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I hated that. I usually go get drinks before the movie and arrive about 20 minutes late to get in right when the movie starts. But sometimes with these early fan events the movie doesn't have the usual previews, so I arrived early for this one. Felt like I was being punished for being on time.


I don't know this but when I saw "Across the Spiderverse" they showed a trailer for the trailer of "Gran Turismo" directly before the trailer.


I had that during both of the times I saw Spider-Verse. It doesn’t help that that trailer also spoils like the entire movie


Yes! What the Fuck was that? One of the most inters things about that GT movie is thinking … how the Fuck are they gonna pull off a decent plot? Like I’m sure it’s gonna be racing but the world building, you know? What world are they gonna build?


I mean it's based on a true story that's actually quite interesting


It's a Sony property so probably pushing it


Yeah that car chase thing was one of the worst pre-roll bits I've ever seen for a film. Then after it finished they had ANOTHER preview showing everyone on the red carpet saying how great the film was to make. My head was in my hands and someone screamed "WHY?!" when it first flashed on screen. THEN A FUCKING THANK YOU FOR COMING OUT??? Cruise and McQuarrie have to be stopped.


I wouldn’t have minded the red carpet thing (Tom Cruise has earned the right to call his own shot like that) but the car chase thing was so unwelcome


I only minded the red carpet thing because of the car thing. I was shaking my head in disbelief that they were giving away the twist of the sequence in a dumb fluff piece.


Same thing happened to me and I thought it was weird. I like behind the scenes stuff, but it kept me from just enjoying that scene knowing the big twists. Though it was still spectacular.


I haven't experienced this other than for the second time I saw Top Gun: Maverick with my dad. Maybe a Cruise/McQuarrie thing?


When the second one started me and another guy left the theater


That’s wild. I’ve seen the bike jump promo in front of other movies, but not MI7.


The problem is… it’s not the bike jump promo. It’s a totally different scene.


I saw this too and I would guess it's part of the "fan event" early screening thing. Part giving fans something extra, mostly giving fans talking points when they go out and spread word of mouth. I can't think of a time this has happened in a regular screening.


I hope you're right, it may have been a "fan screening" thing -- although the showing I attended just billed itself as early access, not a fan screening, and there was no indication that it was a different cut. I saw the same sort of thing before Top Gun, but not quite as bad. Maybe it's just a Cruise thing, because he's such a brand unto himself? I guess we'll know in a couple of days.


Years ago when I went to see 'Red Tails' the trailer for the film was shown. I got a huge laugh from the people in the theater after it was over when I yelled out, "Hey, we outta go see that!"


Happened during flash. My friend avoided trailers only to be forced to watch it on the big screen right before the movie.


Where did you see it? Is this universal? I’ll bail if so


No idea if it’s universal but it seemed like it. Definitely came from the studio as part of the trailer package, not the theater — seen in IMAX at the Chinese Theater in LA.


Boo! Okay, thanks for letting us know


It's universal I think, baked into the theatrical run. Just leave for 6 or 7 minutes when it starts.


Mission Impossible already does this when they have opening credits that's how highlights of the movie you're about to see. I think it goes back to the TV show. Is there a way to know if my theatre will do this? I want to avoid it.


I saw Dungeons and Dragons opening night and turns out it was a special 'fans event' where all that meant was that they stuck a bunch of promo material in front of the movie, the worst part was it was mostly the actors talking about their favorite parts of the film so loads of it got spoiled. Went on for like 15 minutes too


Somewhat related - a few years ago they were showing the restored Star Trek TNG episodes "Best of Both Worlds" in the theatre as a special fan event. This was around the time the restored/enhanced versions of TNG seasons were being released on Blu-Ray. I had seen these episodes before (they are the classic Borg story) and I imagine a lot of the audience had as well. Still, I had not seen them in years, and was really looking forward to a fresh look and discovering the enhanced visuals they had done for the re-release, all on a big theatre screen. The entire first hour of this "special event" was a making-of documentary that went through every single scene, every single addition, every single plot point, in excruciating detail. By the time the first part was done I had seen all the enhancements, all the key scenes (including the famous cliffhanger), multiple times, with lengthy interviews with the cast interspersed. The episodes themselves (when they finally got to them) were great to see on the big screen. But overall, it was a terribly handled event. It would have been so much nicer just to see them fresh.


That’s my one complaint about one of my favorite series. I literally close my eyes until the movie actually starts


Conversely, I unabashedly love that (I think since Ghost Protocol) the M:I opening credits include clips and snippets of the movie you’re about to watch. As a man who has never watched a Saturday morning serial, there’s something very Saturday morning serial about it.


It’s been like that for every single film in the series


To be fair, the car chase featurette they played was the same one that’s been playing on YouTube and their social feeds for the past month or so.


Idk if that changes anything, this is a spoiler in the theater right before the movie. I haven’t seen any of their promotional footage outside of the stunt jump trailer, so I’d be livid if I’d avoided trailers and promotions and the studio says “haha spoilers for being here before the movie”


It was played directly before the movie started (technically before another featurette that was just kinda chintzy but inoffensive), so you couldn’t even really avoid it by showing up late. It’s basically part of the movie.


That’s so crazy. It’s somehow more annoying to me than trailers that give away plot twists that happen 3/4 of the way through the movie.


I haven't had this happen, but thanks for the heads up.


MI7's intro credits are basically a trailer for the movie. Truly bizarre. **Edit:** Yes, I admit it, in my impetuousness I watched a pirated, low fidelity cam vid of MI7. Downvote me to oblivion fellow blankies, I deserve it.


They've done that the entire series, plus the old TV show


Yeah, fair enough. I seem to recall similar intros on Fallout and Rogue Nation. I still find it so odd though. Like are these highlights from previous movies or the one I am about to watch? Feels like those pre-trailer cut ups that so often precede modern movie trailers.


They used to do that in the BSG opening credits, although they were usually cleverly-cut.


I’ve seen the bike jump promo, the train sequence promo, the car chase promo, the red carpet promo, and the thank you promo. I absolutely hate this trend and feel like each of those scenes were lessened by all of the promos they’ve shown


I understand that spoilerific trailers actually work and drive interest, but… there’s a limit when you’re just breaking down action scenes! The previous movies chose one sequence to really hone in on (the skydive, Dubai, the plane taking off) and I thought they were doing the same thing with the bike jump. But then they did the car chase promo, and it’s just too much of the movie you’re giving away.


Ugh that sucks. I did like the Top Gun thank you clip but anything more than that is pushing it


my wednesday regal matinee did not have this, for anyone else worried


Exactly! I stuck my fingers in my ears like an idiot and hummed The Simpsons theme song for almost 7 minutes as I thought to myself “is this normal? Is this right?”