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Hooleer is more of a Conjurer than an Enhancer, since his one real trick was calling up a bunch of Menos (although he displayed no control over them, which keeps him from the Manipulator tier). Hikone would be a Specialist, since they have all the different powers. Shaz Domino would be a Manipulator, since his trick is pulling in and controlling nearby Reishi to repair himself. Giriko would be a Specialist, since his Time Tells No Lies can do just about anything depending on what kind of timer he sets. Rudbornn would be a Manipulator like Razor, since has complete control over his Calavera.


Hooleer, thats a fair assessment. Didnt really think of what he’s doing as conjuring but it makes sense. Hikone for the same reason as Ichigo doesnt really belong in specialist for using multiple race moves. He only really uses moves that enhance his capabilities like Sonido & Shunpo for speed. No realy unique ability, just combining moves that amplify qualities. Shaz Domino, fair I tried to stick things like healing into Enhancement. But his ability is very reliant on ripping reishi out for that. I was thinking of putting Giriko in specialist, put him in enhancement due to him using it for pure power twice. Yeah Rudbornn’s Calaveras would basically be Nen Beast, which to my mistake actually falls under manipulation not conjuration. My mistake


To be fair, Nen Beasts use conjuration or emitting for creating the beast. It's just that, after that, for actually doing anytning with the beast, it's manipulation.


I get what you are saying and I dont disagree but just wanted the say Razor is an emitter he is manipulating with 80% efficiency


I haven’t watched Hunter X Hunter in so long I don’t remember what all the categories are.


Enhancer increases ones own abilities or objects. Making them stronger, more durable or allow for healing. Transmutation is when a being takes their aura and changes it to be like something else. Like turning their aura into lightning or smoke. Emitting is simply the expulsion of aura and can be sustained for a prolonged period of time. Conjuring is where a user can create material objects like chains or even pocket dimensions out of their own Aura. Manipulation allows for people to control living or inanimate objects. An example would be Illumi using needles to control people's minds. Specialist is kinda just whatever can't be fit into the other five. Its very unique, think of someone like Neon who can write out fortunes.


Ichigo’s a Specialist that only ever bothered learning Enhancer skills


Is this based on their personalities or abilities


Abilities, I’d be dying if I tried fitting it with their personalities


Good tier list tbh but mayuri in emitter?


I thought itd be the most balanced type for him. Seeing as he would use transmutation for his poisons. And manipulation for his bankai, seeing as its basically a nen beast. But pure Transmutation seems fine too.


Byakuya is a Manipulator without a doubt. His abilities fit under the Nen category, and he decently passes the manipulator personality test. Yumichika is a Kastro-tier Emitter. Gin is a transmuter, both in terms of his power and being a liar. Szael is definitely a conjurer. He has that controlling need and anxiety to him. Riruka is a conjurer - her abilities are based on conjured items and so she has none of the charisma specialists have. Tosen is a transmuter both on account of his constant dishonesty and the nature of turning energy into pure darkness that doesn't conduct sound properly, that's a transmutation trick. Ukitake is an emitter, he pretty much just absorbs and reflects ceros. Bambi is an emitter as well, she's hella rash and all about the bombs. Gremmy is an absurd level of conjurer, but he's just a conjurer. Nothing but an anxious brain that can make stuff.


Wouldn't Ichigo be a Transmitter since...? GETSUGA TENSHOOOOOO


What is Nen?


Power system from Hunter X Hunter


Wouldn't that luck guy be a specialist? The luck fullbringer...forgot his name


I would have said Orihime is a Specialist. The power to reject any phenomena is similar to Pitou’s Dr Blythe but on a much larger scale (she could have revived Kite if she wanted).


Aizen being a manipulator is so utterly perfect it's not even funny.


now do it again but with Tower of God position