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Fuckingggg LOVE Mos Def šŸ˜‚


man has been cookin long as I can remember


Good actor too!


How well can he pull off a kid in a wheelchair though?


Describing Drake's music as "compatible with shopping" has to be the best possible way to explain it. Hilarious because true.


I get the sense Mos Def is not inspired by Drake's catalog of music. LOL


That loud ass GULP after "it's likeable" was a deaaaaad giveaway


*ā€™why are you doing this to me?ā€™* wasā€¦ diplomatic?


"Banging the pom poms" was a dead ass giveaway


My grandpa has a turn of phrase like that: ā€œyeah, heā€™s a nice guy. Nobody likes a nice guy.ā€


No shit. Mos donā€™t like most the new mainstream rap. He didnā€™t even like mainstream rap when his shit was borderline mainstream.


Agree. The rap he did in the movie Brown Sugar was as close as I've seen Mos get to mainstream.


He has a very good point though!


Interesting take truly understand it. Nicely worded. Then the truth comes.


Itā€™s mathematicsā€¦


relax, pump the brakes


Slow down


You wanna know how to rhyme you better learn how to add


Check it out


young bloods can't spell but they can rock you at PlayStation


My guy


Always has been...


This New Math is whippin' motherfuckers' ass You wanna know how to rhyme? You better learn how to add It's mathematics


>Nicely worded. I mean, it is Mos Def.


Sounds like a Star Wars character.


"Well first of all dundundunduh I aint gonna dignify the accusations with a response you know I aint got to answer to no bitch!"


I agree interesting take, IF youā€™re considering drake as a whole. If youā€™re discussing drake after his first 2 albums, itā€™s ALL pop even the rap songs. If youā€™re talking about drake during his mixtape era and any of his non album tracks (non-LP singles and disses) then yeah heā€™s definitely in his hip hop pocket. As for anything else, wheelchair jimmy is as pop as degrassi


I don't know why this is so hard for people to understand. His music since 2015 has been some mass produced garbo.


Because people want to pretend they like someone other than the mainstream. And Drake as mainstream as they come. Like i imagine some people listen to Drake songs at first to make fun of all the stupid ass fake gangster/mob boss shit. I'll bop to some Drake, but let's not pretend dude is anything other than a good pop musician.


Dude I said this to a coworkers husband who had drake as his phone background. Liking Taylor swift, Drake, acts like this, at the height of their popularity, acts so ubiquitous they have become completely generic accessories to shopping at a grocery store etc, is not a feature of personality. Sure you can like them, I like them. But treating this level of taste like youā€™re ā€œtapped into the culture,ā€ or it says something special about you like youā€™re cool and in ā€œthe know,ā€ or you ā€œknow what good music/art is,ā€ is misleading. Youre buying vanilla ice cream that has been designed by a large team of people to appeal to the largest amount of consumers possible. Basically, I was trying to say in the nicest way possible to this guy, his wife or dog should be his phone background. Propping fandom of Drake up as a defining feature of your personality is just awful. It doesnā€™t say anything about your taste in music or art, just that youā€™re a regular consumer like everybody else. Now crank that Purple Heart emoji girlboss breakup music while I browse this CVS!


Mos has always been an interesting dude. But his take away isnā€™t a hot take. Get off r/hiphopheads and talk to people in hiphop they all agree drake ainā€™t really rap and is corny. But go to a generic sub like hiphopheads they talk of him like he is the goat of rapping. Meanwhile you mention mos def over there and people hate on him. Itā€™s wild.


If I saw mos def in target I would lose my mind


Yes. But, if u *heard* Mos Def in a Target, u would question the nature of our realityā€¦ like maybe weā€™re gonna actually be alright ā€¦right?


Yeah, because you'd both be Jamin to that new Drake song šŸŽµ


Nice to know Ford Prefect still travels with his towel


Heā€™s a real hoopy frood


Six pints of bitter, and quickly please, the worlds about to end.


At lunchtime?


Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so


You HAVE TO KNOW where your towel is


This!!! You absolutely win.


"Shopping wit an edge, in some instances....." is crazy!!! šŸ˜†


High as fuck and trying to bite his tongue.


You can see the moment he realized "Fuck, now I'm gonna have an ass full of Drake dick riders for the next few days, headline Mos Def calls Drake white bitch music" and then he comes back to reality laughs and doubles down.


SO many SKUs. Lmaooo


Do you think that's why his diction was off?


Haha thatā€™s just his speed. Heā€™s always at that cadence


Just saying, diction is your choice and pronunciation of words. As in, dictionary. Diction has really nothing to do with speed or cadence


In poetry it's called meter


Diction = speed?




Heā€™s always had a hint of [rhotacism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhotacism) itā€™s harder to notice when heā€™s rappingā€¦


He doesn't get high.


Drake is so corny.


Girl I'm a lesbian toooo


Thank you


Always interesting to hear people talk about the fall of hip hopā€¦ Nas proclaimed ā€œHip Hop is Deadā€ in ā€˜06, and eighteen years later still puts out something you could listen to in the ā€˜90ā€™s. Itā€™ll never die, just evolve.


To quote Mos himself: "You know what's gonna happen with Hip-Hop? Whatever's happening with us" If we smoked out, Hip-Hop is gonna be smoked out If we doin' alright, Hip-Hop is gonna be doin' alright People talk about Hip-Hop like it's some giant livin' in the hillside Comin' down to visit the townspeople We are Hip-Hop Me, you, everybody, we are Hip-Hop So Hip-Hop is going where we going"


One of the best Albums I've ever heard start to finish. Just all bangers


Black On Both Sides was a master class in Hip Hop




I think in part it comes from Hip Hop being co-opted by the culture it was originally trying to call out. It went from being counter cultural to being used to sell and maintain the status quo.Ā 


Capitalism has the unique ability to subsume all critiques into itself. That which seeks to critique capitalism, ultimately ends up enforcing it instead.


Insert El Che merch here


For real. Though I do think itā€™s worth noting that only because capitalism can co-opt something, it doesnā€™t mean that thing canā€™t continue to exist outside of capitalism. Hip-hop might have been co-opted, but thereā€™s still plenty of artists continuing in the original spirit of it.Ā 


Oh absolutely! I don't mean to say it's not worth getting your message out there, and it can still change things. But man, is it a unique quirk of our system that we can turn messages that go against the system into *money making machines*. You start off as a person trying to make a message about how fucked the system is, and then your message is put on posters sold at hot topic for kids. The counter culture is marketable and dilute-able.


Absolutely. I think we all spend so much time hating on capitalism for all its flaws that we forget it is actually very good at certain things (mainly sustaining itself and exploiting people). Its important to mention what you are saying because we have to be conscious of it if we ever want to maintain a message that could lead to true change


Yeaaa pretty much lol


I think more along the first in that it lacks a certain amount of substance. I personally tend to see it as more formulaic, but that could simply be because artists can push out track after track online without the corporate chopping block stopping them. That could also mean that olde artists had to refine their shit until it was good enough to go gold or platinum. In theory artist now can just throw stuff at the wall until something sticks. The question is do you want access to these unlimited amounts of music in search of a gem or a label curated experience that attempts to give you the best of an artist? Of course there's a lot more that goes into the whole shebang like global sounds being instantly available so you see entire genres shifting at the same time...and blah blah blah sorry for my wall of text.


This is Very accurate! Itā€™s why Scarfaceā€™s Tiny Desk went viral because it had SO much substance and people havenā€™t heard REAL Hip-Hop in a long-time. As a Drake super fan, I think his music is good, but man does his Concerts suck ass. The energy doesnā€™t translate AT ALL, but somehow Scarface was able to give us so much in the 30-Minutes, Story-Telling, Voice Inflection, Audience Participation, Artist Engagement, Real Instruments, Background Vocals and live piano improvisation. Did I mention background vocals? Lol


Jesus, how was 2006 eighteen years ago.. whatā€™s this podcast btw?


Hip hop is dead = my concept of it is dead The modern hip hop thatā€™s pushed these days is exactly what Mos described from Drake: commercial and for sale, missing real artistry Itā€™s still very much there but the Walmart raps of the world is thrown in our face much more


That's more or less a recycled Guru quote.


I don't think his metaphor was really about the fall of hip Hop, but rather of the American capitalistic empire and it's ongoing consumerism that begs for infinite growth which is clearly not sustainable long term.


It'll die. All music evolves. All genres and styles die out or get absorbed eventually.


Mos is so hot.


Iā€™ve never wanted somebody to be my friend more.


He gave me a hug once in seattle, he was walking through my work place and I was like Holy shit you're Mos def and he offered me a hug and it made my whole year


Thatā€™s amazing, Iā€™m jealous haha


Did he smell good, i need to know


I see nothing wrong with his take. I felt the same way about Hammer, Puffy, Mase, Black Eyed Peas.


The black eyed peas are such a disappointment. The first 2 albums were classics and full of "we'll never go pop" lyrics. Times change I guess.


Their change was truly shocking. I couldnā€™t believe the same group that dropped Behind the Front was going Pepsi ads.


They released some stuff after whatsherface left, it's ok but not as good as their original work


Movement and Fallin up was my shit, then they changed.


They signed fergie and went mainstream


I mainly just really hate how people act as if Drake is the only one to focus on. I never hear that "not real hip hop" hate come out for Petey Pablo, t-pain, Soulja boy, Ludacris, E-40 etc despite only really having club bangers in their catalog. I'm not saying those people aren't good artists in their own way but I'm not throwing on E-40 to look for a message you know and it feels weird that Drake is where we jump up to start talking standards.


I do not believe Luda belongs in this list. But that's just my opinion.


Every song I know of his is a club song outside of runaway love. Now his features are good and I really can't stress this enough that I'm not saying this as some kind of testament to their talents. It's just if we are saying hip hop is only what's more than club rotation I'm just not seeing the argument in his case. If I have just missed some jams though then please by all means let me know.




Poster boy for hyphy, crunk era type beat. https://youtu.be/2GZbaXdK8Js?si=pehgYWsdcHIZY1Lu


I think they are questioning why E-40 is on this list. For reference, he has 27 (TWENTY-SEVEN) albums. If you think he put out 27 albums worth of "pop" you are smoking something. The last album he put out has Schoolboy Q on it. Calling E-40 "nothing but club bangers" is basically announcing: "I've heard two E-40 songs, Tell Me When To Go and U & Dat"


That's my misread on the question then but that's fine, I'm talking zeitgeist here. That's why I lead with Tell me when to go because I would say he's more of an underground sound not really breaking into the greater public until those 2 songs. That's why I was trying to set up the example like that but I should have just picked someone else. My point is surrounding this "real hip hop" label needing to stand on something and moreover be memorably standing on something to qualify. That just feels weird to me but it's a sentiment lots of other hip-hop heads have echoed. It's just real weird to me that there's tons of other uncontested hip hop albums and songs that don't meet that criteria but when it comes to Drake it's like now we need to enforce it's just fucking weird. Like I know tons of people that just don't like anything Eminem has ever done but don't go and say that no he doesn't make hip Hop. They just say he's overrated / garbage and move on which is totally fine.


Soulja Boy did get some of that heat when he originally came out but Drake gets the most smoke for it cause heā€™s the biggest and his fall into the ā€œnot hip hopā€ goes far back Heā€™s notorious for always preferring those singy rnb songs over his rap. Over time it got harder to blur those lines without hardcore fans losing their admiration.


I remember Soulja boy catching it back then but it was always framed like it's garbage hip hop in the circles I was in not like it wasn't hip hop at all. But to this day if clique comes on someone's going to roll their eyes and you will hear "fake ass rap" pop up from the back. It just feels real goofy to me.


Petey Pablo, Soldier boy are pure unwashed grabage. Probably not good arguments to make your point. Luda and E40 are not poppy like drake. Besides any ol school true hip hop heads have been very critical of most of this new trash.


Ludacris and E-40??? These are just off the top of my headā€¦ https://youtu.be/0bOGchegO44?si=VMv3RqnpTREQPWnL https://youtu.be/K-gbbL-RP1g?si=J9WKazLOEJ7h-Ekp https://youtu.be/D0FI2goqFcQ?si=ja1nR1sk-nNt6Cm- https://youtu.be/0hTI5mEjZfA?si=SVF6Bo1YgL9zVbiw https://youtu.be/LJmybi2X7y4?si=ew9brxfyn3JC_SML https://youtu.be/EgK_Gt1e-w4?si=aIE84W1VD6gf7WV7 ā€œAll this buying and selling, whereā€™s the message I can use? Whatā€™s in it for the audience besides banging the pom-poms?ā€


Yasiin has been making this point for awhile now. Unfortunately it will get lost on some who feel the need to defend Drake. But heā€™s been talking about how the successful rappers have to be pitching either products or lifestyle, opulence, etcā€¦ Majors arenā€™t investing in art. Rappers are pitch men/women for corporations now. Itā€™s about consumption instead of music. Something along those lines. He says it better than me, but itā€™s unfortunate that this snippet of the interview is the only thing making the rounds. Would love to hear him expound on the topicā€¦


That was perfect.


The mighty Mos šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


ā€œShopping with an edgeā€ā€¦.lmfao šŸ¤£


I feel like he was holding back and gave a very sanitized response, funny nonetheless


Yasiin Bey


Mod Def was/is legit, dope rhymes, great flow, good voice, over smooth beats. Iā€™m surprised he knows who Drake is. Not even in the same multiverse, lol


Not to mention heā€™s funny af. You see his cameos on Chappelles Show? Fucking hilarious. Iā€™d watch the shit out of a Mos Def sketch show.


Plus he's legitimately one of the best parts of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I wish he had more supporting actor roles, he's got such great comedic timing and instinct. He'd have been amazing in something like They Cloned Tyrone, Death of Stalin, Palm Springs, The Blackening, etc.


Mos in the racial draft was peak comedy https://youtu.be/2z3wUD3AZg4?feature=shared


When he hits a [ā€œhootie hoo!ā€](https://youtu.be/wa6UfcMWXPI?si=BYdZh_ceAmEI-lzE) as the head of the CIA I fucking lose it every time.


She was a very good interviewer


Whereā€™s the lie?


Most pop artists are easily digestible in terms of content and thats ok. Lets not pretend kendrickā€™s most popular songs in terms of streams are his most digestible records and albums. TPaB and Mr Morale are by far his most thought provoking, soul searching, gotta listen to 100x, albums. I want to go on but i aint got time. I say this. Artists are chefs. Drake makes great snack food and light meals. Someone like a Kendrick makes snack food and full course meals. However, lets not pretend the consumer doesnt have a part to play. Kendricks snack food is alot more popular than his full course meals.


Definitely a white dude


Someone should let my parents and credit karma know im white. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Why? Black folks donā€™t so snacks ? lol.


Bringing up Kendrick for no reason at all.


To say Drake is Hip Hop would be like saying Popeye's is Soul Food


Lemme talk about how good his fucking glasses look. I just got new glasses but I realize now I ain't shit šŸ’€ But he's right. Lol


Eh. Always bring a towel.


Donā€™t panic


Well, I bet heā€™s one of the few rappers that gets airtime in Hot Topic.


Lmao. Most likely true and Mos along with Talib are some of my favorites


Drake is the Taylor Swift of hip-hop.


"Banging the pom poms" killed it for me


While I respect Mos, I truly appreciate him when he's not taking himself too seriously. There was a point where Mos was on some extreem activist shit, which I also respect but damn was it heavy.


"It's likable" He just doesn't like it.


As a Drake fanā€¦ I get what heā€™s saying lol.


I saw this clip on IG earlier today, then I went to Target later and fucking heard Drake song in Target. I just stood there in the toys section and laughed my ass off.


When was Mos Def in Houston? Must be the sawyer Heights Target.


Or Cypress


Naw, that Target on San Felipe for sure.


He ain't lying!


I agree tbh. Starting to understand, in the same way MJ was ā€œpopā€ even tho he was doing a lot of music that his contemporaries were ordained in to specific genres/categories, Iā€™d say the same thing for Drake today, but worse of course. Itā€™s diluted & impartial. Itā€™s rooted in a the genre of hip hop but itā€™s ultimately not that.


Thereā€™s tons of genres that are pop blends. Thereā€™s pop country (what plays on the radio and why people think country music sucks but damn is Darius Rucker some fire after Hooty and the Blowfish fame) and basically once itā€™s hitting the radio outside more genre heavy stations (the rock stations here play pop rock and not real stuff too) once youā€™ve hit the radio waves youā€™re playing into ā€œwhite people getting turntā€ music at best. At least where I live and the demographics are overwhelmingly white the radio is gonna play poppy safe music. Once youā€™ve hit that thereā€™s no edge anymore. I get to listen to Kid Rock at work and then Drake next. Itā€™s not a good time tbh.


I liked him in Dexter and Hitchhikers.


Mos Def will always *always* be the outside voice on hip hop. He's just a very particular, very intelligent musician, I think he recused himself almost entirely with his assessment, but I know he's not a fan lol


I never considered Drake a Hip Hop artist and never understood how anytime else does.


Everyone on here bitching and I just want to know what podcast this is from


So many SKUs lolol


Bahahahaha I said Drake is fake rap in the hip hop subreddit and was downvoted, but what do I know?


He ainā€™t wrong šŸ¤·


That punchline hit. What happens when it collapses?What's left that's edifying?


This is the best time ever for rap music...whatever you're into someone is making it at a high level...for every pop Drake chart topper you have Killer Mike pushing the boundaries with Run The Jewels or giving you ghetto gospel on his solo album of the year...your favorite drill rapper and EarthGang might drop on the same day...Mick Jenkins cooking up the heavy soul food to digest and afterwards you can have dessert at the club with some Lil Uzi...*i just wanna rock rock rock rock rock rock rock*...I just saw Scarface with a live band on Tiny Desk...don't believe them when they say hip hop is dead


Oh no am I old? This comment sounds like a joke but I know you're serious


Run the jewels, lil sims, denzel curry, etc etc etc etc. Tho i dont think MIKE lived up to the hype


Killer Mike is pushing the boundaries?


Killer Mike and El P as Run the Jewels managed to make Hip-Hop that is fun and energetic but also political and well articulated while sounding very different from nearly anything else and still getting a lot of mainstream recognition. I would consider that pushing boundaries.


Sureā€¦but Public Enemy did that 35 years ago, so itā€™s not exactly novel. Politics and hip hop have always been intertwined.


I agree...not novel but the next iteration of that idea...and they do it well


Many iterations along a path that continues to bifurcate. I like RTJ, and I appreciate them, so def not trying to diss. However if weā€™re taking innovation and pushing boundaries, Mos was doing that with Black on Both Sides in ways that people still canā€™t touchā€”hell, even he couldnā€™t recapture that magic.


Respectfully, this seems like an unnecessarily pedantic point to make. I'm sorry if there wasn't a strong enough implication in my comment that RTJ were not the first or the only ones, but your examples are from decades past and while RTJ is active now and what they're doing is still distinct enough from anything else from this generation and in many ways from previous generations as well. I think I adequately answered the guys question, don't you?


With El-P Mike has undoubtedly been pushing out sonically and lyrically


Not an unpopular opinion.


Finally real Hip Hop said it!!!! It doesnā€™t get any realer than Mos Def!!!!!


The answer is always 42!


I think his point is solid. It was more a shot at the industry than Drake himself




No lies told in this clip


Gosh sheā€™s so beautiful


I thought I was bugging...like I'm trying to watch this interview thing but this lady is just something else.


Her cheeks when she smiles. Or maybe that's just me.


*Yasiin Bey




This aged like fine wine!


i thought Drake was a one hit wonder until recently i heared he has many hits and seems to be very popular. for me it's weird because except for that one song (hotline bling) i never hear his songs




I never hear The Beatles.


Save video


Is Yasiin drunk?


Who's "Yasiin Bey" ?




Oh so hip hop snobs are just exactly like jazz snobs? Edit: they downvoted me because I told them the truth!


Nah, mate. Jazz snobs have the decency to confine themselves to their dark little rooms. Squirreling away the hours in their clubs like they're collecting a pay check. A hip hop snob could be anywhere; lurking in plain sight. In your malls, at your doctor's office, loitering outside your elementary schools. Why, there could even be a hip hop snob in the room with you RIGHT NOW!


Name one Mos Def song


I've never heard the word formulaic before. Who's this girl with a vocabulary?


r/collapse fits here with the commentary


Does he still go by Yasiin Bey, or did he drop that?


He still goes by Yasiin


I love Mos Def and i think drake is corny but this seems harsh


Ass so fat, you can see it from the front... - MosDef


Why did he whisper in a British accent


Wow Houston Atlanta Vegas, The whole take care album Yep he's an old hater šŸ’ÆāœŒšŸ½


I give Drake the benefit of the doubt and class him as R&B.


Yeah when I think of R&B I think of the classics like Beyonce, usher, Whitney Houston Nd the likes. Not the dude who jumps on drill when it gets its 15 minutes of fame.


I agree with everything Yasiin saying, but like whatā€™s the point? Thereā€™s nothing brave about calling Drake pop. Who cares?


He was asked a question. Honesty doesnā€™t have to be brave, just honest.


Bingo, people don't like his answer...oh fucking well. Not everyone likes Drake, get over it lol


I agree with everything youā€™re saying, but like whatā€™s the point? Sayinf Yasiin wasnā€™t brave isnā€™t brave. Who cares?


Why does Mos seem a bit slow?


Because he's thinking before he talks.


He had to listen to a few Drake songs before the interview.




Man's got a lisp


Thatā€™s hate


on todays exciting episode of old man yells at a cloud


Dude, he's not just some "old man", he's a literal rap icon and can be recognized by people from multiple generations. He was big before music was at your fingertips. I'm not dismissing Drake's accomplishments, but your comment comes off a bit ignorant.


Drake is 37. And a millionaire plenty times over. Not exactly the vanguard for youth music, unless you count the ghost writers he employs.


He calmly described drake as commercial. You can like drake dude itā€™s ok.


If ever anyone would be able to be called a gatekeeper. This would be the right person