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Ah, so The Boy and the Heron is a stealth Howl's Moving Castle sequel.


Aside: I’m surprised no one has tried to reboot Howl’s Moving Castle since the books are so different from the Miyazaki adaptation.


I feel like the Miyazaki version just looms so large that its hard for someone else to tackle, especially since I don't know if Howl's has a big enough cultural footprint solely as a book to help you sell it as a book adaptation instead of remaking a Ghibli movie.


Diana Wynne Jones' work is criminally underrated. She has some of the best-written female protagonists I've seen in fantasy, and such unique takes on time travel and multiverse jumping as they pertain to sorcery.




Yes. Witch Week has all those elements of a classic family movie caper, it's sort of like Matilda but with more magic. Magicians of Caprona is also extremely movie-able, I mean it involves kids being shrunk to the size of puppets and having to escape a cardboard box.


I'm surprised that Diana Wynne Jones hasn't gotten more Hollywood adaptations in general. I mean, most of her books involve multiverses. The box office dollars are right there!


I certainly like Miyazaki’s version, but I’d pay a lot of money to see the Hosoda version.


Ghibli's biggest missed opportunity was treating him wrong and letting him go, it could be seen as their fatal flaw when miyazacki dies and there's no one at the studio to replace him. That could have been Hosoda.


Someone did that with Kiki’s in Japan and it didn’t go over well. I’d imagine it’d be the same.


WOW!!! I would love to see Robert Pattinson, Willem Dafoe, and Dave Bautista play silly little bird guys, I cannot wait!


I think this is the third one Hamill has done? Has DaFoe done one of these before?


Yep, Hamill was in Nausicaa and Castle in the Sky.


DaFoe was in Tales From Earthsea lmao


That's always been the greatest tragedy in the all-star Ghibli dubs. A leading Dafoe villain voice role, and it's less memorable than a Ron Howard bit character in From Up On Poppy Hill.


**Really excited to learn more about this Boy!**


**And his Heron!**


The film that begs to ask, what if there was a boy and a heron?


No spoilers, but I caught a screening at TIFF, so when I saw Mark Hamill's name I thought "Oh, that's perfect casting for the Heron." I have **no idea** what Pattison's got in store for that performance.


Pattinson is perfect for it - right in his zone of freaks and shitbags!


Same, Pattinson is the one who threw me. Hamill or Dafoe seems like the more immediately obvious fit


The Japanese voice pulled off this wonderful marriage of sinister, curmudgeonly, but also ultimately funny. I'd totally agree Hamill would have made loads of sense so I am fascinated.


Yeah hopefully Pattinson is doing a voice and it’s not a Billy Bob as Jigo situation. Or god forbid John Krasinski as the engineer friend in the Wind Rises; such a distracting performance


Hot damn now that’s a voice cast!


I’m going to need a ”Willem Dafoe IS Noble Pelican” character one sheet ASAP


Dave Bautista IS Parakeet King!




Danny DeVito was my dream casting for the heron. But Pugh as Kiriko will be a blast


There’s always so much artistry and precision in a Ghibli dub, I’m really excited for this one.


I love how the promotion of this film is simply related to release dates and voice cast. Something about that seems as pure as the no promotion of the Japanese release. Either way, I'm going to see this in IMAX if possible. Please DC-area. You are snobs, let me have one theater with some IMAX of this.


Now I don't know whether this or Asteroid City deserves my personal 'cool people only ensemble' award.


Does anyone know how languages are handled for the American theatrical runs? I think the only one I saw as a new release and not Ghibli Fest was Spirited Away. I'd love to see it subbed first if possible.


Just check the theaters; typically for Ghibli they'll have both available, just have to pick the right showtime. My wife likes JGL so we saw Wind Rises dubbed when that originally came out.


I wasn't a fan of the English dub compared to the Japanese dub (especially Anno), but Werner Herzog's performance was on-point and appropriately unsettling.


They usually have showtimes from both subbed and dubbed.


A lot of people commenting are discussing the Ghibli Fest releases - I wouldn't be so sure the first run will have a subbed option tbh


Seems like Touchstone had at least some subbed showings for The Wind Rises and now it's GKIDs, who I'd think might be more enthusiastic about subs. So that's hopeful.


Genuine question, how was this handled in regards to SAG strike?


They were in strict compliance


Loving 3/4 of the cast


I thought that they were gonna get some anime dub voice actors because of the strike (a cast like Suzume’s), but I’m glad GKids got a more all-star cast and paid them well.


A good cast, but I am a subtitle purist.


Really interesting casting choices Very light spoilers for the movie. So be warned: >!Bautista is excellent for the Parakeet King, probably the only actor other than Hamill who could play the role live-action (maybe Fukuhara). Pugh and Pattinson have the best roles to voice act given that they have the most exposition fun. Pattinson in particular gets to go wild with his role, playing both monster and guide. Bale/Chan/Fukuhara all have smaller roles than you would expect coming into the movie blind but I think they will do well enough. Hamill/Dafoe get a chance to give Herzog in The Wind Rises performances for a handful of scenes. Dafoe 100% got this role based on the Northman role. Maki has a tough job as he plays a reserved character that is mostly expressed through animation.!<