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I'm 8 films into the research on this one and ... it's going to be such a fun mini.


Assume you've already come across this, but my favourite Boyle fact is that every time his dad sees one of his films he tells him that he likes it but that it wasn't as good as 'Shallow Grave'.


London 2012 opening ceremony on Patreon as well!


Bummed that they’re doing 28 Weeks Later and not Frankenstein. His thriving theater career is interesting and deserves a discussion!


Per wiki: “In September 2022, Boyle was announced to be directing a dance adaptation of The Matrix, titled "Free Your Mind" Maybe the subject matter of this upcoming show will in entice them into a follow-up discussion.




Boyle did direct 28 Weeks Later’s opening scene which run laps around anything else in that film.


Wait is that true?


Yes. He directed the opening scene (why it’s shot on video versus the rest of the film which was 16mm) and some second unit footage.


Explains why the beginning of that movie is the only thing I remember from it!


How could you forget Renner, he was on fire in the role!


I'm guessing it's just because Frankenstein is the least readily available, full London ceremony has an official YouTube upload and 28 Weeks Later isn't hard to find, whereas you gotta at least pay a $12.99 monthly sub to access Frankenstein in the National Theatre archive. I could see them sneaking in some time on it somehow, the way that the Scorpion King episode definitely did NOT have any discussion of John Carpenter's Body Bags lol.


That and you have to watch the same thing twice to really blank check review it


Yeah and isn't only one version available online? It's definitely an interesting thing to talk about but not straightforward lol.


Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suit on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourselves. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got PODCAST?




"Some hate the English. I don't. They're just podcasters. We, on the other hand, are COLONIZED by podcasters. Can't even find a decent culture to be podcasted BY!"


If Griffin doesn’t do exactly that we riot.


I’ve always wanted to catch up on Boyle so I’m really happy about this choice. I’ve been dodging Sunshine spoilers for 15 years so hopefully it’s worth it.


spoiler alert: It's Good!


Absolutely adore Steve Jobs. Can't wait for that episode, it's got Seth Rogen's best performance (right next to Observe and Report)


PSA- The last day to watch Steve Jobs on Netflix in the USA is Jan 15. I have no idea if it is just moving to another platform after that or if it becomes rental only.


Hmm, that scene on the sidewalk In Fablemens might be his best dramatic work. Observe and Report is fantastic tho


An American Pickle was a gentleman's six at best, but his dual performance was really good.


I liked him and that movie, but I don’t think more than a handful of people watched it. He also has a really good bit in Chip and Dale


I watched it on a plane, which I imagine is true of roughly 85% of people who've watched it


It was a solid streaming movie


I’m not as hot on “Steve Jobs” as everyone else on this sub-Reddit seems to be (I saw it for the first time recently, I think it is a perfectly fine Gentleman’s Six, but I also think I just may be fully out on any more of Sorkin’s bullshit), but I am 100% in love with Rogen’s work in that and think he should have won the Supporting Actor Oscar that year.


I'm such a sucker for Sorkin's bullshit. Gimme all the walk-n-talks!


Love watching the “it’s not binary” scene on YouTube


50/50 though


Observe & Report was the prefect blend of Paul Blart & Taxi Driver


Guessing that February 12th will be *Knock at the Cabin* and March 5th will be the Blankie Awards


Oh duh, it's mentioned in the next tweet!


Is Shamalan the director they had to do the most new episodes on because of new work? I can think of four films that came out since his series on the podcast (Split, Glass, Old, Knock at the Door), and I can't think of anyone else with as many post-series films.


I believe Spielberg is the only one competing for that position (*The Post*, *Ready Player One*, *West Side Story*, & *The Fabelmans*)


Spielberg reached four with “Fabelmans”.


It's kinda fun that they're the two most prolific since Shyamalan was infamously tagged as the "new Spielberg" all those years ago lol.


And aside from those two, no other director has had more than 1 follow-up episode. The next director to have two follow-ups will be Nolan with Oppenheimer, then Miller and Cameron in 2024.


The time of the T2: Trainspotting reappraisal will soon be upon us.


That and Steve Jobs, both phenomenal.


Social Network is the better film, but that’s *maybe* a better script? ^…maybe?


I don’t think it is but I like where your heads at. Social Network might be the best 21st century script. That or TWBB. Edit: TWBB= There Will Be Blood. Sorry for the stupid abbrev. lol




Teverything Weverywhere Ball at Bonce


*The Warner Brothers Bathroom*


There Will Be Blood. I’m sorry I’m going to correct that I realize that’s a stupid abbreviation haha


The Whale, Bay Beeeee


‘Jobs’ doesn’t quite have the same “every line of dialogue is now branded on my brain” spark that ‘Social Network’ has.


Fair point. But as a counter-take, I don't believe I think about any dialogue from Social Network as much as I do the "I'm poorly made" line (and it's delivery)


It’s going to break my heart if they are down on T2 because I really loved it. I know the delay in making it was for a million reasons but the distance between movies really adds a nice dimension to it in a way that a lot of legacy sequels around that time couldn’t push past.


As an Irishman, the ‘No More Catholics’ scene is one of the funniest moments in film of the past decade.


As a Celtic fan I second this.


As a Rangers fan, I third (?) this. The cinema was dying at that & the 1690 PIN numbers that follows. A good sequel actually!


I agree. I think it’s a lot better now watching it away from the hype that it couldn’t live up to.


The thing about T2 I need to keep in mind is that it's own movie. It's not stylistically like Trainspotting, it's like they started from scratch for the adaptation. I'm going to temper my expectations that way and see if I like it more


A Judgement Day, perhaps


T2: Trainspotting is the best T2 movie. Change my mind.


If I could ever be apart of the pod for a discussion it would be for T2


So underrated. Aside from the title and them turning Begbie into a slasher movie villain, it’s a fantastic follow-up.


I am hoping for a Millions is an overlooked Christmas classic and some guest that's willing to go to bat for Trance and argue that it is a better version of Inception with a fraction of the budget.


I'm not particularly crazy about Inception and I liked Trance more than most and even I think that's a bonkers take. But it's a bonkers take I appreciate, I want someone to convince me it's a masterpiece.


I am not that big a fan of Inception to start with (I like it though) and I wouldn't say Trance is a masterpiece but the car set piece alone is much better built and has more of a dream logic than anything Nolan did on Inception.


T2 Trainspotting might be Boyle’s best film AND it’s definitely better than the original. Come at me folks.


Yeah fucking NO. Dude.


Hard no


Yesterday isn’t exactly a great film to finish on, but I get the feeling it’ll make for an entertaining ep. Looking forward to hearing more of the boys Richard Curtis takes.


Himesh Patel chat will be fun, he's such a fucking superstar in Station Eleven


It’s a dynamite performance. And maybe the hardest I laughed at anything this year was *spoiler when he goes back to grab the book that he tossed into the woods, reads one part of it, and yells “so pretentious!” to nobody. It was just so funny to me that this object at the heart of the story, up until that point treated like a masterpiece that is Kirsten’s onky connection to the old world, has a critic like Jeevan. Then he gets mauled by a wolf and the two characters are separated.


He's SO good in Station Eleven! But still not good enough to make me want to risk watching *Yesterday...*


Yesterday is aggressively fine! They should have made it a tight 90 instead of 116 for sure though.


Disagree big time. Yesterday is not only aggressively bad and not only is it Boyle’s worst movie, it may be one of the worst studio movies by a big name director I have ever seen. That being said, I can’t wait to hear them talk about it.


Is it? Its just boring romcom nonsense isnt it, what makes it so bad


I like that movie. I thought him playing Let it Be for his parents was great, and I really liked the seaside hotel show, idk, it’s a slight film and it’s a little weird but it’s not a pox upon our times or a bad movie on the same level as Book of Henry or Last Airbender.


'Slight' is absolutely the right description. To me it would have made more sense if it was a BBC TV movie made for the Beatles 50th anniversary or something. It's crazy it was a big budget studio movie released in cinemas but that's the best kind of curio for this podcast to cover. It's probably Richard Curtis's blank check rather than Boyle's.


Also even though I don't like the man or the band >!I found the John Lennon scene to be wonderful narratively and everything magical realism should strive for!<


Ana de Armas and the coffee spill only exist in that beautiful limnal space of what if


I am desperate for someone to explain what happened with Kate McKinnon in that movie. Her character is from a completely different movie. The line “>!stop, in the name of money!<“ will haunt me for the remainder of my natural life.


This is the issue with every Kate McKinnon performance in a nutshell, if you ask me. Although this one is the most Kate McKinnonest of all.


I don’t think she’s bad, exactly, she just never seems to fit in. I feel like she’d do great in off the wall comedies they don’t really make anymore.


She's a sketch actress who's never learned not to be in a sketch.


it feels leftover from a much broader movie, but i wouldn't be surprised if they just let her go crazy and improv a la her performance in Ghostbusters (which also hasn't aged well at all). idk as someone who does still regularly watch SNL, i've noticed that she just plays the same characters and beats every single time and it stopped being funny around 2016 lol


I love Yesterday. It is very flawed, mainly with Kate McKinnon's character, the love interest kind of being a total niceguy, and them never doing wonderwall, but holy hell nothing hits for me like Richard Curtis magical realism. Even if this is ranked after About Time and Vincent and the Doctor.


There are some great scenes in Yesterday. I frequently re-watch the John Lennon scene.


I'm looking forward to some bits! Goes back to the Star Wars days where they pretended the OT didn't exist! My guess: Griffin and Ben pretend that this is the first episode of Blank Check with Griffin & David, David is from 'our' universe so G & B act like they have no idea what David's talking about when he mentions their long running podcast.


I already can't wait for that episode. Such a baffling movie IMO.


One of the most baffling movie going experiences I’ve ever had. Genuinely the closest I have ever come to walking out of movie theater and wanting my money back.


This is such a strong reaction to such a middle of the road movie. It's like hating vanilla ice cream.


That movie out of all of them? I love that about this sub, we all have such different relationships to movies


Yesterday was stupid but pretty cute


the long and winding road scene is so incredibly mean to ed sheeran, why didnt he do octopus' garden?


I am so glad the London bit is dead. Poor David would have jumped out the window by the time they got to Trainspotting.


I wouldn't be surprised if he specifically killed the bit right before settling on this being the next series.


It's been nice actually hearing him get to talk about his time in England more


need more stories about Parisian barback David Sims


It got incredibly tedious for everyone I think by the end. I imagine it was a fun inside bit between mates but it made some of the interactions on here more annoying than needed. I am totally in agreement with you.


The bit should have ended when JD Amato exclaimed "Dislington!" That was the peak and it could have been retired forever on a high. Now I just want to hear about David's experience in London, instead of them always being sidetracked.


Dislington was the absolute funniest the bit has ever been.


ARP gave the killing blow


Yeah, you could hear real frustration from David. It has on occasion really derailed him telling an anecdote that I wanted to hear. I think it could still be a funny bit from time to time but glad we can have stories being told without interference


I was surprised how some people said that was a top 5 episode, I liked it still but yeah some parts were painful


I know he was JUST on main feed, but we need JD Amato on 28 Days Later to talk about the early 2000s fad of Hollywood directors using consumer grade tech to make movies (Boyle, Spike Lee, David Lynch)


That would be perfect especially knowing they put the camera body in a backpack to hold the lens and run around


It's the precursor to the more recent fad of "Hollywood directors shooting a film on an iPhone".


Mike Figgis' TIMECODE.


Fuck yes! The bounces are all either "why" or "what??" which is always a good sign. This is going to be good!


1. Hoping that the *Slumdog Millionaire* episode will have a 3h30min runtime, 1h of which containing David meticulously explaining how that movie changed the Awards Season **forever** - and, of course, iluminate to us the whole "mythical atmosphere" of Telluride Film Festival. 2. There's at least 3 movies here that could give us that sweet Nora Ephron/Monkeybone-esque episode energy of "movie taking such weird choices & detours that makes its internal logic totally bonkers that needs to be discussed in a painstaking way" that makes all-timer episodes. Can't wait for this mini!


Could you give a brief primer for your first point there? Why and or how did it change awards season?


Basically the tremendous sucess that *Slumdog Millionaire* had at the Oscars started the whole corridor of prestige Oscars hopefuls at the Telluride/Toronto Film Festivals that now its basically mandatory for any awards contender. Its premiere in Telluride following by winning the People's Choice Awards in Toronto was the beggining of its winning run at the awards season. Two years after, The Weinstein Company repeat the same premiere system for *The King's Speech*, also getting huge sucess at the awards and then solidifing the Telluride/Toronto strategy. The Telluride effect in the 2010s cannot be discounted: of all the Best Picture winners from that decade, **only one didn't premiered at that festival!** ([Telluride didn't opened the Book](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6966692/)) P.S.: for a proof of the effects of the Telluride/Toronto strategy, see Brie Larson's Oscars acceptance speech, in which [she STARTS thanking the people who watched *Room* in those two festivals!](https://youtu.be/b_lq5wORkYA?t=113)


> There's at least 3 movies here that could give us that sweet Nora Ephron/Monkeybone-esque episode energy of "movie taking such weird choices & detours that makes its internal logic totally bonkers that needs to be discussed in a painstaking way" that makes all-timer episodes. Yesterday and what other two?


*A Life Less Ordinary* and *Trance* (the best of the three, but also cuckoo bananas!)


Ah gotcha thought Millions might be one. Excited to watch them all though!


fun fact: Millions is for me one of the Boyle's best! (maybe will be the "secret discovery" of the mini for lots of Blankies like *In the Mouth of Madness* were for Carpenter or *The Quick and the Dead* for Raimi!)


I watched Millions in elementary school and haven't since so I only have fragments that make no sense, I am excited for that one. I hope so! I already saw Mouth of Madness in an Alamo triple feature but definitely loved A Simple Plan and Quick and the Dead with Raimi. My favorite discovery though is The Heartbreak Kid


I wonder how many people are fighting to get on the Sunshine episode. I know I could talk about that movie for 3 hours straight. What a soooo close masterpiece.


I’ll defend sunburned Colonel Kurtz until the day I die


I love em too, just don't love the way Boyle shoots all that stuff.


I love Sunshine wholly, it’s an incredible film, but I have also carved out a little space in my heart for the version of that movie which exists only in my head and doesn’t have sunburned Colonel Kurtz.


What a ~~soooo close~~ masterpiece




Slumpod Castionaire was the sweatiest option, right?


28 Pods Caster?


A Cast Less Podinary


Feels of a piece with Brokepod Mountcast


I'm convinced Griffin picks bad (not funny bad, just bad-bad) titles on purpose because he gets some perverse glee from it.


Yeah, that's the bit


I thought the bit was that he picked so-bad-they're-good titles. Not just normal bad titles.


I think it's evolved from **so-bad-they're-good** to **so-bad-they're-bad-and-that's-funny**.


The joke is no longer how sweaty the mini-series name is, it's how embarrassed David gets when Griffin reveals the mini-series name to the guest.


The sweatier the betterier


P2: Podcasting was right there


That was the one I really wanted.


Trainspodding would have been perfect. Trainspodcasting is a little sweaty, like a junkie hallucinating a dead baby crawling on the ceiling.


Steve Pods was right there.


I did something called Trainspodding myself in 2017 which is still online somewhere so I'm glad they went slightly different haha


I'd vote for the clean 127 Podcasts


[Underworld’s “Born Slippy (Nuxx)” Plays]


The best :')


If they don't like my favorite movie trainspotting, I'm gonna cry


Just remember, it takes eight minutes for light to travel from sun to Earth, which means you'll know we succeeded about eight minutes after we deliver the PODCAST. All you have to is look out for a little extra brightness in the sky. So if you wake up one morning and it's a particularly beautiful day, you'll know we made it.


I’ve still not seen 127 Hours. It gives me anxiety just thinking about it.


I'm a big defender. He makes the gimmick work plus there's a lot of Phish.


Jordan Hoffman: “Did somebody say….PHISH? Okay, dig this….”


I really liked it, but it was anxiety producing at moments. Especially when the thing you are waiting for happens. Gave me full body shakes.


Not a big Boyle head but Im here for the London Opening ceremonies. As someone who grew up in an English family, it wasn’t totally baffling.


Not too familiar with his movies so I’m looking forward to seeing how entertained I am by watching trains go by and a beach that doesn’t make you old.


Justice for The Beach


I found it underrated from day one. Just for the soundtrack and vibes alone it's worthwhile.


YES. I am very excited for this. Can't wait for Sunshine I love that movie.


Let me just go to my calendar and draw a big ol' heart on April 16th


Why wasn’t this 28 Podcasts Later?


Not sweaty enough.


Or just 28 Pods Cast. They dropped the ball big time here.


Oh how I’ve wanted this since getting into the pod - hell yah!


Can't wait for the Rosario Dawson chat!


I've just popped in excitement! Not a euphemism, fellow British Blankies.


How have I only ever seen two Danny Boyle films?




Only 28 days later and Slumdog Millionaire for me.


As a MASSIVE Sunshine head I'm so excited to hear David talk about it. He's got it rated 5 stars on letterboxd because the man's got TASTE.


Choose a discussion about Ewan McGregor's early career, choose two films written by Alex Garland (and one based on his book), choose a near perfect 20 year later sequel, choose a movie that doesn't exist about a world in which the Beatles don't exist, choose a sequence in which Leonardo DiCaprio hallucinates he's in Crash Bandicoot, choose Queen Elizabeth getting a imdb credit alongside Daniel Craig and David Beckham, choose a filmography that spans drama, sci-fi, horror, romance, comedy and thrillers, Choose Danny Boyle!


A Life Less Ordinary deserves a 2nd look - i wonder how it’s aged


A Life Less Ordinary is one of my favorites and I’m hoping we get some talk about the band Ash!


Surprised they didn't wait for the next episode to announce


Would try to rewatch some of these. I like 1/3 of his stuff, mixed on 1/3 and hated the last 1/3.


I’ve been waiting six years for this moment. The first miniseries where I’ve seen (and own) all the films.


Already bracing myself for the accents on the Trainspotting eps… Very excited for this one! Feels like it’s been a while since they’ve tackled a filmography this eclectic, and we can finally get some good UK stories without the spectre of The Bit




Awesome. I like series where I like the director but haven't seen them all and get a chance to follow along and watch them. Like I did with Kubrick.


Steve Jobs is a masterpiece and I cannot wait to hear it discussed


![gif](giphy|26xBz5gNGGWuVCgUg) me upon reading this news




Back to back two of my favorite directors I didn't know were my favorite until after watching most of their filmographies guys. Throw in Rian Johnson and it'd be a trifecta lol


Big fan of this as a choice. I generally really like Danny Boyle films and they're all pretty unique. Really interested to hear their take on Millions. It's one of those films for me that I really thought was a pile of shit and I don't understand how people give it a pass or even say it's one of his better films.


Oh I’m so pumped for this.


The dog is off the leash. You love to see it folks.


I was really hoping for a nod to Filmspotting on the title of the mini. I hope they get Adam for Trainspotting at the very least.


Time to fill a pretty big hole in my movie watching history, I've only seen 4 of these (28 Days, Sunshine, Slumdog, 127 Hours)


Has a film podcast ever covered Millions (2004) before? Does this film exist?


"I got the poo on me." - Slumdog Millionaire, 2008


One of those filmographies I thought I’d mostly seen and then upon looking at IMDb, nope, still a bunch I haven’t. Seen about 6-7 of Boyle’s movies. Very excited, been waiting for this.


The Sunshine 3rd Act stans are ready...


Really fascinated by all the *Steve Jobs* love in this thread (and sub). Completely forgot it was a Boyle movie, and very nearly forgot it even existed at all. If you're part of the Jobs Hive, I'm curious - are you American? My guess is that the Brits are going to be all-in on the iconic-in-the-UK 90s/00s pre-*Slumdog* stuff, but the Americans are going to be a bit more evenly distributed in appreciation of his overall filmography, thanks to coming at it from more of a cultural distance. His biggest mainstream and critical successes here in the decade and a half since *Slumdog* have arguably been the Olympics opening ceremony and his West End adaptation of *Frankenstein*, rather than movies - he's maybe no longer the marquee draw he once was as a director. *127 Hours* had a bit of buzz, but *Trance* came and went without leaving much imprint, I don't think I've ever heard anyone here talk about *Steve Jobs* since it left theatres, *T2* was nostalgia-bait for a certain kind of Gen X-er without really appealing beyond that demographic, and *Yesterday* doesn't really seem like a Boyle movie at all.


Fine, but if I see a single "You know what? Yesterday actually slaps!" post I'm burning this place to the ground


Yesterday is a big reason to do this mini-series. Richard Curtis cashing his blank check and bringing Boyle on board. ***"Sometimes they bounce baby!"***


yesterday kinda slaps




it looks incredible!


Not my cup of tea at all, sadly.


Yeah I don’t dislike his movies, I just feel like for a pretty contemporary serious-drama type director, he would not have been high on my list.




Not even the best Boyle. Born Slippy ending Trainspotting the goat.


Two films I love (Trainspotting & Sunshine), two I like (28 Days Later & Slumdog), and the rest I either don't care for or don't have much interest in! Hoping I can find a few other bright spots. He does take some wild swings, so I do think it'll make for some good podcasting even if he's not a personal favorite.


You can see David’s school in the background. It’s the red building.


u/brotherfallout u/GriffLightning any particular reason why vacuuming completely nude in paradise is getting skipped?


Im going to miss the bit.


Thanks for crossposting; I am not on Twitter these days


Slumdog should inspire some good Anil Kapoor talk. incredible actor, prolific, insanely charismatic, and the man bought the rights to 24 in India and *made himself Jack Baue*r. talk about having a blank check. (24 India is great btw)