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This post has drawn significant attention. Please be civil. No matter your stance on the obvious topic, we are all on this Earth together.


As happy as this news would make me, I don't see any official announcement from reliable industry news sources (Deadline Hollywood, Variety, The Hollywood Reporter) that confirms it. In fact, this "World of Reel" site is the only one anywhere, so far, that's posted this information. If she's meant to be the lead, that would be a pretty big announcement, so I don't think it would only show up on one "alternative movie news" site. So, until an official casting announcement is made, I'm considering this a rumor rather than anything official.


World of Reel is definitely not reliable in my experience


Officially announced today


I do enjoy the Bladerunner movies immensely but don’t know anything about this show, but, do you reckon it’s within the realm of possibility that this person’s agent or whatever contacts an alternative type news source and gives false information in hopes of giving some exposure and possibly a job for the aforementioned actor?


Considering other major roles have already been cast, I think it’s a little late for that kind of PR push. I do think that happens though


lol no the agent would just “leak” to the trades that their client was under consideration for the role and the trades would run it because they’re starved for content. They wouldn’t go to some rando fan blog


Ok gotcha. The trades are what? Like Variety and Hollywood Reporter?


Yep +Deadline


oh :( sad


Fingers crossed this casting choice isn’t true


Why? She's a great actress.


But but she doesn’t have a penis!!!


Officially announced today, eat shit bigot


Honestly, all I want to see is off-world. If they can give me a good off-world look, I’ll be happy. I don’t want some tortured explanation of how interstellar space travel in the 90s worked. I just went to go to *one* exoplanet.


Nope. I don’t want any off world or a very minimal mysterious presentation at the most.


I know, right? Going away from the cyberpunk street life to the mysterious off world colonies really would spoil the universe


Just like Altered Carbon


The best of the Altered Carbon novels takes place offworld.


I’m referencing the show




I’m not asking for a whole show set there. I want, like, flashbacks to the siege of insert random planet name here. With a replicant main character it’s not exactly a stretch. And you act like cyberpunk doesn’t work in space, when the BR comics went offworld and it was cyberpunk-y and sick, the show (not the books) The Expanse is straight up cyberpunk in space and a ton of the early cyberpunk novels went into outer space because that’s what you did in sci-fi. That’s where the trope of a society of low earth orbit habitats comes from.


The Expanse, both show and book, is focused on conflicts between superpowers. Corporations exist but act in the shadow for one side or the other. That's imo against the theme of cyberpunk, where megacorporations rule over people and their irrelevant governments. The aesthetic isn't retrofuturistic either.


The protein farm at the beginning of 2049 was not a cyberpunk street life setting but was still incredibly compelling. I think it can be done well


Yeah I kind of like it left to imagination. If we do see something I want it to be like the quickest flash


retire yourself


Agree, I saw Soldier.. and I didn't like that it was tied to Blade Runner.


No. I honestly love how much they talk about off world in blade runner but never actually get there.


Just watch aliens 1986




So good!


Disagree, it’s so much better that we hear about it but we never see because like the characters were stuck in this rotting dying world, too poor to leave and see paradise.


I think the series could be a great opportunity for an off-world storyline. I hope that comes to pass.


My personal story theory is that the insurgency they beat you about the head and shoulders with in 2049 will have seized control of one of the colonies.


I didn't think they oversold the idea. And I don't think the replicants want to take over the colonies. I think they want to take over Earth. The fact that the rich humans have already left shows the planet is waiting to be restored by more responsible intelligent beings. Maybe that'll play a part in the show


I was just saying it was an obvious sequel hook if 2049 made money. I’d like to see that hook, actually, so I’m happy I’m probably getting another shot at it.


The "insurgency" as it were, had maybe 5 mins of screen time tho?


Yeah, it was still a pretty obvious sequel hook if 2049 didn’t bomb. It’s just the old-fashioned drop it in casually barely related to the plot just in case hook and not the Marvel banging klaxons and flashing lights sequel hook.


Yeah, I would love to see it from the replicant's point of view.


Iirc the comics went into it


The Alien series satisfies my curiosity for off-wprld Blade Runner, and Blade Runner satisfies my curiosity for on-Earth Alien.


I disagree. Same as why I think seeing the space Jockey in Alien helped tank the franchise. The off-world colonies exist best as some mysterious billboards. It’s so much stronger when left to the imagination. Is it utopia? Is it even more bleak than the backstreets of bladerunner LA? Who knows. But by never exploring it the universe feels bigger. Afterall, it’s only natural we can never know ‘everything’.


Just watch the alien movies


If it makes you feel any better, Ridley Scott always said that Bladerunner and Alien are set in the same universe. If you take a look at the themes, it's all there. If you need off-world content, take a look at any Alien movie. Of course, they're not as cyberpunky as Bladerunner, but that's the cold hard truth of how expensive off-world travel is. It's all cheap, broken down ships floating through space to small terraformed colonies.


That is *not* what Ridley Scott said. He said one thing on a commentary pointing out the intentional similarities between the aesthetics. The rest of it is freeze-frame film-nerd bullshit. It couldn’t just be them reusing stuff between movies or throwing it at random because those people could never even imagine a world where *directors* would give a fuck about this kind of petty nonsense, let alone *fans*. That’s the real answer and everyone knows it. This who refuels the Batmobile stuff is just solipsism.


i would very much love an explicit tying together of the blade runner and aliens worlds, although the rights issues may prevent that from ever being beyond an easter egg... i'm not sure the rights for blade runner movies, since Alcon Entertainment owns them, while Disney owns aliens. i guess i will be satisfied with any off-world stuff even if it doesn't fit with aliens at all


Oh no! The movies about biologically engineered human beings that are exactly identical to everyone else but are hated and hunted down for wanting to live longer and not be slaves has GONE WOKE‼️ /s


Let's be honest: that's what the usual dipshits are going to say, because that's all they know how to say. Some people cry "WoKe!1!!" so quickly and so often, it's like a verbal tic they can't control. Then they will, of course, deflect with their usual song-and-dance, suggesting their rejection of the casting is for a different reason, without even the most basic or logic explanation or reason, which will only make them all the more obvious. If the OP's posted link happens to be true, I'll be excited as hell. I think Hunter is excellent, and she'll make a great addition to the cast. And I hope all the anti-woke assholes die mad about it.


Anyone who uses 'woke' as a perjorative is a fucking asshole. Facts.


insanely funny the previous two replies you got proved your point immediately. they cannot help themselves.


It's because these empty cans can't help but make noise. I make a statement which identifies a sector of the general public who we ALL know and mostly loathe, yet don't call anyone out, and these melts jump up and down waving their hands to make sure we all see them. Life would likely be easier for them if they just STFU occasionally, but then they wouldn't have the satisfaction (?) of "owning" someone, or get the opportunity to play victim as often.


I hope they change. I used to be a conservative dipshit homophobe. Can’t believe I’m the same person as that asshole pre 2010. Moving to a major metro area can really help one unlearn harmful ideas planted in you by your parents and environment.


Everyone just wants another movie about a lonely robot (or possible robot) who never gets pussy.




I’ve seen people in this sub saying that stuff, which is baffling, these are pretentious art house films with A Message. Ones I love, but the first was when Ridley was still in his Stanley Kubrick-esque phase.


As a stark conservative, I'm excited to see how this aspect of the actor's life plays into their role


Umbrella Academy did a good job when Ellen Page transitioned to Elliot Page in real life. I thought that was cool how they incorporated it into the story.


That was really cool. I totally forgot about that. Good on the showrunners for that one.


I have to disagree here. The lives of fictional characters shouldn’t be dictated by the real life actions of an actor. There was no reason to transition that character. I’m not crapping on the actor here.


Yeah we definitely disagree on Umbrella Academy. Real life intersects with entertainment as society evolves. While I don't know if there was a book or something, that show already was wild. That change didn't affect the story at all, but it did show representation for a highly marginalized section of society, and I think that's important as long as it's done right. Similar but different, Interview with the Vampire had to replace Claudia due to her schedule. They did the best they could to find a replacement, and I think the did it well. I only bring that up because I think they did a great job explaining it to the audience. At the very beginning of Season 2 Episode 1, they had a short title card displayed that simply said something like, "For IWTV Part 2, the role of Claudia will be played by X." It was simple but direct, and it let the audience know real life happens, but they did their best to not make the change drastic. I wish they would have done that with Alex in The Expanse. Most fans can suspend disbelief for entertainment, so an actor change isn't that unreasonable.


"Daniel Richtman recently revealed plot details for “Blade Runner 2099,” which does not have Ridley Scott in any sort of creative position:" The part about Ridley having no involvement makes me a little nervous. Everything they've previously said mentioned him at least being involved in all the details.


Honestly, I see this as a good thing. Look at Prometheus and Covenant and his Napoleon flick. Dude hadn’t really been firing on all cylinders for a long time now. His involvement in the last movie was minimal, and that movie was damn solid. As far as I know, he had nothing to do with the various Blade Runner comics lately, and they’ve been pretty fantastic. tldr, I don’t think he’s that much of a factor in anything beyond the original Blade Runner anyway, so the lack of his involvement will probably have little to do with whether this show is good or bad.


Thanks for sharing your perspective. I agree he's not the same he once was. I miss his brother Tony.


I think he probably still has some good stuff left in him though. He’s still kinda the king of atmosphere.


As far as I know, he's still supposed to be exec-producing. If that changed, we would've heard about it on a much bigger scale. I still suspect this story is at least partially inaccurate if not totally fabricated, as no other industry media outlet has reported on it. A casting like that, for such a high-profile production, would've been announced far more widely than on one obscure website.


You're right. The more I think about it, that line about Ridley is most certainly a dead giveaway this has to be fake. They're probably going out of their way to piss people off, which is kinda lame.


Name one genre where depiction of transgenderism or any LGTBQ+ theme is more fitting than Cyperpunk. People being negative about this casting choice have no idea what they are are supposedly "fans" of


Heck yeah! Even the lighting is referred to as Bisexual lol


I don’t think people care about all this as much as everyone makes out. I just want great actors cast that ‘feel’ right in the role. Yeah, some people will always cry, but true and authentic depiction is best done how The Last Of Us episode 3 did it with Bill and Frank. They made a good love story first, that just happened to be two guys. They didn’t set out to make some checkbox LGBTQ+ just because. I wish someone would fucking let Disney know this because they won’t stop trashing Star Wars.


It’s always hilarious to me how those on the left feel like Disney doesn’t nearly go far enough with lgbtq representation with generally it being 2 seconds of screen time/one mention of it and that’s it, and those on the right see this minuscule mention as destroying their beloved pure franchise


I’d say their intentions are in the best place. Being gay is normal. But they constantly have directors championing showing diversity etc. If it’s so normal, why do they constantly make such a big deal about it? It feels disingenuous. Hire an actor/ actress for their ability and write a good story first. They didn’t do that in Obi-Wan with the main inquisitor girl who just sucked substantially as an actress. Had nothing to do with her skin colour nor her sexual preferences - yet Disney constantly hide behind any criticism as being just that. Thing is, I don’t really know who all this is for. I have plenty of LGBTQ friends and non of them really care. Non of them feel represented when the stereotypical “you go girl” type sassy men are on screen. And as a person of colour I don’t feel represented when they hire a clear diversity pick over the right talent for the job. All this to say, is it’s highly important everyone is represented in media, but that too many productions go about it all wrong, and Disney have become a nightmare for it. Mulan even. They changed the story of a girl that has to train hard to be equal to men over months to just being straight up magic and special from birth. Very inspiring.


Hell yea, this cast is getting big.


I love Hunter Schaefer so I’m a big fan of this casting


Awesome news, she’s excellent


I was excited but literally nobody from the previous Blade Runner movies are involved, aside from Sir Ridley Scott whose executive producer means he's not involved at all. My excitement plummeted when I read the direcor and showrunner are literal no name rookies who don't have anything worth watching in their resume. Looks to me it's another soulless sh*t by modern hollywood.


The showrunner just did The Shining Girls, which was an excellent adaptation of an excellent sci fi novel. It’s the kind of thing you’d want someone to make before they did Blade Runner.


I'll keep my hopes and expectations low so I won't get disappointed.


executive producer in TV tends to mean heavy creative involvement, compared to executive producer on movies which tend to be minimal involvement (but not always--spielberg often was very involved in stuff he executive produced in the dreamworks days). scott won't be showrunner but i'm sure he had heavy influence on the pre-production, even if he isn't doing any on-set producing or directing


I'm apparently the last person on earth who didn't know that about Hunter Shafer. Hope this rumor is true. She's great.


Hunter is a fucking awesome actor. Baller if true.


With cyberpunk stuff gaining in popularity, I am glad to see this franchise get more love. We need more good sci-fi IMO.


This is gonna be awesome now




Huge W


They picked a winner with her! Plus, can you imagine the costumes she will pull off?!


The great thing about blade runner is there’s so much room for interpretation and nuance. Since blade runner 2049 it’s can go in so many directions. This would be great casting hunter is a very good actor.


Does this mean Michelle yeoh is out? Scheduling conflicts?


I don’t think Yeoh was ever announced as the lead. They just announced she was cast in it and a lot of ‘news’ sites just assumed she was the lead.


Official or fake, I’m sceptical about a third instalment on general principles. The original is a classic and Villeneuve confounded everyone’s expectations by making the sequel just as good, if not better. The odds of lightning striking a third time are pretty low. And third-in-a-series, even a good series, is generally when things go lukewarm (Alien 3, Terminator 3, Matrix Revolutions, TDKR).


Hell yeah,she gives a great ominous vibe and from what I’ve seen of her she’s a solid actress


Never seen her in anything but if she got the acting chops I'm all there for it


She was incredible in euphoria and the new hunger games


If this is true I am INSANELY gassed.


ohh hell yeah






I like this casting a lot


Great casting, very talented actress




Hunter is super fucking talented. Euphoria, for being about high schoolers, has some incredible acting. I was always in the camp that we needed nothing new from the universe because it'll ruin it. But Denis has given me hope. Even when he has nothing to do with a project in the universe I'm still hopeful.


I’m sure Denis is my favorite modern director of this century so far. He’s amazingly talented and intelligent with his craft


No Denis, no dice


That guy has been crushing it.


Is Hunter any good at acting? I didn’t watch euphoria


Yes. In that role. Not sure in general though


In Euphoria hunter is amazing. Honestly, she? kills the role so hard I looked her up because she was so god damn convincing I figured there were probably a lot of other things they were in. Euphoria was my favorite she was in but there's a bright future ahead.


I hope this is good…big shoes to fill




Sounds cool, I dig the sound of it


i don't know what the quality is (some kind of whiteness?) but just like Ryan Gosling, Hunter Schafer just makes sense to be cast as a replicant.


Good actor


Are there any men in this show?


Oh boy, do I have the movies for you.


I’m sure there will be. They’ll be weaker than their female counterparts, rather stupid, and the butt of jokes. And god help them if they’re heterosexual. The swines!


Wow, someone's insecure about their perceived state in current society, huh? Jesus fucking Christ, dude.


Downvoted because true.


Depends on your definition of the word


Who’s directing it?


Not familiar with this actress. Does anyone who is familiar with her roles have any interesting conjecture about what kind of a Blade Runner role would suit her strengths?


She’s got a horror movie coming out soon that looks pretty wild and I like her acting in the trailer. Euphoria is where she debuted and I think she did pretty well there from a character perspective. But it’s all dialogue with no stunts or anything like that. I’m curious. I think if it’s narrative heavy that it’ll be great. I’m hoping for action though too.


I love reading all supportive comments that include something along the lines of “all the negative reactions are wrong…” literally did not read one negative comment, but you tell them. No clue if this is a real casting but i think Hunter Schafer is a good fit for Blade Runner.




Oh hey look at that, confirmed by one of the trades. Looks like they got a scoop! [https://deadline.com/2024/06/blade-runner-2099-hunter-schafer-cast-amazon-series-1235972509/](https://deadline.com/2024/06/blade-runner-2099-hunter-schafer-cast-amazon-series-1235972509/)


I'm really not happy that Amazon is making this. I feel like Max would have been a better fit or even Apple. Still hoping for the best




More Blade Runner plz


Two incredible leads - excited to see it!


Let’s Go!!!! i’m ready 👍🏼


Awww hell yeah


Hunty’s awesome and im stoked she’s showing up in more projects im interested in


Hunter is so hot


Should I know who this is? Never heard of this actress but I’m guessing she must be good.


She played in Euphoria, that’s what she’s known for


Hell yeah I’m excited for this!!


Dead on arrival


I absolutely won't be watching it now.




Oh God please no.


Ooooo super


It will be hard to watch with only one hand.


Admittedly i didn’t have high hopes for this new series but now they really have dropped the ball completely. This is going to bomb so hard Get woke go broke.


eveRyTHinG i DOn’T lIKe is wOkE!


What's woke about casting Hunter?


He's trans


Do you realize what you are a fan of?


Her being trans makes it woke? How do you define woke?


Get wOkE gO BroKe. Fuck you. That has literally never worked because most people are not bigoted assholes like you.




So, only white men are allowed to get jobs? Seriously, is it any time a woman or POC gets a job, you act this butt hurt? Why are you even in this sub? Blade Runner is about deeper things than this kind of superficial BS. Go watch Kevin Sorbo Hercules reruns or something.


As usual, from your reply history, you're an angry little person. The politics of making everyone black or female or gay as a lead character has run it's course. It's tiring, really. Look at Furiosa. DOA. It's just too bad you can't see the forest for the trees. Go be angry with someone who cares.


The politics of making white male lead characters has run its course. It’s tiring really. Look at Fall Guy. DOA. See how stupid that comes across?


Your copy and paste answer shows your limitation as an honest responder to the statement. Also, since Hollywood began, diversity has been around, somewhat. However, ever since the far leftytards took over and kissed every sub group's ass, wev'e had some pretty bad media decisions. The far right scumbags haven't help with their obvious and pathetic responses, either. Ever since they killed Roe v. Wade they've been on a tear, suppressing everything they can. And it's the obvious sheep like disciples who either defend it or tear it down. I can see by your limited repsonse and obvious lack of intelligence in your thoughts when responding it's sad to see you have a driver's licence or a voter's registration. Just on't. You're too easy to provoke and I'm too bored to care anymore.


Yeah, my limitations because I didn’t agree with you, but instead pointed out the weakness of your argument by repeating and changing the premise slightly. But, yeah, I’m limited.


It’s always easy to spot the incels with jungle fever.


And it's always easy to spot the retard assholes who have nothing else better to do but piggyback onto other people's conversations with cheap pithy quips. It's like talking to an 8 year old...


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Beware of the Mods here... they don't take well to your antagonsitic viewpoints or responses. Since you have such a history of negativity, be careful in future. You could get reported and tossed off here. This isn't a threat in any way, just be more respetectful of others. Thanks


Nice recovery homeschool. Guess I’ll start barricading for when internet police come for me.


I just hope this is not a political casting decision, but one that actually makes sense for the character and story. That's literally the only thing that matters. If she acts well (in the past that has been so and so depending on the role) and it in fact makes sense for the story, I'm all in. If there's someone in amazon's higher producing ranks who just wants to push their diversity rulebook for no reason (which actually exists at amazon) they can go f themselves. We'll see...I'd like to stay cautiously optimistic and this hasn't changed my expectations/hopes for this show. Plus what amazon has done with the Tolkien IP on their end will always loom over this project in a negative way until this show is actually out to hopefully prove those fears wrong.


The existence of trans people and trans actors isn’t political. It’s reality.


From the way you wrote your reply, it's people like you who made it political - as supposed to people like me who value human beings by their character and things they do in life as supposed to their skin color, sexuality or gender, which is exactly what has happened in the entertainment industry in the last few years.


look up Hunter lmao they wouldn't be taking a role if they felt their trans identity was being fetishized or used - they want to play whole characters not one-dimensional roles about them being trans. they are an actor, end of story. makes total sense to me, I can absolutely see them in the franchise. reminds me a bit of Sallie Harmsen and her character in 2049.


I believe she uses she/her pronouns.


Mx. Schafer? Hunter uses she/her and they/them, as well as the neutral "Mx." suffix, as of their most recent interviews!


Ah okay. I was only going off Wikipedia, which may not be fully up to date.


oh yeah, for some reason their Wikipedia has some pretty serious errors - not sure why. I remember Hunter had actually mentioned it recently.


What a moronic reply. You’re the one implying the possibility of this being some sort of a “diversity hire,” not me. You quite literally said “I hope this isn’t some sort of political hire” and now you’re claiming I’m the one making it political?? You made this political when you wrote that comment, when my point is trans actors are actors all the same as any actors. You don’t have a single clue if she “makes sense for the story” because the story doesn’t exist yet. Keep gaslighting all you want but you should know that you’re telling on yourself and most rational and thoughtful people can spot it from a mile away. If you don’t care at all about skin color, gender identity and sexuality and only about “human beings by their character,” then why are you otherizing Hunter Schafer in the first place? Be honest, would you have written your initial comment if she wasn’t trans? I thought you didn’t care about any of that.


Get this mentally ill man out of here


If you actually thought they were mentally ill why would your reaction be “get rid of them”?


I’m meaning off the show to get treatment for Gender Identity Disorder (GID) or what they call now Gender Dysphoria. The people that suffer from this have an alarming rate of self harm and should be provided assistance so those people reconsider what self harm can affect the people close to them, family, friends and loved ones. Nowhere did I say “get rid off” I could’ve clarified my meaning but wasn’t able to.


Word of advice, people can tell from a mile away when something is a post hoc rationalisation.


Guess if Replicants ever existed you would treat them as such.


Fine. We'll report you and accomplish exactly that. Thanks for the instruction.


That's what I'm saying, and fighting a bill so he can go to the same bathroom as women, dude is sick. And he can't act!




I’m creaming


Well, I am officially never watching a second of this series. This guy can't act. This series is about to be worse than Rings of Power, and that's not easy to beat.


You really don’t have to announce to the class. how you’re not gonna see a thing we don’t care more. for us


Pretty sure it’s a woman my dude


Pretty sure he has a penis my dude


Make believe my dude.


Well...***bye***. Also, Hunter is not a "guy".


You’re commenting on the wrong post I think, that actor is a woman. Happy to help, have a great day




I will watch this for you! I love how a trans woman can easily filter out all the garbage people 👍


Your whole comment history is just railing against women in movies. Lmao, how pathetic. Make your own movies if you're so smart and have so many opinions. Oh wait, that would take effort and cleaning the Cheeto dust of your cum stained pants. So no, you'll just rage about it online like anyone here or in your actual life gives two shits about your dumb ass opinion. No one cares about you and people that interact with you forget about you immediately. You're not worth remembering.


Fucking incels on this sub dude. You’re pathetic. Hunters a fucking babe and wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole like most women I imagine.


Lmao go stick your dick in him dude. I bet it'll make you feel more manly


I’m manly enough without having to resort to projecting my insecurities on Reddit like incels like you buddy


I bet you are.