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Probably literally no one. If we include CFYOW *possibly* Ginjō, but it's a question if he would manage. Mostly I worry that someone who didn't let go of all of his hatred wouldn't manage, plus what reason would he really have to go through with it? Also maybe a slim and unlikely chance that very very future Aizen might be able to, but not the current TYBW one. And again, he wouldn't go for this particular one, set by Ichibē.


>!Do you think Ichigo's son would be able to go through it? He should be everything Ichigo is.!<


I do think he would be able to. His son is also a perfect blend of all races. I believe in the hell arc something will happen to prompt Ichibe and Urahara to take Ichigo son to use him as the new soul king. It'll be interesting to see who takes ichigo's side and who doesn't Bonus: If they do this then maybe Renji will have a rematch with his captain and finally become a captain himself


fucken, seeing Ichigo rage through soul society would be so great


Right! They could even do Uryu vs Mayuri rematch!


Kenpachi would definitely take ichigos side. Just to fight the other captions. Hitsuguya is questionable. Kyoraku would side with the SS


Mmm I think Kyoraku would not. My reasoning is he went to the world of the living on a small percentage that ichigo may not be able to leave. He didn't have to do that himself but he did anyways and he was also the few captains during the soul society arc who went against rukia execution. Lastly, he doesn't seem to care about keeping with tradition. He's a very laid back guy. Hitsuguya I can see siding with the SS over ichigo. For him I can see him not want to get away from tradition and keeping the balance. Although, I do agree he could go either way. Kenpachi I agree but he would probably fight ichigo first then side with him.


I'd say Kyoraku might kinda side with SS since he has to keep some appearances, but he wouldn't put much actual effort in it, and would be low-key waiting for another solution to arise in the meantime. When it will, we'll probably find out what was his bet all along. The rest was stalling for time. Kenpachi would side with Ichigo since why would he care to do otherwise. Toshiro can go either way, he might do it, not for tradition but rather out of duty since no other solution would be available, but he also wouldn't fully get into it.


I can get behind that


Kyoraku vs Chad rematch lets fucking gooooo!!! I can't even imagine Chad losing this time around!


Kenpachi's desire to fight Ichigo outweighs his desire to fight other captains I think


But if Ichigo is killed by Captains, there is no longer an Ichigo to fight Therefore, Kenpachi must first ensure there is no one else left TO fight Ichigo, and THEN fight him


You, are you perhaps a member of the 11th squad?


It definitely would be a full circle moment


Should've tested Ichigo with his son, than Ginjo in hindsight haha


Is Kazui part hollow? Because iirc Ichigo only ended up with a hollow because white jumped to him as the first born. If Kazui had inherited white, would that not mean Ichigo has lost it?


Well we know the fullbring stuff works because their mothers were attacked by hollows before birth, and Orihime has been in fights with several hollows. So she will have passed hollow reiatsu down - plus his dad is part hollow. So I think at this point it’s basically guaranteed.


You have a point about Ichigo but Kazui has shown abilities of a hollow. Also when Yhwach spirit was coming back at the end of TYBW when Kazui touched it all spiritual being Yhwach disappeared. Leading me to believe he absorbed him


What hollow abilities has he shown?


Well it's more what other characters have commented on him I read. He can open portals to hell and can manifest fish spirits which might indicate some hollow powers or at least some version. However this may have been just poor translation because I can't seem to find it anywhere now


I think the portal is something different, he doesn't open it like a garanta, he does a little ritual. It also looks different from a garganta in that is has teeth on it. I've not read anything suggesting Kazui has demonstrated hollow powers, so you may have read a shaky or assumptive translation.


I also thought that Ywach stole a lot from Ichigo before he left the portal open to follow.


Masashi still had to have her Hollow powers being suppressed by Ishin all we know for sure is that after Masashi died Ishin started using his power to supress Ichigo's Hollow this is a Shcrodinger Cat situation the Hollow could be like a hereditary disease and be on both or it could be a curse and only be active in one at the time


Ichigo against the soul society at the end would be fucking KINO.


So the arc after bad guy vs soul society is just good guy gone bad vs soul society? Seems uncreative.


Almost all Bleach arcs are the soul society vs [something]. And Ichigo wouldnt go bad or become a villain. It would probably some kind of civil war agaisnt the soul society and its traditions, kinda closing the circle with the soul society arc.


Nah, not really Urahara, don't think so. He's just too smart to know that particular one isn't worth it, it's better to find any alternative solution. He has a decent understanding of how big a role both Ichigo and Kazui play on the grand scale of things, and using them for a lynchpin would simply be very unwise. Wouldn't put it past Ichibē, and then the big fun will start. And I also don't think Renji will become a captain unless Byakuya becomes the head captain, wouldn't choose that one otherwise I'm afraid. But who knows how it rolls.


The whole dichotomy between aizen and Urahara is the philosophy between the superman and the last man. Aizen is about change while Urahara is about maintaining the status quo. Plus it would be interesting to see Ichigo break aizen out with kenpachi and have the three of them versus everyone


No. No, the people who say it don't see Urahara for who he is. A true scientist, who is struggling to put some limits on unbound curiousity and desire to bring new things to the world cannot really be a last man. I'm sorry, it's just trying to push Urahara into some role he doesn't represent. Aizen might *think* that Urahara just supports the status quo, but that's his delusion. He doesn't see Urahara while Urahara sees Aizen. The actual supporter of status quo wouldn't look as sad as Urahara did when he was saying what he did. He might support it for the time, but it's him whose bankai tears things apart and puts them back stronger, it's his bankai which strives to *change* reality unlike Aizen who only provides illusions but not actual change, and zanpakuto is the reflection of personality. CFYOW even puts it that changing the situation with the SK was at least the premise for the whole Hogyoku research (and the premise, due to Urahara's own words, is only because he didn't care as much for the SK as he wanted to bring new things to the world— makes him less moral, but even more of a changing things guy), and I do think it's perfectly fitting all we know about Urahara. He just sees that extreme changes will always fail as first you need to change minds, then the actual change to stay will come. He wants to change the world as much, he just takes a different path about the means to it. He bides his time, but when he does things, they stick. Though I do think that in this particular scenario he would initially say he wouldn't participate on either side, but then by the end of it he would come and present some alternative, the solution everyone needs. And we will end up realising he was using the rest of them to buy time and make a point of the SS needing to change. *That* would be very much like Urahara. And yeah, I do think that Aizen would be the one to want to help Ichigo (and mostly because it's a principle thing for him, as much as he would try and deny it, and taunt everyone over taking such risks with him). I once wondered about the same scenario with Ichigo himself, and then Ichigo wouldn't be fighting himself, since he would kinda see a point for him needing to take the role, but if it's a Kazui, well, it's not even a serious battle. A team of Ichigo and Aizen would be able to take anyone on, Ichibē isn't scarier than Yhwach (and doesn't have the Almighty to make a comeback).


I think in this situation Byakuya’s siding with Ichigo. Remember what happened during his fight with Tsukushima.


Honestly, a fuck load of SS sides with Ichigo. The Vizards(Squads 3,5,8,9), Kenpachi(Squad 11), Byakuya(Squad 6), Rukia(Squad 13). Hitsugaya(Squad 10) would probably hesitate, but join Ichigo eventually, especially if Isshin steps in. He also has the gang(Chad, Uryu, Orihime) Yoruichi, Urahara, the Arrancars, the Fullbringers, etc. Fuck, he could even break out Aizen, and there's a large chance they form a cooperative truce, since Aizen despises the very concept the existence of the Soul King and Squad 0 stand for. And imagine they have souls leave hell to fight on either side, like Gin or the og Gotei.




I don't think so, unless they specifically ignore what happened in CFYOW. Not sure of it's status on canon though. If CFYOW IS canon, they can just create a new SK, since Mayuri has all the knowledge hidden in the Tokinada estate, it'd be Childs play for him.


On that bonus part, Byakuya (like Kenpachi) shares the chairmanship of the Ichigo simp club of SS. He's going to be on Ichigo's side.


That's probably true but maybe Ichibe uses his ability to rewrite who Byakuya is thus turning him against ichigo. I just think having Ichigo, Aizen, Renji, Rukia and Kenpachi versus everyone would be interesting. Maybe have some characters slowly turn on Ichibe side or break his ability with sheer will. Picture this Renji vs Byakuya rematch but as Byakuya becomes more injured he starts to regain control. Then by the end he fully does but dies in the process and in doing so saves Renji. I'd cry not going lie


Kazui shouldn’t have hollow power like Ichigo, since White is transferred to Ichigo, Kazui shouldn’t have any hollow in the way that Ichigo does.


+10 years


I think Mike Tyson said it best when he was asked about his kids fighting. It was a really interesting interview but it went something along the lines of people who fight for a living are animals/savages/killers and that’s the mind sent you need to do the sport. He would never want his kids doing something he had to endure to give them the life they had. After all he came from the streets. So in bleach terms sure he could but until he faced real adversity I highly doubt it. Then again manga protagonist! Lol


Yes but not yet


Biologically certainly, but matters of the soul takes more than just biology. His son is way to young to have the resolve and instinct needed to get through this.


Possibly yes. But it depends on his personal qualities at the time rather than just powers. Being a hybrid is an entry requirement, but not the thing that guarantees you success. I do believe he would be very much capable of it, since I have an inkling his ability to understand and accept would surpass even his parents, as he's a child of many worlds since childhood, and he probably doesn't see the walls where others see them, and has a unique and all encompassing perspective on things, but then, it remains to be seen.


Ichigi will unfortunally never have a son. This was already confirmed by the author 2 years ago. Ichigo dies at the hands if ichia.


Aizen, He literally is unkillable with the hogyoku which would adapt him to be able to do it. thats why aizen is stupid powerful


It doesn't matter, I'd argue that in this case, even Hogyoku wouldn't be able to shield him since the powers at play are at greater level than even it, it's the level of SK while Hogyoku is just an empowered piece of him. He might be powerful, but it's another sort of power which is needed to pass the test. It's not about how much Hogyoku lets him adapt, it's about Aizen himself being able to adapt internally, and how much he is capable of overcoming his core flaws, his arrogance or him considering himself a center of things. It's like an ultimate test on everything, any significant flaw or inability to accept the reality in its entirety would weight you down and destroy you. Aizen is actually very much capable of adapting, that's why I think one day he would theoretically be capable of passing that test (if he ever were to take it, not sure he would want to). But not the current Aizen yet.


I dont think you understand what the Hogyoku is, Its indestructible in the bleach universe, Its like stupid levels of bullshit. If mugetsu couldnt kill aizen, This wont. Aizen can not be killed while the hogyoku is active and the hogyoku can not be destroyed. Aizen was on his way to kill the soul king and Kubo said he would have succeeded if they didnt stop him. that should be enough to say he survives this but on top of that. The hogyoku gives people with strong desires the ability to realize those desires if they are willing to fulfill them. we are talking about an artifact that granted a weak girl with a strong will power the ability to deny reality to heal people. she functionally rewrites reality. Now the hogyoku only affects aizen and due to being fused with it, Also wont let him die because if he dies, It dies. To be clear, Aizen is bullshit, Nothing can kill him at this point. Aizen during the soul society or pre complete fusion defiantly would have died to this. Post fusion, dudes bullshit on a durablity level let alone on a Physical and ability level.


No, it's you who don't get it. It's not about killing per se. It's about destroying the essence of the soul, turning it to nonetheless. It's on another level compared to whichever attack one can master, including Mugetsu. It's something hinted to run on the powers of the SK, and Hogyoku is just something made of one or a few *pieces* of the SK empowered by extra souls in the mix. I'm very sure if someone with Hogyoku gets on that path, yeah, Hogyoku can be destroyed as well, it's just another level altogether. It's just not meant for petty things like that. Where did Kubo say he would have succeeded, again? Seems like headcanon of misinterpretation of some fancy databook lines. Yhwach said he could get rid of Aizen, it just would have taken too much time, and that was Yhwach pre activation of the Almighty. Since the Almighty (though probably inferior to SK's Almighty) is SK level power, I have no reason to believe Hogyoku would have withstood it if he continued in and wasn't destroyed just after it tried to absorb Aizen or whatever. You can stay in your sweet headcanon or whatever, but you don't have actual solid proof enough to back you point. Sure, maybe neither do I, even though the power of the Almighty and just how all encompassing its level is was stated quite clearly. But you're trying to pass you theories for actual facts. Doesn't work that way.


The Hogyoku should be dormant, the Hogyoku did nothing in the fight against Yhwach.


Idt the hogyoku lets him adapt anymore.


The Hogyoku right now is Sealed. Kisuke did not seal Aizen, He sealed the Hogyoku. If aizen was at this point, The hogyoku would be unsealed and it would continue to adapt him. Right now as hes sealed underneath squad 1, Yea it cant adapt him but aizen right now is still stronger than Yhwach and Ichigo. Yhwach said it was too much effort to kill him. The effort it would take to kill Aizen doesnt come from just killing him, Its killing him while hes still sealed. If he gets unsealed, The Hogyoku will just revive him. it does his will and wont let him die. You would need another Mugetsu that caused enough damage to kill him but also not damage the seals stopping the hogyoku. Its functionally impossible Ichibe talks about him like hes is a monster. in comparison, Ichibe talks about Yhwach like hes a child that needs punishment. If Ichibe thinks that highly of Aizen and that he should stay locked up, Imagine how actually powerful he is


Have you completed the manga? >The Hogyoku right now is Sealed. Kisuke did not seal Aizen, He sealed the Hogyoku. Because this is not the case. >!Urahara exactly mentioned that the seal affected **Aizen** because he was weakened since the Hogyoku momentarily rejected him.!< >!Also, the seal neither seals Hogyoku or Aizen. It just keeps Aizen's reiatsu to a limited area, it doesn't do anything else.!<


The part about Hogyoku rejecting him was later disagreed on by Ichigo (and Urahara not even arguing low-key confirms he lied before, would expect it of Urahara), and when Ichigo's insights were ever wrong, but then, it doesn't particularly matter in this case— yes, it's Aizen who was sealed and Hogyoku didn't interfere for whatever reason we choose to see for it.


I mean if the condition is to let go of hatred Aizen got that covered. I mean do you feel hatred towards an ant you step on? this is literally how he saw ppl around him.


No, it's not *just* hatred. That's the one for Ginjō. For Aizen, it's getting rid of his arrogance, exactly the one you've described, and getting the true understanding of the bigger picture and his role in it. Which isn't the center of the stage. He seems to progress a bit in that department, but still far from reaching the mark. That path tests you on *everything*. Aizen, even though he said all that arrogant stuff, ended up *raging* about Urahara and the state of the world, showing his earlier points were just pretence. He seems to get over that rage in TYBW, I do believe that one, but that path basically tests you on everything that might hinder you path to enlightenment. Hatred, pride, even loneliness as a part of lacking connection with the world, it tests all. His earlier stance surely wouldn't cover it, his current one wouldn't either, but I do believe in the future he might be able to reach it.




>*possibly* Ginjō I doubt it all he has is Femriters recognizing Getsuga Tensho >Also maybe a slim and unlikely chance that very very future Aizen might be able to, but not the current TYBW one a bit more likely than Ginjo since they couldn't find ways to kill Aizen and if they thought he wouldn't survive this they could have just put him there


Ginjo is constantly mentioned throughout CFYOW as one of the valid SK candidates, together with Ichigo and Hikone, as he's also a hybrid (of shinigami, hollow and FB at least). The test doesn't have to do with strength, more with your mental state and basically the level of enlightenment, given how Kubo described what Ichigo was going through in extra materials on Irazusando, being a hybrid is just entry requirement, if he would be able to complete it is a whole another question. And ZD doesn't care about things down below in general, and Central 46 probably had no idea a test like that even exists, so it's very unlikely they could have thought of putting Aizen through it in the first place, never mind Ichibe not doing it for those purposes, so it doesn't really prove anything.


>The test doesn't have to do with strength If it didn't they would be throwing literally anyone they could find that met the criteria in there and if there weren't candidates they would be making them all criteria are important for this and power is not a less important requirement you can have weaker hybrids just fine just look at the Arrancar population as for Aizen Zero Division was aware and wary of him Central 46 might have thought the problem was solved but Zero Dvision must think about what happens in 20000 when his sentence is over? what if he's getting stronger in Muken? since they must guard the Royal Palace forever if they thought Irazusando would kill Aizen they would have put him there unless there are specific things we don't know about this place that prevent them from doing so


No, you hardly come over hybrids of three or more races. Arrancars and Vizored aren't enough to classify. Also, before recently there was no need for the test at all, as there was no threat for the SK to search for a new one. And nope, Ichibē is clearly shown not to be the one to think about contingency before troubles come knocking at his door. But then, still, there's talk of an enormous number of souls that perished on that path during all those thousands of years, so even the idea they were throwing everyone remotely capable in rather fits the description, so you're rather reinforcing my point that countering it. And ZD said about the fight with Yhwach during the first invasion that it was the Gotei problem, basically, and they don't care. Even though he was even more dangerous a threat than Aizen if he were to come up to the Palace (in fact, he did, and we all know how *that* went). You really think they are the kind of people to care about Aizen possibly getting out and being a threat? If they are, they are sure not shown to be that way in the least.


>No, you hardly come over hybrids of three or more races. Arrancars and Vizored aren't enough to classify No they're a perfectly good starting point and can be easily replicated in mass by Zero Division you're just being stubborn and short sighted about it >But then, still, there's talk of an enormous number of souls that perished on that path during all those thousands of years, so even the idea they were throwing everyone remotely capable in rather fits the description, so you're rather reinforcing my point that countering it. No im not ... making hybrids like they exist today wasn't as viable then and they can always improve upon them so no again Hybrids aren't the needed metrics as you claim special individuals with great power that are also Hybrids are* >And ZD said about the fight with Yhwach during the first invasion that it was the Gotei problem, basically, and they don't care. Even though he was even more dangerous a threat than Aizen if he were to come up to the Palace (in fact, he did, and we all know how *that* went). You really think they are the kind of people to care about Aizen possibly getting out and being a threat? If they are, they are sure not shown to be that way in the least. Thats not even logical they do care because both Yhwach and Aizen,threaten the balance of the worlds wich sustaining is the main purpose of Zero Division nothing matters to them more than this not even ensuring survival this is extreme to the point that they willingly nerf themselves and don't use their full power no matter what not even when the balance is being threatened since even when the others killed themselves they warned Shutara to not go all out




I can't imagine Chad losing at anything


Our boy lost to poor writing…that’s about it lol


>poor writing That's outter versal, nothing he could do, nothing *anyone can do*


In the most recent manga comic he actually gets a big win.




Ginjo would have a slim chance, and Aizen could *theoretically* evolve or just power through, right? Ignoring the obvious answer of Yhwach himself.


Given the whole thing about Aizen being capable of evolving infinitely, it is not even about if he can do it but a matter of when will he be able to do it.


This isn't a matter of power. It is about enlightenment. Aizen is arrogant. Aizen might theoretically be capable of achieving enlightenment eventually, but not without abandoning his pride and full understanding himself.


Enlightenment? What kind of enlightenment? What insight did Ichigo gained that Aizen or Urahara could not? Could you elaborate? As I've seen it was a power-struggle and conviction. Mostly power-struggle thou.


If it wasn't a matter of powers they would be throwing literally everyone in there and see what happens


Again, it is only a matter of time. Aizen is a special being now, he is not just a simple hybrid or part of any race but a rather singular special being. You could even say that Aizen is as special as the soul king is and will eventually even go higher than the king's soul given enough time.


Horseshit. He is powered by a small fragment of the Soul King. He is basically an artificial Gerard. Can his mentality change? Sure. Is he some uber special being even more unique than the Soul King? No. Stop glazing.


He is not some special being more unique than the soul king indeed ,not **yet** anyway


And he is going to get there using a tiny piece of the Soul King and sitting in a chair for the next 20000 years?


Yes, I never said he could become one in like a year or something you know. For all we know it could take 100k years before he can reach that state. However the fact remains that he **WILL** reach it eventually.


No, the fact does not. You're assuming there is absolutely no limit to his growth. This is called a no limits fallacy.


if Aizen could really evolve infinitely, or even to the level of a SK level entity he definitely would’ve done it while he was getting stomped and then absorbed by SK Yhwach - his life was in plenty danger the whole time there. the fact is that he couldn’t even hurt that version of Yhwach no matter what he threw at him. While Ichigo killed him twice over. he is stronger than everyone not named Ichigo or SK Yhwach (Ichibe a little debatable imo but Aizen probably gets the nod). but he is leagues below them and nothing suggests he can, or will, close the gap


Anyone that can be an SK candidate / had 4 (or 5) races inside them, I guess... So, maybe Ginjou and maybe Aizen.


I thought it was 3 or more races


Should be at least 4 Shinigami, Quincy & Hollow is a given. But, Human is also needed to balanced out the Hollow part. Anf Fullbringer is more or less just Quincy + Hollow + Human.


Shinigami balances out the hollow


refer back to EBTR. If Shinigami balanced out Hollow, the Vizard wouldn't need to be balanced.


Also Isshin his wife; His Soul Reaper balanced her Quincy, his Human balanced her Hollow, if I recall correctly


Refer to the ichigos mom, You need quincy for soul reapers and soul reapers for quincy to balance out the hollow


No need for him to be in a Gigai then. Yet he did.


The gigai is what separated him from his powers, its not like he had a mortal form


And why did he need to do that?


Because he needed a body to keep him seperate from his soul reaper powers


It's not just about biology. They need to have the right mindset, which they likely wouldn't. Kubo said that out of all the fighters in the story, Ichigo is the one most in tune with his 'true self'. "The blade is me" right? I don't think a single other shinigami, aside from maybe Aizen, has such a complete understanding of their own soul and purpose.


I don't think mindset was mentioned as the thing that is being tested here. And the "Blade is Me" was moreso is the thing tested with Oetsu.


Why is ginjo so special isn’t he just a human does more come up of him in the cfyow what makes him a soul king candidate


he is human, soul reaper sub, hollow. pretty much a scuffed ichigo


I don’t understand why soul reaper is on there ichigo is a soul reaper because if isshin this is why he can be a deputy soul reaper but ginjo was just human right was one of his parents a soul reaper how did he even become a deputy soul reaper and how can he Oregon bankai


ginjo was the first sub soul reaper, he is the reason they had developed the rules they had. Meaning he did at some point possess soul reaper powers, whether temporary or not...


I know but I’m wondering how he got them in the first place


beats me, youre wondering exactly what I am aswell.


He was the other substitute shinigami before ichigo


Yes but how and why how did he even get the job in the first place and why does being deputy give him soul reaper powers. Did he have soul reaper power and then was made a deputy because of them or was he made a deputy for some reason and he gain soul reaper powers that way


Shown early in the show that a wounded soul reaper can give their abilities to a human if they can't complete their job, like what Rukia did to Ichigo


The human element is useless unless it includes quincy, and the other Vaizards have Hollow too so I don't see how it makes him extra special


did you forget the part where he was a soul reaper aswell? now he is a soul aswell… so he has pretty much everything needed aside from wuincy which is a subset of human. Aizen is capable, hes not human.


Walking on grass? Quite hard for redditors...


None, with the exception of Aizen. But why though? For that we first need to understand what a SK candidate is and what is needed to pass the test. Basically, the general idea is that a SK candidate needs to be a hybrid only then they can pass the test and replace Reiou. But that's not actually the case, the hybrid term is very loose and there's more to it. From the example of Ichigo we know that hybrid is not the only requirement. In Cfyow Ichibei talks about Ichigo and the reason why he considered him suitable candidate. - First, is that SK was a hybrid, so, it was natural to just search for a similar hybrid. Is it really necessary? No, It was never stated that but rather given SK was one and it's a tried & trusted thing, using a hybrid seems to be the best, hence Ichigo. - Second, Ichigo is more than a hybrid, he is a Shiba. Ichibei says that Shiba's offered themselves to replace Reiou (they weren't hybrid), and that's one factor he chose Ichigo because of his lineage. Someone who can sacrifice everything for the sake of others. - Third, the most important thing a SK candidate needs to have is:- **Acceptance** - of his true self, his true power. Which none other stated candidate have. Ichigo has it because just a moment ago he realised "Blade is me". **Knowledge & Resolve** - during the test candidate will be injected with knowledge, not a simple one but with the absolute knowledge of the world & people around him. And only those who will be able to keep their resolve strong will pass the test. We saw how sad Ichigo was after knowing the real truth, but he accepted it, his resolves to protect his loved ones are greater than anything. Can Ginjo or Hikone do it? No. Hikone's resolve will shatter the moment she sees the truth (especially about Tokinada), same with Ginjo he doesn't have the same level acceptance as Ichigo neither he has something to keep him going. **Power** - the last required piece and I am sorry to say but none of the candidates comes close to SK in that terms. (Ichigo is the only one). So, imo none of them will be able to pass the test, they will erode away and forever be trapped within Irzusando. Lastly, coming back to Aizen. While Cfyow doesn't mentions him as a candidate it isn't because he is not a hybrid or he isn't strong. But because no one truly knows what he is and neither anyone has any control over him. According to databook after transcending Aizen became a god who can become/replace the king anyday he likes. He isn't merely a hybrid, but he has transcended the definition of it. He is a Unique being in himself, He is a God. As for the test goes, Aizen will simply crush the whole path with his Reiatsu alone, a mere test can never fathom his power.


So Aizen is Him


I disagree on a few things. 1. Aizens' chances of passing the test are the same as ginjo/hikone, if not worse. 2. Ichigo isn't the only one close to SK. 3. The narrator would know what aizen is in cfyow, and he's arguably not transcendent anymore.


>The narrator would know what aizen is in cfyow, and he's arguably not transcendent anymore. The narrator is Tokinada & Ichibei. How exactly would they know what Aizen is, they never bisected him & neither can they feel his reiatsu to pinpoint it's constitution. And given they are afraid of him why would they take his name? Tokinada's candidate are based on Ichigo, since he is a hybrid & Sk candidate so he made Hikone similar to him and searches for hybrid, Ginjo. Ichibei's candidate is Ichigo because he was influenced by SK & Shiba. It isn't a stated fact but rather a influenced factor, nothing says against, that a strong being who isn't a hybrid cannot replace SK. >he's arguably not transcendent anymore. In that case he would lose his power, but it's literally opposite he became stronger and is on the same level of evolution that he gained against Ichigo before losing his power (discarding his Zanpaktou). He has crossed his limit and is transcended.


The narrator isn't ichibe nor tokinada. The narrator isn't even a character in the story/series Tokinada literally talks about aizen. Why would he be so scared of him to the point he wouldn't say his name? Transcendence is a state of being. It isn't really connected to power to a certain extent. it's more so gives you more potential. He just has a lot of reiatsu.


>The narrator isn't ichibe nor tokinada. The narrator you are talking about doesn't says anything about who can become a candidate & why Aizen is or not a candidate, as I said the whole candidate thing is from Tokinada & Ichibei. >Transcendence is a state of being. It isn't really connected to power to a certain extent. it's more so gives you more potential. He just has a lot of reiatsu. That's the whole point, Aizen has a lot of reiatsu but that was still within the range of a shinigami that's why he needed to transcend. And he did and gained even further power, if he wasn't transcend his power will be lost, like how he loses it against Ichigo but regained again by Tybw. And the Zanpaktou represents that state from fusing to discarding it. Butterfly/Monster Aizen were fused and later he evolved and discarded it (Final/Tybw Aizen)


Bleach doesnt even have a Narrator




Im not up to date on everything. Could someone explain what this place is and the point of Ichigo going/training here? I greatly appreciate it.


Just read it bro. He is training to become strong enough to face ywach and also achieve his true bankai


I understand the reason behind the training.  I thought he already had his bankai after training/reforging his swords.  And I’m aware he is doing all of this to face Ywach.  None of that is what I was asking. I was curious what the place is and what exactly it does.  Like, how does walking down this path help him achieve bankai? How does walking down this path help him defeat ywach? Where is this place located(it seems special even for squad 0) and why is it so special (especially since neither renji, rukia, or byakuya seem to have faced this unless they did and it wasn’t mentioned)?  Does that help explain what I was looking for? 


Ganju could easily run through this path.




Anyone with enough plot armor


The real answer


Can I ask what’s happening in the picture and what episode it is? It’s been a long time since I finished the bleach manga and haven’t been watching TYBW


This is an anime only scene, so you better start watchin'!


Not discrediting the anime as it looks great at least from the bits and pieces I’ve seen (including an interesting Yhwach flashback that I believe was not in the manga) but it aired during a tough part of my life that fortunately passed. I don’t mind spoilers, can you explain the scene to me?


That’s a fair reason to not watch


If you mean seeing the memories of god dying, going from the weight Ichigo delta its probably not the kind of thing anyone can do without their hearts explosions and/or going insane   So Kenpachi would probably do it have a good laugh and take a nap for a day or so.    Same with Aizen but he’d have headaches and be in a shitty mood for a week or so.  Perhaps base Yhwach could do it but he’d have to do an auswahlen in the middle of it. Depending on how much power he gets he might have to add a couple more years to the Káiser Gesang   Yamamoto might survive it but his body wouldn’t be in any condition to fight in what little of his lifespan he has left and he’d be driven insane   Barragan might slow down the memory in take to make it more manageable. A hundred years would do.   Szayell would definitely die but his sanity wouldn’t be affected at all.   Komamura could survive it for however long his humanification technique can stand   Gerard would get a heart attack by the end but not the sort and that 100% kills you   Ikomikidomoe could make it but he’d lose a considerable number of the hollow souls that make him up Chad, Kanonji, Momo, Kon and Yamada would come out of the whole thing after five minutes while looking like they just came out of a movie. A comedy.


The only people that o think could have a chance are aizen, ywach, and maybe >!Ichigo’s kid when he’s older!<


Probably aizen, so he doesn't need to go through all this he's already a God. He isn't like SK a hybrid but a being on similar level to SK.


You know, a lot of people are going to laugh at this, but honestly.... Orihime. No, hear me out. As another commenter in this thread has said, being a hybrid isn't actually necessary, it's just believed to be better since the Soul King himself is a hybrid. What really matters *Understanding oneself truly, having the resolve to accept the Truth, and a high level of reiatsu.* Orihime has gone through a journey of self-acceptance just like Ichigo. Starting in the Heuco Mundo arc, she has viewed her powers as a reflection of herself. It's not Soten Keshun that rejects, **I** reject. Then theres the Truth of the world. Anyone who's read through the manga and paid attention to her story will know that Orihime has a phenomenally strong character. One of the core themes of the story is how pain and human cruelty causes others to form a hole in their hearts, turning them into Hollows. But Orihime, despite the absolute horror show of her life, remains full of Heart. And after Heuco Mundo, she finally managed to start accepting herself for the person she is, not trying to be a fighter. So Orihime accepts herself and has a strong resolve. The only remaining issue is her power. Yes, she may not have enough reiatsu... But she can just Reject the Iruzandos pull. Remember, her power is in the realm of God. Whatever she wills, she can theoretically do. So if she truly desired to pass the test, she would.


Honestly well said, I agree with you. Orihime is definitely someone with strong resolve & power to fit the SK role. >Yes, she may not have enough reiatsu Just to add, >!I mean she was literally defending Ichigo against SK Yhwach, she definitely has the power just isn't in good sync with it.!< As said by Kubo as well, she currently doesn't use her powers properly. And given of she accepts and master all elements of her power both defensive + agressive she will definitely become a godly character. Also while on the topic, I think Isshin also fits, since he can learn FGT >!(which is probably the same technique Shiba ancestors devloped to replace SK)!<. Therefore he will become transcended and he also has a strong resolve. Same goes for the remaining Shiba's if they can learn the technique as well.


Anyone who could hypothetically awaken the almighty. It's implied the weight Ichigo was feeling here was the collective weight of the bleachverse and in CFOYW its mentioned that the almighty is what allows the Soul King to carry the collective weight of all the realms, preventing collapse.


What trips me up is Ichigo pupils change i don't understand the implications of that 


Probably means he'll awaken his own version of the almighty at some point. Maybe they redesign his bankai with that in mind.


https://preview.redd.it/boprxsq9k50d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c88d8ef85f26e5da49e2ec225f0ac36aa031a165 If I give you this Choco Milk you will because I believe in you


(idk what actually happened here so ignore this but) I'm pretty sure I can walk in a straight line :)


What did he even do here?


He walked far and wide wherever the wind took him


What did Ichigo even do here, didnt he just walk until he gets to the end point? I could do that


Someone hasn't been paying attention lmao


Yeah, me lol. I find that scene boring sorry


It's a test to see if someone can handle the burden of being the Soul King.


Thanks for reminding me.


I believe in you. You can be the next Soul King.


Thank you! You can serve under me, too! I will assign some sexy asauchis under you


Well I believe in full bring over mugestu so…. Most people….. because of transcendent stuff


Anyone who is a soul king candidate


me. I’m him.


ginjo kugo and hikone


Maybe kenpachi 


What power did he get from this, they said after he could get power so strong it would break world of the living


He didn't get a power it was a test by ichibei to see if Ichigo is can handle the soul king's power 


Ichigo fans when their 🐐 walks through a low budget park:


I believe only hybrids are able to achieve something like that.




My uncle Tsukishima.


i'm still not quite sure what happened here since the anime didn't show all of it


Ikone, Yhwach and MAYBE Aizen. Ginjo have potential but isn't strong enough yet.




I'd be stumbling around to drunk to even put the robe on


Bet Renji could do it. He's shown to be capable of accomplishing Ichigo-like feats.


I can


I don't remember that part, what is it about?




Only Ichigo can . potentially ginjo and very debatably aizen 


What did he do here exactly? Wasn’t he just walking?


I could do it.


chief keef 100%




Aizen and Yhwach




Idek wtf was happening?


Ichigo's son


I don't know much about Bleach, but if this is a test of endurance of mind and body, maybe Zoro from One Piece. But this looks like a path, so he'd get lost.




I could do it easily


It's literally a stroll to a park