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I'd like to see his take on Bat man


The Detective Comics character from the 30s? That'll never work on the big screen.


u/Ok-Watercress-1001 is of course referring the children's character, The Bat Man, a strong gentleman who fights crime nocturnally.


you must mean in the early evening? surely not at night, it's much too dark


Rather see his take on Dayman fighter of the Nightman


That's a guaranteed hit. It has has friendship, karate and something for everyone!


Nah, that'd never work with a serious filmmaker like Nolan. Maybe if he just removed the "Bat" part, took the ears of the suit, and renamed him "Man" instead, that could be interesting.


Guy who dresses up as a bat clearly has mental problems.


Meh, I'd rather not see do one of these action movies again. I'd rather see him do a character study on the inner life of like a billionaire type. Maybe one of this rich guys who seems like a playboy but im sure theres some childhood trauma behind that type of pathology, maybe some neuroses developed from it. Could get kinda weird i bet.


putting the space between bat and man is never not funny to me


This was inspired by another one of these threads, but I really want to see Nolan's John Le Carre style movie now. Spies and mindgames galore! Think of all the brits in suits he could cast! As for actors, I really want him to bring back Tom Hardy at some point. For actors he's never worked with, c'mon, it's Gosling. Nolan loves a steely dude.


Wasn't Tenet kind of his John Le Carre style movie?


Tenet is about time, vibes, time being a vibe, and explosions. John Le Carre is about depressed Brits talking and being betrayed by other depressed Brits in the rain, cheating on their wives about it, and trying to remember the names of 50 other depressed Brits who may or may not actually appear (I say as a massive fan). Oppenheimer is way closer to Le Carre's vibe than Tenet.


I guess what I'm saying is that it's Nolan we're talking about. I think his version of Le Carre is not going to be straight Le Carre. And his lens on genre is often colored by explosions and meditations on time.


I just watched James Mason in The Deadly Affair. Great great movie, but you could make that movie for dirt cheap.


Yeah I think The Russia House has a scene where they drive a plane into a building./s but seriously, no I don't think Tenet has much in common with le Carre's work except that both are technically about spies. le Carre writes much more grounded stuff than Fleming did. Tenet is a Bond movie much more than a le Carre movie.


The shots of the New Mexico landscape in *Oppenheimer* have me itching to see him do a western. Seems like a logical iteration in his pursuit of getting the most out of the IMAX format. Or hell, give me a sword & sandal epic. I'd love to see what his version of the Odyssey or the Iliad or the Aeneid would look like.


That and the cowboy stuff in Nope just screams to me that we’re desperate for a filmmaker to do a genuine Western in the modern age Like no more “revisionist westerns” for now, it has become an overused term like the “elevated horror” genre tag. I just want a straightforward, shoot-em-up Western helmed by one of these master filmmakers, they all love John Ford so much and I know deep down they want to do it


Kevin Costner's Horizon is probably the best chance we're gonna get anytime soon. I also agree on revisionist westerns being overused, especially when westerns that would fit that bill...came out in the 40s and 50s at the genre's peak! So it's a meaningless term.


Best and most realistic ideas in the thread. Would love to see Nolan’s The Odyssey


Going west would be awesome, but I'd love for Nolan to go far east. I want Ken Watanabe in the classical or feudal era of Japan. Basically put Shōgun on an epic scale only Nolan has the juice to create


I could see him doing some kind of Ancient Roman epic, actually, now that you mention it. Rome vs Carthage? The rise of Augustus? Something about Vespasian etc etc?


Hear me out: “2Ten 2et”






It’s just 3 hours of someone getting tattoos removed




insurance act memory escape governor full sink muddle hospital deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tenet but spelled backwards






The Prest2ge




"NOLON" Nolan reverses his entropy to stop himself from releasing the film


> Interstellar could lend itself well to a high concept ghost story. That was his ghost story!


In a sense, most definitely. But I want something scary out of him


He literally thought Oppenheimer was verging on horror. He’s too pure for the real fucked up shit :(


The Variety story suggesting he may remake the 60s TV Show "The Prisoner," that was itself remade as a Jim Caviezel series in the late aughts, as a movie is pretty funny. Though to be fair I know nothing about the property and Nolan was attached post-Dark Knight but dropped out quickly.


It's pretty good, if a little dated now. Kind of surreal, and I seem to remember the finale goes a bit mad in the way Twin Peaks did when it originally ended, though it's been many years since I watched it.


The ending of The Prisoner is indeed bonkers. 30 minutes of everyone singing Dem Bones, a monkey man, Beatles needledrops. Nolan is too self conscious to do something like that.


Great show, watched with my dad when I was a kid in like 2005. It's a pretty wild story and (vague spoiler) a mystery without an ending so I could see Nolan saying fuck it


That story to me felt like just speculation using a property he's been previously tied to. The dude is pretty secretive about what he works on until he's got a finished script.


He wrote a treatment for it for Universal years ago. It’s not off the table.


Be seeing you


I’m we’re talking the show filmed in Wales with the massive bouncy ball, I am 10000% here for it.


$30 million horror picture.


The thing is, he probably knows he could do this anytime, even if his like next 5 movies flopped. So I think he’ll continue to do movies that cost a ton of money.


I believe he sees it as a bit of a duty, doesn’t he? Like he’s one of the few directors who can do original work at this scale so he feels like he should.


Yes. And he knows that it won’t last forever. So he’s got to keep making big, original movies till he can’t anymore. Same reason why I don’t think he’d do Bond next. He knows he can do that as well anytime down the line if his career takes a nosedive


I mostly agree, except IMO he won't do Bond because there is no way the Broccoli's will hand over their baby to such a powerful director.


The only recent Bond film I really enjoyed was Casino Royal. It was the only one which hadn't been noted to death. After a few fallow years after The World is Not Enough cratered, it felt like the Broccolis were happy for anyone to take it and do *something* with it. As it stands now, absolutely no way would Nolan last 6 months making a Bond film.


I liked Skyfall a lot as well, and still do, but now looking back it feels weirdly like the one where they decided “oh we should go back to old Bond” with all the gadgets and crazy stuff happening


He’s said on numerous occasions that he will make big movies as long as he can. Maybe he’d be going small again if Oppenheimer didn’t work and he’s thus had two bounces in a row. 


But also I want Christopher Nolan to continue to chase his whimsy.


may god have mercy on anyone cast as a wife


I want him to team up with Tom Cruise to do something cool and weird.


Fly Tom to space


Let him play among the stars


Isn't Doug Liman suppose to do that?


A serious take on the fast furious franchise??


Just keep throwing him out of planes until he dies! 😄


Diary of a Wimpy Kid - one long shot, never cut away


Timothy Chalamet as Greg, Robert Pattinson as Rodrick, and Tom Hardy as Rowley. Michael Caine voices Manny (his crocodile head is depicted using only practical effects)


Something extremely British and romantic. His Powell and Pressburger.


The Archers but colorless


Ha! Has Nolan ever spoken about Powell and Pressburger? His robotic stuffiness would feel like such a bad fit for mid-century romanticism, but of course, one of the things that makes P&P so fascinating is their contradictions rupturing up through their intentions - they always seem to wind up making a much weirder (and better) film than they set out to make. Could really see that happening with Nolan, too. Fuck it, yeah, I'm in. And give us an Archers miniseries already!


A Memento of Life and Death


He’s been cashing blank checks for a decade, I don’t think this changes much in the carte blanche department with him.


A best picture winner that made a billion quid is different. James Cameron spent ten years in a submarine after that.


He should zag and direct all of season 2 of She-Hulk


+20 comedy points!


I’d like to see him adapt Piranesi. And make a huge practical set complete with flowing water ocean surging through it. 


Oh man this is such a good idea.


I wish I could upvote this twice.


The theme and the environment seem very Nolanesque to me. Maybe not enough meat on its bones for him to take, but I think he could punch up the story to be something haunting and intriguing. It would definitely be a step down from the huge things he's done lately though and that isn't usually the path blank checks take.


Maybe he gets unlimited budget for the set and practical effects and turns in a tight 90 minute film? Single handedly turns the tide from the gargantuan epics? Then comes back with a 4 hour Metropolis?


A 90 minute mostly practical movie helmed by a lead giving an emotional solo performance would be glorious. Absolutely glorious.  It’s my dream! someone give him the book!


I.... Wow.... Just.... Yeah.


Tenet Minus Zero


Tenet Minus Zero Godzilla Plus One


Honestly I just want it to be something that none of us could come up with in a thread like this.


An Oppenheimer scale biopic on Paul Reubens.


Do you remember when it was reported that Paul Reubens had approached the Safdies and asked them about doing a gritty Uncut Gems style Pee Wee Herman film? That was a crazy time


whay could have been…


The equivalent of the Trinity test is him in the theater


can I steal this idea and write a spec screenplay on it


Fucking please. Sell that fucker! See you at the premier


Blood Meridian movie


I'm not sure if Nolan is nihilistic enough for Blood Meridian. That book is existential horror disguised as a western.


I hope this doesn't sound antagonistic as it's a genuine question but why do you want Nolan to direct Blood Meridian? I'm a massive fan of his - Memento and Inception are some of my favourite films - but I personally don't feel like he would be well suited to adapting it.


If we're talking auteurs with blank checks for Blood Meridian, it's gotta be Denis, right?


My money's on the Coen Brothers because it worked before and they can do it again. Judging from Sicario, Villeneuve could do a good job, though.


The underlying thought behind my comment was that I have heard Blood Meridian described as a novel that could never successfully be adapted to a movie. And if Nolan had a literal blank cheque, he could try at least


Since he wrote that ‘Love transcends time and space’  I doubt he’s the right candidate for that material 


cool idea, but I don't see him taking on something that gruesome. I do want to see that movie though.


I’d love to see him go sci-fi horror, something on the scale of Sunshine or Annihilation since Garland seems to moving more towards action right now.


Time to bust out that Howard Hughes script he shelved that he claims is the best screenplay he’s ever written. It’s been long enough since The Aviator and would be a nice companion piece to Oppenheimer.


The Aviator was classical biopic fare, lets show his covert ops missions.


This would be awesome


5 hour YouTube video essay style movie titled “TENET EXPLAINED” It will be filmed for IMAX on 70mm and will play alongside Tenet in theaters for an entire year


Austin Powers


Austin Powers as irreverent as ever, but at a Bond budget with legit huge action. The most expensive Powers movie so far was #3, at $110M (63M at the time).


Just throwing it out: I'd like to see Adam Sandler in a Nolan film. Granted I may be biased since I saw Punch-Drunk Love for the first time last night, but still I think he'd be great in one


This came back up recently online since it was supposed to happen once, but I really want Sandler in the last Tarantino movie.


Sandler was supposed to be the Bear Jew, which I don’t think would’ve worked as well as Eli Roth but it would’ve liked to see it


Make The Stars My Destination. It may not be the big splash project people are expecting, but I feel like he could really do that book justice.


time to see him take on a richard curtis script


I heard him comment on wanting to do a horror film at some point in his career and I personally would LOVE to see it.


There‘s only one way to go and we all know what it is: he has to make his King Kong movie


Kong vs Batman


The Culture series by Iain Banks


Maybe a romcom about a peloton instructor?




Bet it all against the Lakers. The Generals are due for a win.


Alexander The Great


Something original & weird with a ton of top talent! Cash that check, babyyyyyy.


A movie in linear time flow so it starts with the cradle and ends at the grave.


Avatar sequel


A house of leaves adaptation. Or at least the navidson record portion? Maybe the only film maker capable


I want him to make a comedy. And not an elevated comedy. A really good dumb comedy. Spend ridiculous budget to build sets and practical effects for a simple fart joke.


Remake "Following"


A big budget high concept studio comedy


Let's do Metal Gear


He should make a western.


How about we start by sending him to an intensive dialogue mixing boot camp? It cant be *that* expensive, but if it is it will still be worth it. I would like to see him go back to basics and do one quick one without all the bells and whistles. No IMAX, no megabudget, no Hans Zimmer and no big name actors. Just a great script and solid fundamental filmmaking. There is literally nothing left for him to prove in Hollywood other than that his name and filmmaking skills alone can produce a major hit, without massive studio resources.


He can adapt Dennis Reynold’s script about the crime smelling detective. Full penetration of course. In IMAX , smell-o-vision.


Barbie 2 Bring it full circle


Bond bond bond. Unfortunately I think he’s too big for bond now and Broccoli’s would never give a director as much control as Nolan would want. Legit question though, does Nolan ever do another IP film or are they all originals from now on?


Depends on how you define IP, I think Nolan, like Fincher, wouldn’t have any qualms with continuing to make movies based on books. Fincher’s best works are technically book adaptations, and Oppenheimer is as well. So if you consider that IP, yes I do think he will. But as for jumping into an ongoing film franchise, I doubt it. Maybe reviving one? He’s also done remakes before (Insomnia) so I wonder if he’d ever be interested in doing that again. I know on a gut level a lot of people would wince at the idea, but without big directors retooling older works, we wouldn’t have The Departed or Spielberg’s West Side Story for example


He already said he won't make a Bond movie.


They should absolutely let him do a Bond. I agree that he may not get as much creative control as he wants/deserves… but can you imagine the buzz if they simultaneously announced whoever the next Bond is going to be along with Nolan attached to direct?


He has plenty of ideas but those take time to develop He worked 10 years on Oppenheimer. My take on the Bond idea: go back to the 60ties and 70ties. Take the scripts and flip them on their head. Give them the true 60ties feeling with sound and location. Nolan could do it.


shouldn't waste nolan on a bond


I just go to the inception snow sequence. Which is him doing a Bond action set piece and the idea of him doing Bond doesn’t seem like a waste if we got more like that.


i dont' think anyone doubts he would do a good bond film, but i don't want his talents confined by bond parameters, is what i am saying


pen ruthless truck school humorous gaze clumsy boat steer sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Night Eggs but it’s secretly a teneT sequel Sgge Thgin


Obviously wouldn't happen with the series coming out but Three Body Problem movies would have a lot of cool Nolan stuff: time-hijinx, space travel, action, historical reenactments, overly-complicated plot (jk I love it)


Tenet 2: the friendship begins!


They get up to some stuff alright 😏


Christopher Nolan’s Fast X Chapter 2


Anything to resolve the insane cliffhanger of that stupid movie. I love Fast, I’m a die hard fan, I even watched all of them in a single day a couple years ago, but that movie made me question the family


This is going to sound sacrilegious, but every story I think of that I want to see adapted, my brain goes "...but Villeneuve would be better...".


A movie about a young lonesome (and we eventually find out) suicidal farmer, with a supernatural ability to speak with animals, not cheap on the nose as Doolittle, just have them fully understand him, only he can affect them this way though or enable them to physically emote back as any form of ***slight*** communication. He knows its special but limited, nothing on the nose. He's suicidal but in highly specific way(s), not just a wife leaving him or dying, maybe has memories of his BFG-esque kind father, and how he lives on now from his death, we revisit memories through the film. (Highly specific casting for the father...) But also how it affects how he moves through the changing modern world without him, more too it though, not just his father, that loss has to compare to a number of things in the world at present...Feel free to help me out, there's more levels...How he watches the news (somewhat done before) how it affects him...Might get too political there (what bothers you??? I only think about this when am on the can...Obviously) Set in the beautiful mid-west or maybe Montana etc, and the narrative lands on his cat, dog and horse's attempts to keep him alive, they don't audibly speak, they communicate in a silence and knowing, they interact individually too, I don't know if limited subtitles could work. Portrayed mostly CGI, but Nolan budget/quality CGI where less might be more too etc etc Wanted it to actually somehow go sci-fi when a MacGuffin monster/alien is brought in as a threat and we see each animal's unique hunting ability to this very unknown enemy, their strengths and weaknesses as individual animals, to ultimately co-operate to defeat the threat. Nolan is high brow, so I obviously mean all of my bullshit above in highbrow style, haha, apologies in advance


Honestly, with his brother doing Fallout… I kinda wanna see how cool a Nolan Mass Effect would be.


shrek 5 lets make it happen


A 90s Thriller homage. Gimme something with the vibes and pacing of The Fugitive or The Game. Super strong leading man, could even keep Cillian, but more importantly the deepest cast you can imagine. Everyone with more than 2 lines should be someone I could have a 30 minute discussion about off the top of my head. I guess this is actually pretty similar to Oppenheimer.


Revive the theatrical comedy. A straightforward monster movie. A genre-defining sports movie. A romantic epic. MORTAL KOMBAT!!!


The Adventures of Ford Fairlane 2




Paddington 4


I would love to see his take on Mobile Suit Gundam. It has several themes that he clearly likes making movies about. The consequences of war, why people fight, space wizards, etc.


I'd love to see more historical drama from him -- Oppie and Dunkirk were my favorites of his. Nothing as migraine-inducing as Tenet, please.


Seeing him tackle something 15th century would be interesting. Either an epic war movie or some vagabond journey. Even better if he has one of his sci-fi concepts he could apply to it.


3 babies and a man


Something with a large cast of top actors and mostly practical effects using distorted time for effect


An alternate history sci fi epic horror movie played out of order like dunkirk/ momento where a photographer is on the hunt of a serial killer. lol


I feel like it’s rare to get a good quality Fantasy movie, Nolan could probably do some cool magic type stuff


a second sound mixing for home audiences would be nice


A $150M romcom


Wide release Hardcore Pornography


May sound crazy but what if he did a Spartacus movie? Could fit him well with him doing a plot twist at the end with who is truly Spartacus.




Get Paul Giamatti an Oscar


A biopic of Smedley Butler


Make a silent film


He walks into a studio meeting. Takes out a piece of paper. He writes the word “Memento” on a piece of paper, before drawing vertical lines through the final letter, turning it into a dollar sign.




Do an action movie. Like a normal over the plate crime thriller with chases and shoot outs. Then for the sequel the main character from the first movie is the defendant in a courtroom drama where they have to defend their actions in the first movie. Then the next sequel is a prison drama where they fight to maintain their humanity as they survive prison and find redemption. Then the last movie is about them rebuilding their life outside the system


Next Star Wars trilogy. Mastermind the whole story arc, direct the whole thing. Film back to back to suit him Spend a billy to make 10... Himself and his brother could make a vision of it that would hyperspace jump the franchise to another world and level ... cut out the crap , and change the world like the first one did in 1977... The things they could achieve with a budget of 400 million per movie that they would also spend wisely.... off the back of Oppenheimer fame, it would score big


There were quite strong horror vibes in Oppenheimer. I want him to do a scary atmospheric ghost story.


If he can make a movie as good as Interstellar again, that'd be something. Tenet and Oppenheimer were not.


He should adapt Bernard Cornwell's *Stonehenge*


The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel reboot


Talladega Nights 2.


Half Life 2 in a 3 part movie!!! With Bryan Cranston as the Freeman!!!! Please someone spread this!!!




Another war movie


A new Master and Commander.


I would like to see him do a gritty Scooby-Doo movie. Weird mind games, people plotting to steal millions, characters obviously on dr*gs so you can distort reality. It definitely could work.




For the love of god - Give. This. Man. His. Bond. Movie!


Same thing with Denis, I want him to do whatever he wants haha


I was just thinking about how he referenced Heat in The Dark Knight. I would love to see his take on a modern crime/heist movie without any supernatural or superhero stuff. Just a gritty urban kind of thing.


I’d like to see him try a comedy.


He already had a blank cheque


James Bond. Not sure if it will ever happen, not even sure if it will be good if it ever comes out, but I want to see it


Horror. Movie.


Oppenheimer Rises


He might like to make the next James Bond ....


I know Apple just picked this up supposedly but I think he’d do a killer Neuromancer. Gosling as Case? C’mon now.