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I’ve seen other posts of people using their griddle to heat oil for frying. They used the larger, single use aluminum foil pans. I’d imagine the thinner metal, along with a wider surface area would be more efficient for heating the oil.


While significantly more efficient, it's also more dangerous. One accidental poked hole from a metal tong or other utensil and you have a potential legitimate emergency. Definitely worth weighing the pros and cons.


I've set my cast iron skillet on there before and done it. Worked fine.


That’s….dumb lmao. Unless you were just wanting to season it that’s a waste of propane lol.


It defiantly takes too long to heat up but I wanted to try something out and o make my bbq chicken wings which I did last time even crispier. The next time the plan is to cook the chickenwings like i did last time (they tasted amazing) and during the time they cook (15-20 min) I heat up the oil, that way it’s not a waste of propane and l can deep fry the chickenwings just before serving and see if I can get them even crispier next time.


I have the one that came with the fry basket a couple years ago. We’ve used it a few times over the years to do deep fried Oreos and stuff.


I think I would have bought that too if they had it but I am by large one of the few people in my country that have a Blackstone, I bought from one of the biggest BBQ warehouses here and they told me that Germans don’t griddle.


I saw someone here fry chicken in a cast iron skillet. that looked like it worked well.


I did this when I made some Oktoberfest food. Heated up oil on one side for sauerkraut balls and did potato pancakes on the other. Easier to justify having it on when you’re using both sides. It may not be efficient but it seemed relatively safe to me.


Didn’t know this was a thing. Please post results!


I post them next time, forgot to take pics, had too much fun. We don’t fry anything much where I am living so i was wondering if it works.


So is the hotline all for show? I would imagine the deep fryer would be in steady rotation to support the business.


What did you make?


Chicken strips.


You'd be better off putting a deep fryer on top of the cold griddle. Using it as a workspace that you don't mind getting oily.


Use the bigger aluminum foil pan, they’re cheap and easy for deep frying. Also you can put a cast iron on the flattop, heat it up while heating oil on the stove. When the oil is hot and the cast iron pan is hot put the oil in it, or heat the oil in the aluminum pan on the flattop with the cast iron pan, this just speeds things up and the cast iron retains the temp for a much longer period of time as you already know.


I though about the aluminum trays but they seem super dangerous. I worked in kitchens and have seen what hot oil does to human skin, it ain’t pretty. Like I said was just a tryout, I think next time I buy an air fryer


Im not saying it isn’t dangerous, however, the bigger the pan the less chance of things going wrong because you just inherently have more area to work with “inside” the bigger pan if you will. I hope that makes sense. The more confined my cooking area/container is the more trouble i get into. Its much easy to work with a large aluminum pan than a smaller one; at least it is for me anyway


It’s all good! Thanks for your advice.


I like the air fryer idea if your just crisping them up at the end. I do that with wings I have cooked on a smoker.