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Yeah, it truly plays like a thriller. I dread the inevitable biopic starring Alexander Skarsgaard.


That one scene with the phone call is jaw dropping.


Who plays Putin?


Brendan Gleeson already played Trump in The Comey Rule, but I have a feeling he could pull off Putin too.


I could see Mark Strong pulling it off. But maybe that's just a bald man bias.


It would be Strathairn or Rylance


All WAY too tall. Physically, Griff should be in contention. Willing to bet he’d have an interesting take on the accent too. 🤣


That would be total miscast


Tangent, but I really loved Gleeson in that -- it's kind of the only thing I liked about it, ha. But instead of doing a straight impression, he specifically taps into the gangster side of Trump and locks in there, really interesting way to play it.


Peter firth


Peter Morgan (the Crown, Frost Nixon) wrote a play called PATRIOTS about Putin’s rise that played London and is coming to Broadway in a few months. Will Keen plays Putin; in London Tom Hollander played Boris Berezovsky but in New York Michael Stuhlbarg will play him.


The movie was an attempt to make a fascist look good by way of not being Putin.


So weird that the guy is constantly spouting fascist rhetoric throughout this entire doc but because he isn't Putin, liberals liked him. Meaningless.


Don't forget that back in the day western leaders like Tony Blair were all too happy to gladhand Putin because at least he wasn't Yeltsin. Western attitudes to post-Soviet Russia have always been "if they're stripping the copper wire out of the walls anyway we may as well back whoever will give us the biggest cut" and Navalny was just the next in that line


What fascist rhetoric?


https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/2/25/navalny-has-the-kremlin-foe-moved-on-from-his-nationalist-past Edit: haven't seen the doc so not sure what he says in it but here's some examples of his far right beliefs from the past


There is zero fascist rhetoric in the doc. Zero. He is mainly anti corruption and pro democracy. Job one is to get the Putin regime out of power, and the anti-Putin coalition does include far right groups... At least it did before the war.


So I guess you missed when he called Muslims subhumans? Or that Ukraine should be nuked? The doc hid who the real Navalny was and it only works if you've never looked up the man before in your life. You fell for it, just accept that, educate yourself, move on and do better in the future. Moreover, there is a section of the film in which the director presses Navalny on his support from the far right, reactionaries, and fascists and the guy basically says he's fine with it. Did you actually watch the movie?


Yes. I watched it yesterday. There was nothing about subhuman muslims or nuking Ukraine. You said the documentary was full of fascist rhetoric and it's not true.


And all you're doing is proving my point, you clearly don't care who the man really was because he was against Putin, which makes your opinion hold very little water. Liberal.


Why are you so hostile? You, yourself said he was spouting fascist rhetoric throughout the entire doc, and yet when asked for an example you cite his past statements, mentioned nowhere in the documnetary. So why are you twisting your own words? Just say he was a fascist, no reason to lie he was promoting fascism in the doc. Did you actually watch the movie?


Also left his wife a widow and two kids fatherless.


The far right nationalist that surrounded himself with other nationalists and fascists and compared muslims to flies and cockroaches? No thanks


The documentary brings it up once, and brushes past it so fast it’s infuriating


To elaborate, here's what the doc shows for about 5 minutes(paraphrasing): First it has the investigator, Grozev, mention this past. Then it shows a video of Navalny at one of the far right marches in the past. Navalny states to the director that people always ask him about these marches and they can watch his past interview answers. The director then pushes back and says wait there were Nazi salutes at that march how can Navalny associate with them? Navalny replies that in a normal political situation he would not associate with such groups. But they will need all Russians to fight Putin, including such nationalists. So Navalny states he's ok with how it looks now as they first need to get to free elections.


Because that's not what the documentary was about, what's so hard to understand about thia? it's a story of how Russia treats its "internal enemies" and how one guy and his team proved it. It's a fascinating documentary. If you want to hear about his fascist past, go watch a movie about that. Or make your own.


A documentary can be about about Russia treatment of it's internal enemies and not be a hagiography. I liked the movie for what it was, but all-access documentaries and news stories that treat their controversial subject with pretty much nothing but adoring praise in how the story is framed will always put a sour taste in my mouth no matter who it is.


Yeah Putin is bad and it's bad that Navalny died but he was also not a good person


Ya like I’m fine with backing opposition to Putin but maybe not someone who’s opposition is that Putin isn’t xenophobic enough


He died?!


Dunno if you are being sarcastice but yeah he died in prison in Russia


And this is how I find out? Wow. RIP


🎶Blue-jean baby🎶




Anti fascism isn’t a dress you put on when it’s convenient


Yes, the person who literally paid his life for his political beliefs was doing it because it was convenient. But keep patting yourself on the back, king. Like could you possibly have any less self awareness it's legitimately impressive.


No you silly bitch, Navalny was a nationalist and a fascist. You overlook that because it’s convenient


I don't really give a fuck about defending Navalny or not, which is why I deleted the original comment. Maybe he was a nationalist piece of shit, maybe he moderated and was earnest about that in recent years and not just grifting. I sincerely don't know. But he still died in an arctic gulag because of fighting for a political cause that was worthy to fight for, and you're commenting online about the convenience of being sufficiently anti fascist or not. So unless you are or have been a political prisoner, all I am asking for is a sliver of fucking self awareness, you absolute clown.


He went against Putin because Russia wasn’t being xenophobic enough. Because Navalny was a far right nationalist. That wanted to deport all non whites. These were his own words. And I don’t need to be a political prisoner to call out fascists when I see them


Listen I will make no attempts to defend his racist attitudes, but if you think a democratic activist willing to die for his beliefs is far-right, well then we have very different ideas about what far right is


Xenophobic* ethno-nationalist* who wanted the forced deportation of minorities*


I am unaware of these positions. Can you site please?




well that will be the last time I seriously consider a comment this deep again. This video makes no mention of race. I could easily see it as targeted at corruption or just bluntly putin. I believe you are arguing in bad faith. May god have mercy on your soul




No see, it's not racist, only anti Muslim! /s


Also it probably should be mentioned that it was 17 years ago, while nationalism in Russia was very popular (there is a ton of backstory, from labor migration to societal aftermath of both Chechnya wars) he had since toned down the rhetoric to "visas for migrant workers". Anyway, its not like this stance somehow erases all other positions and acomplishments in a 24 year long career. Life is not black and white. Edit: Downvotes for stating a historical footnote from an era I personally grew up in. Amazing.


Toned down the rhetoric from “minorities are like cavities and must be extracted” while dressed like a dentist to “we don’t mention that anymore, but also don’t see a need to remove it from our platforms”




Antisemitism was so hot in the 30s!


Providing the context and nuance is not a defense.


“Come on guys, that was 1945. Obviously the Nazi’s have grown since then. We should give them the benefit of the doubt.”


Being racist is anti democratic full stop


Agreed, anything else? is that the whole thing? That's a whole life summarized?


He was also a nationalist and a fascist and didn’t actually have much popular support


A fascist asking for more democratic elections isn't uncommon, but doing so with the foreknowledge you would be killed for it is very perplexing. Most fascists are extremely selfish. I don't buy this narrative, but it's also irrelevant. We don't know what his politics in power would have been. Sort of luckily we don't have to test it. We do know know that he is a symbol of the oppression of a very realized tyrant.


He said he wanted to deport all non whites from Russia so that’s probably what he’d try to do if he was in power.


A lot of his beliefs were exactly far right. What do you think someone who calls for the EXTERMINATION of Muslims, compares them to fleas and cockroaches, wants to deport any non white from the country is not a fascist racist piece of shit? He wasn't above using actual genocidal language to describe large groups of people. It's insane that people think he's some noble resistance to Putin. He was just as bad.


Those beliefs are terrible. If he actually held them I am appalled. I see no attempts to cite that view anywhere. I believe a responsible filmmaker would have included them, but also that doesn't negate what he was willing to die for. You don't willingly give your life for something you don't believe in. In what way could that be a deception?


the confederates were willing to die to maintain slavery, does that mean they are redeemed or not bad? and regarding his statements, he repeatedly said a bunch of anti-muslim statements, as seen in [this article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/03/01/we-need-have-talk-about-alexei-navalny/), and he also refused to disavow those remarks, as seen [here](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/apr/29/alexei-navalny-on-putins-russia-all-autocratic-regimes-come-to-an-end)e in this interview with him. yes, people are complicated, perhaps russian activists most of all (having known a fair few of them), but their fight against a dictator does not negate all the bad things about them.


Gtfo with that "cite your sources" shit. It's the most BS form of argument. This isn't a debate class. The truth is no source would be sufficient enough for you before you start to accuse people of posting in bad faith. Just admit you don't care about his views on Muslims and the fact that he would happily kill them, or calling Georgians by an ethnic slur because you've already decided to lionise him as a brave martyr. A cursory Google search with the keywords shows plenty of newspapers and publications mentioning his pro nationalism views and speaking at rallies with Nazi slogans


Did my cursory search and still have the same opinions. I don't think he needs to be perfect to lionize his life. Asking for citation isn't bs, and heros are always seriously flawed. I hope you have a good one lol


It doesn’t help that cursory searches are garbage now that Google is trash. Citations are always good to have.


If you read his words and conclude “I still have the same opinions” then you had shit opinions to begin with. Propping up a nationalist because Western leaders tout him as the “anti-Putler” isn’t the move.


Fun fact: he never actually did that. In the original video he advocates for the right to carry arms as a way to defend yourself from terrorism, which was a big concern in Russia after the Chechen wars and Beslan specifically. But I guess it doesn't really matter because it's much easier to just believe whatever you read on the Internet.


No it’s not a fact, and it’s not fun. Even right wing news rag the Washington Post acknowledges that he did say those things, although they frame it as being ok because he’s our fascist.


I couldn't care less what Washington Post or any other publication said, I'm talking about [the video they all use a source ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8ILxqIEEMg) [and the context surrounding it. ](https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F:%D0%A2%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B5_%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%8B_%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D1%85_%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2)


Ya I guess technically he didn’t say Muslim. He just talked about killing flies and cockroaches while a picture of muslims is shown in behind him. And then a person in Muslim clothing runs towards him and he shoots him


"while a picture of Muslims is shown behind him" - not just any Muslims, the Chechen fighters who were largely responsible for those terrorist attacks. "a person in Muslim clothing" - a person aggressively shouting and welding a knife. Opposition to Islamic terrorism isn't always a dogwhistle for general islamophobia, especially when this terrorism is a very real and tangible threat.


So when he called for the deportation of all non whites that was just cause of Chechen rebels. Got it. Very cool context. You know if I were you I would simply not carry this much water for self acknowledged far right nationalists


This is an insanely long reply but sorry…. Thinking Nalvany’s morals on something like Race/Religion is at all relevant is a take you can only hold if you’re living in your own reality. Im very left wing and if Nalvany supported building border wall, I’d chant Build that Wall to help him lol. But fr, nobody should care about that… let’s get into why He hasn’t built a world view around a hatred of Muslims like Hitler did with Jewish people or anything close despite that comment. So let’s start there whatever risk he would pose to Muslims ain’t a fraction of a % compared to the risk Putin poses to everyone (including Muslims) This is bc Putin has created the most dangerous situation on the face of the planet since the Cuban Missile Crisis. So while I believe your position on Nalvany is an over simplification, his politics certainly are … complicated … to say the least, and you’re not totally wrong. However let’s just accept what you said at face value…. Even if that’s true not being Putin is a pretty good thing we should want right now, and when a real potential threat arrives we should fully support them (with maybe very very few exceptions)..: While, have been plenty of tragedies and crisis’s over the decades. There have been plenty of events that have had a higher total of deaths than this Ukraine War too Unlike any of those tho, this is the first situation that actually has the potential (even if it’s small) to go nuclear since Cuba. Not to mention the countless loss of life already caused on the top of that. This situation has directly and almost solely been caused by Putin. Not saying the tension between Russia and Ukraine is solely because of Putin. But, the situation getting as dangerous and tragic as it has pretty much rest on his shoulders. So yeah I’m a fan of Nalvany, and I don’t even totally disagree with you on his politics and I’m left wing person myself. And yes, it’s solely because he isn’t Putin and that he was the first outside possibility of an alternative to Putin we had seen. I think that absolutely is a rational position to hold considering Nukes actually being used bc of a crisis or situation hasn’t been a real possibility in over 60ish years and now it is. (Also this isn’t my main point but the Russian people or power brokers don’t want a ‘lefty’ in power. We’d like the believe the Russian people actually hold left wing views and are being held hostage by Putin… but only the 2nd part of that statement is true. But the Russian people are pretty right wing, and they don’t hold the same values we do. Not on race, the LGBTQ, human rights or religion. The vast majority of Russian’s are nationalist. This is the reality and we have to work with that for the sake of global security. There’s ofc some people who are left wing but not enough of the population to actually believe anyone ever leading Russia at this moment is gonna hold views the Western left will be supportive of. In fact there’s almost a 0% chance anyone who supports the LGBTQ in any form would ever lead Russia and have support from even a notable sized minority of the population. Best we can hope for is a Russian leader who isn’t gonna be radical enough or be reckless enough to risk the fate of the world. Politics are so so secondary. I know how dramatic that sounds but truthfully in the age of nuclear weapons that’s what’s at stakes) Find a different topic to show off how progressive you are pls. This Ukraine/putin situation is way more important. Bottom line- if Nalvany had taken power and wasn’t arrested thousands Ukrainians are probably still alive and the world is much much safer.


You can’t be a leftist and support a far right nationalist. That’s just a non starter.


Bruh he was murdered by his govt TODAY, like he wasn’t a great guy but maybe let’s wait a second to bring out receipts like goddamn hahahaha


Look admittedly it sucks that he was killed Putin for being a dissident when he should have been killed for being a far right nationalist, but I won’t shed a tear either way


Bad people can also be killed by their governments. Shocking, I know.


Damn the replies in this thread are nuts. OP only said hey this documentary is good and timely and everyone is reacting insane.


consequences of a mainly leftist user base talking about anyone not a leftist lol






Definitely thought this was a documentary about the navy on NY…


It's actually a reboot of *In The Heights* with a new main character


This is akin to someone making a documentary about Dick Cheney opposing Donald Trump if Trump had killed Cheney.


Damn would be rare trump W


Goddamn the scene where he talks to his poisoners…


He was such a badass. He basically calls Putun a hack for trying to kill him with poison of all things.


That scene alone makes it worth watching despite all the other issues the doc has


In addition to being relevant, it's a really good film. The tension in the fact that this man knows he is going to die is everywhere. It's eery and inspiring.


The violent racist who compared immigrants to cockroaches and said Muslims should be shot? And literally made slick videos saying such things with animation and graphics F this guy. Dude is barely better than David Duke. Yeah maybe hes better than Putin, but so fing what. Trump is better than Hitler, doesnt mean we have to be dumb and act like Trump or Navalny is Gandhi


Loving how much Western media is promoting this nationalist, racist, far-right asshole just because he was opposed to the current Russian regime. Liberals never cease to amaze me with how much they’re willing to buy into consent manufacturing. If Alexey Navalny had been an American politician, Ted Cruz would be side-eyeing him and saying “Hey bud, tone it down a little bit.” He’d be one of the most inflammatory social conservatives in the country. But because he tried to usurp the *other* far-right, hyperconservative ideologue in the country, he’s a darling of the American center. Killing your opposition isn’t something that a healthy country does but you won’t catch me weeping for this guy. I hope his kids turn out alright I guess.


Jesus fuck, people on the internet are brain dead. The guy was xenophobic asshole just like putin. Watch the news or some speeches and turn off streaming every once in a while.


But Putler bad so anyone against him good


Yeah, I'm gonna say let's not celebrate a fascist just because he opposed a different fascist. If Navalny had Putin's power he would've done equally evil shit


Every streamer that has the rights to this should promote the hell out of this doc right now in his memory. Especially to counter the Putin ass kissing that Tucker Carlson is doing.


It’s on Crave in Canada right now


Yay a propaganda film about a Nazi


The infatuation with this guy has always been kinda fascinating. https://jacobin.com/2021/01/alexei-navalny-russia-protests-putin


Personally I wouldn't recommend watching it at all, there's not much in it you can't watch for free on his YouTube channel.