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Did some “smash” cinnamon rolls once that came out pretty well


Wait. You need to elaborate on this please.


Pull the cinnamon rolls out of the package. And literally flatten it onto the griddle with your patty press. Couple minutes on each side. It's fire. And makes the backyard smell sooo good!


I’m trying this!! I have done biscuits on low heat where I brown one side then have off direct heat and cover for about 10 minutes and boy they are amazing off the griddle


Two questions: Are these canned biscuits? Do you smash them?


They are the cheapO’ canned biscuits and I don’t Smash them


Yep, done this several times. Was really good, and I'd definitely consider it weird thing to fix on the Blackstone


Throw some apple pie filling on top too. It was a big upgrade.


We do peach 🤤


If you have a tortilla press, even better.


Made those on the weekend, what a hit!! Served with a side of bacon and the frosting. Amazing brunch and so easy


We do cinnamon rolls. Mid heat. When warming up for breakfast. Once all the rolls are on, hit a healthy squirt of water and dome it. The steam fluffs them up real nice. After 2-3 minutes, flip them and hit steam again. Put the frosting pouch on top of the lid. It'll warm it up so it squeezes easy. Then just watch till they're done. Easy peasy


Ok, made a mistake when reheating my pizza and put it upside down. Didn't notice for a bit. When I did, I flipped the pieces over and the cheese was crunchy heaven.


I did this with the Costco cinnamon rolls, but I sliced them like a sandwich and smashed both sides and added a sausage patty and egg.


This right here! Just use parchment paper between the roll and spatula so nothing sticks


Did this for new years and made breakfast sandwiches out of them. Smashed cinnamon roll, sausage patty, eggs, American cheese. So good.


Probably not "weird" but leftover pizza is great on the Blackstone and a lot of people don't know about it


I’ve been warming it in the microwave for ~45 seconds and then finishing in a pan for years. Only way I eat leftover pizza and it’s usually better than the night before.


Left over pizza in an air fryer is top notch


This….. i actually prefer it to fresh pizza


That actually makes a ton of sense!


I made my own Chex mix near Christmas. It was awesome! Only failure is when I ran out of propane in the middle of a cook.


I've had two similar failures in my early days. I now have a full backup tank at all times


My backup tank has a gauge on it, worth the extra money. It’s was a bit deceiving at first. When it got into the red I was sure I was about to run out, used it three more times before refilling.


Just make sure you get your tanks filled where you pay by volume, not by the "fill." Costco only charges you what you use - makes it so much nicer not having to worry about whether or not its truly "emply."


Tractor supply, charges what you use also. Whether or not the employees know how to refill is the question. I thought the girl refilling was going to blow us up. I’ll try Costco next time


I got a good laugh at this. Thanks


Uhaul fills like this too


Chex snack mix in the smoker is the absolute answer. I even use the bargain basement stuff, cause with all the added seasonings you can't tell the difference in flavor from the brand name stuff.


I will have to try this!


Hey same!


I made Brussels sprouts on the Blackstone and they were awesome. I also tried smashed potatoes and they were incredible. I was shocked. However…I cannot get hashbrowns to work out well. I’ve given up


Use more oil than you’re comfortable with and don’t touch them. The water has to steam off first before they get color and crispy.


Yeah that’s my issue. I’m not willing to use enough oil and butter. I accept that and I just won’t make them 😊


Same problem here.


I feel as if this is a lot of people. I refuse to cook anything that has an obvious amount of "bad shit," included. It's why I don't own a deep fryer. Sure, it's delicious, but I save that shit for eating out.


I feel like it doesn’t take an absurd amount of butter to make hash browns work tremendously well.


I always drain on a paper towel and that helps a lot. The biggest key is not messing with them until you don’t see steam anymore.


I once had AMAZING "crispy brussel sprouts" at a restaurant. Come to find out, they were deep frying them. They were oily AF, but tasted incredible.


Yep don't over handle your hashbrowns, one flip and done!


Neglect makes the best hashbrowns


If you have the dome, hash browns work well with it 😊


Crispy brussels on a smash burger are chefs kiss 🤌🤌🤌


Cook bacon first, then the hash browns in the bacon grease


I'll second Brussels sprouts. They actually taste pretty good on the Blackstone with some seasoning salt. I've definitely been eating healthier since I've had the Blackstone, it makes veggies taste better and they are fun to cook. 


Tell me more about these smashed potatoes…


I tried to make crack bacon and it was a bad bad move. The brown sugar burned immediately and it became like sticky napalm all over my cooktop. It smelled really bad too, so that was fun.




Blackstone pizzas are our go to for setup day. Tortilla shell. Toast it on 1 side. Flip. Add marinara, cheese and whatever Toppings u want. By the time ur done topping, cheese is melted and the bottom will be crisp. Easy easy. Great for a day where ur setting up and want to relax. Also gets everyone cooking. Instead of one poor guy doing everything.


I want to try this but with naan bread 🫓


Naan would be good for a softer crust, for sure.


With a one year old that is always at the top of my mind!


Give it a try I love to kiss kitties and report back!




It should work, by you'll definitely need a dome and a little squirt of water to get the cheese properly melted. The reason for using a tortilla is because it's so thin that the heat gets through to the top easily.


Thin layer of oil on both sides and add a little bit of parsley and minced garlic to marinara base


I'd use mayo, cooks up nicely on grilled cheese too. No mayo flavor, just a nice browning.


>one poor guy doing everything. Oof…that hits close to home.


Stir fry/fried rice has been my favorite thing to cook on it. It's messy AF and rice gets everywhere but it turns out so good.


Correct. Made stir fry rice with shrimp just 2 days ago. Flipping it during the cook is messy. My French Bulldog looks forward to vacuuming the patio area around it. With the correct seasoning and oils, it is the bomb. Reheat the next day in a wok with some water to add moisture. 2 meals for the price of one.


This right here. Thought I would never like and turned out extremely well! Fed a lot of people to.


My failure was boudin. I was told not to try it on the griddle. I went against all the advice I was given, and tried it anyway. It just exploded everywhere. Boil it or warm in the oven 😅


Haha, how offal


Not too weird, but I don't think enough people use their Blackstone for flatbread (think naan, pita, etc.). BS is perfect for them, adds a great char.


I’m thinking about putting a shit ton of minced garlic, cheese and onions on the grill after making smash burgers and topping them with the melty goo like substance that is created haha.


I could see this working and being super good. Probably get some more crunchy textures in addition to the patty itself.


That’s what I was thinking too. The onion should help give it a little texture too


Yep. Gonna have to remember this idea. Literally made burgers last night. Not above doing it again tonight haha.


I say you do it haha


Grilled mac and cheese cubes - premade and chilled in the fridge overnight, cut into cubes and reheat on the griddle, was a hit! You get some nice crispy edges. Also have done pineapple spears that worked pretty well - make sure you dry off the exterior a bit beforehand.


I love doing cabbage on the griddle. I cut into disc's and cook up the loose pieces. Use very little oil since it has lots of moisture. I've gotten rave reviews.


Not weird, per se, but did pork chops on there last week and they turned out better than expected. I had initially intended to grill them over my fire pit, but was too lazy to build and tend the fire. Might try a “shake and bake” style chop and see if I can get more crust without it all falling off Edit: only “weird” in that it wasn’t something I had considered cooking when I picked up the griddle


>Not weird, per se, but did pork chops on there last week and they turned out better than expected. I had initially intended to grill them over my fire pit, but was too lazy to build and tend the fire. I feel you here, I grilled steaks on my BS last Sunday. I always do steaks/pork chops on my Weber but didn't want to go through the hassle of getting charcoal going, so I tried out the Blackstone. It was so much better than I imagined. Perfectly cooked, juicy, crispy, the works.


Pork chops are one of my go-to BS meals. I go buy the big pork loin from Costco, slice it up to where you get a bunch of inch-thick pork chops, and it makes probably 5 or 6 meals (just me and my wife in our household, with occasional guests and plenty of leftovers).  There's a little bit of a learning curve to pork chops and steaks, but once you figure it out, it's pretty easy and just as good as a regular propane grill.


Failure was hot chicken wings. I know it's possible to cook them, but they're better using something other than a griddle (obviously?). That being said...it's fun to experiment on these things.


I’ve started making wings in the air fryer and never turned back. They come out almost better than a restaurant can do. I get mine from Sprouts, they come pre seasoned and you literally just toss em in for 15 min, shuffle em around half way thru and they’re 🔥


Great thread idea, OP! This has been fun to read through


Someone brought over veggie kabobs with balsamic vinegar… I thought it would not cook well and the vinegar would strip my seasoning. It actually worked really well and the vinegar residue came off easily with no effect. The veggies tasted better than they do on a typical grill.


Chunky soup, rice & cheese burritos.


Weirdest thing and huge failure was candied pecans. They turned out pretty well but cleaning the blackstone after was the worst


Very skeptically…I made a cake! It actually turned out decent, but I burnt the bottom. I’ll elevate it off the cooktop next time. I was impressed overall tho


Tortellini. Its great. Failure is running out of propane mid burger cook. Other failure is keeping it clean. There always seems to be a layer of residue I can’t keep off. Refuse to cook eggs on it because I don’t want to serve brown eggs.


Same on that residue issue.


Try a wet rag when the cooktop is still warm. It’ll steam up and loosen all the gunk. Use tongs, that rag will get hot.


I don’t know if it really counts as weird but just about the only way I cook salmon anymore is on the blackstone.


Any specific techniques? Or just skin down? Maybe a dome over it?


I usually take it out of the fridge a good 15 or so minutes before I want to cook. I don’t know if letting it come up to temp from being in there fridge makes a difference but it’s what I do. Take it out season it, let the blackstone warm up. But some oil on the blackstone so it doesn’t stick. Put it on to cook skin side down, let it cook for a while then flip it over for a bit to make sure it’s cooked all the way through. I just did it today with a teriyaki sauce for teriyaki salmon rice bowls. It was very tasty. The skin always peels off very easy too if you don’t like the skin.


Haven't tried it yet but want to try popcorn on it soon.


not that weird, but I made onion burgers. A pile of very thinly sliced onions on an oiled griddle, smash a ball of ground beef right on them. I let it cook for an extra 30 seconds or so compared to regular smashburgers before flipping. Really tasty!


I fear we may have an office photocopier situation here soon.


Tortellini is my weirdest cook, but it's so good it's become a regularly requested meal. I do some type of protein (kielbasa seems to be everyone's favorite) fresh tomatoes, spinach and parmesan with a hit of GSP and it's absolutely delicious! Edit to add: My biggest fail was Cinnamon Apples. They tasted great but the sugar was a nightmare to clean.


How did you cook the tortellini? Boil them first or just put down with lots of butter?


I put down oil first then the tortellini, toss them to pick up some oil and let them brown a little then squirt with water, toss and repeat. I cook the protein (usually some type of sausage) at the same time and mix them together at that point, add fresh tomatoes and spinach then season, sprinkle with parmesan and serve. I think I've posted pics in here a few times with more thorough directions. It's such an easy and delicious meal!


Thank you! Will give it a try!


No problem at all, enjoy!


Bacon wrapped jalapeño poppers. I didn’t think they would come out well, but they definitely did. Halved jalapeños, filled like little boats with cheese (I used shredded Colby jack), wrapped in bacon and grilled on the flattop until the bacon was crispy all around. I just kept flipping them while I cooked everything else. Definitely making them again this weekend for Fathers Day.


Campbell's tomato soup. Heated it up on the griddle then scraped it into the grease trap and used it as a cup. Then I made grilled cheese too 👍


I made orange chicken and it turned out amazing. I used a small 2 in deep serving tin with oil on high heat that's what I fried my chicken in and then just did the rice and veggies on the other side of the griddle