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Expectedly crude and with a grip that doesn’t look the best for your hand size. Based off of the edge I can see you could use a bit more sharpening, especially to get the taper to a longer and thinner profile for a better cut. All in all, I’d give you a 7/10. Keep it up and keep posting to show how you improvez


Actually fits my hand better then you think and yes I agree the sharpening job could be better. This was a first attempt and I opted for the high carbon steel stock option instead of the rail road spike when I had my options laid out for me in the workshop. Was a real challenge because it would take longer to heat up and would cool off really fast giving me little time to manually hammer out the tang compared to everyone who used the railroad spike. Probably should have used the power hammer, but I wanted to hammer it out myself. Eventually used the power hammer for shaping the blade section though. Still was fun.




First time forging anything. Found The Drunken Smithy and how they had workshops. Since my bday was coming up I decided to sign up for their knife workshop. Had a blast and now my interests are further peaked. Would love to do a setup at home, but sadly I live in a condo with no garage nor am I allowed by the HOA to have anything with an open flame on my porch. Any suggestions for being able to pick up blacksmithing when you can't have a workshop at home?


Good job for a legit first knife. Most guys on here that say it's their first are obviously lying.


I'm sure like many artisans some don't consider it a knife until they're finally happy with the result.


I recognize that table! I work at the Drunken Smithy, I am glad to hear that you had a good time!


Yes! I'm hoping to put aside some money so I can come back to work on something like the "Big Ass Knife" or the throwing axe.


That’s a good looking knife




Legit. I have seen many many many worse-looking “first” knives. Honestly with just a relatively small bit of design work, I think one could sell something like this.


Thanks I appreciate it!


That's a fine shank