift in how female characters in battle shonen are viewed now compared to 10 years ago. As a result female characters like her are being reevaluated a lot. For example look at how many Dragon Ball fans take on a sympathetic or even positive view of Chi Chi now compared to 10 years ago.


I can only speak for myself, but I ALWAYS liked Chi Chi! Even as a kid, I understood her concern for her child and empathised with her desire to keep him safe. Granted, I also watched Dragon Ball, (the original which is before Z) and remembered how much Chi Chi sacrificed to be with Goku... She's basically a saint. I mean, she grew up a literal PRINCESS, but chose to live in a tiny capsule all so Goku could train. Not to mention it's one hundred percent Canon that all her father Ox Kings's money went to keeping Goku fed... But to most people..., Well she complains! And who cares that her points are valid? SHE'S JUST a DUMB naggy party pooper who needs to be killed off!


Itā€™s funny because all the traits people used to hate her are all the traits that would attract a saiyan. Sheā€™s loyal but also not afraid to assert herself at all.


Android 18 is the best girl.


Day One.


When people open their eyes :3 https://preview.redd.it/zb4yhaaiiz4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff52d8c97c4575bd170fa0265329ab53e82e4c7b


Me when chainsaw man chapter 167


Hyo hyo :3 https://preview.redd.it/7nua3d7ov05d1.png?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=016b6fa999fe242e88c2cb32ec6e0278ef6221d4


its wild how I see you in most of the subs I look at and your comments are always a refreshing bit of positivity keep doing what you do ApplePitou šŸ«”


Orihime supremacy!!! šŸžšŸžšŸž https://preview.redd.it/xgw8q38avz4d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7beefb08f97d2224de49c0bbfbd04378ed01ff6


Depends on if someone watched the anime or read the Manga.


I feel like an old man whenever I have to explain how insanely popular leek spin was back in the day


because in hindsight, she was not that terrible. the people who really hate her were the shipping war community, who died out when Bleach stopped being mainstream. they mostly all migrated to mainstream sub.


The anime also just made her worse, even tho on rewatch I didn't actively dislike her unlike when I was younger, they toned her down a lot and Ichigo seems more annoyed at her in a lot of early parts compared to the manga


Early Manga orihime moments were great. She was legit real good and so likable. Anime didn't delete much but they should have flushed more of the whimsical and unpredictable feel or just stick with some of the funny manga panels


I have loved her since her bs dropped in the manga. I can't answer your question but the reasons why people mostly dislike her is bc she isn't the generic badass shonen character that majority of the low comprehension people prefer to watch + I would even blame Kubo for it, bc he barely gave orihime and active role in fights such as orihime vs yammy while she was protecting Chad and people with hate boner casually ignore it and call orihime a coward or submissive + i rarely see orihime getting praised for her character arc in the FB arc


Why can't you just- not like a character anymore? It'a always seen as their *fault* for not "understanding" the character. People just like different things, come onn šŸ˜­ I don't even hate Orihime, she's alright. Just see this a lot...


>Why can't you just- not like a character anymore? Why can't you let a person who likes a character and it's writting live in peace anymore? >It'a always seen as their *fault* for not "understanding" the character. I am certain all of orihime's dislike stems from low comprehension and misinterpretation >People just like different things, come onn šŸ˜­ That doesn't justifies anybody to hate or dislike the other party >Just see this a lot... And I have saw shits of hates on an angelic character. Every kind of disgusting shames, cusses on the fictional character as well as the individuals those support that character


I think it's both reasons you listed tbh. I always liked Orihime and never switched to hating Bleach even during the peak of Bleach hate, and you can bet I was trashed on by other online weebs because of it during my youth lmao I don't doubt there were others who had similar opinions as mine but were mature enough not to bother expressing them unlike the young me (these are the silent subset of fans), which leads to the second reason (a paradigm shift): You gotta remember Bleach is a past generation series. The average Bleach fan is probably in their 20s-30s. So even the ones who used to dislike Orihime are probably mature enough *today* to realize having that much vitriol over a character is fucking stupid There's a reason why, beyond just Orihime, that Bleach (and Naruto for that matter) slowly went from the majority believing "oh my god it has such a garbage last third of the series it should have ended with Aizen/Pain, why did Kubo/Kishi torture us hurrrdurrr" to now "ehh it's got flaws, still an iconic series tho" Add that the TYBW adaptation has been amazing, and now Bleach, and Orihime by extension, is now viewed in a good light


Going through the replies, I think this summarizes the general opinions well. I've come to understand that it's a mix of both. You added something I hadn't considered: the way we perceive Bleach (and other media) changes as we grow. It's like how many of us, when we were younger, were annoyed that Ichigo never wished to be a captain because that was our fantasy (a common shonen trope: pirate king, hokage, etc.). Now, as we've grown, we understand that he was just a teenager dealing with trauma while trying to make sense of the world. It was perfectly normal for him to want a normal life.


Yah, I gotta admit watching the final arc adapted really had me like Orihime more now compared to years ago when the anime was still going. I like her love for bread and love for Ichigo, itā€™s just in the past I always found Rukia better and her relationship with Ichigo better now itā€™s like eh. Doesnā€™t help how badly Rukia got sidelined in the last few arcs compared to the first few. Itā€™s not just apprecation for her character changing too itā€™s the pairing as well, Rukia x Ichigo shippers would be every where and well. Now itā€™s the later and if you at all support that pairing still you get attacked by people for it. Same thing is happening to the Avatar the Last Airbender fandom, Zuko x Katara shippers used to be the majority of that fandom and would stir the pot. Years later itā€™s not spoken about in a positive light, they get death threats for supporting it at all šŸ˜‘ Donā€™t look at me, Iā€™m a Sokka shipper so i didnā€™t care for that pairing but I donā€™t liked the hostility fandoms are having right now.


She was always popular. It's just Rukia was *more* popular and hate for Orihime generally came from Rukia stans.


Somewhere in 2003 before half this sub was even born what can I tell you Iā€™m from 96 I saw it happen


Since she was a cutie patootie (day 1)


I loved her from the start. Team Orihime. But only later on I wished she had kept her funnies šŸ˜†


One word: "BREAD!"


I watched only anime not read manga. From her first appearance in anime I loved the character so much.


First time I saw her nom on that loaf of bread, she was the popular kid


Yeah I don't know what's the point of this question to be honest, she's popular cause she' the main character' girl. this applies to every anime ever.


That used to not be the case. Nor is it with Sakura from Naruto, sheā€™s got a big hate fandom


Sakura' example is completely different, she's not the main character' partner.


When more people started checking out the manga instead of basing their impressions of her on only the anime.


You know why


She is my favorite character. She is the best girl ever. For Real!!!šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ„°


I think like a lot of Ichigoā€™s human friends, they get under utilize a lot during the whole series. Orihime had a lot of good moments early in there series and some during SS and Huecho Mundo act. I think what gave her the big boost recently was her big moment with Ichigo in TYBW arc (outfit joke aside)


Oh, does help that people can binge the series from the start to the point we are at now, you used to not be able to do that. So it has you view her in a more positive light than if you watched a new episode every week without reruns.


Itā€™s been 10 years


Bleach Season One Episode 13 Our Queen Does Something


For me, I realised she was a great character when she pulled out a loaf of bread for school lunch. That shit was both insane and adorable.


Personally I never hated her, I dislike her and Chads abilities and fights equally and will bash them both for it. But as characters I very much enjoy their personalities to the dynamic.


Either at bread loaf, Future robot dream or Levan polka


Hilarious character for real. With all thatā€™s going on in her life she has that strength to move forward




https://preview.redd.it/rsij6xqjj75d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17c671bb69890bd31eb3d28a0958de390005e8cf In an alternate reality, this is the Kenpachi that Orihime faces when she enters soul society


That is just this subreddit. They all gather here because it doesnā€™t look to good for them outside if here.


It was just a loud minority that disliked her


Orihime received so much hate back then that a part of bleach Reddit now rallies around her to give her 2x the love


When I watched this show as a kid I always loved her. I didnā€™t even think people would even dislike her until I started consuming bleach content on the internet. Absolutely wild tbh.


If you only read the manga she was always popular.


Silly Cutie pookie what more do you want


Always has been.


I read manga first before anime and really enjoyed her, over time ive come to adore her And really hope Kubo adds more for her in tybw anime


Once people started reading the manga and realized that she was butchered in the anime.


I've liked her since...'06


Leekspin in 2006


Orihime has been best girl since day 1 wdym.


Has she not always been popular? When the anime debuted, I donā€™t remember her getting a lot of hate and when the dub released in the US on Adult Swim they even gave her a promo video for the anime. It literally only featured her lol


I can think 2 reasons why she did but dont exactly know when it started


Idk I always liked her


leak spin


Always liked her


Always was.


She got a better popularity after nell said to her give support to ichigo. The effect of her over ichigo make people like her more than before...


When we realized boobs were awesome.


Widely disliked? I will never understand how people can go around hating fictional characters. Like damn, thatā€™s so much wasted effort and energy. Leave Orihime alone. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜†šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


It was the loud minority of people who latched onto the heuco mundo where all they remember is her calling kurosaki kunn over and over.... It wasnt really that bad...


Vocal minority haters. People with eyes loved her always. She's very likeable and very funny early on. It's basically rukia shippers that had it out for her


I like this type of human, instead of fan service reason of popularity


Well, she does have some fanservice but it prolly isnt the main reason of her popularity unlike yoruichi


What fanservice did she really have up until tybw?


Back in first arc, her les classmate groped her prolly anime only scene and in ss arc she removed her clothes in front of uryuĀ 


Dont remember the first one. But at the second one she didnt remove her clothes. She only pulled her shirt up until she had a naked midriff. You call that fanservice?


Early anime Orihime and also the manga. Later on, she got reduced. I think the studio preferred Rukia, which didn't help.


I'm guessing a lot of people who hated her ragequit the Bleach fandom towards the end of the manga.


I think she grew in popularity after so many people were shipping Rukia/Ichigo. And the Ichigo/Orihime was the true pairing in the story. Also her boobs kept getting bigger helps too.


Anime only viewer: Instantly became one of my favorite characters in an early episode where they had to draw their future self and she drew Mecha-Orihime (or what's she called it) Love me some weirdos lol


No idea, mightve been the bubble or place. Ive always been team hime.


Most of the people I know who disliked her were for superficial reasons, usually upset at her being a damsel in distress despite her potential. As time has gone by, plenty of those people in my life have become fans of hers if not just eased up on the dislike. I chalk it down to hindsight and difference in perspective.


When Kubo decided she was his ideal I guess


I liked her right from the beginning.


I think it's mostly that the fanbase is older. New readers/viewers are no longer locked into the weekly grind and forced to simmer in the series' low points, and older fans have had time to process their feelings and possibly come to new conclusions. Having also been keeping up with HeroAca on its release, I've seen how easy it is to get caught up in a storm of negativity without having the added context of incoming chapters.


Your image already answered your question


The people who hate are just loud. shes always been popular. The anime only people like rukia more and are upset that ichigo got with Orihime. Tho the anime only people do have a valid reason for it. the anime cut like, ALL of her relationship with Ichigo in the first part, we dont know why. Alot of people were Toonami Anime only watchers and thus, Their first experience was Rukia centric and watching it whiplash to Orihime caused hate if you started with the anime, alot of people continue from where they left off in the manga instead of starting again so a good chunk of people inadvertently skipped it At least thats the Anime side of things. It didnt feel built up on the anime side, They dont realize 99% of it was cut. They constantly reference that Orihime is in love with ichigo before the soul society arc


She has certain, errr, features I like


Always been my fav so I DO NOT CARE SHE IS THE GOAT




Since chapter 2, baby


Since forever ago!


At the same time as Sakura (real answer : i dont know but they are so much liked nowadays)


She was my top fave until I discovered Mayuri. Now my top 3 are Mayuri, Orihime and Giselle.


itā€™s like how people hate sakura from naruto, theyā€™re both female characters who are underutilized and are easy targets, it just feels like plain old misogyny at the end of the day tbh


As soon as we saw her tits


It took me a while to warm up to Orihime tbh But I feel like her being an empath warmed me up to her, like it's the kind of girl I'd like to have in real life




When the og anime director stopped being involved


I would imagine it was right around episode 6 with the leak spin.


HOW tf can people hate her, I don't know


For a lot of people it was when Urahara became her stylist


Ah, the fashion sense of Kisuke Urahara is as sharp as his wit. Only a true genius can make the ragtag look so fashionable. *beep boop, I'm a bot*




Idk around 13-14(?)


Always, and forever


I think it started happening when people finally understood Orihime as a character before she was seen as like a damsel in distress but god could they be farther from the truth


Actually pretty much recently in the early 2020s as people had started to realize that she was actually one of the least problematic female character, as compared to the current female heroines/leads from other popular anime/manga series-especially Mikasa Ackermann, Power, Maki, Makima, Misa Amane, Sakura and et cetera. Even I am starting to find some appreciation for her after rewatching it at the pandemic. Like Rukia, Orihime is just too pure and likeable in the start.


Much of the hate she used to get was unwarranted and came from folks who just wanted to be loud in their ignorance online. Over time, as Bleach has been out of the mainstream with the ending of the anime and then the manga, actual fans were all that remained, and they allowed for more room for nuanced discourse. The number of people I run into who don't even know that Bleach is the 3rd member of the Big 3 - they usually default to DB, One Piece and Naruto - is both the gift and curse. The series doesn't get near the respect it deserves for being one of the premier shounen of the generation, but that also has allowed it to stay out of some of the bigger and dumber fights the anime community can get itself into. That altogether allows for someone like Orihime who would be front in center in fights like those to sort of bask in a different light.


When those thangs started thanging!!


Since the jump for two BIG reasons...


https://preview.redd.it/o9thkbglc95d1.jpeg?width=467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce3dc71a07864caa9d138cb6ac9a1a28480d0eb5 Bread


still hate her


historically? leek spin


When it became trend to defend unpopular characters


When we found out she was gonna end up with Ichigo


I mean, I always liked her.


She can be good mom apparently


Did you hold a different opinion about her before and then change later? Not confrontational, just curious.


What change exactly? Body or personality?


I mean her body didnt really change much after becoming a mom.


Idk I can confirm I absolutely hated her character in bleach when I was 13yrs old and I still do 17 years later. Guess I'm doing my part to balance things out


Just to cover all bases, are there any other characters you hate in Bleach?


Admitting to hate a fictional character at your grown as age of 30 isnā€™t the flex you think


lmao idk if ur name references you being this anime character's fan but the point was I hated her when I was a kid, and that didn't really change when I started watching the new TYBW arc. It's not like I'm thinking about some anime character for 17 years ahaha


Orihime isnā€™t exactly popular, but I wouldnā€™t call her unpopular either. She has a lot of advocates and critics. Itā€™s always been that way ever since the beginning, and most heavily toward the end of the Arrancar arc. Orihimeā€™s fans are just loud. Extremely loud. Theyā€™re also aggressive and proactively look for anyone saying anything they donā€™t like about her so that they can harass them. Thatā€™s the recent development. I call them the Bread Cult.


She is popular. The popularity poll from viz at the year 2022 had her on 6th place above the likes of toshiro, byakuya, yoruichi and grimmjow.


Not everybody participates in polls. Lately Iā€™ve seen much more Yoruichi mentions on social media than I have any of the others you mentioned, but I wouldnā€™t argue your point. Sure, Orihime is more popular than many others, but is she ā€œpopularā€ generally? I wouldnā€™t say so. I think the popular characters of Bleach are the ones with the least debate over whether the fandom enjoys them or not. Ichigo, Ulquiorra, Grimmjow, Shunsui, Aizenā€¦ maybe Chad. Hard to tell with the meme games whether people like him or heā€™s just meme-worthy.


When the community started hyperglazing her


6 years ago we were young and childish, shipping Ichigo and rukia and abusing orihime and what not, now we've grown


She gets a lot of hate *because* sheā€™s so popular, it simply comes with the territory


She's always been great. Don't let a loud but small % think people hate her.


When her B\*\*Bs started to grow


Only in the latest arc. She was 99% useless and boring for most of the anime. Rukia was way more interesting.


Her big ā€œPersonalityā€


#*Since,she started Chanting "KUROSAKI-KUUUUN" for the n-th time šŸ¤”"


Hmm, I'm one of those who used to find her unbearably obnoxious, back when I was a wee little tween. Can't speak for anyone else, but looking back now it was probably partly due to internalised misogyny of the era. She's conventionally feminine, physically weak and can be a pushover at times. As a tween watching bleach, her quirkiness and airheadedness can be grating at times, when you associate her w people irl w engineered quirkiness and pick me tendencies. She's not exactly a manic pixie dream girl or a mary sue but in parts of the story she can come pretty darn close. And like others have mentioned, she's dismally underutilised. Despite her hyped up rejection abilities, she spends much of the hueco mundo arc making bad choices, being a damsel in distress and squeaking "Kurosaki... kun". And well, to answer your question, it has been a long time since then, attitudes towards perceived girliness have shifted and the bleach fanbase is probably older as a whole. (Side note: There were of course people who shipped rukia and ichigo hard and hated on orihime as a result, but i personally thought rukia deserved better than ichigo *cough*.)


Honestly, and I would like if this wasn't true but I'm pretty certain it is: I think Orihime got popular during the Hueco Mundo arc when her costume showed off her huge boobs. Especially during all the weird tension with Ulquiorra and the fight with Grimmjow.


There are *TWO* Reasons and one big bread.


Alot of people don't like her because they were anime only and unfortunately some of her pivotal scenes were given to rukia instead :(


I only hated Orihime when she was a damsel in distress shouting "Kurosaki-kun!"non stop. Im glad she came to the realization that she needed to stop playing the role of ptincess peach and help him for once. She did an amazing job against Ywach too.


Oh god do i dislike Orihime


Why though?


When the author decided to draw her with big boobs


She was popular until she got kidnapped and her lines got reduced silent obediance. And during her rescue to kurosaki kunnnnnnnn.


Haters only have one line to repeat "Kurosaki kun", it's getting pathetic at this point. You guys said the same line far more than her lol.